
    Zukunftsmarkt Sicherheitssoftware; Ein Unternehmen mit enormen Potential - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 19.09.01 08:06:51 von
    neuester Beitrag 12.08.02 16:04:02 von
    Beiträge: 410
    ID: 474.558
    Aufrufe heute: 2
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 19.09.01 08:06:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      Hab hier mal was älteres um zu zeigen, was mit der Software von Imagis alles möglich ist. Gestern wieder reger Handel, sowohl in Kanada, USA als auch in Deutschland. Ich denke die Story beginnt erst, der Hype vom letzten Jahr kann sich wiederholen und die alten Höchstkurse sehen wir vielleicht wieder. Wir waren bei € 4,50:)

      19.10.00 Fahndungsfotos sind nun vergleichbar
      19. Oktober 2000

      Kanadier schaffen den Durchbruch

      Diane Francis
      Finacial Post

      Vor ein paar Monaten wurde ein schmuddeliger, bärtiger Drogenschmuggler von der Kanadischen Polizei am Flughafen Toronto festgenommen, ihm wurden die Fingerabdrücke abgenommen und er wurde fotografiert. Erst kürzlich jedoch, wurde eine verdächtige Person - glatt rasiert und mit kurzen Haaren – fotografiert und als der selbe schmuddelige Schmuggler, abgesehen von den dramatischen Unterschieden hinsichtlich des Aussehens, identifiziert.

      In der Niederlassung Nord Vancouver der Kanadischen Polizei wurde mit der selben Technologie herausgefunden, dass ein Verbrecher, der in der Fotodatenbank unter drei weiteren Namen eingetragen war, eigentlich nur ein einziger war. Nicht wie angenommen vier verschiedene Personen.

      Diese Technologie stammt von Imagis Technologies, Inc., einer Aktiengesellschaft mit Sitz in Vancouver. Imagis ist eine Softwareschmiede für biometrische Anwendungen. Biometrie ist die Möglichkeit, jemand einzig und allein aufgrund seiner physischen Charakteristika wie z.B. Fingerabdrücke, Iris, Stimme, Gang, Retina oder aufgrund von Gesichtszügen zu identifizieren.

      „Das ist ein wunderbares Werkzeug zur Strafverfolgung und weltweit es gibt nichts, das so ausgeklügelt ist wie die Technologie von Imagis.“ so Buck Revell, ehemals stellvertretender Leiter des Federal Bureau of Investigation, in Washington, D.C., und Director von Imagis.Seit er im Ruhestand ist, ist er Berater für Firmen, Regierungen und Polizeieinheiten auf der ganzen Welt. „ Diese Software vermisst 250 Punkte des Gesichts, so dass die Fotografien, die auf der Wache gemacht werden, abgeglichen werden können. Dies wird zur Identifikation oder zur Überwachung genutzt.

      Das Las Vegas “Deset In“ und die “Gateway“ Casinos in Britisch Columbia benutzen die Imagis Software in ihren Casinos um unerwünschte Gäste fernzuhalten. Das RCMP ist der größte Kunde von Imagis, aber andere Polizeieinheiten haben auch unterschrieben –in Vancouver, Moncton und Laval, Que,. Undam Pearson Flughafen.

      ”Wir haben gerade noch einen großen Auftrag in Californien, USA über $ 1,8-million für eine ganze Reihe von Polizeidienststellen in Los Angeles bekommen. Wir sind auch in Verhandlungen mit dem FBI, wir haben bereits ein System in Mexico und wir haben ein Geschäft mit der Bull Gruppe aus Frankreich unterzeichnet, welche unserer Software in der Europäischen Union vermarkten wird“, sagte Imagis Präsident Iain Drummond. “The Software wird auch von Fujitsu und Nippon Telefone in Japan vertrieben“.

      Involviert für das Imagis Marketing ist auch Norman Inkster, Partner bei KPMG Ermittlungen und Sicherheit Inc., ein ehemaliger RCMP Kommissionar und Ex-Präsident von Interpol. Auch Reid Morden, Geschäftsführender Direktor, von Kroll Associates Canada und ehemaliger Stellvertretender Minister für die den Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 19.09.01 11:02:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()

      hier noch ein paar Zahlen. Bitte daran denken, das es noch ein junges Unternehmen ist.

      Quick Measurements (C$) Glossary

      Price and volume (C$)
      Recent price (9/18/2001) $1.73
      52 week range (period ending 9/18/2001) $0.56 - 3.00
      Daily volume (9/18/2001) 984014
      Daily volume (3 month avg) N/A
      Daily volume (10 day avg) N/A

      Share Info
      Market capitalization $15,741,282
      Shares outstanding (LFY) 11,660,209

      Valuation Ratios
      Price/book (LFY) -20.82
      Price/earnings N/A
      Price/revenue 14.34
      PEG N/A

      Total value (LFY) $16,973,096
      Total value / LFY Revenue 15.46
      Total value / EBITDA (LFY) N/A

      Per Share Data
      Book value (LFY) $-0.06
      Earnings (LFY) $-0.26
      Revenue (LFY) $0.09
      Cash (LFY) $0.01

      5 year profit growth (LFY) N/A
      5 year revenue growth (LFY) N/A
      5 year asset growth (LFY) N/A
      % Change in profit LFY (1year) -42.60%
      % Change in revenue LFY (1year) 52.00%
      % Change in assets LFY (1year) 146.74%

      Reporting Information
      Fiscal year end December 31
      LFY December 31, 2000
      TTM N/A

      Income Statement Highlights
      Revenue (LFY) - $1,097,719
      EBITDA (LFY) $-2,940,880
      Net income (LFY) - $-3,010,031
      Income available to common (LFY) $-0.26

      Net profit margin (LFY) -274.21%
      Operating margin (LFY) -261.91%

      Balance Sheet Highlights
      Cash (LFY) - $59,497
      Shareholders` Equity (LFY) - $-840,777
      Accounts receivable (LFY) $846,581
      Debt and advances (LFY) $1,172,317
      Change in debt and advances (MRQ) N/A
      Retained earnings (LFY) $-4,159,901
      Research and development (LFY) $1,502,752

      Current ratio (LFY) 1.43
      Debt/equity (LFY) -1.40
      Assets (LFY) $964,160

      Management Effectiveness
      Pre-Tax return on invested capital (LFY) -1,612.53%
      Net return on invested capital (LFY) 3.42%
      Net return on equity (LFY) 338.84%

      Total dividends (LFY) $0.00
      Dividend/share (LFY) $0.00
      Ex. div. N/A

      Good luck

      schrieb am 19.09.01 12:05:34
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Hi Sowhat,

      da bin ich schon. Hoffe, dass geht so ab, wie bei TBU. Da kommen noch ein paar mehr.
      schrieb am 19.09.01 12:11:37
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Hab noch was vergessen.
      Weisst Du übrigens, dass Imagis im Richmondclub ist. Da sind 2500 money manager drin. Sind in Toronto, N.Y. Frisco und London.;)
      schrieb am 19.09.01 12:15:14
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      ich schätze, daß wir bei den Aktien der Sicherheitsbranche in den nächsten Tagen weitere Steigerungen von bis zu 100% sehen könnten, erst recht, wenn sich der Gesamtmarkt weiterhin positiv entwickeln sollte. Die Aktien, die die Technologie (Gepäckdurchleuchtung an Flughäfen, Biometrieprodukte wie Gesichtserkennung, Fingerabdruckprüfung etc.) herstellen sind die unmittelbaren Profiteure der wachsenden Sicherheitsbudgets der USA und weltweit. Doch das eigentlich Benötigte ist nicht so sehr die Technologie, sondern das qualifizierte Personal, das mit dieser Technologie kompetent umgehen kann. Auch in Flugzeugen werden in der Zukunft immer mehr Sicherheitsexperten und Body Guards eingesetzt werden müssen, die im Krisenfall direkt gegen die Terroristen vorgehen können. Hier stellt Wackenhut Corp. genau das qualifizierte Sicherheitspersonal zur Verfügung.

      Deshalb denke ich, daß die Aktien der Unternehmen, die Sicherheitspersonal zur Verfügung stellen, in den nächsten Tagen besonders stark steigen werden.

      Sicher werden die kleinen Firmen stärker profitieren, aber das ist ja bei denen mit Kurssteigerungen zwischen 100% und 200% am ersten Handelstag (Montag) nach den Terroranschlägen auch bereits reichlich eskomptiert worden. Dagegen haben Sicherheitspersonal-Dienstleister wie Wackenhut bisher erst 25% gemacht.

      Ich denke aber - wie oben schon gesagt -, daß die Terrorismusbekämpfung weniger eine Frage der Technologie als vielmehr der Manpower, des qualifizierten Personals ist. Und genau hierfür ist Wackenhut in den USA die Nr. 1.

      Weitere Infos zu Wackenhut findet Ihr in meinem
      Thread: Wackenhut Corp. profitiert vom Sicherheitsboom

      Schöne Grüße

      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,3380EUR +1,81 %
      Mit ExoPTEN die Querschnittlähmung besiegen?mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 19.09.01 17:11:51
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Was ist jetzt los, fällt wie ein Stein!Gewinnmitnahmen?
      schrieb am 19.09.01 17:26:05
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      stieg wie ein Ballon, what`s the Problem. Gute Kurse für die, die zögerten.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 19.09.01 18:01:44
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Was dem einen Ausstiegskurse, sind dem anderen Einstiegskurse...
      Bin mit einem Teil zu 1,25 raus, und bei 1,05 wieder dabei, Glück gehabt, gebe ich zu!!!
      Der 1,32er-Schritt, war mir vorerst zu schnell...

      Ich denke es gibt heute einen Schlußkurs von 1,55 CDN.

      Eine einzige Meldung eines Auftragseinganges, läßt diese Aktie noch einmal springen, die Auftraggeber müssen sich zumal damit beeilen, Imagis hat auch Engpässe!

      Mal schaun, langfristig bleibe ich mit 70% vom jetzigen Anteil drin...

      Gute Kurse für alle, hätte Kodak nicht ein paar Tage mit dieser Meldung warten können...

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 19.09.01 18:05:07
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Ganz vergessen, selbst wenn z.B. Visionic (VSNX,Nasdaq) als amerikanischer Konkurent, einen größeren Auftrag erhält, wird Imagis davon profitieren, unter dem Motto, geht Butter, geht Käse...
      schrieb am 19.09.01 18:14:52
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Also wenn man zur Nasdaq schaut, sind die Jungs dort etwas cooler als die in Deutschland, die Schwitzer treten reihenweise ab...
      schrieb am 19.09.01 18:23:24
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      ich nehm alles wieder zurück...
      schrieb am 19.09.01 20:09:04
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Hi Jungs,

      bin jetzt auch dabei. TBU die zweite. Kann wieder losgehen.

      schrieb am 19.09.01 22:32:28
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      toll, ich habe IMAGIS heute gekauft für 1,24 €. Vielen Dank für den Tipp, an einem Tag ca. 30 % Verlust.

      schrieb am 20.09.01 00:44:00
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Die 30% Verlust machst du nur, wenn du aussteigst (oder schon ausgestiegen bist): Auch wenn kurzfristig der Kurs noch mal etwas zurück gehen könnte (nach tagelangem fast kontinuierlichem Ansteigen bei vergleichsweise überaus hohen Umsätzen), so sind doch mittelfristig nach der von Imagis in Aussicht gestellten Auftragslage weitaus höhere Kurse zu erwarten - und du mußt keine Verluste verbuchen.

      Viel Erfolg! ;)
      schrieb am 20.09.01 06:32:47
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Tag zusammen,

      hier treibt ihr euch also rum. Die letzten Tage waren ja ein heisser Ritt. Schade hätte weiter aufwärts gehen können, aber die Börsenjungs sind nervös. Das Teil geht wieder ab und ich ich wieder dabei. Denk noch gern an TBU:):):)

      So, ab jetzt Need4speed
      schrieb am 20.09.01 09:19:07
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      Schön das Du hier vorbeischaust, Du solltest jetzt öfters nach den Kursen schaun.

      Ist natürlich schade, dass Du erst gestern eingestiegen bist. Imagis wurde schon am Montag hier heiss gehandelt. Ansonsten seh ich es wie das große Raubtier;). Die Marktteilnehmer handeln nervöser, als noch vor einem Jahr. Gewinne von über 20% und mehr in wenigen Tagen sind seltener geworden. Vielleicht kauft Du ja heute eine Partie nach und vielleicht gehts auch wider nach oben, den die Trader, sind erstmal zum grössten Teil raus.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 20.09.01 11:33:19
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Hallo, heute morgen in der Telebörse gelesen:

      Imagis: US-Anschläge treiben Kurs


      Der Anschlag auf das World Trade Center hat einen starken Anstieg der Sicherheitssoftware-Aktien zur Folge. Auch Imagis Technologies, kanadischer Biometrie-Software-Hersteller, legten in Kanada 175 und in den USA 214 Prozent zu. Das Unternehmen gab bekannt, dass viele Unternehmen, denen die Software in der Vergangenheit präsentiert worden war, in den letzten Tagen stärkeres Interesse geziegt hätten. Die Imagis-Software wird bereits am Flughafen von Toronto, Pearson Airport, genutzt.

      Bin seit heute dabei.

      Steigende Kurse wünschend

      schrieb am 20.09.01 12:28:01
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Hi Leute,

      wie reagiert die Software eigentlich auf Gesichtsoperationen à la Michael Jackson?
      schrieb am 20.09.01 12:31:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      so "high" ist das "risk" gar nicht. man darf nicht vergessen, dass diese aktie trotz hervorragenden produkts und stetig anwachsender auftragsbücher völlig zu unrecht unter der allgem. flucht aus high tech aktien zu leiden hatte.
      der daraus resultierende kurs war doch ein witz und selbst nach diesem rasanten anstieg sind sie noch günstig.
      Solange die zwischen 1 und 2 Euro schwanken, hat der markt das wahre potential offenbar noch gar nicht wahrgenommen, darunter kann man den kurs nur als absurd bezeichnen.

      die lagen vor nem Jahr lange Zeit stabil über 2 Euro bei längst nicht so vielversprechenden aussichten wie jetzt und dabei war damals der allgem. hightech-hype an imagis so ziemlich vorbeigegangen, weil internet und nicht biometrie hip war.

      jetzt haben wir erstmal ne gegenreaktion.
      wenn jetzt einige mal in ein paar tagen ein paar schnelle prozente machen können, tun sie das halt. die schauen auf ihre tabellen und wenn der anstieg innerhalb eines gewissen zeitraums ein gewisses mass erreicht hat, werden gewinne mitgenommen. das beunruhigt mich überhaupt nicht. man kann das spielchen sogar mitmachen.
      wer richtig rät, kann so auch ganz gut ein geld erzocken.
      wer das allerdings mit der gesamten position tut, könnte leicht den zug verpassen wenns wieder richtig abgeht.
      schrieb am 20.09.01 13:15:31
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      @ josieR

      die software erkennt und listet auch partielle ähnlichkeiten, d.h. selbst eine gesichtsoperation verändert nicht alle gesichtsteile völlig. auch wenn dem menschl. betrachter mund, augen, nase am meisten auffallen, gibt es andere merkmale, die operativ schwerer oder gar nicht veränderbar sind.
      die software kann bei einem operativ extrem veränderten gesicht zwar keinen 100%-Match machen, aber auf jeden fall einen teilmatch. teilmatches können in einer suspectslist erfasst und einer tiefenprüfung unterzogen werden.
      diese tiefenprüfung (z.B. Detailanalyse des Ohres) bringt dann den sicheren match.
      es können auch forensische details und anhaltspunkte die mit dem gesicht nichts zu tun haben (Tätowierungen,Narben) sowie nichtforensische hintergrundinfos über eine person abgefragt werden und den sicheren match unterstützen.

      überhaupt keine probleme gibt es mit verkleidungen (bart, brille, frisur, angeklebte nase) oder anderen differenzen zwischen input und datenbankmaterial, wie alter (z.B in der datenbank 18 Jahre, real life 40) oder körpergewicht.

      ein Michael-Jackson-Match wäre allerdings etwas sehr werbewirksames, dass selbst den letzten skeptiker überzeugen sollte ;) . Wenn das die PR ausnutzen würde, bleibt allerdings offen welchen streitwert der michael jackson der sache beimisst.

      mehr zu den imagis-produkten gibts auf deren homepage

      id-2000 ist nicht das einzige imagis-produkt.
      schrieb am 20.09.01 13:46:09
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      schrieb am 20.09.01 14:31:44
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Guten Tag,

      Purser, schliesse mich Deiner Meinung voll an. Möchte noch folgendes Anmerken. Um die Jahreswende, als keine das Wort Börse und Aktien in den Mund nehmen wollte, ist es Imagis gelungen, ihre weiteren Vorhaben durch ein Privat Placement zu finanzieren. Der Markt war damals tot für solche Finanzierungen, Imagis konnte aber überzeugen. Dem Anleger wurde es gedankt, indem neue Abschlüsse bzw. Kooperationen gemeldet wurden. Das dies im Kurs nicht zum Ausdruck kam, hat andere Gründe, die aber wohl jeder kennt. Im Moment steht nur die unsichere Weltlage im Weg, aber auch da wird sich ändern. Grad diese Lage ist es, die unentschlossene Anleger von einem längeren Investment abhält.

      Good luck


      PS:@JosieR, hast Du noch die alten Stücke, oder bist Du neu rein? Grüße
      schrieb am 20.09.01 15:37:00
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      ich will mal ein Auge zu drücken und meine Imagis nach den gestrigen Verlusten noch nicht verkaufen, mache mir aber Gedanken zu folgendem thread: (Ausschnitte daraus in "..")

      zu#19 von purser 20.09.01 12:31:07 4461154 IMAGIS TECHNOLOGIES INC.

      "zu unrecht unter der allgem. flucht aus high tech aktien zu leiden hatte. der daraus resultierende kurs war doch ein witz und selbst nach diesem rasanten anstieg sind sie noch günstig."

      Frage: lässt sich dieses "unrecht" auch fundamental begründen? Basiert dies Vermutung "noch günstig" hauptsächlich auf Fantasie?

      "Solange die zwischen 1 und 2 Euro schwanken, hat der markt das wahre potential offenbar noch gar nicht wahrgenommen, darunter kann man den kurs nur als absurd bezeichnen."

      Vermutung: sind doch in erster Linie Zocker gewesen, die die Gunst der Stunde genutzt haben und den Kurs nach oben getrieben haben. Nachteil, das solche Gewinne auch schnell wieder mitgenommen werden - von daher war es ohnehin höchst leichtsinnig von mir gestern noch einzusteigen."

      "die lagen vor nem Jahr lange Zeit stabil über 2 Euro bei längst nicht so vielversprechenden aussichten wie jetzt"

      Feststellung: Wenn ich daran denke, wie hoch die Kurse allemgein noch vor einem Jahr waren, wundert mich sowas nicht.

      "jetzt haben wir erstmal ne gegenreaktion."

      Frage: was ist eigentlich wenn es sich die Krise weiter zuspitzt und diese Sicherheitsprodukte verstärkt gefragt werden, steigen diese Aktien dann auch, wenn die gesamte Marktwirtschaft weiter einbricht? Bei den Rüstungsaktien ist mir aufgefallen, daß diese genau seit dem Kurseinbruch 03/2001 kontinuierlich gestiegen sind - warum eigenlich? Kürzel hierzu: LMT GD ATK
      schrieb am 20.09.01 15:54:19
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Hallo Niemandweiss,

      ich kann nur zu letzterem was sagen. Während des Gulfkrieges 1990/91 war ich bei ML beschäftigt. Wir überlegten, was hat Aussicht auf Kursteigerungen. Dann kam eine Meldung, dass die Manager von us-amerikanischen Unternehmen nicht mehr zu Besprechungen ins Ausland fliegen durften. Wir überlegten weiter, wie die dann ihre Geschäfte händeln, und zu dieser Zeit kamen grad Vidiokonferenzsysteme auf den Markt. Das war unserer Meinung nach, der Markt für uns. Wir entschieden uns für Picturetel, die damals noch recht klein waren, heute kennt sie jeder. Schau dir mal die Kursentwicklung an:) Wir haben prächtig verdient!

      Good luck

      schrieb am 20.09.01 19:18:19
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      hallo niemandweiss,

      deine fragen sind berechtigt und ich habe mir mal die mühe gemacht meinen eindruck zu imagis bißchen umfangreicher darzulegen.

      Deine Frage: lässt sich dieses "unrecht" auch fundamental begründen? Basiert dies Vermutung "noch günstig" hauptsächlich auf Fantasie?

      ja, es lässt sich begründen. die aussage "noch günstig" basiert nicht hauptsächlich auf fantasie, aber auch nicht ausschliesslich auf fundamentalen daten. darüber hinaus ist natürlich alles was ich poste nur meine pers. sicht der dinge. auch ich habe meine hoffnungen und wünsche, versuche sie jedoch weitgehendst auszuklammern.
      weil dir das sicher nicht reicht ;) schreibe ichs auch gern ausführlicher.

      imagis sind ein startup und haben als solches die profitabilitäts-schwelle noch nicht überschritten, sind aber nahe dran. sie sind also noch nicht in der lage finanziell völlig unabhängig zu operieren.
      das geschäftsmodell entwickelt sich aber solide. imagis verkauft seine produkte bereits seit längerem mit wachsendem erfolg an einen immer grösseren kundenkreis.
      wer sich bisher vielleicht schon mit anderen startups im tech-sektor auseinandergesetzt hat, weiss dass dies nicht selbstverständlich ist.

      nach den bisherigen ergebnissen gehören sie sicher NICHT zu jenen startups, die nur zuversichtlich sind "vielleicht irgendwann mal ein produkt haben, dass wenn es bemerkt wird das potential hat ein erfolg zu werden usw...blablabla" und bis dahin sinnlos geld verbrennen oder sich von beraterfirmen publikumswirksam auf die schulter klopfen lassen, um kurse zu treiben.

      auszug quartalsbericht (quelle:…

      "Comparison of Results of Operations for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2001 and 2000:
      The Company`s revenues for the six-month period ended June 30, 2001 were $1,097,461, compared to $453,781 for the six-month period ended June 30, 2000, which represents an increase of approximately 142%. Sales of the Company`s software increased approximately 224% to $849,092 for the six-month period ended June 30, 2001, compared to $261,763 for the six-month period ended June 30, 2000. Support and services increased approximately 29% to $248,369 for the six-month period ended June 30, 2001, compared to $192,018 for the six-month period ended June 30, 2001."

      die edgar-filings seien ohnehin zur lektüre empfohlen, da kann sich jeder ein umfassendes bild machen.

      "unrecht" ist fürs börsengeschehen sicher kein besonders geschickt gewähltes wort, dazu ist das auf und ab der kurse oft viel zu irrational. damit sollte nur gesagt sein, dass imagis im gegensatz zu vielen anderen firmen kursmässig während des hypes nicht abgehoben hatte(*bis auf eine kurze ausnahme), am kollektiven absturz aber überdurchschnittlich partizipierte.

      *stichwort empfehlung börsenmann und deutsche käufer, die kein limit setzen und auch nicht auf den kurs in kanada schauen konnten - schöne neue börsenwelt. siehe dazu alte imagis threads.

      faktisch betrachtet ist imagis z.Zt. ein unternehmen, das obwohl finanziell noch nicht unabhängig, sich fleissig in die gewinnzone hineinarbeitet und dabei seine business-pläne immer erfüllt bzw. übertroffen hat.

      bisher haben sich imagis ein solides standbein geschaffen indem ihre produkte vor allem bei der polizei, im strafvollzug und hochsicherheitsbereichen anderer art (z.B. Kasinos, Flughafen etc.) eingesetzt wurden.
      der geschäftliche erfolg von imagis ist also gar nicht von der allgem. akzeptanz und verbreitung biometrischer technologien abhängig. in diesem sinne ist es kein hopp-oder-topp-unternehmen.

      zur fantasie:
      - beginn einer allgemeineren verbreitung biometrischer technologien war (auch ohne WTC-anschlag) von vielen experten erwartet und scheint nun in schwung zu kommen. sicherheit an flughäfen ist nur ein winziger teil des gesamtbildes.
      ich beschränke mich mal auf ein paar stichworte: Kreditkartenbetrug, Unsicherheit von Pins, vergessene passwörter, datenbank hacking, Online-Einkauf, Kranken- und Sozialversicherungsbetrug, Firmenzugang, gefälschte Identitätspapiere.
      - besonders interessant biometrie in verbindung mit smartcards. dein bild codiert auf deiner bank-card, camera nimmt dein gesicht auf, id-2000 checkt ob dein gesicht zu den identifizierungsdaten deiner karte passt. denkbar auch bei steigender speicherkapazität der smartcards - eine ident-card für viele zwecke. (imagis ist auch engagiert in einer smartcard-initiative.)
      - Buck Revell (ehem. stellvertretender Leiter des FBI) ist Director von Imagis und hat seine Beziehungen bisher schon ganz gut spielen lassen. Wenn es demnächst grössere Regierungsaufträge gibt, macht sich das möglicherweise bezahlt.
      - unter den Käufern der letzten Zeit waren in Canada, USA einige grössere Security Agencies (potentielle Kunden von Imagis) zu finden. Wem erteilen diese ihre Aufträge, wenn sie schon selbst Imagis-Aktionäre sind?
      - hemmende vorbehalte gegen allgem. einsatz biometr. technologien, wurden durch die traurigen ereignisse der letzten zeit stark abgebaut.

      ..und noch ein letzter punkt,(obwohl mir der nicht so schmeckt). gewisse leute sind immer auf der suche nach dem nächsten hype. BIOMETRIE ... hört sich gut an, oder? Das passt zu diesen Zeiten denkt sich der Redakteur und beginnt schon zu kritzeln.

      ich bin gespannt wann wir erste konkrete fakten zu einer neuen dimension des einsatzes biometr. technologien erfahren. aber wie schon gesagt, imagis hat auch unter bisherigen bedingungen solide geschäfte gemacht.
      schrieb am 20.09.01 19:57:03
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      wau,hab gestern die aktie um 1,20 gekauft, jetzt nur
      mehr 0,80.

      Ratet mir ob ich die aktie schnell wieder verkaufen soll,
      oder ob ich noch vertrauen haben soll.

      vielleicht ist der hype um die aktie wieder vorbei,
      das mit den vielen firmenanfragen eine falschmeldung.
      Bin noch ein Neuling, aber das ist schon ein Schlag ins gesicht für mich.

      was denkt ihr darüber, ist dieser verlust jetzt nur kurzfristig oder steigt der bald wieder (aufträge).

      wann ?

      sagt mir eure meinung, wie gesagt, ich bin neu und das
      ist die erste aktie die ich mir überhaupt gekauft habe.

      schrieb am 20.09.01 20:16:26
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      raten kann und sollte da niemand.
      du solltest auch niemals kauf -und verkaufentscheidungen von dem abhängig machen was andere in boards schreiben.
      da treffen zuviele unterschiedliche motive aufeinander.

      kommentar zum Kurs: AUTSCH!!!

      schade ist ... man hätte halt mehr aktien fürs selbe geld gekriegt...

      aber lasst euch nicht verarschen, bis tatsächliche verträge auf dem tisch liegen wird das ding jetzt hoch und runtergezockt.

      wenn gute fakten rüberkommen, werden hoffentlich auch die nerven der aktionäre und damit der kurs wieder stabiler.

      man sollte sich im moment eher über das unternehmen und die technologie eine meinung bilden, zu der man länger als ein paar tage stehen kann, statt zu versuchen zu erraten was der kurs wohl als nächstes macht.
      schrieb am 20.09.01 20:49:32
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()

      ich hoffe die Leute verstehen das!

      Good luck

      schrieb am 21.09.01 09:07:31
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      war ja ein wieder geil gestern. Fast am Hoch geschlossen und gegenüber dem Tief 30 cents gutgemacht. Müssten doch heute bei einem Euro stehen.

      Das nenn ich need4speed
      schrieb am 21.09.01 11:08:29
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Hi Sowhat,

      war vor einem halben Jahr erstmal ausgestiegen, bin wieder neu drin...
      sag mal, nebenbei, gibt´s bei autm irgendwas negatives ? Hab nichts gefunden
      schrieb am 21.09.01 11:31:47
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Hallo Josie,

      schön, dass Du wieder dabei bist. Ich denke jetzt kommt der Hype, der sicher damals andeutete. Leider ist das Umfeld, nicht so toll, aber wie schon vorher mit Picturetell beschrieben, gibts es in solchen Börsenlagen auch immer wieder positive Ausnahmen. Gebe noch zu denken, dass Imagis weltweit vertreten ist, und nicht nur die USA über neue Sicherheitsmassnahmen nachdenken.

      Zu AUTM, gibts nichts neues. Steven macht einen guten Job, leider hatte er in der Börseneinführungsphase ein paar Jungs dabei, die nur ihr Geschäft machen wollten. Aber das wird sich auch lösen.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 21.09.01 11:36:20
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      ok, danke :)
      schrieb am 21.09.01 11:51:25
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Sind ja Schnäppchenpreise z.Zt;)Briefkurs € o,95 rechnirischer Kurs € 1,00

      Good luck

      schrieb am 21.09.01 15:02:18
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Wird schwer für Imagis, sich gegen diesen Negativtrend der Futures heute durchzusetzen:

      Doch die Future für Imagis stimmt mich positiv...

      US-Terrorkatastrophe: Sicherheitsunternehmen bestellen Technologie für über drei Milliarden Dollar

      US-Security-Unternehmen bereiten sich auf eine Auftragslawine vor. Oft selbst schwer von den Anschlägen auf New York und Washington betroffen, werden sie drei bis sieben Milliarden Dollar ausgeben, um sich für die Bestellungen von anderen US-Unternehmen zu rüsten, teilt das Marktforschungsinstitut TowerGroup in einer aktuellen Studie mit. In zahlreichen Firmen wurde auf den Rat der Analysten gehört, sich auf die Netzwerksicherheit zu konzentrieren. So soll möglichen Angriffen vorgebeugt werden, falls die US-Armee in den Kriegseinsatz begibt.

      Die Neuanschaffung der verlorenen Hardware wird nach Aussagen der Studie etwa 1,7 Milliarden Dollar umfassen. Weitere 1,5 Milliarden würden für die Installation der Netzwerke benötigt. Die Einkäufe werden sich auf die nächsten 12 bis 24 Monate verteilen. Die Security-Unternehmen wenden sich an die großen Technolgieunternehmen und bestellen, was sie kriegen können, sagte Larry Tabb, Autor der Studie. "In den nächsten Monaten werden die Computerhersteller zu tun haben, die Nachfrage befriedigen zu können. Auf lange Sicht wird sich dass jedoch nicht positiv als Mittel gegen die Absatzkrise auf dem PC-Markt bemerkbar machen", so Tabb.

      Doch selbst die hohen Verluste an materiellen Werten sind "nicht vergleichbar mit dem Verlust an Menschenleben und der Obdachlosigkeit sowie physischen und psychischen Schäden von Hunderttausenden Menschen", so die Studie. (ck)

      [Fri, 21.09.2001] - © 2001
      schrieb am 21.09.01 16:22:39
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Sowhat - hast du gerade Deine Gewinne mitgenommen, zum Wochenende ? Schon wieder 17 % minus.

      schrieb am 21.09.01 19:10:00
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      @ niemandweiss, solange nichts negatives kommt, von wegen, die Software fuktioniert nicht oder so, lässt man jetzt imagis ein wenig ruhen, auch wenn´s schwer fällt, ein paar Jahre

      @ Mr. Aktie, hört sich ja gut an, geht aber doch wohl in dem Bericht um die Hardware (da fällt mir ein, gericom hat heute gemeldet, sie hätten momentan ein Auftragsvolumen ihrer Notebooks von ca 100Mio. Euro), trotz allem, Sicherheit hat in jedem Bereich Vorrang, hauptsache, die Firmen haben auch genug Geld um zu bezahlen, was sie ordern

      @ sowhat, ich greife jetzt erstmal bei autm ab, was ich hier bei uns unter 0,13 kriegen kann, bei der MK von unter 1Mio sollte doch auf längere Sicht damit was zu machen sein.

      Grüsse, Josie :)
      schrieb am 22.09.01 02:22:24
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      schrieb am 22.09.01 09:51:45
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Guten Morgen

      Warum sollte ich verkaufen, ich bin Langfriststratege. Ein paar posting hab ich noch gesagt, dass da Schnäppchenpreise sind. Und ich hab mir nochmal eine Tradingposition zugelegt. Die fliegt nächste Woche wieder raus. Nicht weil ich von Imagis nicht überzeugt bin, nein ich brauch einfach liquide Mittel, um weiter handeln zu können. Umrechnungskurs jetzt € 1,14.:)

      Bei AUTM bin ich im Moment neutral eingestellt. Ich hab meine Position und Zeit;) Nach Imagis werde ich aus derzeitiger Sicht meine Positionen in HLBR weiter aufstocken. Denk mal darüber nach;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 22.09.01 12:04:53
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Hi Sowhat,

      werd´s mal überlegen. Verstehe nur nicht, warum Du schreibst, nach imagis, ich denke , Du bist Langfriststratege. Übrigens, schon raus aus Geni ?

      Schönes WE, Josie :)
      schrieb am 22.09.01 12:11:23
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()

      hier mal eine Liste von gestern. Meine canadischen Freunde sind jetzt auch drin. Dort wird übers Wochenende heiss darüber diskutiert.

      Most Active Securities by Value
      Value Security Name Symbol Close Change

      $413,670 Silver Standard Resources Inc. SSO $3.34 $0.34
      $361,688 Imagis Technologies Inc. NAB $1.63 $0.19
      $301,219 Francisco Gold Corp. FGX $6.90 $0.05
      $208,717 Ultra Holdings Inc. UPH $4.20 -$0.60
      $175,073 Genoil Inc. GNO $0.24 -$0.01
      $164,215 Hilton Petroleum Ltd. HTP $0.29 -$0.04
      $138,692 Chapleau Resources Ltd. CHI $0.45 -$0.10
      $104,321 Gold Canyon Resources Inc. GCU $1.25 -$0.34
      $102,900 Integrated Asset Management Corp. IAM $0.98 $0.01
      $102,515 Futurefund Capital (VCC) Corp. FFC $0.25 $0.04

      Und hier noch ein Auszug aus einem Interview mit dem CEO Ian Drummond.

      Catherine Pope interview with CEO Iain Drummond of Imagis Technologies
      BCTV Global News - Sept 19, 2001 (excerpt)
      {Tony Parsons} [Imagis] makes a type of software that airports across the continent are suddenly very interested in. Catherine Pope reports…

      {Catherine}… [the terrorists] might never have walked on to the planes, if a new technology had been used at the airport.

      {Catherine} “Could this technology have prevented last week’s tragedy?”

      {Iain} “Absolutely.”

      {Catherine} Imagis Technologies is a Vancouver company which developed facial recognition software…

      {Iain} What we’ve found in the last week is a dramatic increase in interest in airport security, particularly in the US, to use facial recognition. To make sure of two things: one is to make sure the passenger checking in is not a terrorist. And secondly to ensure, that for example, outside people don’t steal an employee’s staff card, and use that to get access to secure parts of the airport.

      {Catherine} Imagis claims the technology is so good, it can’t be fooled by hairstyle, or makeup changes…

      {Iain} [Our software] ignores anything that’s changeable. It doesn’t look at hair, beards, mustache, anything like that. It looks at, effectively the contours of the face. It’s things like curvature of the eye socket – the sort of thing that even with plastic surgery you really wouldn’t want to touch…

      schrieb am 22.09.01 16:05:39
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Hallo JosieR,

      ich meine mit Langfriststragede, dass ich mir den Markt genau ansehen, Analysiere und überlege, hat das Zukunft. Du weiss doch, wie lange ich Imagis schon verfolge und damit gutes Geld beim 1. Hype verdient habe. Es wird einen 2. Hype geben und daran werd ich auch wieder verdienen. Wenn mal einige x prozente in der Tasche hat, ist es Zeit einen Schlussstrich zu ziehen. Du weisst doch auch, dass ich mein einmal investiertes Geld in dem Wert lasse, solang ich von dem Wert überzeugt bin. War bei ZMAX, INTA, TBU und fast allen anderen auch so. So auch in GENI. da bin ich zum grössten Teil um die 18$ raus, weil es wirklich zu langweilig wurde. Jetzt bin ich natürlich am überlegen nachzukaufen, setze aber eher auf den anderen Wert, den ich nannte. Näheres dazu werde ich wohl nächste Woche erfahren.

      Friedliches Wochenende und good luck

      schrieb am 23.09.01 09:11:13
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Guten Tag,

      geht mal auf folgenden Link:

      Dort findet ihr folgenden Eintrag:

      Iain Drummond, Imagis Technologies, President and CEO, Session Chairman

      Das ist ein Biometriekongress mit Ausstellung in London. Da kommt mir doch glatt wieder eine hier schon diskutierter möglicher Auftrag in den Kopf;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 24.09.01 08:41:53
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      wir sind uns sicher alle einig darüber, dass die Biometrie ein Zukunftszweig ist. Imagis wird , sollte die Software gut sein, davon profitieren. Da noch keine "richtig" grossen Aufträge gemeldet wurden, stellt sich mir die Frage, ob die momentane MK nicht schon reichlich bemessen ist. Das gleiche Bild zeigt sich bei Visage und Visionics, wobei letzte sogar geringer im KUV bewertet sind.

      Wer kann mich aufklären über die Unterschiede der drei Firmen in ihrer Sotware? Wäre nett...

      bzw, was wäre imagis den grösseren als Übernahme wert?

      Grüße, Josie :)
      schrieb am 24.09.01 09:08:43
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      wird an der Börse nicht die Zukunft gehandelt und die Kurse richten sich daraus ein?;);)

      Ich versuch mal was über die Software zu finden.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 24.09.01 22:12:28
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Artikel in der Tageszeitung "der Standard":…
      schrieb am 25.09.01 09:04:29
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      Danke für den Link, denn gibts so ähnlich auch bei

      Bin noch eine Antwort schuldig. Hier der erste Teil:

      Das Basisprodukt von IMAGIS ist das CABS (Computerized Arrest and Booking System), ein auf Biometrie
      basierendes Software-System. Mit Hilfe von CABS lassen sich sämtliche grafischen und alphanumerischen
      Informationen, die für eine Personenidentifikation erforderlich sind, erfassen, bearbeiten und archivieren.
      CABS wurde ursprünglich zum Erfassen von Bilddaten für die kanadische Forstwirtschaft entwickelt, eignet
      sich aber ebenso hervorragend zum Erfassen von Personendaten. CABS ist inzwischen zum Standard-
      Identifikationssystem der Royal Canadian Mounted Police sowie von anderen Rechtsumsetzungsinstitutionen
      und Sicherheitsbüros geworden. Mit Hilfe von CABS werden die gleichen Informationen erfasst, die auch
      von Hand während eines traditionellen Verhörs aufgezeichnet werden. Hinzu kommen Digitalfotos und weitere
      optische Informationen. CABS ist auch das Bindeglied zwischen den verschiedenen Polizeistationen
      beim gegenseitigen Datenaustausch über Internet. CABS wurde zu einem sehr erfolgreichen Hilfsmittel im
      Kampf gegen das Verbrechen.
      Im Herbst 1999 installierte IMAGIS ihr Software-System ID-2000 bei einer californischen Polizeistation und
      bei einer Einheit der RCMP in British Columbia. Dem ID-2000 war von Anfang an grosser Erfolg beschieden,
      es erfüllte die Hoffnungen der Benutzer vollumfänglich. Inzwischen benutzen zweiunddreissig Polizeistationen
      in Alameda County, Californien, sowie weitere Stationen in Nevada, Florida, Californien und Mexiko
      das ID-2000. An der Westküste Nordamerikas ist ID-2000 das umfangreichste Digitalsystem, das zur
      Personensuche und Verbrechensbekämpfung im Einsatz steht. Im Bereich der Gesichts- und Bilderkennung
      ist das ID-2000 von IMAGIS das unbestritten marktführende Software-System. Ein modifiziertes ID-2000
      steht ebenso erfolgreich bei Kasinos in Las Vegas und British Columbia in Gebrauch. Unlängst brachte
      IMAGIS eine weitere Version von ID-2000 auf den Markt, die speziell auf eine Benutzung in Verbindung mit
      Smart Cards entwickelt wurde. Im Rahmen eines ähnlichen Projekts, bei dem ein Gesicht verschlüsselt auf
      einer Karte festhalten werden kann, arbeitet die Gesellschaft eng mit einer japanischen Firma zusammen.
      Am 2. Mai 2001 gab IMAGIS bekannt, dass ihr Softwareentwicklungs-Zusatzprogramm SDK fertiggestellt
      ist. Software Development Kit ist eine Zusatz-Software zum ID-2000 und ermöglicht eine individuelle Programmerweiterung.
      Einsatzbereiche sind Sicherheit und Zugangskontrolle sowie Personensuche und Verbrechensbekämpfung.
      ID-2000-SDK wurde umfassenden Testreihen unterzogen. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass
      das System in der Lage ist, innerhalb weniger Sekunden Millionen von Datensätzen auf eine Gesichtsübereinstimmung
      zu durchsuchen. SDK bietet Softwareentwicklern eine Plattform für Eigenentwicklungen. Der Einbau
      neuer Programmteile in die bereits bestehende Software bietet keinerlei Schwierigkeiten.

      Zu den Mitbewerbern komm ich später, mus erstmal weg.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 25.09.01 10:19:33
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()

      ein Artikel aus der Washington post von gestern. Was wird wenn Imagis ins Spiel kommt?

      Facial Recognition System Considered For U.S. Airports
      Reagan National May Get Scanning Device

      By Robert O`Harrow Jr.
      Washington Post Staff Writer
      Monday, September 24, 2001; Page A14

      Government and aviation officials are poised to begin using facial recognition systems to scan airport terminals for suspected terrorists, possibly including Reagan National Airport when it reopens, according to people involved in deliberations about how to improve security.

      A government committee, which was appointed by Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta to revamp airport security, received a briefing Thursday from the inventor of a leading facial recognition system, who said equipment could be installed and operating within a few weeks.

      Joseph Atick, president of Visionics Corp. of Jersey City, N.J., described to the committee how his FaceIt system could be linked to cameras at security checkpoints and transmit information about suspected terrorists to government officials via the Internet, creating what he called a "nationwide shield."

      The committee, in a draft of a report to be presented to Mineta by Oct. 1, has included a recommendation to deploy such systems, a committee official said. Committee members also began considering Reagan National Airport as "an excellent prototype site," said the official, who requested anonymity.

      There is no timetable for the reopening of Reagan National. Officials are also considering Boston`s Logan International Airport and another international airport for initial deployment of facial recognition systems.

      "It`s a technology that holds a tremendous amount of promise," the committee official said. "We were impressed about how the technology works."

      The FaceIt system creates a digital map of a person`s face, translating the contours into mathematical formulas that the company claims are nearly as distinguishing as a fingerprint. The "faceprint" is compared with a database of images.

      The use of facial recognition systems at airports would represent a major leap in surveillance in the United States and is the sort of monitoring that until recently proved unpopular among many Americans.

      Tampa officials, for example, caused concern after announcing in June that police were using cameras linked to Visionic`s system to scan people in a popular entertainment district in an attempt to find suspected criminals.

      After the Sept. 11 attacks, many airline passengers and government officials have expressed a new willingness to trade some civil liberties for increased security. A number of companies and military agencies have begun using such facial recognition systems in recent years.

      Security specialists said that facial recognition, along with other biometric systems, including those that digitally capture fingerprints, offer great potential in authenticating travelers, identifying terrorists in disguise and verifying the identity of airport workers.

      Civil liberties activists are uneasy, however. David Sobel, general counsel at the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, said yesterday "there are obviously legitimate concerns about terrorism and we need to find effective means to meet the challenge." Sobel said he worries that officials are rushing ahead in some cases without considering the implications."

      "Once this type of potentially invasive technology has a foot in the door for the immediate goal of fighting terrorism, it`s use will expand for other purposes," he said. "What are the due process rights," he added, of innocent individuals?

      Atick said FaceIt could be linked, via the Internet, to a federal monitoring station, possibly to be overseen by the newCabinet-level Office of Homeland Security. Atick said his system could alert officials to a possible match within seconds, allowing them to dispatch security officials.

      He acknowledged the system`s accuracy would depend on many factors, including the quality of video camera images. He said, however, that virtually any camera could be linked to the system, including those on automated teller machines, in subways systems or at sports facilities.

      "It`s literally the ability to turn all of these cameras around the country into a national shield," Atick said.

      Atick said that to protect individuals, the federal government would have to adopt rules about whose photographs would be included in a database. Because of such concerns, he said, his system does not keep a record of the people it scans unless it makes a match.

      "We really have to protect the privacy of the innocent majority," said Atick, who recently urged Congress to regulate the use of facial recognition system. "We`re not going to walk away from the privacy issues we`ve previously raised."

      Atick added, "We have a new reality right now."

      schrieb am 25.09.01 10:35:24
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      ziehen die Grossen die Kleinen mit, oder ist der Konkurrenzkampf bzw. der Kuchen auch für die Kleinen gross genug?

      Wenn imagis allerdings ins Spiel kommt, wäre das enorm. Wie hoch sind eigentlich die Preise für vergleichbare Software der einzelnen Firmen?

      Fragen von Josie :)
      schrieb am 25.09.01 10:44:36
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()

      hab mal gelesen, dass der Biometriemarkt in zwei Jahren rund eine Mrd. US$ ausmachen soll, wovon auf Gesichtserkennung rund 150 Mio. kommen soll. Imagis ist da führend. Die Grossen werden auch die Kleinen mitziehen, hoffe ich zumindest.

      schrieb am 25.09.01 11:17:01
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      ich schätze schon das 2 - 3 Euro drinnen sind,
      wenn diese branche ein bischen boombt und imagis ein paar aufträge bekommt
      schrieb am 25.09.01 12:08:44
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Hi Leute, warum sollten die nicht wieder auf 5 Euro gehen. Das Teil hält sich super und wenn erstmal Aufträge kommen, gibts doch nur eine Richtung > Speed gen Norden. So wie bei TBU damals. Überlege grad meine Viper zu verkaufen und dann weiter aufzustocken. Wenns dann abgeht, kauft ich mir nee neure Viper. Thats all need4myspeed.

      schrieb am 25.09.01 15:04:33
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Imagis ID-2000 biometric facial recognition technology has one-of-a-kind features for identifying faces & images

      VANCOUVER, Sept. 25 /PRNewswire/ - (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis"), a leading biometric facial recognition company, reports that a number of U.S. government agencies and system integrators are advising the company that facial recognition will be used as the dominant new technology in airport security in the United States. In building on the success of its facial recognition installation at Toronto`s Pearson International Airport, Imagis will focus its development in providing technology for federal intelligence agencies, airports, airlines and related law enforcement entities to enhance air travel security.

      "We have been developing our technology for over three years now and have a number of operating installations in Canada and the U.S." commented Iain Drummond, Imagis President & CEO. "ID-2000 provides a number of features that are not available in any other facial recognition system today. ID-2000 recognizes not only faces but other images such as jewellery, clothes, scars and tattoos. "For example, if you were a passenger going from the check-in counter to the gate," said Drummond, "your face and also your appearance can be used to confirm your identity. All of these tools are designed to minimize delays to the traveling public, while identifying individuals who match known threats, thus preventing high security risk individuals from boarding any aircraft. It`s important to add that our technology can, in seconds, scan millions of database records," concluded Mr. Drummond.

      The Imagis ID-2000 solution is easily installed at a number of points in the check-in to take-off process. These locations include airline counters, security checkpoints, departure gates, and jet-ways, all presenting unobtrusive opportunities to capture and compare an individual`s face against a database. In addition ID-2000 provides a number of administrative support functions such as verification of employee identity and facilities control. About IMAGIS

      Imagis is a developer and marketer of advanced biometric-based software applications for customs and immigration, law enforcement, airports, criminal justice, access control and individual identification. Imagis has installations of its biometric facial recognition technology at Toronto`s Pearson Airport, in several RCMP detachments in Canada and in numerous cities in the state of California, and Mexico. Imagis markets its products through a network of Business Partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver "Buck" Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI and during his career advanced to the number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director.

      Note to Editors: Imagis ID-2000 uses over 200 facial descriptors generated from its own sophisticated image analysis algorithms to create a unique identifier for a face. ID-2000 allows an individual in a database to be identified in seconds, using either digital input, scanned photographs, composite construction or direct camera input as the search criterion. Imagis products are designed to an open architecture and address a range of imaging needs in the security area, including arrest & booking, regional data-sharing, wireless image transfer, and facial recognition. ID-2000 can connect securely to local, regional, national, and international databases, and is key in identification of individuals with multiple aliases. Extensive linkages enable the database to be mined to display details of aliases, associates, and vehicles as well as images of other distinguishing features such as marks, scars, and tattoos.

      Statements made in this press release that are not historical or current facts are "Forward Looking Statements" made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of Federal Securities Laws. Forward Looking Statements represent certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those presently anticipated or projected.

      On behalf of the Board

      Sandra E. Buschau
      Corporate Secretary

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

      /CONTACT: Media Contact: Sandra Buschau, Imagis Technologies, 604-684-2449,
      schrieb am 25.09.01 16:19:11
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Aus Canada

      Imagis Technologies Inc - News Release

      Imagis to push ID-2000 system in U.S. airports
      schrieb am 25.09.01 16:21:43
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Also ich halte die Dinger jetzt ´ne Weile länger, als ich erst wollte!
      Bei Visionic wechselt sich ein ATH nach dem anderen ab!
      Warum, weil bisher kein Schwein so etwas haben wollte, und jetzt die Sicherheit mal wieder ganz vorne steht!
      Wenn Aufträge kommen, profitiert Imagis sicher auch!
      Eins interessiert mich! Welches Produkt ist besser?
      Das von Visionics oder von Imagis?
      Gibt es irgendwo etwas hierüber?

      Wenn der erste Auftrag rollt, geht es immer weiter gen Norden!

      Sollte dies zumal ein Regierungsauftrag sein, und Visionic ist nicht dabei, geht es bei Imagis ab...

      Übernahme steht glaube ich auch zur Diskussion, hoffentlich aber erst bei 5 Euro, dann kommt das i-Tüpfelchen...

      Auf gute Kurse
      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 25.09.01 16:29:08
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Vielleicht sehen wir heut noch die 2 Can$. Sowhat hat sicher noch Infos darüber.
      schrieb am 25.09.01 16:33:24
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Im neuen Aktionär ist das Kursziel
      2,50 €. Obwohl ich nicht viel davon
      halte, ich meine vom Aktionär.
      schrieb am 25.09.01 17:00:33
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Imagis aktuell bei 1,30 € + 12 % und heute unter den news:

      Tuesday September 25, 8:30 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Imagis ID-2000 biometric facial recognition technology has one-of-a-kind features for identifying faces & images
      ID-2000 can detect all images not just faces for better security
      VANCOUVER, Sept. 25 /PRNewswire/ - (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) Imagis Technologies Inc. (``Imagis``), a leading biometric facial recognition company, reports that a number of U.S. government agencies and system integrators are advising the company that facial recognition will be used as the dominant new technology in airport security in the United States. In building on the success of its facial recognition installation at Toronto`s Pearson International Airport, Imagis will focus its development in providing technology for federal intelligence agencies, airports, airlines and related law enforcement entities to enhance air travel security.

      ``We have been developing our technology for over three years now and have a number of operating installations in Canada and the U.S.`` commented Iain Drummond, Imagis President & CEO. ``ID-2000 provides a number of features that are not available in any other facial recognition system today. ID-2000 recognizes not only faces but other images such as jewellery, clothes, scars and tattoos. ``For example, if you were a passenger going from the check-in counter to the gate,`` said Drummond, ``your face and also your appearance can be used to confirm your identity. All of these tools are designed to minimize delays to the traveling public, while identifying individuals who match known threats, thus preventing high security risk individuals from boarding any aircraft. It`s important to add that our technology can, in seconds, scan millions of database records,`` concluded Mr. Drummond.

      The Imagis ID-2000 solution is easily installed at a number of points in the check-in to take-off process. These locations include airline counters, security checkpoints, departure gates, and jet-ways, all presenting unobtrusive opportunities to capture and compare an individual`s face against a database. In addition ID-2000 provides a number of administrative support functions such as verification of employee identity and facilities control.

      About IMAGIS

      Imagis is a developer and marketer of advanced biometric-based software applications for customs and immigration, law enforcement, airports, criminal justice, access control and individual identification. Imagis has installations of its biometric facial recognition technology at Toronto`s Pearson Airport, in several RCMP detachments in Canada and in numerous cities in the state of California, and Mexico. Imagis markets its products through a network of Business Partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver ``Buck`` Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI and during his career advanced to the number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director.

      Note to Editors: Imagis ID-2000 uses over 200 facial descriptors generated from its own sophisticated image analysis algorithms to create a unique identifier for a face. ID-2000 allows an individual in a database to be identified in seconds, using either digital input, scanned photographs, composite construction or direct camera input as the search criterion. Imagis products are designed to an open architecture and address a range of imaging needs in the security area, including arrest & booking, regional data-sharing, wireless image transfer, and facial recognition. ID-2000 can connect securely to local, regional, national, and international databases, and is key in identification of individuals with multiple aliases. Extensive linkages enable the database to be mined to display details of aliases, associates, and vehicles as well as images of other distinguishing features such as marks, scars, and tattoos.

      Statements made in this press release that are not historical or current facts are ``Forward Looking Statements`` made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of Federal Securities Laws. Forward Looking Statements represent certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those presently anticipated or projected.

      On behalf of the Board

      Sandra E. Buschau
      Corporate Secretary
      schrieb am 25.09.01 17:36:55
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      #56 von CarBech: ich lese den Aktionär seit 1996 und bin bis März 2000 sehr gut damit gefahren,innerhalb 3 Jahren ca. 2000 % eingefahren. Immerhin war es das erste Blatt, daß überhaupt über spekulative Technologiewerte berichtet hatte. Solange Aktionäre mit den Empfehlungen gut fahren, sind sie kritiklos "trotz der jahrelangen Übertreibungen und -überbewertungen". Daß das ganze auch "nach hinten" losgehen kann, wird jetzt natürlich übel genommen. Ich kenne kein Börsenblatt oder Analysten, der damals diesen Trend mitgemacht hat und derartige Rückschläge zeitgenau voraussagen konnte. Daher zitiere ich aus dem Aktionioär:

      Fazit IMAGIS (aus dem neuesten AKTIONÄR):

      "Die Aktie von Imagis Technologies ist allein schon wegen der geringen Größe des Unternehmens - die Marktkapitalisierung beträgt derzeit weniger als 14 Mio US$ - als äußerst spekulativ anzusehen; durch die Aussichten, die sich derzeit durch die aktuellen Ereignisse für den Bereich Biometrie erschließen, sollte man dennoch ein Engangement in Form einer kleinen Position in Erwägung ziehen. Kurzfristige Korrekturen um 20 Prozent sind bei disem Wert jederzeit drin, weshalb wir von einem Stoppkurs absehen wollen; langfristig ist aufgrund der sich abzeichnenden Entwicklung des gesamten Sektors allerdings einiges an Performance zu erwarten."

      Na also, genau daß hab ich vor 3 Tagen gemacht, aber leider hoch für 1,24 € eingestiegen und tatsächlich ging es um 20 % herunter. Glücklicherweise habe ich mich nicht ausstoppen lassen ... hab wohl doch einiges gelernt vom "AKTIONÄR"

      schrieb am 25.09.01 19:34:29
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()

      schaut mal bitte auf das enorme handelsvolumen in kanada , danke
      schrieb am 25.09.01 21:58:44
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Guten Abend,

      wahrscheinlich schauen alle Fussball. Hertha ist weiter, trotz eines schwachen Spiels. Muss auch mal sein, obwohl ich jetzt kein grosser Fussballfan mehr bin. Sorry, aber ich hatte vor kurzem Uwe Seeler im Zug getroffen und wir hatten einen "small talk". Gemeimsame Meinung war, die Jungs leben zu gut, für ihre zwei Beine. So, will mir nicht den Zorn der Fussballfans aufladen und bitte das als einen Ausrutscher meinerseits zu betrachten, der mit dem Thema nichts zu tun hat, aber mal wegmusste. Jetzt gehts besser:)

      Zum Thema:

      Werd morgen früh nach den Unterlagen suchen und dann hier reinstellen, damit sich jeder ein besseres Bild machen kann.

      Kurs heute ist mal wieder angenehm und wünschen allen viel Spass beim Fussball und eine geruhsame Nacht:)

      schrieb am 25.09.01 23:40:15
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Gute Nacht!
      schrieb am 26.09.01 00:20:38
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      die zu IMAGIS TECHN.…

      Von der Polizei erwischt und verhaftet – das folgende Procedere auf der Polizeistation kennt man aus einer Million amerikanischer Krimiserien: Fingerabdrücke, Foto, Datenaufnahme. Da sammelt sich auf der Wache in kürzester Zeit eine Menge Papier an. Was liegt näher als solche Prozesse zu automatisieren? Bilder werden digital archiviert, spezielle Software erlaubt Suche und Datenverwaltung und den Abgleich mit Fotos oder Kamerabildern. Im übrigen braucht nicht nur die Polizei solche Datenbanken, auch bei Zollbehörden, Universitäten oder Spielkasinos besteht Bedarf – eben überall dort, wo viel Bilddaten zu verarbeiten sind. Der Fachbegriff für diese Technik lautet Biometrik.
      Diese spezielle Software bietet u.a. auch das kanadische Unternehmen Imagis Technologies bereits seit zehn Jahren an. Produktflagschiff ist dabei CABS, das Computerized Booking & Arrest System, alle anderen Produkte sind modifizierte Applikationen, wie etwa Envisage, mit dem Ausweise erstellt werden können oder Casino-ID, das auf die Bedürfnisse von Spielkasinos zugeschnitten ist.

      Hauptabsatzmärkte sind Kanada und die amerikanische Westküste. Sowohl zahlreiche Abteilungen der Mounties, als auch eine Reihe von Polizeirevieren in der Gegend von Los Angeles haben in den letzten 18 Monaten die Software von Imagis erworben – in der Regel CABS. Kunden der anderen Art sind Gateway Casinos, ein Unternehmen, das vier Spielkasinos in British Columbia betreibt und das gleichfalls dort ansässige Institute of Technology. Letztere nutzen Envisage für die Erstellung einer SmartCard, die als Campus-Ausweis, Mensakarte, Geldkarte uvm. Für immerhin 40.000 Studenten genutzt wird.

      Imagis lebt hauptsächlich von kleinen Einzelaufträgen. Für größere Aufträge ist das Unternehmen gar nicht ausgerüstet. So mussten gelegentlich zusätzliche Programmierer angeheuert werden, um bestehende Aufträge termingerecht beenden zu können. Positiv gesehen heißt das, dass die Auslastung gut ist. Negativ schlägt sich das auf der Kostenseite nieder. Imagis schreibt immer noch rote zahlen. Eine Umsatzexplosion um 288% im zweiten Quartal 2001 hat die Situation zwar gebessert, aber dennoch braucht man in diesem Jahr noch 400.000 Dollar, um durchfinanziert zu sein.

      Mangel an Finanzkraft erschwert auch die internationale Expansion. Das geht nur über strategische Partnerschaften, was wiederum zu Lasten der Erträge geht. So wird Imagis’ Software in Europa nur als Zusatz zu einer Gesamtlösung der französischen Bull, die z.B. das Fingerabdruck-Informationssystem für die Schengenstaaten erstellt hat, aktiv vertrieben. In China hat man im Sommer 2001 ein Vertriebsabkommen mit bioSecure abgeschlossen. Das ist ein joint-venture zwischen Cheung Kong Infrastructure und Coulomb Holdings - wie Bull auch Firmen, die auf den nationalen Märkten eine starke Stellung haben.

      Imagis agiert traditionell auf schwierigen Märkten. Im öffentlichen Dienst (Polizei, Universitäten, Ämter) fehlt es genauso häufig an Mitteln wie dem Mut und Willen Investitionsvorhaben zu verantworten und durchzuführen. Am wirksamsten ist noch die Mundpropaganda von Dienststelle zu Dienststelle und die läuft im öffentlichen Dienst auch nur langsam. Mehr Hoffnung macht da Casino-ID, doch ist die Größe dieser Branche überschaubar. Imagis ist darum eher eine Langfristanlage, zumal der schwierige Vertrieb auch noch einen gewissen Margendruck impliziert.

      23.8.2001; Dr. Martin Hock
      schrieb am 26.09.01 08:19:53
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      nachfolgend mal die direkten Mitbewerber von Imagis:

      Identix Incorporated ist zur Zeit das führende Unternehmen auf dem Gebiet der Biometrie-Technologie. Identix ist vor
      allem in den Bereichen Sicherheit, Betrugsverhinderung und Verbrechensbekämpfung tätig. Im Vordergrund stehen die
      Fingerabdruck-Technologie, die von Polizei und Gerichtsmedizin eingesetzt wird, sowie Dienstleistungen, vorab für Regierungsstellen, in den Bereichen Informationstechnologie, Engineering und Managementberatung. Der Umsatz für drei und neun Monate, per 31. März 2001, betrug USD 19’985’000 bzw. 62’578’000, im Vergleich zu USD 17’580’000
      bzw. 52’573’000, für die gleichen Zeiträume im Vorjahr.

      Imageware Systems Inc. entwickelt, verkauft und unterstützt eine Reihe von modularen Softwareprodukten, die bei der
      Verbrechensbekämpfung sowie bei öffentlichen Sicherheitsvermittlungsstellen verwendet werden. Das C.R.I.M.E.S-System
      besteht aus sechs Software-Modulen, welche auch individuell gekauft werden können. Das Verbrechens-Erfassungssystem
      umfasst unter anderem Aufnahmemodule, Abrufmodule und Nachforschungsmodule. In den ersten
      drei Monaten, per 31. März 2001, stieg der Umsatz des Unternehmens um 12 % auf USD 2’800’000. Der Nettoverlust
      reduzierte sich um 54 % auf USD 883’000.

      Visionics Corporation ist ein weltweit tätiger Entwickler und Hersteller von Gesichtsidentifikations-Systemen und Fin-gerabdruck-
      Technologie. Die Facelt-Technologie von Visionics erlaubt eine universelle Anwendung, sie ermöglicht den
      Firmenpartnern auch die Produktion eigener Anwendungs-Software. Schwerpunkte der Tätigkeit von Visionics sind die
      Bereiche CCTV-Systeme, Informations- und Fälschungssicherheit sowie Zugangskontrolle. In den ersten sechs Mona-ten,
      per 31. März 2001, stieg der Umsatz des Unternehmens um 12 % auf USD 14’200’000. Der Nettoverlust betrug
      USD 3’100’000, gegenüber einem Gewinn von USD 252’000 im Vorjahr. Der erhöhte Umsatz resultiert aus höheren
      Umsätzen bei Lizenz- und Unterhaltsgebühren sowie beim Facelt-System.

      Viisage Technologies Inc. ist ebenfalls auf dem Gebiet der Biometrie-Technologie tätig. Viisage konzentriert sich
      hauptsächlich auf Identifikationssysteme, die die persönliche Bequemlichkeit und Sicherheit verbessern und Betrüger
      abschreckt. Die Tätigkeitsbereiche von Viisage sind sehr vielfältig, sie beinhalten Führerscheinausgabe, Wählerregistrie-rung,
      Passerstellung, Verbrechensbekämpfung, Sozialdienste, Zugangskontrolle sowie Netzwerkzugangssicherheit. In
      den drei Monaten, per 1. April 2001, stiegen die Verkäufe des Unternehmens um 19 % auf USD 6’400’000.

      Zu den Mitbewerbern kann ich nicht allzuviel sagen, da ich sie nur am Rande verfolge. Sicher werden alle davon profitieren. Die anderen sind aber am All Time High, und Imagis Zukunft steht erst bevor:)

      Bis später

      schrieb am 26.09.01 09:22:13
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Hi Jungs,

      kann das einer bestätigen, dass mit dem Aktionär. Ich hab nichts gefunden.

      schrieb am 26.09.01 09:42:38
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Noch was zu den Mitbewerbern:

      The most astonishing point about this marketplace
      is the way the world’s major software houses, and
      securities agencies, have failed to develop any
      purpose-built software that is available for sale,
      even in an attenuated form, in the commercial
      Many of the world’s leading software houses are
      heavily involved with security forces throughout
      the world, on very costly systems primarily
      concerned with the management of databases, and
      frequently the digitising of card index and visual
      photographic records. None of them appear to have
      attempted to develop their own face recognition
      software, however.
      Imagis is one of five companies with a presence in
      facial recognition imaging. In terms of market size
      it is probably currently fourth. In terms of
      technology it is in our view either first or second.
      Its management firmly believes it to have a
      significant lead over the competition.

      Visionics. This is the No. 1 company in
      visual imaging at present. It is based in New
      Jersey. Until Autumn 2000, it was a private
      company with annual revenues believed to be
      under US$10m. It then merged with a NASDAQ
      quoted company Digital Biometrics, which is one
      of the market leaders worldwide in fingerprint
      measurement. One of Visionics’ largest contracts
      was as a sub-contractor on the Federal Government
      of Washington, via the main contractor Anser, a
      private spin-off from the US Air Force. Imagis
      believes it has won an undertaking from Anser that
      Imagis technology will be used on major Federal
      Government contracts.
      Its business partners for its FaceIt technology
      include Polaroid (for driver licensing and social
      service benefits systems), Keyware Technologies
      (as a biometric screensaver option on Sony Viao
      Picturebook laptops sold in Japan), Intel (for its
      pending e-home concept), Griffin Investigations
      (for its casino customers) and EDS (for its Israeli
      Government contract to monitor individuals
      entering and exiting the Gaza Strip).

      Viisage. (Ticker symbol VISG). This
      Massachusetts based company is NASDAQ quoted,
      and had sales revenues in its last financial year of
      US$27m. It is best known for its installations of
      driver licence and similar systems.
      The Viisage system is probably the oldest
      established in active use in the field. This gives
      Viisage considerable advantages in terms of
      market perception, but it also means that it is
      saddled with a system that, in the view of some of
      its competitors, has disadvantages. Viisage’s
      recognition system is based upon ‘Eigenfaces’, a
      long established recognition system based upon
      128 specific bit-mapped reference points that uses
      MIT technology. The drawback of this system is
      that it was allegedly originally developed and
      tested with occidental face types, rather than
      Africans or Orientals.
      The Viisage software is marketed under the trade
      name FaceEXPLORER, and the company claims it
      is deployed in databases handling more than 6
      million images, as well as supplying digital
      identity documents through 13 US States for more
      than 20 million drivers’ licenses, social services
      cards and law enforcement credentials annually.
      Partners include Raytheon and Graphco
      eTrue. This privately owned US Corporation
      has a good market position, but has a slightly
      different market niche to Imagis. It focuses on
      One-To-One identity, and therefore is directing its
      marketing efforts much more towards Access
      Control than to the identification of faces in
      crowds. Until a recent change of name, eTrue was
      known as Miros, and its technology is mostly still
      installed under this name.
      Neurodynamics. This British
      (Cambridge) based company appeared to have
      developed a significant lead in face recognition
      technology in the mid-nineties and although there
      had been indications that this lead was being
      eroded, Neurodynamics believes it will leap to the
      forefront once more with its launch at the UK trade
      show IFSEC in May of a new three dimensional
      face recognition product. Mike Lynch, of
      Autonomy fame, founded Neurodynamics and
      Lynch still owns over 50% of the equity. The
      company has been described by the Financial
      Times as ‘the world’s leading recognition
      company’. It is primarily involved in total police
      record retrieval and database management, and its
      recent work has probably been more orientated
      towards fingerprints, where customers include the
      South Yorkshire, Jordanian, Algerian and Maltese
      police forces. Commercial customers include BT,
      Abbey National, Unisys and Nationwide Building
      Society. Neurodynamics is also the UK market
      leader in automatic number plate recognition
      software, a field which is closely allied to face
      recognition, although technically it’s more

      Good luck

      schrieb am 26.09.01 11:33:29
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Hi Zobel, hab die Seite aus dem AKTIONÄR mal gescannt, hier der Text:


      Gerade jetzt wurde uns allen vor Augen geführt, wie notwendig Sicherheitsmaßnahmen beispielsweise an Flughäfen sind. Biometrie-Firmen wie Imagis bedienen diese Nachfrage.

      Die Attentate auf das World Trade Center und das Pentagon vom 11. September 2001 haben uns ganz klar die Grenzen des Schutzes vor dem Terrorismus aufgezeigt - und damit auch die Grenzen der Sicherheit an den internationalen Flughäfen, an denen die Technologien zur Verbrechensbekämpfung für besonders ausgereift gehalten wurden.
      Dass die beiden Türme des W TC angegriffen und letztendlich zerstart werden konnten und selbst das US- Verteidigungsministerium der Attacke scheinbar schutzlos ausgeliefert war, scheint schließlich nicht zuletzt die Folge einer Reihe von versäumten oder unzureichenden Sicherheitsvorkehrungen gewesen zu sein. Hätten die Terroristen nicht die vier Passagiermaschinen entführen können, wäre der bisher wohl grüßte Terroranschlag in der Geschichte der Menschheit sicher zu verhindern gewesen - zumindest in einem solchen Ausmaß.

      Spätestens jetzt ist offensichtlich, dass neben der geforderten Erholung der Sicherheit im Internet auch jene Vorsichtsmaßnahmen einer Verbesserung bedürfen, die im Schatten der IT -Security anscheinend vernachlässigt wurden - das Verhindern von Verbrechen, die von realen Menschen begangen werden. So wird man sich in Zukunft nicht nur der Bekämpfung von Computer-Viren widmen, sondern auch wieder die Überwachung und Identifizierung von lebenden Personen in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses stellen müssen. Dass jetzt gehandelt werden muss und der Bedarf nach verbessertem Schutz vor dem Terror besteht, macht auch die Einschätzung des Marktes deutlich. Nicht von ungefähr sind am ersten Handelstag der US-Börsen nach den Terroraktionen die Aktienkurse derjenigen Firmen in die Höhe geschnellt, die mit ihren Produkten eine Erhöhung der Sicherheit gewährleisten.


      Aus der Riege der Sicherheitsunternehmen, die jetzt gefordert sind, sollten vor allem die Spezialisten aus dem Bereich Biometrie genannt werden. Mit Biometrie bezeichnet man eine Technologie, die es ermöglicht, die Identität von Personen aufgrund ihrer individuellen körperlichen Merkmale eindeutig festzustellen. Die Identifizierungsmethoden gehen dabei über den klassischen Fingerabdruck weit hinaus. Man teilt diese Methoden in zwei Bereiche: den der physikalisch-charakteristischen und den der Verhaltensbiometrie. Zum ersteren gehoren unter anderem der Finger- und Handflächenabdruck, das Scannen des Gesichts, die Vermessung der Geometrie der Hand, der Scan der Netzhaut und der Iris und die DNA- und Haarprobe. Zur Verhaltensbiometrie gehoren die Spracherkennung, die Probe der Unterschrift, der Tastenanschlag und eine Identifizierung durch die Gangart.

      Sicherheil aus Kanada

      Dem ersten Bereich der physikalisch-charakteristishen Biometrie ist das kanadische Unternehmen Imagis Technoloogies zuzuorden. Langjährigen Lesern von DER AKTIONÄR dürfte dieser Name noch ein Begriff sein, schließlich stellten wir Imagis schon einmal Mitte des letzten Jahres vor. Die Gesellschaft auf Vancouver, die gerade einmal 26 Angestellte beschäftigt, entwickelt die Gesichtserkennungssoftware ID2000, die bewegte Bilder erfassen und dabei Gesichter von einzelnen Personen aus der Menge herausfiltern kann. Anschließend können diese Informationen mit dem Bestand bereits registrierter Gesichtsdaten verglichen werden. Die Anwendungsbereiche sind mannigfaltig. So benutzt nicht nur die Polizei von Los Angeles die Imagis- Technologie, sondern auch Spielcasinos, die anhand der rn 2000-Software Falschspieler erkennen wollen, und Flughäfen und Sicherheitsdienste.


      Die Aktie von Imagis Technologies ist allein schon wegen der geringen Grüße des Unternehmens - die Marktkapitalisierung beträgt derzeit weniger als 14 Millionen US- Dollar - als äußerst spekulativ anzusehen; durch die Aussichten, die sich derzeit durch die aktuellen Ereignisse für den Bereich Biometrie erschließen, sollte man dennoch ein Engagement in Form einer kleinen Position in Erwägung ziehen. Kurzfristige Korrekturen um 20 Prozent sind bei diesem Wert jederzeit drin, weshalb wir von einem Stoppkurs absehen wollen; langfristig ist aufgrund der sich abzeichnenden Entwicklung des gesamten Sektors allerdings einiges an Performance zu erwarten. @)
      schrieb am 26.09.01 13:41:39
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      bin neu hier - allerdings schon länger in Imagis investiert.
      Klasse, was Ihr so alles über Imagis in Erfahrung bringt - und schön zu sehen, wie das Baby abgeht...

      schrieb am 26.09.01 15:04:26
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Kleine Mitteilung,
      gestern Abend war ein interessanter Bericht über Sicherheit an amerikanischen Flughäfen, u.a. natürlich Gesichtserkennung Biometrie usw., im amerikanischen TV (ABC).
      Diese Geschichte steht am Anfang!

      Ich sehe eine neue Microsoft...
      Ich meine Biosoft oder so ähnlich...

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 26.09.01 17:13:38
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Hallo niemandweiss,

      danke, steht das im Aktionär, der morgen rauskommt? Dann werden sie ja weiter gen Norden fliegen:)

      schrieb am 26.09.01 20:20:14
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Guten Abend,

      die Story scheint erst zu beginnen:) Wir werden heut wohl mit über 600 trades und mehr als 1 Mio. Stücken in Kanada schliessen. Macht euch auf morgen gefasst.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 26.09.01 22:36:01
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Gute Nacht,

      sag ich doch.

      638 Trades mit 1,056 Mio Umsatz. The show beginns.

      Guts Nächtle

      schrieb am 26.09.01 22:59:30
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Na dann kann ich jetzt ja auch ins Bett gehen ...
      Gute Nacht! :)

      schrieb am 27.09.01 08:47:16
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Morgen Leute,

      besteht nicht auch die Möglichkeit, dass Imagis im nächsten Jahr an der Nasdaq SC gelistet wird ?

      Grüße, Josie
      schrieb am 27.09.01 09:08:00
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()

      Seite 26 in Aktionär von heute. Imagis, wie hier gepostet wurde.

      Fröhlichen Tag

      schrieb am 27.09.01 11:22:20
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Hi JosieR,

      Interessante Frage, wer sie mal weitergeben. Ian Drummond (CEO) machte gestern einen sehr zufriedenen Eindruck, jedenfalls kam das bei mir so telefonisch an;):)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 27.09.01 11:46:30
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Hi Sowhat,

      das ist fein. Übrigens, wer deckt sich denn in Frankfurt mit Forlink zu 0,20 ein ?? Weisst Du was ?

      Grüße, Josie :)
      schrieb am 27.09.01 12:30:52
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Hi Zobel, scheint als wenn du auf den AKTIONÄR schwörst. Ich denke, die Zeiten sind vorbei, wo sich Leute nach solchen Kaufempfehlungen richten, zumal IMAGIS auch noch als "hochspekulativer" Wert empfohlen wird. Der bisherige Kursverlauf heute in Deutschland bestätigt das auch nicht gerade.

      schrieb am 27.09.01 14:08:54
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Dieser Artikel wurde bestimmt schon einmal veröffentlicht, aber trotzdem noch einmal der Link:…
      schrieb am 27.09.01 14:30:16
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      schrieb am 27.09.01 14:31:56
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      schrieb am 28.09.01 12:36:24
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      schade, keine mehr unter 0,60 bekommen. Vielleicht nächstes Mal :)
      schrieb am 28.09.01 14:23:17
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Eröffnung in Canada heute bei 1,89 Schluß bei 2,00?
      Wäre doch ein guter Wochenausklang oder wie sieht Sowhat
      das, scheint ja beste Kontakte zu haben.Zeichnen sich eigentlich irgendwelche Aufträge ab oder ist da viel Wind
      um nichts?
      schrieb am 28.09.01 22:22:58
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Schluß bei 1,85 CDN.
      Es wird ruhig um Imagis, oder Konsolidierung?
      Ruhe vor dem nächsten Sturm?
      Die IR hat die Homepage um Termine für Ausstellungen erweitert, recht interessant!

      Was uns fehlt, ist nur ein Auftrag...

      Have a nice weekend!
      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 29.09.01 00:25:39
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      nur locker bleiben , der auftrag ( die aufträge ) werden kommen
      schrieb am 29.09.01 08:09:46
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      denke ist erstmal eine Konsolidierungsphase. Ist doch eigentlich gesünder, als immer die schnellen Hypes, die nur die Zocker anziehen. Diese lassen die Aktien dann auch wie eine heisse Kartoffel fallen, wenn sie ihre Gewinne haben. Langsamer stetiger ist mir jedenfalls angenehmer. Das Management scheint die Gunst der Stunde zu nutzen, siehe z.B. das updaten der Homepage. Billiger kann man wohl z.Zt. kein Marketing betreiben und das schont die nicht grad üppige Kasse. Das ist ein weiterer Pluspunkt. Aufträge reinzuholen und auch zu bekommen, dauert nunmal seine Zeit. Ihr kauft ja auch nicht das erstbeste Auto, oder. Hätte mich gefreut, wenns über CAD 2 gegangen wäre, naja, dann halt nächste Woche.:) Wo sind denn die Charttechniker, hat da einer eine Meinung zu?

      Schönes Wochenende


      Ich wars nicht.
      schrieb am 29.09.01 08:51:05
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Wer gibt den Takt vor? In Canada ist bei 2,- ein sehr starker Widerstand,da müsste schon was passieren und in
      USA wäre bis 1,8 Luft. Noch sieht es nach Konsolidierung
      aus. Nach unten kann es sonst bis $-,54 gehen. Ist also
      noch ein Watchkandidat. Also high risk. (meine Meinung)
      schrieb am 29.09.01 09:18:43
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()

      charttechnisch doch ziemlich heissgelaufen, allerdings haben die anderen Biometriker teilweise schon mehr konsolidiert. Bei einem Bruch der Cad 1,70 sollte es nicht unter Cad 1,40 gehen. Eine zehntägige Beruhigung täte sicherlich ganz gut.

      Zum Chart passt das Volumen sehr gut, sieht doch danach aus, als wenn jetzt die ganz kurzfristigen raus sind. Entscheidend wird sein, ob ein paar "grössere Kleinanleger" , bzw. Venture-Capitalisten Stücke in ihren Depots langfristig halten. Einige grössere Orders haben wir ja gesehen in den letzten Tagen, die werden sicher noch ein paar Stückchen haben wollen, also , warum gleich losspurten.

      Ohne tatsächliche Aufträge, besonders grössere, kann das ganze auch schnell in sich zusammenbrechen, es sein denn, imagis wird jetzt von Institutionellen auf einem gewissen Niveau aus Zukunftssicht gehalten und wenn es nur für eine Übernahme ist.

      Grüße, Josie :)

      PS: vor zwei Jahren hätte ich gesagt, imagis steht in 2 Wochen bei mindestens 5-6$, zum Glück sind diese Zeiten erstmal vorbei...
      schrieb am 29.09.01 09:53:03
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Morgen Leute,

      meine charttechnische Einschätzung (Anmerkung, Charts sind dazu da, um sich anders zu entwickeln, als man denkt):

      Aus Volumensicht kann ich, ausser vielleicht eine Psychologische Barriere, keinen hartnäckigen Widerstand bei Cad 2,00 entdecken. Der Widerstand resultiert höchstens aus dem Beitrag von Sowhat "...imagis noch unter Cad 2 zu haben...". Die 1 stellte einen Widerstand dar, der leicht gebreakt wurde, wichtiger ist der Hopser über 1,70, der durchaus auf längere Sicht in den nächsten Tagen oder auch Wochen ruhig einige Male getestet werden sollte, möglichst mit grösseren Orders. Der einzige, richtige Widerstand auf dem Weg nach oben sind die Cad 2,90-3,10 (2 US$), die wir wohl demnächst mal sehen werden, sollte nichts unvorhergesehenes dazwischen kommen. Charttechnisch sieht der 1jährige Fall auch deshalb gut aus, weil das Volumen dabei relativ gering war.

      Der richtige Hype für die Biometrie sollte eh erst im nächsten Jahr erfolgen, weil ich zB. annehme, dass die Versicherer ihre Pramien anheben, mit der Möglichkeit, diese zu senken, wenn Überwachungssysteme installiert sind, bzw. nur versichern, wenn überwacht wird. Imagis macht Umsätze z.Z. bei 2-3 Millionen für 2001 und sind bewertet mit ca 16 Millionen bei relativ wenig Cash.

      Mein persönliches Fazit: Kaufen bei 1,70 und 1,40 Cad$, Stoppkurs spätestens bei 0,90, (in Euro 1,15-0,95 - SL 0,61)

      Grüße Josie :), es kommt immer anders als man denkt
      schrieb am 29.09.01 10:14:04
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Hallo niemandweiss,

      ich les halt gern mal im Aktionär, schliesslich hat er schon vorher als andere auf Zukunfttrends hingewiesen. Aber eigentlich brauchte ich das für mich persönlich, und sah damit meinen Kaufentscheid bestätigt. Heut was zu kaufen, ist nicht sehr leicht, und somit habe ich dann vielleicht insgeheim einen Grund, wenn es nicht klappt. Ich kann dann den Aktionär vorschieben, sehe aber doch erbheblich mehr Chancen, als Risiken, zumal wir hier nicht auf einem ATH, wie die anderen kaufen.

      schrieb am 29.09.01 10:17:44
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Entschuldigung vergessen, kann mal einer einen längerfristigen Chart hier reinstellen, ich weiss nicht, wie ich dass bewerkstelligen kann.
      schrieb am 01.10.01 17:23:04
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      hallo zusammen

      ich bin ja kein profi wie einige von euch ,aber ist da nicht ein gap im chart ( 0.46-0.73 )der noch geschloßen werden muß ???

      bye kopfeck
      schrieb am 01.10.01 18:06:05
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Hi kopfeck,

      im Normalfall werden Gaps geschlossen, aber in der augenblicklichen Situation glaube ich dies nicht, weil imagis dafür zu viele Zukunftsperspektiven hat. Ausserdem hatte das auch mit der geschlossenen Börse zu tun, während des Anschlags und kurz danach. Charttechnisch gibt es auch sogenannte Ausbruchslücken, die nicht unbedingt geschlossen werden müssen, allerdings sollte es dann auch bald über die 2Cad$ gehen, sonst ist der Ausbruchsversuch nicht so schön. Möglich wäre dann natürlich auch eine erneuerte Lücke nach oben...

      Grüße, Josie :)

      PS: Alzuviele Profis gibt es hier nicht, ich zähle mich beim besten Willen schon gar nicht dazu...
      schrieb am 01.10.01 18:07:31
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      ach ja, hatte noch vergessen, der Chart von heute gefällt mir bislang sehr gut, kleine Umsätze bei fallenden Kursen, danach feine Orders nach oben, sieht bislang sehr gut aus...wie bei Mount10 übrigens
      schrieb am 01.10.01 19:59:12
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()

      danke für die auskunft,mit profis meinte ich eigentlich
      leute mit einigermaßen erfahrung und sachverstand :-)
      das es hier auch viele "marktschreier" gibt ist mir auch schon aufgefallen.

      bye kopfeck

      p.s. mount10 habe ich auch schon im auge :-)
      schrieb am 01.10.01 22:26:13
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()

      zum Thema Charttechnik: ganz schöner Hick-Hack im Moment, die Stimmung schwankt

      würde mich nicht wundern, wenn die Aktie bald wieder

      schrieb am 01.10.01 23:19:57
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Bilderchen brauchen wir nicht in diesem Thread, Charts usw. denke ich sind OK, doch nerven mich solche Bilderchen beim Aufrufen der Website! Zumal, was sollen die denn übermitteln?

      Imagis hat mal wieder die Homepage aufgefrischt, ein paar Newsreportagen von Imagis. Die letzte ist viel versprechend, denke ich!

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 02.10.01 07:52:47
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      @ niemandweiss, Mr. Aktie,

      das Bildchen ist zwar nicht unbedingt erforderlich, aber lass es gut sein für uns :)

      @ niemandweiss, Chartttechnisch bräuchten wir den Vancouver-Chart, dort werden die Kurse gemacht

      Grüße, Josie :)
      schrieb am 02.10.01 08:49:48
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      hier mal der 2-Jahreschart:

      Good luck

      schrieb am 02.10.01 08:57:41
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Und hier noch seit Beginn.

      Also, wenn die 2 KanDollar benommen werden, ist reich Platz nach oben. Aber für mich zählen eh mehr die Fakten.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 02.10.01 11:59:52
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()

      es lohnt sich wirklich, ab und auf der Homepage nachzusehen. Jetzt haben sie da auch die TV-Sendungen abgelegt und das Interview. Bin begeistert. Wann meint ihr, wann werden Aufträge erteilt für soche Systeme? Hat die Konkurrenz schon was bekommen?
      Charttechnisch würde ich sagen, müssen die € 1,25 halten, dann ist der Aufwärtstrend noch in Takt.
      schrieb am 02.10.01 15:11:23
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Related Quotes


      delayed 20 mins - disclaimer

      Tuesday October 2, 8:30 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.; Intacta Technologies Inc.

      Imagis and Intacta combine biometrics and encoding for new and secure ID verification solutions
      VANCOUVER, Oct. 2 /CNW/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis") (Symbol: OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY), a leading biometric facial recognition company, announced today that it has entered into a business alliance with Intacta Technologies Inc. of Atlanta, GA (Symbol: OTCBB, Berlin: ITAC) to combine Imagis biometric facial recognition technology with Intacta`s patented encoding technology to provide an integrated verification solution for the security market.
      The application will be marketed as XPRESS.ID-2000 and works by creating a digital image of an individual that is then processed as a facial template. Imagis technology is reliable regardless of an individual`s sex, race, hair color, eye color, skin tone and facial hair. The image is then securely encoded with Intacta.Code. The personal data of that same individual is then embedded along with the facial image. To access the image and the individual`s data for verification in a database, a password is entered and the Intacta.Code information is decoded to compare with the live captured facial template.

      XPRESS.ID-2000 will provide an easy to use solution to ensure that information and imaging cannot be changed and will remain secure in mobile applications. It has many applications including visas and passports, drivers licenses, access cards, social security cards, etc. With the rise in use of false identification obtained through the internet and the need to implement more secure programs to verify identities, XPRESS.ID-2000 will provide true security of personal information.

      About IMAGIS

      Dazu vorbörslich in Vancouver Cad 1,23$
      schrieb am 02.10.01 15:20:28
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Josie, Du bist doof! Gerade wollte ich den Kram hier reinstellen, den mir Maria Choy zugeschickt hat, da warst Du wieder mal schneller.:laugh:
      Aber eins muß man dem Mariechen ja lassen: Die Emails über Imagis-News und Adhocs kommen reichlich und schnell. Keine andere Firma unterrichtet ihre Aktionäre so schnell wie`s Mariechen Choy von Imagis. Wenn die da alle so fleißig sind......:D
      schrieb am 02.10.01 15:24:17
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      @ frührentner!!!

      Tröste dich, auch ich war mal wieder zu langsam!

      schrieb am 02.10.01 15:25:06
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()

      irgendwie scheint die new´s nicht so
      positiv aufgenommen zu werden.

      Vorbörslich in Kanada 1.35$

      Gruß itsch
      schrieb am 02.10.01 16:29:21
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      wie Du siehst, war nur ´ne Art, vorher welche aus den Wert zu holen, die machen dies genauso anders herum! Doch diesmal war es m.E., dass erste Mal, das die vor Eröffnung runtergetaxt haben, dies stimmt mich für heute positiv!!!

      Ich denke diese Kooperation dient dazu, die Marktfähigkeit des Prdoduktes, u.a. nicht von außen angreifbar zu machen!
      Ein Hoch auf alle Hacker?

      Diese Schwankungen sind meiner Gesundheit aber auch nicht förderlich...

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 02.10.01 17:19:21
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Wenn man zwischendurch bei imagis direkt die Kurse verfolgt,
      sind da eine handvoll Trader die sich gegenseitig in die
      Hände spielen. Merrill Lynch hat sich verabschiedet.
      Hat jemand eine Erklärung?
      schrieb am 02.10.01 18:31:14
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Guten Abend,

      möchte mal kurs meine Sicht der Dinge zum Handel mitteilen. Zunächst mal kann man die vorbörslichen Kurse in Kanada und den USA getrost vergessen. Dies ist nunmal so, in diesem Marktsegment. Habe das über einen längeren Zeitraum beobachtet. Das Merrill da im Spiel war hat auch nichts zu sagen. Merrill ist nun mal Broker, und als ein solcher hat er die Kundenorders auszuführen. Diese Erkenntnis konnte ich vor langer Zeit mal als Mitarbeiter u.a. dieses Hauses gewinnen;). Dann noch zu der News. Schaut mal ein wenig zurück, und ihr werdet eine Verbindung zu ITAC finden. Ist also nicht ganz neu und somit den Strategen bekannt. Das solche News im heutigen Umfeld nicht mehr ziehen, sollte dem bekannt sein, der schon länger was an der Börse macht.
      Ich sehe die News als Bestätigung für mein Investment.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 03.10.01 12:06:59
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Guten Tag,

      mir wurde heute eine Mail übermittelt, von der nicht klar war, ob ich sie hier reinstellen soll. Da einige immer Kursziele wollen, hier ein Auszug:

      Over the past few weeks these companies have received huge gains in their market
      values: Visionics closed at $4.27 on September 10th; Viisage closed at $1.94; and Imagis
      at $0.35.

      The question becomes not one of do I buy, but which one do I buy? This is an exciting
      sector and should be a part of your portfolio. However do your own due-diligence. Our
      recommendation to our subscribers is Imagis. Imagis, we believe, is the buy with the
      greatest ROI potential for the following reasons:

      a) The have a strong and credible management team with extensive experience in
      identification/biometric technology.

      b) Their market cap is far below their competitors.

      c) Their technology is cutting edge and advancing at an unprecedented rate.

      We estimate that Imagis will reach a target price of US$6.25. Over the next 6 months.

      Quelle: Fasken Report
      Wenn gewüscht stell ich den Rest auch noch rein.

      Und nochmal, um es klarzustellen. Dies ist kein Kursziel von mir. Ich bin nur ein Marktteilnehmer mit gesundem Menschen- und Sachverstand und kein Analyst.

      Schönen Feiertag noch

      schrieb am 03.10.01 12:23:20
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      spann uns nicht auf die Folter und lass uns den Rest auch noch lesen.
      schrieb am 03.10.01 12:50:52
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Hai SoWhat,
      wie Imagis den Aktienverlauf sieht, hast Du gepostet. Wie schätzt Du eigentlich den weiteren Kursverlauf ein ?
      Danke ciao
      schrieb am 03.10.01 13:50:34
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      hi hier mal in deutsch :

      el Fish Translation, Auf Deutsch:

      Über den letzten Wochen haben diese Firmen sehr große
      Gewinne in ihren Marktwerten empfangen: Visionics
      geschlossen bei $4,27 an September 10.; Viisage geschlossen
      bei $1,94; und Imagis bei $0,35. Die Frage wird nicht eine von
      ich kaufen, aber, den eine ich, kaufen? Dieses ist ein
      aufregender Sektor und sollte ein Teil Ihrer Mappe sein. Tun
      Sie jedoch Ihre eigene Passendgewissenhaftigkeit. Unsere
      Empfehlung zu unseren Teilnehmern ist Imagis. Imagis, glauben
      wir, sind der Kauf mit dem größten ROI-Potential aus den
      folgenden Gründen: A) Haben ein starkes und glaubwürdiges
      Managementteam mit umfangreicher Erfahrung in der
      identification-/biometrictechnologie. B) Ihre Marktschutzkappe
      ist unter ihren Konkurrenten weit. c) Ihre Technologie ist
      Schneide und Vorrücken mit einer beispiellosen Kinetik. Wir
      schätzen, daß Imagis einen Richtpreis von USS6.25 erreicht.
      Ãœber den folgenden 6 Monaten.

      richtpreis von 6,25 US $ in 6 monaten , das hört sich guuuuut an
      schrieb am 03.10.01 14:37:35
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()

      das hört sich gut an. Wenn die Mitte zwischen Aktionär und diesem neuen Report als Kursziel eintrifft, bin ich vollauf zufrieden. Möchte auch den Rest lesen. Und noch eine Frage, ist das von sowhat gepostete von Imagis selbst? Sollte nochmal ein Rückschlag kommen, werde ich nachkaufen.

      Euer Zobel
      schrieb am 03.10.01 16:14:57
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Kann mir jemand sagen, unter was für einer Adresse und mit welchen Kürzel ich den Canada- Kurs abfragen kann??? Wie haben die Canadischen Börsen nach MEZ geöffnet???

      schrieb am 03.10.01 16:52:22
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      schrieb am 03.10.01 16:58:06
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      schrieb am 03.10.01 18:03:49
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Schade, meine erste Position wurde ausgestoppt...

      Die Wall Street läuft tadellos, doch Imagis schmiert ab, Vorbereitung für den nächste Hype, oder back to the roots?

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 03.10.01 19:30:12
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()

      wie gehts weiter? Bin nicht unruhig, aber ist jetzt die Fantasie weg? Vielleicht liegst auch daran, dass ich an einen Feiertag jetzt etwas nach den Kursen schaue. Bin aber überzeugt und frage mich wann man nachkaufen sollte?

      schrieb am 03.10.01 22:39:31
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      So, ich denke das war´s, keiner interessiert sich mehr für sogenannte Sicherheitswerte, zu schnell und zu stark gestiegen!
      Außerdem kommen die Firmen nur mit Schönredeparolen daher!
      Aufträge müssen her, sonst ist Imagis ganz schnell wieder bei 0,5 Euro!
      Ferner sehen die Anleger jetzt wieder mehr Reiz, an der Nasdaq oder bei besser positionierten Werten weltweit zu investieren.
      Schade, doch die Käufer bleiben an einem so schönen Tag wie heute, von Imagis fern.

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 04.10.01 06:46:56
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      denke nicht das es vorbei ist. Der Kurs hat sich seit den Ereignissen verdreifacht und die Marktteilnehmer nehmen ihr Geld erstmal mit in den sicheren Hafen. Der feste US Börse tat ein übrigens, da die Leute sich wohl erstmal wieder da positionieren. Bei vielen wird Imagis auf der Watchlist stehen, und wenn der erste Auftrag kommt, gehts wieder genn Norden.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 04.10.01 09:32:12
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Genau das ist der Punkt. Ohne einen lukrativen Auftrag (oder fantastische Quartalszahlen) geht jetzt nichts mehr.

      MK ist für aktuelle Auftragslage hoch (da kommenden Aufträgen vorgegriffen wurde). Da muß jetzt was kommen. Falls nicht sinkt das Volumen wieder recht schnell unter die 100k und der Kurs sackt auf 1 CAD ab. (und wenn dann immer noch nichts kommt auch darunter)

      Kommt aber eine Meldung, die die bisherige MK wie die Portokasse aussehen läßt, haben wir auch ganz schnell Kurse weit weit über den bisherigen.
      schrieb am 04.10.01 10:47:31
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()

      es ist doch nichts schlimmes passiert .
      die aktie ist enorm gestiegen wie alle aus der branche.
      dann gab es gewinnmitnahmen ,ist auch logisch und jetzt
      wartet jeder auf meldungen ,oder habt ihr geglaubt es geht
      in fast einem zug bis 5-6 euro.
      der anstieg bis jetzt baute auf die hoffung das aufträge
      kommen ,mir ist es sogar lieber wenn nicht gleich übertrieben wird(geht doch meistens schief)ich sehe es eher
      auf lange sicht und da ist sicher noch einiges drin ,natürlich mit einem gewissen risiko.

      bye kopfeck

      die firma hat ein produkt das bereits eingesetzt wird und das in einer branche die in den nächsten jahren gefragt ist,das sind doch gute voraussetzungen oder
      schrieb am 04.10.01 16:09:25
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Guten Tag,

      hab noch was offen, dass ich leider erst jetzt nachliefrn kann. Kurs ist wieder erfreulicher, die sogenannten "zittrigen Hände" scheinen draussen zu sein. RT CAD 1,65.

      Security is on the top of all our minds. The recent terrorist attacks have made
      counter-terrorism a hot topic, not to mention a top priority. We need to be able to quickly
      and easily identify those whom would do us harm or break the law.

      Biometric is a term we have been hearing a great deal recently. It is the science of using
      unique physiological or biological characteristics such as fingerprints, voice prints, retinal,
      DNA or facial recognition to identify and confirm the identity of individuals. Where as
      passports, driver licenses and other documents can be forged, biometric characteristics
      are virtually impossible to alter or hide.

      The world market for biometric identification technology has been valued at US
      $108m/year, however now some industry experts estimate that we could see this number
      expand to over $1 billion by 2002.

      Fingerprint recognition has been in use for many years. Systems are currently being used
      for everything from criminal identification to banking. As fingerprint technology has been
      around for a long time, the market is mature and margins for companies specializing in this
      technology are thin.

      Iris technology identifies individuals by scanning the iris and focusing on the pattern of
      flecks found on the surface of the eye. Although this technology is extremely accurate, it
      requires the subject to be within three feet of the scanner and is thought to be more
      invasive than other systems.

      Facial recognition is one of the fastest growing sectors in the biometric industry. It
      enables agencies such as the police departments to scan “new” faces and cross-reference
      them against their database of mug shots of known criminals and terrorists. The
      technology of facial recognition is proving to be invaluable in assisting officers to pare
      down lists of suspects and solve cases. This system of identification is both
      non-invasive and accurate despite individual attempts to alter appearances. Imagine the
      power of being able to scan a crowd at a distance while processing facial images against
      60 million records per minute.

      The companies that are involved in facial recognition are receiving a great deal of
      attention. We have identified a number of companies in this sector and have determined
      three of significant value worthy of our subscriber’s focus.


      The first of interest, a company that is listed on the OTC bb. (IGSTF) and the Canadian
      Venture Exchange (NAB) , is Imagis Technology Inc. Major law enforcement agencies and
      airports are presently using the company’s products they have an impressive client list.
      Imagis has assembled a board of directors, advisory board, and a management team that
      includes Chairman, Buck Revell, former Associate Deputy Director of the FBI, Norman
      Inkster, former Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and President of
      Interpol, and Owen Kelly, former Commissioner of Police for the city of London.

      The key differentiator between Imagis and the competition is the complexity of its
      algorithms, which work on frequency subsets, rather than the bitmapping procedures used
      by most of its competitors. This gives Imagis considerable advantages in recognizing a
      face in a crowd and cross referenced with large data bases at high speeds, and can also
      be used in a posed full frontal portrait of the kind used, for example, in police, immigration
      and social security records. It also gives Imagis strengths in pulling face recognition
      information from video. The technology is also fully extendible to non-facial imagery.


      The second company of interest is Visionics a private company until August 2000 with
      revenues believed to be under US$10m. Currently listed on the NASDAQ (VSNX), it merged
      with a NASDAQ quoted company Digital Biometrics, which is one of the market leaders
      worldwide in fingerprint measurement.

      Its business partners for its FaceIt technology include Polaroid (for driver licensing and
      social service benefits systems), Keyware Technologies (as a biometric screensaver option
      on Sony Viao Picturebook laptops sold in Japan), Intel (for its pending e-home concept),
      Griffin Investigations (for its casino customers) and EDS (for its Israeli Government
      contract to monitor individuals entering and exiting the Gaza Strip).


      The third company of interest is a NASDAQ quoted (VISG) Massachusetts based
      company. It is best know for its installations of driver license and similar systems.

      The Viisage system is probably the oldest and most established in active use in the field.
      This gives Viisage considerable advantages in terms of market perception, but it also
      means that it is saddled with a system that, in the view of some of its competitors, has
      disadvantages. Viisage’s recognition system is based upon ‘Eigenfaces’, a long established
      recognition system based upon 128 specific bit-mapped reference points that uses MIT
      technology. The drawback of this system is that it was allegedly originally developed and
      tested with occidental face types, rather than Africans or Orientals.

      The Viisage software is marketed under the trade name FaceEXPLORER, and the company
      claims it is deployed in databases handling more than 6 million images, as well as supplying
      digital identity documents through 13 US States for more than 20 million drivers’ licenses,
      social services cards and law enforcement credentials annually. Partners include
      Raytheon and Graphco Technologies.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 04.10.01 22:52:15
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Das war ja ein Bilderbuch-Schlußspurt, bin ich froh, das nur meine Tradingposition ausgestoppt wurde!!!

      1,79 CDN, macht 1,25 Euro! Tageshöchstkurs war auch Schlußkurs!

      Wenn da mal nicht bald eine Meldung folgt!

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 05.10.01 08:54:09
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()

      was für eine toller Schlusspurt. Sieht doch auch charttechnisch sicher gut aus. Heute wird wieder im Telebörsenmagazin auf Imagis hingewiesen. Vielleicht sehen wir heut die 2 Dollar.

      schrieb am 05.10.01 09:08:19
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Oh, bei den Kursen hier, kann man ja glatt nochmal zugreifen. Hier 1,15, fairer Umrechnungskurs 1,24 !!
      schrieb am 05.10.01 09:30:37
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Wieder was aus der canadischen Presse.

      Conflict rouses interest in tech

      Traditional defence firms not expected to play as large a role in war on terrorism, WENDY STUECK reports


      Wednesday, October 3, 2001 – Print Edition, Page M1

      VANCOUVER -- When North American stock markets reopened after the terrorist attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, investors drove up the share price of defence-related companies such as aircraft manufacturers Lockheed Martin Corp. and Raytheon Co.

      But as the impact of the terrorist attacks continues to reverberate around the globe and through all sectors of the economy, some say it would be a mistake to assume that the war on terrorism will fuel the kind of economic boom -- and surging profits for the defence sector -- that characterized conflicts like the Second World War or the Persian Gulf war.

      The Second World War was a widespread conflict that required massive amounts of military equipment, says Maurice Levi, a professor of international finance at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

      By contrast, the war against terrorism is more likely to be a targeted conflict that will rely more on technology and people that can track communications and financial transactions between suspected terrorist groups.

      "This [forensic analysis] doesn`t require equipment other than a computer and a brain," Prof. Levi says.

      A potential increase in demand for intelligence-gathering and security systems has focused attention on companies involved in areas including wireless networks and encryption.

      Imagis Technologies Inc., a Vancouver-based company that makes facial recognition systems used for airport security and by law enforcement agencies, closed at 63 cents on the Canadian Venture Exchange on Sept. 10, the day before the terrorist attacks in the United States.

      Since then, the company`s stock price has more than doubled and managers have reported a flurry of interest in the technology.

      Spectrum Signal Processing Inc., a Vancouver company that makes wireless signal processing equipment, has in the past few years been moving away from its dependence on military contracts and focusing more on consumer applications.

      In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, however, Spectrum expects that trend to reverse. The company makes technology that intelligence-gathering groups could use to process and analyze communications sent over wireless networks.

      Spectrum president and chief executive officer Pascal Spothelfer says existing defence contracts have been fast-tracked and new ones are expected.

      Defence-related business now accounts for about 40 per cent of Spectrum`s annual sales, he says, and he expects that percentage will increase.

      "We have seen certain programs being accelerated," Mr. Spothelfer says, adding that even with the intense focus on the conflict in the United States, it can take time for increased budget allocations to trickle down to suppliers.

      Even as analysts and academics point out the big potential role for high-tech activities in the current conflict, there is also likely to be a role for the conventional tools of war: guns and uniforms.

      Pine Tree Law Enforcement Products of Canada Ltd. of Sarnia, Ont., has reported a surge in orders since the terrorist attacks.

      The company makes police and military gear, and has been working on prototypes of weapons with antiterrorist applications, such as a gun that can target a hijacker in a cockpit without penetrating the airplane`s fuselage.

      A spokesman for the company said last week that the U.S. military has ordered thousands of gun bags and rifle slings made by the company.

      The threat of war, and of more possible attacks, has also spurred interest in devices related to personal security, including gas masks and cellular phones. Some energy technologies are also in the spotlight.

      Mossadiq Umedaly is chief executive officer of Xantrex Technology Inc., a Vancouver-based company that makes products used in applications that include back-up power for homes and converting energy generated by sun or wind.

      Xantrex has been receiving more calls, he says, cautioning that it may take months before that interest translates into a direct benefit to the bottom line.

      "It doesn`t operate at the flick of a switch, even though the stock market appears to think it does," Mr. Umedaly says.

      Weiter so:):):)
      schrieb am 05.10.01 10:04:00
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Guten Tag,

      zur Branche gab es etwas in der letzten WiWo:

      Sicherheitstechnik: Mit neuen Augen
      Vor kurzem noch verpönte Überwachungstechnologien sind seit den Anschlägen auf die USA hoffähig. Die Anbieter stehen vor einem Boom.

      Die Überwachung war lückenlos. 36 Kameras hatte die Polizei beim Super Bowl – dem Meisterschaftsspiel der amerikanischen Football-Liga – installieren lassen. Jeder der knapp 70000 Besucher, der am 28. Januar dieses Jahres das Raymond-James-Stadion in Tampa, Florida, betrat, wurde automatisch fotografiert.

      Ein Suchprogramm verglich sein Konterfei mit einer digitalen Gesichtergalerie gesuchter Verbrecher und Kleinkrimineller. 19 Verdächtige filterte die Software der Firma Viisage Technology aus Littleton im Staat Massachusetts heraus. „Ein beeindruckendes Beispiel dafür, wie gut und effektiv die automatische Gesichtserkennung funktioniert“, freut sich deren Chef Thomas Colatosti.

      Die Fans waren weniger entzückt. Der Super Bowl trägt seitdem den wenig schmeichelhaften Spitznamen „Snooper Bowl“ – zu deutsch Schnüffel-Pokal. Da nützte auch die Beteuerung der Veranstalter nichts, alle Bilder seien wieder gelöscht worden.

      Jetzt ist alles anders: Hersteller von Überwachungssystemen haben Hochkonjunktur. Seit den Terroranschlägen von New York und Washington fordert die Mehrheit der Amerikaner, was vor einem halbem Jahr noch verpönt war. Hightech-Sicherheitsunternehmen, die im Zentrum heftiger Kritik standen, sind plötzlich Hoffnungsträger im Kampf gegen Terroristen. Laut einer Umfrage des Marktforschungsunternehmens Gallup befürwortet die Mehrheit der Amerikaner den stärkeren Einsatz von Sicherheitstechnologien selbst dann, wenn dadurch stärker in die Privatsphäre eingegriffen wird. Warnende Rufe von Datenschützern finden kaum noch Gehör.

      Es gilt Flughäfen, Stadien, Bahnhöfe, Einkaufszentren, Vergnügungsparks und Bürogebäude auszurüsten. Besonders die Anbieter biometrischer Erkennungssysteme – dabei werden körperliche Merkmale wie Gesichtszüge, Auge, Stimme, Finger- oder Handabdruck zur Identifikation von Personen genutzt – erwarten gute Geschäfte. Dank immer besserer Videokameras, leistungsfähigerer Scanner und schnellerer Rechner haben sie in den vergangenen zehn Jahren ihre Produkte besser und billiger machen können.

      Weltweit 523 Millionen Dollar Umsatz mit biometrischen Produkten in diesem Jahr erwartete das Marktforschungsunternehmen International Biometric Group in einer Anfang September noch vor den Attentaten veröffentlichten Studie. Siebzig Prozent davon sollten öffentliche Aufträge bringen. Bis 2005 sollte sich der Umsatz auf rund 1,9 Milliarden Dollar fast vervierfachen . Jetzt aber müssen die Marktforscher ihre Progonosen neu berechnen. „Seit den Anschlägen hat die Zahl der Anfragen von Behörden deutlich zugenommen“, bestätigt Richard Norton, Direktor des Industrieverbandes International Biometric Industry Association. „Wir werden mit Anfragen überschwemmt“, sekundiert Joseph Atick, Chef der Biometrie-Firma Visionics aus New Jersey.

      Schon heute werden biometrische Systeme weit häufiger eingesetzt als allgemein bekannt. Rund 100 Kasinos in den USA erkennen via Videokamera automatisch registrierte Kriminelle oder Spieler mit Hausverbot. Auch der US-Grenzschutz arbeitet an der Grenze zu Mexiko mit Biometrie. Das von der belgisch-amerikanischen Firma Keyware entwickelte Erkennungs-und Übermittlungssystem Ident liest die Fingerabdrücke und Gesichtszüge Verdächtiger ein und gleicht sie mit einer Kartei von über zwei Millionen gesuchten oder vorbestraften Personen ab.

      Sieben US-Flughäfen haben sich Fingerabdruckscanner der Firma Identix aus dem kalifornischen Sunnyvale angeschafft, um den Zugang zu sensiblen Bereichen wie der Gepäckabfertigung zu schützen. Das System des in den USA seit dem Superbowl berühmt-berüchtigen Herstellers Viisage arbeitet bereits in zwei europäischen Flughäfen, die das Unternehmen nicht nennen will. Viisage-Chef Colatosti behauptet, er könne einen mittleren Flughafen schon ab 500 000 Dollar mit einem Bildabgleich-System ausrüsten.

      Ähnliche Produkte bieten die deutsche ZN Vision Technologies sowie – in Kooperation – Cobion aus Kassel und BioID aus Berlin an. Sekundenschnell, so BioID-Marketingmanager Sascha Groth, mache das System Sicherheitspersonal auf verdächtige Personen aufmerksam. Er träumt bereits von der weltweiten Überwachung: „Die Datenbanken müssten an verschiedenen Orten der Welt geführt und permanent miteinander synchronisiert werden“. Laut BioID erwägt die malaysische Regierung, ein landesweites Überwachungssystem auf Basis der deutschen Technik aufzubauen. Interesse hätten außerdem ein Flughafenbetreiber und eine deutsche Behörde bekundet, so Groth.

      Doch noch haben die Gesichtserkennungssysteme einen Nachteil – sie irren sich zu häufig. Als nahezu unfehlbar hingegen gelten schon jetzt die Iris- sowie die Fingerabdruckprüfung. „Unabhängige Tests haben gezeigt, dass nur mit diesen Techniken aus einer Gruppe von mehr aus tausend Leute gesuchte Person fehlerfrei identifiziert werden konnten“, sagt Jim Wayman, Direktor des nationalen Biometrie-Testlabors an der Universität von San José. Zur Gefahrenabwehr eignen sie sich allerdings nur bedingt, weil sie nicht unbemerkt eingesetzt werden können.

      Der Luftverkehrssverband International Air Transport Association (IATA) erprobt die Technik derzeit am Londoner Flughafen Heathrow. Rund 2000 Vielflieger, die regelmäßig zwischen Grossbritannien und dem nordamerikanischen Kontinent pendeln, sollen die Iris ihrer Augen scannen lassen. Statt zur Passkontrolle bei der Einreise nach Grossbritannien anzustehen, können sie sich mit ihren Augen ausweisen – ein ZweiSekunden-Blick in eine Spezialkamera genügt. Anbieter des Jetstream genannten Systems ist die Firma EyeTicket aus McLean im Bundesstaat Vermont, die Erkennungstechnologie der Firma Iridian aus New Jersey nutzt. Das Pilotprojekt wurde noch vor den US-Terroranschlägen geplant und sollte eigentlich die Grenzabfertigung beschleunigen. Inzwischen haben auch andere Flughäfen Interesse angemeldet. Wenige Tage vor dem Terroranschlag präsentierte EyeTicket das System einem Interessenten im World Trade Center.

      Unter der Bedrohung des Terrors hoffen nun auch US-Behörden wie CIA, FBI und die Lauschbehörde National Security Agency (NSA) auf breitere Akzeptanz ihrer Überwachungssysteme, bisher oft als staatlich geförderte Wirtschaftsspionage und Bürgerbespitzelung angefochten. Das NSA-Abhörsystem Echelon überwacht internationale Telekommunikation aller Art. Überall, wo Telekommunikation das Kabel verlässt – also bei der Mobiltelefonie, Richtfunk-und Satellitenstrecken – setzt Echelon an, hört Gespräche ab, fängt E-Mails und andere Textbotschaften ab. Die ehemals von der NSA betriebene Echelon-Station in Bad Aibling in Bayern übernimmt nach Informationen aus der deutschen Wirtschafts-Sicherheitsbranche der deutsche Bundesnachrichtendienst, um dort ein eigenes Lauschsystem zu errichten.

      Das FBI wendet seit geraumer Zeit ein E-Mail-Filtersystem namens Carnivore – zu deutsch Fleischfresser – an. Seit dem 13. September hat es dazu auch den offiziellen Segen des US-Senats, der im Eilverfahren ein entsprechende Gesetz verabschiedete. Verwandt mit Carnivore ist das FBI-System Omnivore – zu deutsch Allesfresser, das nicht nur E-Mails, sondern alle Arten elektronischen Datenverkehrs auswerten soll.

      Die martialischen Namen – inzwischen benannte das FBI Carnivore in „DCS 1000“ um – und angeblichen Fähigkeiten solcher Schnüffelsysteme verleiten zur Annahme, die elektronische Kommunikation von Terroristen könne damit tatsächlich entdeckt und gelesen werden. Diese Vorstellung sei illusorisch, warnt der EDV-Sicherheitsexperte und Geschäftsführer des Sicherheits-Beratungsunternehmens BFK Christoph Fischer: „Wenn die Täter ihre Botschaften steganografisch verschlüsseln, haben Nachrichtendienste keine Chance. Das ist mathematisch belegbar.“ In der so genannten Steganografie wird eine Botschaft nicht einfach zur Unkentlichkeit verschlüsselt, sondern in einen lesbaren, aber belanglosen, unverdächtigen Text oder in Bilder eingebaut. Nur, wer den richtigen digitalen Schlüssel hat, kann die eigentliche Information aus der Tarnung filtern. Bereits im Juni warnte das FBI, Getreue des Terroristen Osama Bin Laden kommunizierten steganografisch über Porno-Websites. Unter diesen Bedingungen versagt selbst die beste Schnüffelsoftware.


      Hier sind natürlich nur die grossen genannt. Imagis ist hier noch zu unbekannt. Dies kann sich aber ändern;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 05.10.01 10:12:21
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Hi Sowhat,

      weiss Du welchen Einfluss dieser ehemalige FBI Direktor hat, oder haben könnte?
      schrieb am 05.10.01 10:41:13
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Hallo Canadafreak,

      Buck Revell war former Associate Deputy Director of the FBI. Er und Owen Kelly in UK werden sicher ein starkes Interesse haben Imagis ins Gespräch zu bringen, allerdings mahlen die Behördenmühlen langsam. Denke aber, dass wir in absehbar Zeit einiges dazu lesen werden;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 06.10.01 17:48:16
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      die Shorties sind bei Imagis drin!!!
      Jetzt einen Auftrag, und die verbrennen sich die Finger!!!

      Source MARKET NEWS
      Date 10/05/2001
      Time 03:07:03 AM
      Company Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Title Short
      Positions on 2001/09/30 102,700 8

      DMIS Processed No CDNX Symbol: NAB
      Exchange: VSE Symbol: NAB
      Exchange: Symbol:
      Exchange: Symbol:

      Press Release

      - Short Positions on 2001/09/30 102,700 85,600 2.00

      Net Total Last Total Price
      Date Change Shorted Price Volume Range
      2001/09/30 85,600 102,700 2.00 5183470 1.35 - 2.00
      2001/09/15 17,100 17,100 0.75 413304 0.60 - 0.95
      2001/08/31 0 0 0.63 160300 0.60 - 0.73
      2001/06/15 -1,000 0 0.90 229722 0.90 - 1.10
      2001/05/31 1,000 1,000 1.03 1187750 0.92 - 1.15
      2001/05/15 -2,500 0 1.00 325254 1.00 - 1.10
      2001/04/30 2,500 2,500 1.03 307800 1.00 - 1.04
      2001/04/15 0 0 1.04 370400 1.00 - 1.10
      2001/02/15 0 0 1.25 331450 1.25 - 1.45
      2001/01/31 -1,500 0 1.45 344070 1.35 - 1.60
      2001/01/15 -5,500 1,500 1.43 157300 1.43 - 1.70
      11,944,380 Shares Outstanding

      H - halted entire report period S - suspended entire report period
      h - halted within report period s - suspended within report period
      hr - halt/resume in report period sr - suspend/resume in report period

      IMAGIS TECHNOLOGIES INC contact information
      Phone: (604) 684-2449
      Fax: (604) 684-4601

      (c)2001 Market News Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.
      Toronto:(416)366-8881 Vancouver:(604)689-1101 Fax:(604)689-1106
      MarketByFax - News As It Happens - (800)667-1617


      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 07.10.01 11:59:15
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Hallo Mr.Aktie
      Was bedeutet das ? (Shorties)
      Danke Walö
      schrieb am 07.10.01 12:53:23
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      schrieb am 08.10.01 11:38:50
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      was ist denn an den Shortern zu schlimm.Wahrscheinlich wollen die auch im hektischen Markt mitmischen. Die Ausschläge laden dazu ein. Ausserdem nur 102000 shares, umso interessanter wirds mit der Aktie. Sehe da kein Problem, oder sehr ihr das anders?
      schrieb am 08.10.01 12:30:13
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Hallo Mariogue
      Danke für die Links!
      Gruß Walö
      schrieb am 08.10.01 13:02:47
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Hi hab mir auch mal ne kleine Anzahl von aktien geholt, müsste doch bald mal sicher news wegen
      aufträgen oder ähnliches kommen, wer kennt sich denn gut mit der Aktie aus und kann mir ein paar Info´s geben.
      schrieb am 08.10.01 15:04:40
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Vorbörslich geht bei Visionics VSNX die Post ab, nur die Anleger bei Imagis raffen dies noch nicht, jedenfalls in D.!

      Schade, heute ist Feiertag in Kanada (Thanksgiving), deshalb wird in Kanada heut wohl nicht gehandelt, oder?

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 08.10.01 16:02:32
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      hi zusammen,
      komisch - der ganze sektor rennt nur bei imagis gehts rückwärts.


      Hat jemand eine erklärung?
      schrieb am 08.10.01 16:52:28
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Jetzt sind welche aufgewacht!!!
      1,21 USD * 1,09 USD/Euro = 1,318 Euro!!!

      In Kanada Feiertag (Thanksgiving) und in einigen US-Bundesstaaten (Columbusday), also ein nicht allzu stark beanspruchter Handelstag.

      10% im Plus, läßt aber Morgen hoffen, daß Imagis in Kanada ab geht!

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 08.10.01 17:55:02
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Hallo Rene23, liest doch einfach mal die Threads aufmerksam durch, dann wirst
      Du schnell feststellen, wer Ahnung von der Aktie hat.

      Die Leerverkäufer machen mir auch keine Sorgen, sehe es eher positiv, kommt mehr Bewegung in den Stock.

      schrieb am 08.10.01 20:04:27
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Guten Abend,

      das mit den Shorties ist harmlos, war bei ersten Hype auch so. Die
      haben sich damals etwas die Finger verbrannt;) Es sind aber wohl keine
      sogenannten "gnadenlose" dabei, die das in Grund und Boden stampfen wollen.
      Gibt halt nicht nur Bullen im Markt.

      Wollte euch mal eine Finanzprojektion rüberkommen lassen, die anlässlich einer
      Roadshow im Frühjahr erstellt wurde. Leider kommt die Tabelle nicht so übersichtlich
      rüber, aber wer sich um seine Investment kümmert, wird es schon auseinanderklamüsern
      können. In diesen Zahlen sind übrigens keine "Sonderfaktoren" drin, also Zahlen, die
      das bisherige Geschäft betreffen.

      (in Tausend CND) FY00A FY01A FY01E FY01E FY01E FY01E FY02E
      Dec. 31, March June Sept Dec. Dec. Dec.
      Netto-Umsatz 1,099 354 700 1,300 1,950 4`303 10`200
      Materialkosten (173) (34) (24) (20) (100) (177) (500)
      Verkauf & Marketing (1,102) (260) (270) (280) (290) (1`100) (1`750)
      F&E & Administrati-on (2,834) (708) (751) (716) (811) (2,986) (6`450)
      Netto Ertrag (Ve rlust) (3,010) (648) (345) 284 749 (40) 1`500
      Emittierte Aktien 11,660 12`986 13`500 15`000 16`500 14`496 17`000
      Gewinn /Verl. je A ktie (0.26) (0.05) (0.03) 0.02 0.05 (0.01) 0.09
      P/E N/A N/A N/A N/A 80.0 x N/A 12.9 x

      Good luck

      schrieb am 08.10.01 20:42:15
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Also wer sagt´s denn! 1,34 USD an der Nasdaq=1,46 Euro!!!
      Bei guten Umsätzen!
      Erlaubt es mir einfach, ich freu mich halt!!!


      Mr. aktie
      schrieb am 08.10.01 21:08:08
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()

      hab eben mal nachgeschaut und freu mich auch. Frage ist, ist da was los.
      Umsatz ca. 130000, ist eigentlich sehr viel für einen Tag, an dem die
      kanadische Börse geschlossen hat. Nachtigall.......

      Weiter so

      schrieb am 08.10.01 21:30:06
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      ... meines erachtens wird da nur spekuliert, das imagis in canada nachzieht. kurs bröckelt schon wieder leicht ab. nichtsdestotrotz ist weiter eine menge phantasie im spiel.

      schrieb am 08.10.01 21:41:39
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Seh ich nicht so. Kanada ist die Hauptbörse und jetzt wird in größeren Blöcken getradet.
      Beim Tageshoch !:)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 08.10.01 21:59:50
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn Imagis demnächst mit INTACTA einen Auftrag vermeldet.

      Man beachte folgende News und den heutigen Kursanstieg von über 90% bei ITAC:

      VANCOUVER, Oct. 2 /PRNewswire/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis") (Symbol: OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY), a leading biometric facial recognition company, announced today that it has entered into a business alliance with Intacta Technologies Inc. of Atlanta, GA (Symbol: OTCBB, Berlin: ITAC) to combine Imagis biometric facial recognition technology with Intacta`s patented encoding technology to provide an integrated verification solution for the security market.
      The application will be marketed as XPRESS.ID-2000 and works by creating a digital image of an individual that is then processed as a facial template. Imagis technology is reliable regardless of an individual`s sex, race, hair color, eye color, skin tone and facial hair. The image is then securely encoded with Intacta.Code. The personal data of that same individual is then embedded along with the facial image. To access the image and the individual`s data for verification in a database, a password is entered and the Intacta.Code information is decoded to compare with the live captured facial template.

      XPRESS.ID-2000 will provide an easy to use solution to ensure that information and imaging cannot be changed and will remain secure in mobile applications. It has many applications including visas and passports, drivers licenses, access cards, social security cards, etc. With the rise in use of false identification obtained through the internet and the need to implement more secure programs to verify identities, XPRESS.ID-2000 will provide true security of personal information

      Vielleicht weiss da jemand mehr als die anderen...

      schrieb am 08.10.01 22:00:48
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Seh ich auch nicht so, die Daytrader sind kurz mit auf den Zug aufgesprungen, jetzt kurz vor Börsenschluß verabschieden die sich wieder!
      Die Umsätze der Blöcke sprechen für sich!
      Ferner will derjenige, der die großen Blöcke kauft, wieder billiger rein und verkauft kurz kleine ohne Limit.

      Bin echt neu"gierig" auf Morgen!!!

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 08.10.01 22:20:30
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      ist die Intacta ein Zock wert?
      Ist es WKN: 914436?

      Handel = 0

      Sind die noch gelistet in Frankfurt?

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 08.10.01 22:30:22
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Mr. Aktie,

      im Moment noch nicht, sollte man aber immer auf der Watchlist haben;)Werden auch hier gelistet.WKN
      hab ich im Moment nicht Anhand, sorry.
      Mehr wird bei Imagis kommen. Hoffe morgen Abend ein paar Infos zu bekommen.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 09.10.01 08:30:50
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      letzer Kurs in USA:

      1.38 US Dollar = 1.50016 Euro

      bin heute gespannt auf Kanada

      go go
      schrieb am 09.10.01 08:48:49
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Hallo, hab ich grad gefunden.

      Honeywell hofft auf Flugsicherheit

      Honeywell spürt frischen Wind: Der Konzern sprach mit Luftfahrt-Experten in Washington. Demnach müssen in den kommenden fünf Jahren 500 bis 700 Millionen Dollar für die Nachrüstung von Sicherheitssystemen bei Fluglinien ausgegeben werden. Sollte sich der Hersteller von Überwachungs-Technologie ein Stück des Kuchens abschneiden, würde dies die Aktie anschieben. Ein Erfolg käme gelegen: Honeywell ist zu groß und ineffizient. Wegen der geplatzten Fusion mit General Electric wurde die Aktie abgestraft.

      Imagis hat die doch als Partner, vielleicht tut sich da jetzt auch was.

      schrieb am 09.10.01 09:21:43
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Ami-Schlusskurs bei IMAGIS am Freitag bei 1,50 €. Wie kann es sein, daß die deutschen Kurse heute morgen bei 1,30 € liegen ?

      schrieb am 09.10.01 10:35:42
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Guten Tag,

      wir hatten schon häufiger niedrigere Kurse hier. Vielleicht gibts ein paar Trader, die hier erstmal rauswollen. Denke aber, dass es sich wiedermal um Schnäppchenpreise handeln könnte. Der Nachmittag wirds zeigen.

      Vielleicht sehen wir am Nachmittag oder diese Woche nicht nur Kurse;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 09.10.01 13:56:58
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      Hallo zusammen!
      Visage Techn. erhielt gestern den ersten Auftrag zur Über-
      wachung eines noch nicht namentlich genannten US-Flughafens.
      ( arbeiten auch mit Gesichtserkennungstechn.kam auf NTV)
      schrieb am 09.10.01 15:27:05
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Hi heute wird es zu 99% in amiland eine auftaktkurserhöhung geben!!

      bid/ask stehen schon jetzt bei 1,39/1,40!!

      nur schade, dass in deutschland der preis denkbar unterbewertet ist. wie sieht es mit canada aus, da hab ich keine info´s!
      schrieb am 09.10.01 15:59:58
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      Kurs in Kanada 1,95 Bid 1.95 Ask 1.97 +14,71%
      Denke heute sehen wir die 2 Kanadische Dollar.
      schrieb am 09.10.01 16:33:27
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()

      wieviel sind das in Euro??

      müssten doch 1,38 sein, oder? warum geht es dann in amiland runter??

      haben dort 1,23!!
      schrieb am 09.10.01 18:18:28
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      ich bin sehr optimistisch, dass wir in den naechsten wochen noch einige sehr befluegelnde news zu Imagis hoeren werden.

      ... vielleicht stellt sich sogar heraus, dass die Imagis- Technology eben doch besser ist als die von Visionics...

      die specialisten der branche sehen die Imagis-Technology auf Platz 1 bzw. 2.

      bei Visionics und Viisage kam der hype auffallend schnell.
      aber, wer zuerst losrennt muss nicht am ende sieger sein.
      eine martfuehrerschaft-position kann sich in dieser branche sehr schnell aendern. wir stehen noch am anfang dieses rennens.

      place your bets.
      schrieb am 09.10.01 18:56:44
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Guten Abend,

      hatte grad ein sehr nettes Gespräch. Ob, wann und welche News kommen wurde nicht erörtert, aber Imagis wird sich melden;)
      Die Ausstellung in San Antonio vom 1.-4. dieses Monats stiess auf sehr reges Interesse. Tenor war, das es sehr schwer ist, mit Visionics und Viisage richtig ins Geschäft zu kommen. Heisst, die Flughäfen und Behörden stossen auf Widerstände bei diesen beiden Firmen. Ob, und wie das Imagis zu gute kommt, vermag ich nicht zu sagen, aber wie geschildert, es war ein nettes und informatives Gespräch. Übrigens war Ian Drummond diese Woche in Washington;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 10.10.01 08:53:25
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()

      heute ist ein Interview mit dem CEO, Ian Drummond geplant.
      Um 2:30 pm auf

      Vielleicht haben wir dann auch soein tolles Gefühl wie Du;)

      schrieb am 10.10.01 10:34:27
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      Guten Tag,

      danke für den Hinweis, hoffe das ich Zeit habe, dass zu verfolgen. Vielleicht lässt er da schon mehr vom Stapel, als er mir andeutete. Wird sicher interessant.

      Heute vormittag wirds wohl ruhig bleiben. Die Umsätze waren auch irre in den letzten Tagen, grad gestern. Bin gespannt, ob der Markt bald austrocknet;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 10.10.01 11:22:40
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      Sorry hab es grad erst gesehen. Ihr könnt dort per Posting Fragen stellen, also ran. Wer sonst kann euch bessere Infos geben, nicht nur zu Imagis, sondern auch zu den Mitbewerben. Bin gespannt, wer alles dabei ist;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 10.10.01 17:00:22
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()

      kam denn nix bei rum im Interview???

      der kzrs brökelt in den usa und in kanada??
      schreiben tut auch keiner mehr, scheint ja fast so als wenn sich keiner mehr für igstf inbterssiert??ß
      schrieb am 10.10.01 17:28:31
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Hi Rene,

      fürs interview must Du noch was aufbleiben, so ca. 3 Stunden. Was soll man denn z.Zt. schreiben. Die technik ist klar, die Hintergrundinfos sind da, jetzt müssen wir warten, was Imamgis sagt. Der gestrige Tag mit erheblichen Volumen hat gezeigt, was der Markt darstellen kann. Ein wenig Geduld ist angesagt, wie mit allen Investments.

      Good luck


      PS: Hast Du denn jemanden gefunden, der Ahnung von der Aktie hat?
      schrieb am 10.10.01 20:28:33
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Guten Abend,

      zur Érinnerung, in zwei Minuten soll da was kommen. Bin selbst sehr gespannt.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 11.10.01 09:18:15
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      Im Interview gabs leider nichts besonders Neues. Nachzuhören hier:

      Good luck

      schrieb am 11.10.01 12:13:04
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      was hast du erwartet?
      eine news release in einem kleinen interview? - sehr unwahrscheinlich.
      aber was hat Ian Drummond gesagt, ausser dass er anfangs kurz die technology erklaert hat?
      - er hat bestaetigt, dass Imagis von flughaefen und regierungsstellen kontaktiert wurde und er in washington gespraeche gefuehrt hat.
      - eine wichtige grundaussage ist: es ist in washington noch nicht klar in welchem ausmass die airport-security von der regierung gesponsored wird und inwiefern sich die flughaefen auch selbst beteiligen muessen.
      dies ist eine reine verteilungsfrage. Imagis profitiert davon, egal wie diese verteilung aussieht.
      aber das ist der grund, weshalb es noch keine news gibt.
      - in 95% der vielen anfragen die Imagis erhielt ging es um airport-security und 95% davon kamen aus den staaten.
      - ABER... airport security ist nicht nur ein thema in den staaten, sondern WELTWEIT.
      in den USA wird aber der anfang gemacht, danach duerfte international nachgezogen werden. dieses ist ein riesiger markt. Ian erwaehnte auch, dass es nur 3 global players gibt, die diesen markt mit der entsprechenden gesichtserkennungs-software bedienen koennen. (qualitatives rating der imagis-technology nach meinung int. experten: rang 1 oder 2).
      - Imagis kooperiert mit partnern, die die Imagis Software mit ihrer hardware bundlen und an den endkunden verkaufen und die auch kontakte und kapazitaeten haben, um im grossen stile zu liefern. dies ist wichtig! dadurch braucht u.a. Imagis keine eigene komplexe vertriebsstruktur für endkunden.

      genug gute anhaltspunkte finde ich. ich warte entspannt auf konkrete news.
      schrieb am 11.10.01 15:30:18
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      hallo zusammen,

      bid / ask in canada: 1,98!

      grüße mibra
      schrieb am 11.10.01 18:42:49
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()

      Thursday October 11, 11:05 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: SMO Multimedia Corp.
      SMO Multimedia Uses Imagis Biometric Facial Imaging ID-2000
      SMO to Install Biometrics in U.S. Airport Kiosks
      EVERSON, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 11, 2001--SMO Multimedia (Pink Sheets:SKLK) announces that it has entered into a business alliance with Imagis Technologies Inc. (``Imagis``) (OTCBB:IGSTF - news); (CDNX:NAB - news); (Germany:IGY) that will incorporate Imagis biometric facial imaging technology in airport kiosk installations in the United States.

      SMO is working toward relationships with many security and Biometric Facial recognition companies to create an array of services available to its potential clients.

      In addition, SMO has launched a new Security Division to its Airport Information Systems to support SMO`s airport kiosk expansion. SMO has been aggressively pursuing new technologies to expand services to the traveling public in airline terminals throughout the United. States.

      SMO`s new Security Division plans to integrate fingerprint and facial recognition technologies in a fully functioning unit or as a stand-alone system marketed to airports and office buildings. Imagis specializes in biometric facial recognition technologies that have been successfully installed in the United States, Canada`s Pearson International Airport as well as abroad. Imagis has developed an extremely advanced technology and boasts a highly sophisticated management team, including Chairman Oliver ``Buck`` Revell, who served for over 30 years in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and during his career advanced to the number-two career post as Associate Deputy Director. President and CEO Iain Drummond has over 25 years` experience in high-tech sales, marketing, and general management in North American and major international markets.

      SMO Multimedia is also proud to announce the addition of Roni Trehy, VP of Airport Operations to the SMO Board of Directors.

      In an interview Ms. Trehy stated, ``These new developments in our Airport Service offerings are very encouraging and we believe that we can integrate these technologies for the benefit of travelers everywhere. Being a former El AL employee, I know where the transitions are needed to strengthen our domestic airports. This is just the first step we are taking to build a dynamic system that offers a host of technologies for all security and service needs.``

      To be placed on the SMO e-mail list or for shareholder inquiries, contact John Vance at 360/318-8555 or e-mail, Financial professionals contact Cyber Street Capital at 716/325-1730 or via email: Media professionals may contact Paula Kane at 757/627-0325 or email:

      About Imagis

      Imagis is a developer and marketer of advanced biometric-based software applications for customs and immigration, law enforcement, airports, criminal justice, access control and individual identification. Imagis has installations of its biometric facial recognition technology at Toronto`s Pearson Airport, in several RCMP detachments in Canada and in numerous cities in the state of California, and Mexico. Imagis markets its products through a network of Business Partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver ``Buck`` Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI and during his career advanced to the number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director. To learn more, please visit or contact Sandra Buschau at 604/684-2449 or email:

      About SMO Multimedia Corp.

      SMO Multimedia Corp. (Formerly Shopping Mall Online) will be deploying a network of technologically advanced E-Stations (Kiosks) in Airports, Shopping Centers, and other high traffic areas throughout the United States. SMO recently announced the addition of security systems to the unit and its airport service offerings. SMO received extensive press coverage as a result of the changes and was featured on King5 (NBC, Seattle) and NWCN in Seattle. The E Stations replace traditional directories and include advanced systems for retailers and consumers alike. Through these E-Stations travelers/consumers can find store directions through a proprietary, dynamic mapping system. It also offers product coupons, mall loyalty point systems, wish lists, and gift cards. The system is mirror imaged on web sites where customers can view or shop at SMO`s affiliate Internet sites such as (NYSE:GPS - news), and The kiosk (E-Station) technology provides unique search capabilities and software-tracking technologies that benefit the mall/airport developer, retailer and consumer. The facial imaging market is growing significantly and companies like Imagis Technologies, and Viisage (OTCBB:VISG - news) are sure to lead the way. SMO recently announced a merger with Skytalk Communications, Inc. (Pink Sheets:SKLK) and plans to file appropriate financial documentation to be fully reporting and be trading over the counter immediately after the completion of the merger.

      NOTE: Safe Harbor statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This announcement may contain ``forward looking`` statements. Although we believe that the statements contained in the announcement are reasonable, we can give no assurances that such statements will prove correct.


      SMO Multimedia Corp.
      John Vance, 360/318-8555
      Integrity Capital
      Paula Kane, 757/627-0325
      schrieb am 11.10.01 18:43:22
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()

      Es geht los!!!

      SMO Multimedia Uses Imagis Biometric Facial Imaging ID-2000; SMO to Install Biometrics in U.S. Airport Kiosks
      Business Wire - Thursday, October 11, 2001

      EVERSON, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 11, 2001--SMO Multimedia (Pink Sheets:SKLK) announces that it has entered into a business alliance with Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis") (OTCBB:IGSTF); (CDNX:NAB); (Germany:IGY) that will incorporate Imagis biometric facial imaging technology in airport kiosk installations in the United States.

      SMO is working toward relationships with many security and Biometric Facial recognition companies to create an array of services available to its potential clients.

      In addition, SMO has launched a new Security Division to its Airport Information Systems to support SMO`s airport kiosk expansion. SMO has been aggressively pursuing new technologies to expand services to the traveling public in airline terminals throughout the United. States.

      SMO`s new Security Division plans to integrate fingerprint and facial recognition technologies in a fully functioning unit or as a stand-alone system marketed to airports and office buildings. Imagis specializes in biometric facial recognition technologies that have been successfully installed in the United States, Canada`s Pearson International Airport as well as abroad. Imagis has developed an extremely advanced technology and boasts a highly sophisticated management team, including Chairman Oliver "Buck" Revell, who served for over 30 years in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and during his career advanced to the number-two career post as Associate Deputy Director. President and CEO Iain Drummond has over 25 years` experience in high-tech sales, marketing, and general management in North American and major international markets.

      SMO Multimedia is also proud to announce the addition of Roni Trehy, VP of Airport Operations to the SMO Board of Directors.

      In an interview Ms. Trehy stated, "These new developments in our Airport Service offerings are very encouraging and we believe that we can integrate these technologies for the benefit of travelers everywhere. Being a former El AL employee, I know where the transitions are needed to strengthen our domestic airports. This is just the first step we are taking to build a dynamic system that offers a host of technologies for all security and service needs."

      Auf sichere Kursgewinne,

      schrieb am 11.10.01 21:06:48
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Oracle Senior Vice President, Robert Gordon, Joins IMAGIS Board

      Vancouver, Canada, February 15, 2000: Mr. Iain Drummond, President and CEO of Imagis Technologies Inc., is pleased to announce that Mr. Robert Gordon has joined the Board of Directors. Mr. Gordon is currently the Senior Vice President of Oracle Corporation responsible for the operations in The Netherlands, Belgium, Middle East and Africa and resides in London, England.

      Prior to his transfer to London, Mr. Gordon was President and CEO of Oracle Canada. Before joining Oracle in 1991, Mr. Gordon held senior management positions at IBM, Northern Telecom and Bell Atlantic, and is a past Chair of the Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC). Mr. Gordon is a graduate in engineering science from Universite Laval and the Advanced Management Program at Duke University.

      "Mr. Gordon brings to Imagis extensive expertise in the global technology sector," states Mr. Drummond. "His experience and knowledge will be a tremendous asset as Imagis expands worldwide."…
      schrieb am 11.10.01 21:33:58
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      Oracle boss urges national ID cards, offers free software
      Idea driven by security concerns
      Mercury News

      Broaching a controversial subject that has gained visibility since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Oracle Chairman and CEO Larry Ellison is calling for the United States to create a national identification card system -- and offering to donate the software to make it possible.

      Under Ellison`s proposal, millions of Americans would be fingerprinted and the information would be placed on a database used by airport security officials to verify identities of travelers at airplane gates.

      ``We need a national ID card with our photograph and thumbprint digitized and embedded in the ID card,`` Ellison said in an interview Friday night on the evening news of KPIX-TV in San Francisco.

      ``We need a database behind that, so when you`re walking into an airport and you say that you are Larry Ellison, you take that card and put it in a reader and you put your thumb down and that system confirms that this is Larry Ellison,`` he said.

      `Absolutely free`

      Ellison`s company, Oracle, based in Redwood Shores, is the world`s leading maker of database software. Ellison, worth $15 billion, is among the world`s richest people.

      ``We`re quite willing to provide the software for this absolutely free,`` he said.

      Calls for national ID cards traditionally have been met with fierce resistance from civil liberties groups, who say the cards would intrude on the privacy of Americans and allow the government to track people`s movements.

      But Ellison said in the electronic age, little privacy is left anyway.

      ``Well, this privacy you`re concerned about is largely an illusion,`` he said. ``All you have to give up is your illusions, not any of your privacy. Right now, you can go onto the Internet and get a credit report about your neighbor and find out where your neighbor works, how much they earn and if they had a late mortgage payment and tons of other information.``

      Attempts by the Mercury News to reach Ellison for further comment Saturday were unsuccessful. Many questions about the proposal remain unanswered, such as whether foreign nationals would be required to have a card to enter the country. The hijackers in the Sept. 11 attacks are not believed to have been U.S. citizens.

      In the TV interview with anchorman Hank Plante, Ellison said shoppers have to disclose more information at malls to buy a watch than they do to get on an airplane.

      ``Let me ask you. There are two different airlines. Airline A says before you board that airplane you prove you are who you say you are. Airline B, no problem. Anyone who wants the price of a ticket, they can go on that airline. Which airplane do you get on?``

      Oracle has a longstanding relationship with the federal government. Indeed, the CIA was Ellison`s first customer, and the company`s name stems from a CIA-funded project launched in the mid-1970s that sought better ways of storing and retrieving digital data.

      Civil libertarians said caution is needed.

      ``It strikes me as a form of overreaction to the events that we have experienced,`` said Robert Post, a constitutional law professor at the University of California-Berkeley. ``If we allow a terrorist attack to destroy forms of freedom that we have enjoyed, we will have given the victory to them. This kind of recommendation does just that.``

      Post said while such a system may catch some criminals, it could be hacked or faked or evaded by capable terrorists. Nor is it clear that such a system would have foiled the Sept. 11 attacks, he said.

      Strong support

      But polls last week show many Americans support a national ID card.

      In a survey released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, seven of 10 Americans favored a requirement that citizens carry a national identity card at all times to show to a police officer upon request. The proposal had particularly strong support from women. There was less support for government monitoring of telephone calls, e-mails and credit card purchases.

      The FBI already has an electronic fingerprint system for criminals.

      In July 1999, the FBI`s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System became operational. That system keeps an electronic database of 41 million fingerprints, with prints from all 10 fingers of people who have been convicted of crimes.

      Faster response

      The system has reduced the FBI`s criminal fingerprint processing time from 45 days to less than two hours.

      Paul Bresson, an FBI spokesman in Washington, said Saturday that he is unaware of the details of Ellison`s proposal and declined comment.

      Howard Gantman, a spokesman for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said that she would be interested in discussing the idea with Ellison.

      ``She does feel that we do need to make some important advances in terms of increasing our security,`` Gantman said. ``A lot of people have brought up ideas about how to create more security and she`s interested in exploring them. She`d like to find out more.``

      One group certain to fight the proposal is the American Civil Liberties Union.

      A statement about ID cards posted on the ACLU`s national Web site says: ``A national ID card would essentially serve as an internal passport. It would create an easy new tool for government surveillance and could be used to target critics of the government, as has happened periodically throughout our nation`s history.``…
      schrieb am 12.10.01 20:04:08
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      hallo keiner mehr da ???

      welches kurzfristige kursziel habt ihr eigentlich bei einer auftragsmeldung vom imagis

      bye kopfeck
      schrieb am 12.10.01 20:49:08
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      Das Kursziel kommt kommt wohl ganz auf den Auftrag an.

      Auftrag zur Ausrüstung eines Fluhafens: Kursziel 2 CAD

      Auftrag zum Aufbau eines globalen Systems: Kursziel >50 CAD

      Irgendwo dazwischen wird es wohl sein ;)

      schrieb am 12.10.01 21:16:45
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Mamsel mir Kurszielen?;)

      Schönes Wochenende

      schrieb am 13.10.01 09:39:20
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      geht mal auf die Homepage von Imagis, da ist was über die im Fernsehen. Oben links anklicken. Sehenswert:)

      schrieb am 13.10.01 11:05:54
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()

      wieder mal was aus Canada. Diesmal von der RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). Die Behörde hat schon im letzten Jahr Systeme von Imagis gekauft, kennt also das System. Warum sollten sie nicht weitere bestellen?

      Der Fernsehbericht ist wieder gutes Marketing für Imagis, bin gespannt wann weitere News folgen.

      New Technologies, Intelligence Sharing and Integrated Law Enforcement to Improve Safety and Security of Canadians

      Regina, October 12, 2001- The Government of Canada today announced new measures to strengthen Canada`s ability to prevent, detect and respond to existing and emerging national security threats.
      Building on measures announced yesterday for airport security, these initiatives will provide $45 million in new funding to enhance integrated policing activities, improve technology, increase protection services and enhance information sharing with other government departments as well as international and domestic law enforcement agencies. In addition, $9 million is being allocated annually to provide increased staffing in priority areas.
      schrieb am 13.10.01 11:08:51
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      Irgendwie nimmt WO nicht den kopletten Text.

      Solicitor General Lawrence MacAulay and RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli announced details of the package today at the RCMP Training Academy in Regina. "Yesterday, I announced over $10 million in new RCMP funding to increase airport security. Today, I am pleased to announce that an additional $54 million will be invested in new initiatives and staffing to detect and identify terrorists and prevent them from harming Canadians," said Minister Lawrence MacAulay, Solicitor General for Canada.
      "This investment is a crucial component of our public safety and security program and demonstrates how the RCMP, working in partnership with domestic and international law enforcement agencies, is taking a truly integrated approach to combatting terrrorism in Canada and the world," said Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli. "In light of the September 11th events, we will be better equipped to identify and track down any terrorists already in Canada and to keep terrorists from entering the country."
      schrieb am 13.10.01 11:09:55
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      Today`s announcement is a key element of the Government of Canada`s Anti-Terrorism Plan. The Plan has four objectives:

      · stop terrorists from getting into Canada and protect Canadians from terrorist acts;
      · bring forward tools to identify, prosecute, convict and punish terrorists;
      · prevent the Canada-US border from being held hostage by terrorists and impacting on the Canadian economy; and
      · work with the international community to bring terrorists to justice and address the root causes of such hatred.
      schrieb am 13.10.01 11:11:45
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      Ist ja grauenhast. Habt ihr auch solche Probleme?

      Also hier der Link zu der News.

      Hoffentlich schaffen die mal bald die 2$ Marke.
      schrieb am 13.10.01 18:08:24
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      Guten Tag,

      oben rechts;)

      Jau, das könnt was geben. Dann haben sie ihre Umsätze ganz schnell verdoppelt und werden schneller als angenommen profitabel arbeiten:)

      Hier etwas zum neuen Partner:

      SMO Multimedia (Formerly Shopping Mall Online) is a multi media company creating technologically advanced kiosks (called E-Stations) for Malls, Airports and Hospitality industries. Through advanced design and SMO`s proprietary mapping systems, finding retailers, gates, or any service in any large facility is much easier and replaces the traditional directories currently being used. Recently SMO announce the addition of security systems to the unit to complement the overall system and assist in the new revolution of airport security. This system complemented with retail systems as described below makes SMO Multimedia unchallenged in the Electronic- Kiosk market place.


      So ganz steig ich noch nicht hinter dem Deal, aber ich bin ja noch am recherchieren. Die Aktie nehm ich mal auf meine Watchlist.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 13.10.01 19:06:05
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      Und so sieht das Informationssystem am Airport aus:

      schrieb am 13.10.01 19:35:11
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      Nochmals guten Tag,

      hab heute diesen Club gegründet.

      Hier können jede Menge Links zum Thema Biometrie und natürlich auch zu den Mitbewerbern abgelegt werden. Dies soll als eine Sammlung dienen, damit man bei der komplexen Materie nicht den Überblick verliert. Diskutieren kann dort natürlich auch, aber es soll dies Forum hier nicht ersetzen. Schaut mal auf die Seite, und wer Lust hat, kann sich dort gerne anmelden.

      Schönen Samstag noch

      schrieb am 15.10.01 22:40:43
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      Montag 15. Oktober 2001, 22:02 Uhr
      EU-Verkehrsminister beraten über Sicherheit in der Luft

      Luxemburg (AP) Die EU-Verkehrsminister beraten am (morgigen) Dienstag (10.00 Uhr) in Luxemburg über die Folgen der Terroranschläge vom 11. September für den europäischen Luftverkehr. Neben zusätzlichen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen am Boden und in der Luft sollen dabei auch die wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Anschläge für die europäischen Fluggesellschaften erörtert werden. Die EU-Kommission hatte vergangene Woche ein Maßnahmenbündel für mehr Sicherheit und zur Unterstützung der Airlines verabschiedet, über das die Minister beraten wollen.

      Für die Bundesregierung nimmt Verkehrsminister Kurt Bodewig an dem Treffen teil. Bei einem Sondertreffen in Folge der Anschläge am 14. September in Brüssel hatten die Minister eine Arbeitsgruppe eingesetzt, die Vorschläge über zusätzliche Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Luftverkehr erarbeiten sollten. Die Gruppe mit Vertretern aus den 15 Mitgliedstaaten wird dazu einen ersten Bericht vorlegen. Zudem hatten die EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs bei einem Sondergipfel am 21. September in Brüssel Maßnahmen in Auftrag gegeben und den Ministerrat gebeten, diese bei dem Treffen am Dienstag zu ergreifen
      schrieb am 16.10.01 07:56:58
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      Otto Schily`s neue Pläne:

      Das geplante zweite "Sicherheitspaket" gegen den Terrorismus geht nach Informationen der "Frankfurter Rundschau" weit über bisher bekannte Vorschläge hinaus. Dem Entwurf zufolge sollten Reisepässe und Personalausweise auch "Fingerabdrücke, Handgeometrie und Gesichtsgeometrie" enthalten können, heißt es in dem Bericht. Die Details sollen demnach per Verordnung geregelt werden.

      Ähm, Otto, ich hätte da mal`n Tip für Dich...kennste schon die Firma Imagis?:D
      schrieb am 16.10.01 09:10:47
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()

      hier wieder was. Man beachte unbedingt die letzten Sätze ! Ist vom 13. October. Hoffentlich kommt bald die bahnbrechende Meldung.

      Experts press for technology, other countries` safeguards for airport security
      By Mark Oliva, Okinawa bureau

      Brian Flynn started his morning Sept. 11 much like any other Manhattan businessman.

      "I had just finished my first cup of coffee when I received an e-mail that" the World Trade Center had been attacked, Flynn said. "I turned on the TV and saw the building burning ... I looked out the window from my Manhattan office and saw the rising smoke."

      The nightmare of terrorism in U.S. skies unfolded before Flynn’s eyes. But unlike most of America, Flynn knew about the shock and horror of air terrorism. His brother, J.P. Flynn, died when terrorists blew up Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988.

      He’s since become an advocate for increased airport security and has written columns for The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, arguing America wasn’t doing enough to protect airports and airliners from terrorism.

      On Sept. 11, his warnings came true.

      "I was reminded of a Wall Street Journal OpEd that I wrote in February: ‘What will it take to have the U.S. respond to terrorism? Will it take another Lockerbie, another USS Cole or something worse?’ Well, it looks like we have paid a dear price for our apathy and timidity," Flynn said. "Perhaps now we have the national will to stamp out the scourge of terrorism."

      There is increased security at airports across the nation, including Army National Guard troops patrolling terminals. Baggage checks are more thorough and the Federal Aviation Administration announced this week it would curtail carry-on luggage by passengers to speed up security checks.

      "There are a number of steps at the national level to reinforce security ... but they are [bandaids] on a larger problem," Flynn said. "The presence of the National Guard at some airports is helpful, but they are not operating the screening equipment or performing interviews. "

      Flynn said a step in the right direction was the formation of Homeland Security Department. The department was created to coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist threats or attacks.

      But, Flynn said, that isn’t nearly far enough. He advocates a reshuffling of responsibilities, especially when it come to air travel. The answer might begin with creating an agency within the Homeland Security Department to oversee airport security.

      Flynn said America can look to allies for examples of strong security measures at airports, particularly El Al, the national airline in Israel. El Al hires former Israeli Air Force pilots to captain their planes and former soldiers to work as the crew.

      "Israel and Italy might be the best examples," Flynn said. "Israel, for example, has an exhaustive interview process for every passenger. It is conducted by trained military personnel and has been effective in thwarting a number of attempted hijackings. Also, the cockpit has a separate entrance so there is no way for passengers to take over the plane.

      "In Italy, they are much more strict in evaluating carry-on bags, including upgraded technology. Most importantly, security is operated by a federal agency in Israel and Italy, not a sub-contract of the airlines like the U.S."

      Lior Zouker, one of the chief architects in designing security features at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport, is a proponent of the United States adopting standards similar to those in Israel.

      "The Israeli system is viewed rightly as one of the best in the world," Zouker said in a news release. "We believe that the American public should benefit from their expertise and that the administration should stand by the public-private aviation security partnership endorsed by President Bush at O’Hare. … The companies that manage these sensitive sites also operate in the U.S. The American aviation system can be brought up to Israeli and European standards by these companies, working together with strong federal oversight and standards."

      Zouker also said that these standards could be reached in a cost-effective manner.

      Removing the airlines "from the security equation and allowing the major global security providers to contract directly with the federal government will raise standards, raise worker pay rates and increase retention rates, while retaining best practices from those companies who already operate in the highest aviation risk environments in the world," said Zouker, chief executive officer of International Consultants of Targeted Security, one of the world’s largest aviation security firms, based in Amsterdam.

      Costs are almost a mute argument. Flynn said studies only a few years ago put the cost of losing one airplane at an acceptable loss in comparison to the costs to raise the national standard of airline safety.

      "The number used quite often is that it would have taken a minimum of $10 billion to upgrade security at American airports," Flynn said. "The airlines estimated that it would cost $3 billion to lose a plane. They decided it was worth the risk.

      "However, it looks like the possible bankruptcy of all major airlines as a result of Sept. 11 has proven their estimates were way wrong. Now the costs may be more than $100 billion if you include the bailout of the airlines. It is a very hard and expensive lesson."

      The price tag for new security doesn’t mean just more bodies at more checkpoints. Emerging technology is promising to aid in the fight against global terrorism. Some aiports already use face-recognition scanners, and iris and retinal scanners.

      Face-recognition technology is "reliable; from extremely reliable in a good environment to acceptably reliable in a compromised environment," said Andy Amanovich, chief technology officer for Images Technologies Inc., based in Vancouver, Canada.

      Amanovich said the reliability of finding a match in an airport setting, as long as the face existed in a database, "would be in the 90 percent range."

      The costs, too, might not be what some expect. Amanovich speculated that outfitting a major U.S. airport such as Los Angeles International or Chicago’s O’Hare could be about $5 million for the technology without hardware. Most airport authorities are realizing the cost could be recouped by a surcharge of a few cents per passenger, he said.

      Some law enforcements agencies are already using products from Images Technologies, Inc., and inquiries are coming in from airports across the States.

      "The word has gotten out on this technology," he said.

      schrieb am 16.10.01 10:13:13
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      Guten Tag,

      ich bin mir fast sicher, dass Imagis weitere Aufträge von der RCMP erhält. Schliesslich ist das System erprobt, nicht nur am Torontoer Flughafen. Im Aug/Sep letzten Jahres wurden ja weitere Systeme an RCMP ausgeliefert, warum sollten sie also ein neues nehmen. Der einzige Grund könnte ein besseres System sein, dies ist aber z.Zt. nicht bekannt. Ich bleib dabei, Imagis wird mM nach weitere Auftäge von denen bekommen.

      Dann hab ich mir nochmal die News vom 2.10. zu Gemüte geführt.

      "Vancouver, Canada, October 2, 2001; Imagis Technologies Inc. (“Imagis”) (Symbol: OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY), a leading biometric facial recognition company, announced today that it has entered into a business alliance with Intacta Technologies Inc. of Atlanta, GA (Symbol: OTCBB, Berlin: ITAC) to combine Imagis biometric facial recognition technology with Intacta’s patented encoding technology to provide an integrated verification solution for the security market."

      Nicht nur Flughäfen werden ihre Sicherheitsdienste neu ordnen müssen. Was ist mit Ausweisen, angefangen vom Pass bishin zum Studentenausweis. Und da kam mir die News vom Februar letzten Jahres in die Quere.

      Imagis to install CABS at the Detachment of the oldest University in the Province of British Columbia

      Vancouver, Canada, February 21, 2000: Mr. Iain Drummond, President and CEO is pleased to announce that the CABS Computerized Arrest & Booking System has been chosen as the software solution by the University of British Columbia Detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

      "A CABS Server License will be installed at the UBC Detachment of the RCMP, at British Columbia`s oldest University, in February 2000. Once implemented, one of the objectives of the RCMP is to expand CABS usage to include access to the CABS Regional Database for the province of British Columbia. This implementation will provide for quick and easy sharing of offender and occurrence based images and data to all participating police and law enforcement agencies. The immediate access to offender records from contributing agencies such as Vancouver Police Department and Surrey RCMP will allow positive identification of repeat offenders and the ability to solve crimes faster."

      So und nun bremst mal meine Euphorie fürImagis, aber ich denke ich reite den richtige Gaul, der noch soviel Kraft hat:)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 16.10.01 20:19:25
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      Grad auf N-TV

      Sicherheitsmassnahmen in Deutschland, auch über Biometrie.
      schrieb am 17.10.01 09:04:03
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      Wednesday October 17, 3:01 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis Technologies and Oakland (Calif.) Police Department Extend Biometric Facial Recognition Technology to Oakland International Airport
      First County-Wide Biometric Security Deployment Unites Law Enforcement Efforts Across Alameda County
      VANCOUVER, Oct. 17 /CNW/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY), a leading biometric facial recognition company, and its business partner ORION Scientific Systems, today announced that Oakland Police Department (OPD) is extending installation of Imagis` ID-2000 facial recognition technology throughout Alameda County, to Oakland International Airport. OPD, which oversees security of the Oakland International Airport, has deployed Imagis` integrated booking and biometric identification system to enhance airport security.
      The installation at Oakland International is part of a US$2.65 million contract with Alameda County Sheriff`s Department to provide a completely integrated law enforcement solution, including Imagis` ID-2000 and CABS Computerized Arrest and Booking System technology for common access to centralized images for arrestee verification, identification and processing. Users will use Imagis technology to track and identify known recidivists in the county-wide image database in an effort to fight crime and terrorism.

      "Airport security is of utmost importance right now and facial recognition technology can play a crucial role in identifying and catching suspect individuals," said Iain Drummond, Imagis President & CEO. "Building on the success of the county-wide facial recognition imaging system, ID-2000 will quickly identify and track felons in the airport, creating a more secure travel environment. ID-2000 is the ideal supplement to any police department`s arsenal of tools, needed to effectively combat crime."

      About Imagis ID-2000

      Imagis ID-2000 uses more than 200 facial descriptors, generated from its sophisticated image analysis algorithms, to capture and compare an individual`s face against a database, quickly identifying individuals who pose a potential threat. ID-2000 enables law enforcement officials and airport personnel to:

      - Search for criminals based on images such as tattoos, jewelry, clothes

      and scars;

      - Scan millions of regional, national and international database records

      in seconds;

      - Access details of criminals` aliases, associates and vehicles.

      Imagis ID-2000 solution can be installed at a number of points within an airport - from check-in to take-off - providing unobtrusive opportunities for airport law enforcement officials to quickly and effectively identify and apprehend suspicious individuals.

      About ORION

      ORION Scientific Systems, an international software consulting firm located in Sacramento, California, is a multidisciplinary research, analysis, consulting, and software development firm that specializes in solving complex, information processing-based problems - particularly those encountered by decision-makers, business managers, and operations or support activities. ORION has been developing high-end, state-of-the-art information processing and intelligence systems for the United States Government for over 20 years. In addition, ORION has been a leader in web-based network systems, adapting many of its applications to serve this growing environment. ORION is on the Web at

      About IMAGIS

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) is a developer and marketer of advanced biometric-based software applications, which provide access control and individual identification for airports, law enforcement, customs and immigration, and criminal justice. Imagis currently has hundreds of users for several international installations of its biometric facial recognition technology, including Canada`s Pearson International Airport, several RCMP detachments in Canada, as well as numerous cities in California and Mexico. Imagis markets its products through a network of Business Partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver `Buck` Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI and during his career advanced to the number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the Web at

      Statements made in this press release that are not historical or current facts are `Forward Looking Statements` made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of Federal Securities Laws. Forward Looking Statements represent certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those presently anticipated or projected.

      On behalf of the Board Sandra E. Buschau Corporate Secretary

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
      schrieb am 17.10.01 09:18:34
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      und hier die Reutersmeldung dazu. Die wird sicher mehr beachtung finden;)

      Wednesday October 17, 1:00 am Eastern Time
      Oakland airport to begin using facial ID system
      SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 17 (Reuters) - A facial recognition technology used by police east of San Francisco will soon be working at the Oakland International Airport, said Imagis Technologies Inc (Vancouver:NAB.V - news), the system`s developer.

      Vancouver, British Columbia-based Imagis Technologies Inc said on Wednesday the Oakland Police Department, one of 32 local police departments using the company`s technology, was linking the airport to its facial identification system.

      ``It`s there for people who refuse to give a name or give a clearly false name,`` Iain Drummond, president and chief executive of Imagis, told Reuters.

      Heightened airport security concerns after the September 11 hijacking attacks on New York and Washington, have helped shares in companies such as Minnetonka, Minnesota-based Visionics Corp (NasdaqNM:VSNX - news) and Littleton, Massachusetts-based Viisage Technology Inc (NasdaqNM:VISG - news). Like Imagis, both companies are developers of biometric identification technology.

      Imagis` systems are in use in Canada, where they were first developed for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Britain and Mexico, the company said.

      Shares in the company have rallied by more than 200 percent since last month`s attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, which killed nearly 5,400 people.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 17.10.01 09:44:37
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      Damit hätten wir nun schon den zweiten erfolgreichen Abschluß nach dem 11.September! Wenn das jetzt so weitergeht...... Ich würde momentan jedenfalls vom Setzen eines Stop Loss abraten und die Aktie einfach laufen lassen.
      schrieb am 17.10.01 22:31:09
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      Guten Abend,

      das war der die richtige Antwort des neuen Marketleaders. gemeint ist der Schlusskurs:)

      Symbol Name Last Trade Change Volume More Info
      INVN INVISION TECH 3:59PM 13.47 +0.72 +5.65% 452,300

      AH ARMOR HOLDINGS 4:03PM 24.22 -0.98 -3.89% 156,000
      CDCY COMPUDYNE CORP 3:59PM 14.19 +1.67 +13.34% 453,300

      VII VICON INDS INC 3:59PM 3.49 +0.05 +1.45% 22,500

      NAB.V IMAGIS TECHNOL 4:07PM 2.43 +0.53 +27.89% 1,101,870

      VISG VIISAGE TECH 3:59PM 12.50 +0.35 +2.88% 1,391,400
      VSNX VISIONICS CORP 3:56PM 13.80 -0.40 -2.82% 516,100
      IDX IDENTIX INC 4:00PM 8.41 -0.44 -4.97% 431,300

      Noch, noch, gibt es die Möglichkeit Geld zu verdienen.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 18.10.01 07:58:36
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      Guten Morgen, es kamen wieder nachbörsliche News ! Später mehr dazu.

      Hab hier was von einem anderen Board "geklaut", danke dem User für seine Mühe! Wer jetzt nicht reingeht verpasst die Chance sehr viel Geld zu verdienen.

      Technologien Imagis und Oakland (Calif.) Polizeiabteilung dehnen
      biometrische Gesichtsanerkennung Technologie auf erste County-Wide
      Oaklands biometrische Entwicklung Sicherheit des internationalen
      Flughafens vereinigt Gesetzdurchführungbemühungen über Grafschaft
      VANCOUVER, Okt. 17 / PRNewswire Alameda / - Imagis Technologies Inc.
      aus (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Deutschland: IGY), eine führende
      biometrische Gesichtsanerkennung Firma und seine wissenschaftlichen
      Systeme des Teilhabers ORION, daß Oaklandpolizeiabteilung (OPD)
      Anlage der GesichtsTechnologie anerkennung Imagis ID-2000 während der
      Grafschaft Alameda, ausdehnt zum internationalen Flughafen Oaklands
      heute verkündet. OPD, das Sicherheit des internationalen Flughafens
      Oaklands beaufsichtigt, hat Imagis integrierte Anmeldung und
      biometrisches Kennzeichensystem entfaltet, um Flughafensicherheit zu

      Die Anlage bei internationalem Oakland ist ein Teil eines Vertrages
      USS2.65 Million mit des Grafschaft-Polizeichefs Alameda der Abteilung
      zum Bereitstellen einer vollständig integrierten
      Gesetzdurchführunglösung, einschließlich Imagis ID-2000 und die
      automatisierten FAHRERHÄUSER halten und die Anmeldung
      Systemtechnologie für allgemeinen Zugriff zu zentralisierten Bildern
      für arresteeüberprüfung, -kennzeichen und -verarbeitung fest.
      Benutzer verwenden Technologie Imagis, um bekannte recidivists in der
      Grafschaft-breiten Bilddatenbank in einer Bemühung aufzuspüren und
      zu kennzeichnen, Verbrechen und Terrorismus zu kämpfen.

      ``Airport-Sicherheit ist vom äußersten Wert im Augenblick und
      Gesichtsanerkennung Technologie kann eine entscheidende Rolle beim
      Kennzeichnen spielen und anziehende vermutlich defekte Einzelpersonen,
      ` ` sagte Iain Drummond, Präsidenten Imagis u. CEO. ``Building auf
      dem Erfolg des Grafschaft-breiten Gesichtsanerkennung Belichtung
      Systems, ID-2000 kennzeichnet schnell und Spurtäter im Flughafen und
      erstellt ein sichereres Spielraumklima. ID-2000 ist die ideale
      Ergänzung zum Arsenal jeder möglicher Polizeiabteilung der
      Hilfsmittel, erforderlich, Verbrechen effektiv zu bekämpfen. ` `,

      Über Imagis Id-2000

      Imagis ID-2000 verwendet mehr als 200 Gesichtsbeschreiber, festgelegt
      von seinen hoch entwickelten Bildanalysealgorithmen, um das Gesicht
      einer Einzelperson gegen eine Datenbank zu erfassen und zu vergleichen
      und schnell kennzeichnet Einzelpersonen, die eine mögliche Drohung
      aufwerfen. ID-2000 aktiviert Gesetzdurchführungbeamte und

      Suchen Sie nach den Verbrechern, die auf Bildern wie Tattoos,
      Schmucksachen, Kleidung und Scars basieren; Suchen Sie Millionen der
      regionalen, nationalen und internationalen Datenbanksätze in den
      Sekunden ab; Greifen Sie Details der Pseudonyme, der Teilnehmer und
      der Träger der Verbrecher zu. Lösung Imagis ID-2000 kann an einer
      Anzahl von Punkten innerhalb eines Flughafens installiert werden - von
      Abfertigungen zu Start - unobtrusive Gelegenheiten für
      Flughafengesetzdurchführungbeamte zu bereitstellend schnell und
      effektiv zu kennzeichnen und begreift mißtrauische Einzelpersonen.

      Über Orion

      Wissenschaftliche Systeme ORION, ein internationales Software-Beraten
      Unternehmen, das in Sacramento, Kalifornien gelegen ist, ist eine
      multidisziplinäre Forschung, eine Analyse, ein Beraten und ein
      Software-Entwicklung Unternehmen, das sich spezialisiert, auf,
      Komplex, Informationen processing-processing-based Probleme -
      besonders die, die von den Entscheidungstreffern angetroffen werden,
      Geschäftsführer und Operationen oder Stützaktivitäten zu lösen.
      ORION hat die high-end, state-of-the-art Informationsverarbeitung und
      die Intelligenzsysteme für die Staatregierung für rüber 20 Jahre
      entwickelt. Zusätzlich ist ORION ein Führer in den Web-web-based
      Netzsystemen gewesen und viele seiner Anwendungen angepaßt, um dieses
      wachsende Klima zu dienen. ORION ist auf dem Web an

      Über Imagis

      Imagis (Otcbb: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Deutschland: IGY) ist ein
      Entwickler und ein Marketingspezialist der hochentwickelten
      biometrisch-biometric-based Software-Anwendungen, die
      Zugriffssteuerung und einzelnes Kennzeichen für Flughäfen,
      Gesetzdurchführung, Gewohnheiten und Immigration zur Verfügung
      stellen, und der kriminellen Gerechtigkeit. Imagis hat aktuell
      Hunderte Benutzer für einige internationale Anlagen seiner
      biometrischen Gesichtsanerkennung Technologie, einschließlich des
      internationalen Flughafens Pearson Kanadas, einiger RCMP-Trennungen in
      Kanada, sowie zahlreiche Städte in Kalifornien und in Mexiko. Imagis
      vermarktet seine Produkte durch ein Netz der Teilhaber, die in
      Nordamerika, in Asien, in Europa und in lateinischem Amerika gelegen
      sind. Vorsitzender Imagis ist Oliver ` Dollar ` Revell, wh

      Later on, more

      schrieb am 18.10.01 08:49:35
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      Bevor die Börse öffnet, noch die News von gestern:

      Wednesday October 17, 6:47 pm Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Data911 and Imagis Technologies develop joint agreement to install biometric facial imaging at nation`s airports
      ALAMEDA, CA, Oct. 17 /PRNewswire/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; GERMANY: IGY), a leading biometric facial recognition company, and Data911, a leader in the field of integrated software solutions for public safety and airport security since 1982, announced today that they have signed a Business Partner Agreement to develop and implement enhanced security systems for airports throughout the United States.

      Data911, based in Alameda, California, is a long-time supplier of mobile data systems, including in-car data terminals; computer aided dispatch and automated record keeping functions to law enforcement agencies, fire departments and emergency medical services.

      The partnership of Data911 and Imagis will form the basis of a combined effort to address the most sensitive airport security issues, to include passenger screening and ticket verification, employee/contractor/vendor identity and validity, airside access control and, where necessary, parking access control. The system will also be designed to complement any increase in personnel as may be assigned to passenger screening duties, regardless of whom Congress decides should oversee that function.

      About IMAGIS

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; GERMANY: IGY) is a developer and marketer of advanced biometric-based software applications, which provide access control and individual identification for airports, law enforcement, customs and immigration, and criminal justice. Imagis currently has hundreds of users for international installations of its biometric facial recognition technology, including technology at Toronto`s Pearson International Airport, the world`s 16th busiest airport, Oakland International Airport, which serves more than 10 million travelers per year, and several installations throughout Canada and Mexico. Imagis markets its products through a network of Business Partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver `Buck` Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI and during his career advanced to the number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the Web at

      About Data911

      Data911 is a privately held, rapidly growing, innovative corporation focused on the current, future and ever-changing needs of Public Safety. For 18 years, Data911 has been a provider of comprehensive software and hardware solutions for police, fire, emergency medical, sheriff, utility trucking and other specialized Public Safety Departments. Data911 manufactures the SunView(TM) Mobile Data System; a rugged, modular computer built specifically for the vehicular environment, and designed to integrate on a wireless network with Data911`s Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management Systems.

      To learn more about Data911`s airport security initiatives, please visit or contact George E. Grotz, Director of Security Programs, at 510-865-9100 x 23, or email:

      On behalf of the Board

      "Sandra Buschau"

      Statements made in this press release that are not historical or current facts are ``forward looking statements`` made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of federal securities laws. Forward looking statements represent certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those presently anticipated or projected.

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 18.10.01 09:05:21
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      Guten Morgen

      Wednesday October 17, 6:47 pm Eastern Time

      Press Release

      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Data911 and Imagis Technologies develop joint agreement to install biometric facial imaging at nation`s airports
      ALAMEDA, CA, Oct. 17 /PRNewswire/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; GERMANY: IGY), a leading biometric facial recognition company, and Data911, a leader in the field of integrated software solutions for public safety and airport security since 1982, announced today that they have signed a Business Partner Agreement to develop and implement enhanced security systems for airports throughout the United States.

      Data911, based in Alameda, California, is a long-time supplier of mobile data systems, including in-car data terminals; computer aided dispatch and automated record keeping functions to law enforcement agencies, fire departments and emergency medical services.

      The partnership of Data911 and Imagis will form the basis of a combined effort to address the most sensitive airport security issues, to include passenger screening and ticket verification, employee/contractor/vendor identity and validity, airside access control and, where necessary, parking access control. The system will also be designed to complement any increase in personnel as may be assigned to passenger screening duties, regardless of whom Congress decides should oversee that function.

      About IMAGIS

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; GERMANY: IGY) is a developer and marketer of advanced biometric-based software applications, which provide access control and individual identification for airports, law enforcement, customs and immigration, and criminal justice. Imagis currently has hundreds of users for international installations of its biometric facial recognition technology, including technology at Toronto`s Pearson International Airport, the world`s 16th busiest airport, Oakland International Airport, which serves more than 10 million travelers per year, and several installations throughout Canada and Mexico. Imagis markets its products through a network of Business Partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver `Buck` Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI and during his career advanced to the number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the Web at

      About Data911

      Data911 is a privately held, rapidly growing, innovative corporation focused on the current, future and ever-changing needs of Public Safety. For 18 years, Data911 has been a provider of comprehensive software and hardware solutions for police, fire, emergency medical, sheriff, utility trucking and other specialized Public Safety Departments. Data911 manufactures the SunView(TM) Mobile Data System; a rugged, modular computer built specifically for the vehicular environment, and designed to integrate on a wireless network with Data911`s Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management Systems.
      To learn more about Data911`s airport security initiatives, please visit or contact George E. Grotz, Director of Security Programs, at 510-865-9100 x 23, or email:
      On behalf of the Board
      "Sandra Buschau"

      Weitere mögliche Anwendungsgebiete: Zutrittskontrollen allg.,Flughafensicherheit, Bahnhöfe, Rechenzentren, Kernkraftwerke, Vorstandsetagen, Geldausgabeautomaten Computersysteme, Botschaften, Finanzämter, Kasernen,(Personalausweis)....

      schrieb am 18.10.01 09:50:21
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      Hi Leute, hab mich von meiner Viper anfang Oktober getrennt und bin dann voll eingestiegen. Bin noch unter 1,80 kan$ reingekommen und träume von meiner neuen Viper. An dieser Stelle mal meinen Dank an SoWhat für Deine Hinweise. Erst TBU und dann dass hier. Ich warte bis 5 Euro. Und jetzt gebt Gas I need a new Viper4speed.

      schrieb am 18.10.01 10:45:19
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()

      endlich sind die News da und der Kurs reagiert. In Frankfurt und Berlin sind wieder Schnäppchenpreise. Warum handelt die denn mit Abschlag?

      schrieb am 18.10.01 10:58:51
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()

      ich versteh das auch nicht der umgerechnete kurs wäre doch bei 1,8 euro und dann noch die news von gestern :confused:

      leider hab ich kein geld mehr zum nachlegen :cry:

      billiger gibts die nimmer

      so long
      schrieb am 18.10.01 12:29:54
      Beitrag Nr. 198 ()

      Supernews. Endlich kommen die News. Hab nach dem neuen Partner geforscht. Diese Dienstellen werden durch den neuen Partner versorgt.

      Alameda, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Amco Automated Systems
      Mobile Data System
      Antioch, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, RMS, CAD, Viper, MSC
      Auburn, CA Police
      Mobile Data System
      Batavia, NY Police
      Mobile Data System
      Battleground, WA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Bell, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Bellwood, IL Police
      Mobile Data System
      Bethel, CT Police
      Mobile Data System
      Beaverton, OR Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Software
      Berkeley Heights Twp, NJ Police
      Mobile Data System
      Beverly Hills, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Communications Software
      Black Hawk County, IA E911Services
      Mobile Data System
      Boston, MA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software, Message Switching System
      Brentwood, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software, RMS, CAD
      Bridgeport, CT Police
      Mobile Data System
      Brockton, MA Police
      Mobile Data System
      Carrollton, TX Police
      Mobile Data System
      Cedar Grove, NJ Police
      Mobile Data System
      Ceres, CA Police
      Mobile Data System
      Cheshire, CT Police
      Mobile Data System
      Chula Vista, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mobile System Controller, Mx Software
      Clark County/Vancouver, WA Sheriff and Police
      Mobile Data System
      Clarkstown, NY Police
      Mobile Data System
      Clifton, NJ Police
      Mobile Data System
      Clovis, CA Police
      Mobile Data System
      Columbus, OH Police
      Mobile Data System
      Coral Gables, FL Police
      Mobile Data System
      Crestwood, MO Police
      Mobile Data System
      Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Police
      Mobile Data System
      Davenport, IA Police
      Mobile Data System
      Decatur, GA Police
      Mobile Data System
      Dover Township, NJ Police
      Mobile Data System
      Edmonton, Alberta Police Services
      Mobile Data System
      Elizabeth, NJ Police
      Mobile Data System
      Emeryville, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, MX Mobile Software,
      CAD, RMS, E-Comm, Message Switching System
      Eureka, MO Police
      Mobile Data System
      Fairfield, CT Police
      Mobile Data System
      Fayetteville, GA Police
      Mobile Data System
      Fort Collins, CO Police
      Mobile Data System
      Franklin Township, OH Police
      Mobile Data System
      Fresno, CA Police & Fire
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software, Message Switching System, CAD, RMS, Rx Report Writer, Mapping, Automatic Vehicle Locator, E-Mugs, E-Comm
      Gahanna, OH Police
      Mobile Data System
      Garland, TX Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Communications Software, Message Switching System
      Gilbert, AZ Police
      Mobile Data System
      Greenwich, CT Police
      Mobile Data System
      Greenwich, CT Emergency Medical
      Mobile Data System
      Hamburg, NY Police
      Mobile Data System
      Hazelwood, MO Police
      Mobile Data System
      Hillsboro, OR Police
      Mobile Data System
      Keizer, OR Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Larkspur, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Las Vegas, NV Metropolitan Police Department
      Mobile Data System
      Lockport, NY Police
      Mobile Data System
      Lodi, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, CAD, RMS, MSC, Rx, Mx Mobile Software
      Long Beach, CA Gas Company
      Mobile Data System
      Los Angeles Airport (LAX) Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software, Message Switching System, CAD, RMS
      Marion County, OR Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Martinez, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, CAD, RMS, MSC, Mx Mobile Software
      Maryland Heights, MO Police
      Mobile Data System
      Melbourne, FL Police
      Mobile Data System
      Missoula County, MT Sheriff
      Mobile Data System
      Mountain View, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software,
      Rx, MSC
      Mount Pleasant, NY Police
      Mobile Data System
      New Jersey State Police
      Mobile Data System
      New Jersey State Turnpike Authority
      Mobile Data System
      New London, CT Police
      Mobile Data System
      North Plainfield, NJ Police
      Mobile Data System
      Nutley, NJ Police
      Mobile Data System
      Ontario Airport Police, Ontario, CA
      Mobile Data System, CAD, RMS, MSC, Rx, Mx Mobile Software
      Papillion, NE Police
      Mobile Data System
      Placer County, CA Sheriff
      Mobile Data System
      Pleasant Hill, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software, Message Switching System, CAD, RMS, E-Comm
      Piedmont, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, CAD, RMS, MSC, Rx, Mx Mobile Software
      Portland, OR Fire
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Queensland, Australia Ambulances
      Mobile Data System
      Ramapo, NY Police
      Mobile Data System
      Richmond, VA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Riverside County, CA Sheriff
      Mobile Data System
      Roseville, CA Police
      Mobile Data System
      Salem, OR Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      San Bernardino County, CA Sheriff
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      San Luis Obispo, CA Fire
      Mobile Data System
      Sandia National Laboratories
      Mobile Data System
      Santa Clara, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Santa Cruz, CA Police
      Mobile Data System
      Sarpy County, NE Sheriff
      Mobile Data System
      Scott County, IA Sheriff
      Mobile Data System
      Seattle, WA Fire
      Mobile Data System
      Sherwood, OR Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Smyrna, GA Police
      Mobile Data System
      Stockton, CA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Tigard, OR Police
      Mobile Data System
      Tualatin Valley, OR Fire
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Tucson, AZ Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Communications Software
      Tukwila, WA Police
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Software
      Tuolumne County, CA Sheriff
      Mobile Data System
      Union, NJ Police
      Mobile Data System
      University of Arizona Police
      Mobile Data System
      Urbandale, IA Police
      Mobile Data System
      Washington County, OR Consolidated Communications
      Mobile Data System, Mx Mobile Communications Software, Message Switching System
      Watsonville, CA Police
      Mobile Data System
      West Des Moines, IA Police
      Mobile Data System
      West Haven, CT Police
      Mobile Data System
      Westport, CT Police
      Mobile Data System
      Willoughby, OH Police
      Mobile Data System
      Winston/Salem, NC Police
      Mobile Data System

      Bin gespannt auf heut Nachmittag.
      schrieb am 18.10.01 15:08:07
      Beitrag Nr. 199 ()
      halli Hallo,

      was sehen meine ungläubigen augen in canada??

      vorbörslich 2,95/2,95!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      schrieb am 18.10.01 16:00:32
      Beitrag Nr. 200 ()

      bis zu welchen kurs würdet ihr noch nachlegen??
      ich bin zwar schon investiert,leider ein bisschen wenig :cry:
      habe aber ab montag wieder cash frei

      bye kopfeck
      schrieb am 18.10.01 16:55:56
      Beitrag Nr. 201 ()
      hallo an alle,

      entschuldigung, aber das ist ja soooooo geeeiiiiiillll!!

      schrieb am 18.10.01 18:06:37
      Beitrag Nr. 202 ()
      Hallo zusammen!
      Imagis im Video-Text von n-TV auf Seite 211! Bei den Gewinnern der Auslandswerten!
      Ich bin seit dem Push vom Börsenmen dabei(3/2000)
      Einstieg bei 5,05 Euro.
      Denke das wir die bald wieder sehen.
      Noch einer nach dem Bericht vom Börsenmen eingestiegen
      und noch dabei ?
      Warum sagt der nicht nochmal was über Imagis,jetzt wo es so
      gut mit Imagis läuft?
      Gruß Walö
      schrieb am 18.10.01 19:45:09
      Beitrag Nr. 203 ()
      hi hi, bin auch kurz nach dem börsenmann rein hab aber mehrfach nachgelegt hab jetzt nen einstiegspreis von 2euro und muss sagen, dass läuft echt gut momentan.das produkt stimmt, der markt hat sich enorm vergrössert, das team stimmt und somit auch die connections..fbi etc...und jetzt stimmen auch noch die aufträge....ich sehe nach oben noch unheimlich viele chancen, denn welche branche soll jetzt für fonds und sensationsgeile zeitungen interessanter sein...was wieder werbung und aufträge bedeutet...der auftrag zeigt dass imagis mindestens eine der ersten adressen ist .....besonders zufersichtlich stimmt mich der washington besuch...die aktie drängt nach oben momentan...ich glaube das ganze könnte dimensionen annehmen, die sich hier keiner ausmahlen kann....bremmst meine euphorie...oder stimmt mir zu wenn ich sage 3euro in den nächsten 3 wochen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gruss an alle..und viel spass mit imagis an diesem schönen tag
      schrieb am 18.10.01 19:58:00
      Beitrag Nr. 204 ()
      oh mann, 5,05 Euro muss aber fast der Höchstwert in Deutschland gewesen sein! Ich bin damals zu 4,20 rein habe verbilligt und bin mit +- 0 bei dem Anstieg auf 2,70 wieder raus. Dann bei 1,75 wieder einestiegen und seitdem sitze ich jetzt auf der Aktie. Ich hoffe es ist diesmal mehr als das kurze Strohfeuer damals! Setzt Ihr Stopp Loss Kurse?
      Wenn ja wo?

      schrieb am 18.10.01 20:06:52
      Beitrag Nr. 205 ()
      hey leute schaut mal ...................................... Time
      Airport face-recognition systems no safety panacea
      By Noah Barkin

      NEW YORK, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Face recognition technology is being touted as a powerful weapon in the war on terrorism, but its potential for spotting criminals before they set foot on commercial airliners is overblown, according to experts who have tested so-called biometric systems.

      They say that even under controlled conditions, the systems succeed in identifying individuals from a given database only a little more than half the time -- a rate which is diminished significantly in a typical airport environment.

      ``You could expect a surveillance system using biometrics to capture a very very small percentage of known criminals in a given database,`` said Samir Nanavati, a partner at New York-based consulting firm International Biometric Group.

      Still, experts say the technology has potential. For one, the technology could be effective in speeding movement of low-risk passengers onto airplanes. That, in turn, could make existing face-to-face security checks more effective.

      In any case, the Sept. 11 hijacked plane attacks on New York and Washington have raised the profile of these face-, hand- and fingerprint-screening technologies and fueled support for their use and rapid deployment in airports across the United States.

      The U.S. Department of Transportation, in a report on airport security issued earlier this month, said breakthrough technologies in passenger identification should be incorporated into airport security programs ``as soon as practicable.``

      And investors have poured their money into the stock of leading biometric firms like Littleton, Mass.-based Viisage Technology Inc. (NasdaqNM:VISG - news) and Minnetonka, Minn.-based Visionics Corp. (NasdaqNM:VSNX - news) since last month`s attacks.

      On Wednesday, Vancouver, B.C.-based Imagis Technologies (Vancouver:NAB.V - news) said Oakland International Airport would begin using the facial-recognition technology it supplies to police departments.

      ``Facial recognition technology can spot individuals on the wanted list as they pass through metal detectors,`` Visionics CEO Joseph Attick told Reuters this week. ``It is very easy to implement and does not inconvenience passengers.``


      But industry experts say the technology has a long way to go before it can do what some investors and government officials expect it to do -- weed out unwanted passengers in a cost-effective and efficient way.

      The technology used by the Oakland Airport is limited -- it works only for passengers who refuse to give a name or who clearly give a false name.

      Inconsistent lighting, different pose angles and facial expressions, eye glasses and beards, are enough to thwart more advanced systems which, no matter how technologically sophisticated, are ultimately only as good as the databases to which they are linked.

      Those databases are often full of outdated, poor-quality pictures of wanted criminals, making identification matches difficult.

      Experts with experience in biometrics believe that a host of obstacles -- technological hurdles, privacy concerns and worries about compounding delays -- will stand in the way of widespread deployment of advanced face recognition systems for the foreseeable


      ``You could have passengers pose in front of a camera, look straight into it, and the system would be about as accurate as a metal scanner because it would be going off all the time,`` said James Wayman, director of the San Jose State University Center for Biometric Testing.


      Still, Biometric technologies are promising, but, for now, that promise may have more to do with airport convenience than passenger security.

      Wayman points to a ``hand geometry`` system called INSPASS which is used by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service to allow frequent travelers to bypass immigration lines at nine major airports.

      ``I am a great supporter of systems like INSPASS, or rapid clearance cards that allow pre-selected passengers to get on airplanes with relatively low levels of screening,`` said Wayman.

      Under such a system, frequent flyers who are deemed to be low-risk passengers, could obtain a smart card with biometric links to their fingerprint or hand.

      When passing through security, all they would need to do would be to swipe the card, place their hand on a reader, and be waved through in a kind of ``fast track`` boarding.

      With these pre-selected passengers passing rapidly onto planes, overall waiting times would be trimmed because the amount of passengers going through traditional airport security checks would be diminished.

      ``I think it is likely we will see over the next 24 months the emergence of pre-enrolled programs with passenger identification cards, very likely involving some form of biometric application,`` said Nanavati.

      ``Either you go through on the fast track or you wait in the long line.``

      hab schon besseres gehört ...was meint ihr???
      schrieb am 18.10.01 20:40:51
      Beitrag Nr. 206 ()
      Guten Abend,

      schaut keinber mehr die News an? Es ist im Moment zuviel, sodass ich nicht alles posten kann. Das ist der Highflyer für die Weihnachtsgeschenke:)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 18.10.01 23:40:04
      Beitrag Nr. 207 ()
      ja Du hast Recht ich halte da den Höchstkurs mit 5.05 Euro
      Einen Stopp-Loss setze ich nicht mehr.
      Hatte ihn vor zwei Tagen noch bei 0,99 Euro.
      Ist mir aber zu unsicher im
      Mir hat einer gesagt man könne die Stopp-Loss sehen!
      Keine Ahnung ob das stimmt???
      Da kann man dann bei wenig Handel ganz schnell "Ausgestoppt"
      Is mir mit Ballard passiert.Da sind die bei Tagestief weggegangen(mit 10%-)konnte ja nur mich wieder treffen!
      Gruß Walö
      schrieb am 19.10.01 07:53:10
      Beitrag Nr. 208 ()

      aus "Die Telebörse".


      Imagis verstärkt Geschäftsfeld Flughafensicherheit


      Imagis Technologies, kanadischer Hersteller von Software zur Gesichtererkennung, wendet sich verstärkt dem Thema Flughafensicherheit zu. Nachdem das Unternehmen vor einigen Tagen bekannt gab, dass seine Software im Rahmen bestehender Verträge auch in die Flughafensicherheit des Oakland Airports integriert wird, gaben die Kanadier heute den Abschluss einer Partnerschaftsvereinbarung mit dem Spezialisten für Sicherheitslösungen in öffentlichen Gebäuden und Flughäfen Data911 bekannt. Beide Unternehmen wollen an einer verbesserten Softwarelösung für die Flughafensicherheit arbeiten.

      schrieb am 19.10.01 15:47:43
      Beitrag Nr. 209 ()

      Na dann wuensche ich Dir (und mir natuerlich auch), dass wir die 5 Euro noch mal wieder sehen. Das gehandelte Volumen ist ja wesentlich grösser als damals.

      viel Glueck!!!!

      schrieb am 21.10.01 09:24:22
      Beitrag Nr. 210 ()

      aus USA Today. Wenn das zu weiter geht, übertrumpft Imagis seine Konkurrenten und damit sehen wir höhere Kurse. Bin auf nächste Woche gespannt. Was sagen die chartechniker denn jetzt?

      10/19/2001 - Updated 10:05 AM ET

      Oakland airport: `Smile for the camera`

      Imagis Technologies
      Oakland`s airport will set up a facial recognition system in its interrogation rooms to match suspects brought in for questioning to a database of wanted criminals` pictures.

      SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — Oakland`s airport is set to become one of the first in the nation to increase its post-Sept. 11 security by deploying face-recognition technology, which is expected to get increased use in reaction to the terrorist attacks. The Oakland system will not be used to scan crowds in the airport or to check passengers as they check in or board planes, a prospect that has been criticized by privacy advocates and civil liberties groups. For now, the new system will be used only in interrogation rooms behind the scenes, to match suspects brought in for questioning to a database of wanted criminals` pictures.

      Oakland police would like such a system in terminals, too, but are weighing the costs.

      The systems clearly are coming to terminals soon — one is already in place at Keflavik International Airport in Iceland, and at least two companies say they will be installing scanning cameras in major U.S. airports in coming weeks.

      The Oakland system is expected to be up and running in about six weeks and is made by Imagis Technologies of Vancouver, British Columbia, which has a $2.65 million contract to sell facial-recognition technology to Alameda County agencies. The company has deployed a similar behind-the-scenes facial recognition system at the Toronto airport.

      Facial recognition cameras work by capturing an image of a face and translating it into a chunk of data that can be compared with records on file.

      They are part of the growing field of biometrics, which is the identification of people by personal characteristics such as fingerprints, hand shape and voice and eye patterns. Several airports use biometric systems to grant and restrict employee access and to speed passengers through immigration checkpoints.

      Police in Florida came under fire this year for using video cameras at the Super Bowl to take pictures of faces in crowds and run them through a criminal database.

      Biometrics experts say face-recognition surveillance systems have severe limitations in crowded places — such as airport terminals — because the lighting has to be just right and a person has to be close to the camera and looking at it. The Defense Department is looking for ways to improve the technology.

      But companies that make the systems say they would work well at airport security checkpoints and ticket counters. "It`s a controlled environment," said Iain Drummond, Imagis` chief executive.

      The company that supplied that Super Bowl system, Viisage Technology of Littleton, Mass., said last week it had been chosen to install face-recognition cameras in a major airport it could not publicly reveal.

      Similarly, Visionics of Jersey City, N.J., soon will be deploying face-recognition cameras at "very visible" U.S. Airports, said Joseph Atick, its chief executive.


      Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

      schrieb am 21.10.01 13:04:52
      Beitrag Nr. 211 ()
      ich denke bei weiteren guten nachrichten müßte bis jahresende das ATH erreicht werden ,oder ist jemand anderer meinung.

      die meinung eines chartechnikers würde mich auch interessieren.

      bye kopfeck
      schrieb am 21.10.01 13:59:27
      Beitrag Nr. 212 ()
      Guten Tag,

      es ist noch einiges in der Pipeline, sodass ich auch von weiter höheren Kursen ausgehe. Der Stock ist noch längs nicht ausgereizt. Bisher kannten ihn nur wenige, aber das hat sich inzwischen geändert. Die Anleger werden sehen, dass die Aktie kein reines "High - Risk Investment" mehr ist. Wartet die News ab;) Hier noch was vom Freitag:


      October 19, 2001

      Atlanta, GA - Pierre Jeanniot, Director General of the International Air Transport Association urged world carriers to act quickly to reassure travellers shocked by last month`s hijackings in the United States that it was safe to fly. Former Air Canada chief Jeanniot indicated that "….Security is today at front and center. The spotlight is on us, under conditions we would never have wished upon ourselves. We are facing perhaps our greatest challenge and we need to rise to the occasion. The IATA head said shared international criminal intelligence was the first line of defense against hijackings. Another key element would be the introduction of new biometric systems for checking passengers` identity. He specifically cited iris scanning, hand geometry and fingerprinting.

      Alameda, CA. - Imagis Technologies Inc. and Data911 announced that they have signed a Business Partner Agreement to develop and implement enhanced security systems for airports throughout the United States. Data911, based in Alameda, California, is a long-time supplier of mobile data systems, including in-car data terminals; computer aided dispatch and automated record keeping functions to law enforcement agencies, fire departments and emergency medical services. The partnership of Data911 and Imagis will form the basis of a combined effort to address the most sensitive airport security issues, to include passenger screening and ticket verification, employee/contractor/vendor identity and validity, airside access control and, where necessary, parking access control. The system will also be designed to complement any increase in personnel as may be assigned to passenger screening duties.

      Schönen Sonntag noch

      schrieb am 21.10.01 14:02:16
      Beitrag Nr. 213 ()
      Habe folgende News vom 12.10. noch nicht in diesem Thread gesehen. Deshalb mal kurz posten:

      12.10.00 Bull Informations Systems vermarktet
      Donnerstag 12. Oktober 2000, 15:41 Eastern Time
      QUELLE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Bull Informations Systems vermarktet Biometrieprodukte von Imagis Technologies in Grossbritanien

      Strategische Partnerschaft zur Vermarktung biometrischer und erkennungstechnischer Anwendungen für die Bereiche Strafgerichtsbarkeit und Vollzug

      VANCOUVER, 12. Oktober 2000

      Imagis Technologies Inc. (Imagis) und Bull, Informationssysteme Ltd. (Bull), haben heute eine gemeinsame Vereinbarung über die Vermarktung der Imagis Produkte in Großbritannien bekannt gegeben. Imagis ist ein globaler Software-Entwickler für biometrische Lösungen und Bull ist eine führende europäische Firmaim Bereich Informationstechnologie, die ihren Hauptsitz in Paris, Frankreich hat.

      Bull hat sich für die ID-2000(TM) Gesichtserkennungs-Technologie entscheiden. ID-2000 ist die Grundlage für mehrere biometrische Produkte im Bereich Kriminalitätsbekämpfung. Zusätzlich wird Bull das Imagis Flaggschifft, Criminal Database Appplication CABS(TM), als Nominal Biometrics and Imaging Solution (NBI) unter eigenem Namen vermarkten. NBI wird in die von Bull angebotene, führende Komplettlösung für den Bereich Verbrechensbekämpfung integriert.
      Die Bull NBI Lösung ist ein bilderorientiertes Verbrechens-Informationssystem, das der britischen Polizei neue Möglichkeiten zur Lösung von Verbrechen eröffnet. Bull bietet die ID-2000(TM) Gesichtserkennung als eine zusätzliche Erweiterung zu den bisher vorhandenen Produkten im Bereich Verbrechensbekämpfung an. NBI schließt ein Straftatenegister, ein Informationssystem für Verbrechen und Straftäter, STORM- ein Befehls- und Steuersystem (einschließlich einer mobilen Einsätze),ein System zum Management von Gefängniszellen, Pol.Net- Geheimdienst-Systeme und sowie weitere Systeme mit ein.
      „Das Ziel von Bull ist es, den Behörden umfassendere Lösungen anzubieten und die Kooperation mit Imagis hilft uns das zu erreichen. Beide Firmen werden ihre Märkte signifikant erweitern“, sagte Stephen Smith, Marketing-Manager für Großbritannien bei Bull. „ Wir freuen uns darauf, mit Imagis zusammenzuarbeiten und Großbritanien mit einiger Palette leistungsfähiger biometrischer Lösungen zu bereichern“.
      „Diese Partnerschaft ermöglich es Imagis schnell, als auch kosteneffektiv, unsere Lösungen einem großen Markt bereitzustellen“ so Iain Drummond, Präsident und CEO von Imagis. „Diese Kooperation verstärkt die wachsende Präsenz von Imagis in Nord- und Südamerika, Europa und Asien.“ NBI ist ein hochentwickeltes Informationssystem zur Verbrechensbekämpfung, das Bilder und Daten gleichermaßen integriert. Die NBI Features, die eine automatische Kodierung der Fotodateien bei gleichzeitigem automatischen Abgleich der Bilder mit möglichen Verdächtigen über ID-2000(TM) ermöglichen eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen wenn sie mit dem Fingerabdrucksystem FIT von Bull kombiniert werden. (FIT/Fingerprint Image Transmission). FIT ist anerkannter Standard zur Überwachung der Ausländer, die in die EG Staaten im Rahmen des Schengener Abkommens einreisen. Das FIT-System verbindet die automatisierten Fingerabdruckerkennungssysteme von acht europäischen Ländern. Um Eigentumsdelikte zu lösen, hat Bull auch ein System für gestohlene Kunstwerke und Antiquitäten entwickelt, das in NBI integriert werden kann.

      Imagis Technologien Inc.

      Imagis Technologies Inc., ist ein unabhängiges Softwarehaus, das biometrische Lösungen entwickelt. Die Gesichterkennungstechnologie ID-2000(TM) von Imagis wird von internationalen Justiz-und Vollzugsbehörden verwendet. ID-2000(TM) ist die Grundlage für einige der weltweit größten, digitalen Erkennungssysteme. Das Flaggschiff von Imagis ist die Criminal Database Application Software CABS(TM), die von zahlreichen Vollzugsbehörden verwendet wird. CABS(TM) liefert eine integrierte Darstellung von Verhaftungs- und Registrierungsinformationen, Bildern, Beweisen inklusive der Fotos von den Gesichtern der Verbrecher. Imagis ist zur Zeit dabei sein Geschäftsfeld auf neue Absatzmärkte auszuweiten. Insbesondere werden die Bereiche Sicherheit, e-commerce und Identitätsverifizierung für stark frequentierte Standorte wie Flughäfen und Casinos ausgebaut. Imagis vermarktet die Produkte über ein weltweites Vertriebsnetzwerk.

      Bull, eine im IT-Bereich angesiedelte, international agierende Firmen-Gruppe, ist in mehr als 100 Ländern tätig. 1999 erwirtschaftete die Firma ein Einkommen von 3,8 Milliarden Euro, über 65% davon wurden außerhalb Frankreichs, dem Ursprungsland, generiert. In Großbritanien bietet Bull im Bereich Verbrechensbekämpfung das volle Spektrum an Leistungen an, angefangen bei der Beratung bis hin zu operativen Dienstleistungen. Bull hat sich auf technologiebasierte Lösungen, die eine Mischung aus bereits vorhandenen, und zusätzlich neuen, noch zu integrierenden Systemen darstellen, spezialisiert. Ein weiterer Bereich ist der Aufbau und die Verbesserung der Infrastruktur, sowie die Software-Entwicklung und Unterstützung. Bull hat mittlerweile Systeme in fast dreiviertel aller 52 Polizeieinheiten in Großbritannien implementiert und ist der Systemlieferant der NCIS (National Criminal Intelligence Service) und der SCRO (Scottish Criminal Records Office).
      Die Strategie von Bull ist focusiert auf den Bereich Internet und electronic business in drei Schlüsselgebieten:
      Ø Lösungen mit Beratung und Systemintegration
      Ø Infrastruktur einschließlich „internetauglichen“ Unternehmenssystemen, Smart Cards und Software für sicheres infrastruktur Management
      Ø Dienstleistungen für Intranet und e-commerce Seiten und Marktplätze
      schrieb am 21.10.01 14:03:31
      Beitrag Nr. 214 ()
      17.10.00 Imagis und Abbey erhalten Zuschlag von Nevada
      Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2000, 9:00 Eastern Time
      QUELLE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis und Abbey erhalten Zuschlag von Nevada County, Kalifornien für Vollzugs-Software

      Vollzugs-Software ermöglicht Informationsaustausch zwischen allen an der Verbrechensbekämpfung beteiligten Behörden.

      VANCOUVER, 17. Oktober 2000

      Imagis Technologies Inc., (Imagis) eine führende globale Software-Entwicklungsfirma für biometrischen Systemlösungen, gab heute bekannt, dass Imagis und die Abbey-Gruppe ihre Software zusammenführen, um Nevada County, Kalifornien mit einer Komplettlösung für den Vollzug zu beliefern.

      Das Flaggschiffs von Imagis, Criminal Database Application Software CABS(TM), wird in das Gefängnisverwaltungssystem JCMS der Firma Abbey integriert. Diese Lösung ermöglicht es Nevada County alle Inhaftierten innerhalb des Countys zu registrieren, überwachen und zu verwalten. Das System wird über die Regional Data Sharing Software von Imagis vernetzt, so dass sich alle Behörden, einschließlich der Gefängnisse, der Dienststellen der Sheriffs, der Polizeistationen, der Staatsanwaltschaften und sogar der Polizeifahrzeuge die gleichen Informationen teilen. Momentan erprobt Nevada die aktuelle Gesichtserkennungssoftware ID-2000(TM) von Imagis, die den schnellen Vergleich von Gefangenen -über lokale oder regionale Datenbanken- nur mit Gesichtsbildern als Suchkriterium erlaubt.

      Über die Abbey Gruppe:

      Die Abbey Gruppe ist ein Privatunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Incline Village, Nevada mit Büros in Ocala, Florida und in Houston, Texas. Abbey ist eine professionelle Beratungsfirma, die sich auf die Strategienentwicklung, Planung, Durchführung und Technologie im Bereich öffentliche Sicherheit spezialisiert hat. Zusätzlich zu ihrer beratenden Tätigkeit bietet die Abbey Gruppe ein umfassendes Paket an modernsten Softwarelösungen für Behörden im Bereich öffentlicher Sicherheit an, einschließlich computerunterstützende Anwendungen z.B. für die Abwicklung, Registrierung und Verwaltung von Gefängnisssen, sowie Software für die öffentliche Hand. Die Anwendungen von Abbey fügen sich lückenlos in die Erkennungssoftware von Imagis ein.

      Imagis Technologien Inc.

      Imagis Technologies Inc., ist ein unabhängiges Softwarehaus, das biometrische Lösungen entwickelt. Die Gesichterkennungstechnologie ID-2000(TM) von Imagis wird von internationalen Justiz-und Vollzugsbehörden verwendet. ID-2000(TM) ist die Grundlage für einige der weltweit größten, digitalen Erkennungssysteme. Das Flaggschiff von Imagis ist die Criminal Database Application Software CABS(TM), die von zahlreichen Vollzugsbehörden verwendet wird. CABS(TM) liefert eine integrierte Darstellung von Verhaftungs- und Registrierungsinformationen, Bildern, Beweisen inklusive der Fotos von den Gesichtern der Verbrecher. Imagis ist zur Zeit dabei sein Geschäftsfeld auf neue Absatzmärkte auszuweiten. Insbesondere werden die Bereiche Sicherheit, e-commerce und Identitätsverifizierung für stark frequentierte Standorte wie Flughäfen und Casinos ausgebaut. Imagis vermarktet die Produkte über ein weltweites Vertriebsnetzwerk.
      schrieb am 21.10.01 14:06:28
      Beitrag Nr. 215 ()
      Oh sorry. seh gerade erst alles von 2000 (hups..)
      schrieb am 21.10.01 15:11:00
      Beitrag Nr. 216 ()
      Traf heute ein und dürfte bei vielen tausend anderen in USA und Kanada auch in der Mailbox sein.

      Timing Alert: Imagis Technologies,
      Strong Recommendation

      Mid-October 2001
      Imagis: Gaining Recognition for Most Advanced
      Facial-Recognition Technology in Security Field
      Company’s Technology Also Now Selected by Oakland International Airport

      Good luck

      schrieb am 21.10.01 15:55:07
      Beitrag Nr. 217 ()
      Da wir schon beim researchen sind, empfehle ich mal diese Seite:;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 21.10.01 19:03:26
      Beitrag Nr. 218 ()
      Lohnt der Einstieg noch auch auf langfristige Sicht?ß
      Erwäge ev. aus Bombardier rauszugehen und dafür Imagis zu kaufen.
      Hatte den Wert schon mal (bei 0,91 rein und leider zu früh bei 1.10 raus).
      schrieb am 21.10.01 19:36:31
      Beitrag Nr. 219 ()
      Hallo Fernstudent,

      allein Deine Entscheindung. Bombardier ist ein gutes Investment und wahrscheinlich nicht den heftigen Schwankungen eines Startupunternehmens, dass erst seit kurzem im Geschäft ist, unterworfen. Andereits ist die Zeit reif für dieses Unternehmen, denn ihr Konzept geht auf, wenn auch letztendlich der 11. September ein zusätzlicher Katalysator für Imagis war. Schon vor diesem Datum war vorgesehen im nächsten Geschäftsjahr schwarze Zahlen zu schreiben. Ich möchte hier noch mal auf Picturetel hinweisen, die erst durch den Golfkrieg richtig rauskamen. Schau Dir mal den Chart dazu an. Das Unternehmen hat Zukunft und Du must einfach genau verfolgen, wie es um das Unternehmen bestellt ist. Dazu dienen auch die diversen Threads zu dem Thema.

      Meine Meinung: Immer noch ein Kauf, und deshalb hab ich diesen Thread eröffnet und hoffe durch die anderen User diesen ordentlich zu pflegen, damit wir alle einige $$$ machen können.

      Auf die nächste Woche

      schrieb am 23.10.01 11:42:07
      Beitrag Nr. 220 ()
      Guten Tag,

      für die, die es interessiert noch ein wenig Hintergrundwissen zur Biometrie. Und denkt daran, dass sie sehr vielfältig eingesetzt werden kann, z.B. auch in Smardcards.

      Perfect Identification?
      A Primer on Biometric Technologies
      Editor`s note: Our world changed September 11, in ways we don’t understand yet. Obviously, security will be tightened worldwide.

      In recent months, I`ve written about biometric technologies, which offer the potential for perfect identification of individual human beings. I`m posting this overview - which I wrote earlier this year - because people might be curious to learn more about technologies that are likely to be considered far more actively in the days and weeks ahead. [Bruce Kasanoff]

      As I type these words on my laptop, software was just introduced that can determine whether the words are being typed by me, or by some other person using my machine. A technique called “keystroke dynamics” monitors the pressure, speed, and rhythm of a person’s typing, which apparently is almost as unique as your fingerprints.

      Net Nanny is using this technology, which it calls Biopassword, a service designed to provide an additional level of security for company networks. It works like this: When you log onto a network with a username and password, the system monitors your typing style. The notion is that even if someone steals your username and password, the system will recognize that someone else is using your password, and it will prevent them from logging on.

      This technology is just one example of the field of biometrics, in which machines recognize people using biological traits. Among other characteristics, people have unique fingerprints, voices, facial features, and retinal and iris patterns.

      Biometrics has been around for years but has yet to enjoy widespread acceptance. One reason is that biometrics technology tends to be overly complex and a bit upsetting to many people. Fingerprinting, for example, is associated with crime, rather than with good customer service or healthy employee relationships.

      Net Nanny’s approach is unique because it is a pure software solution; there are no body part scanners or mechanical devices. “Biometric technologies are becoming a more viable, accepted way of authenticating a user, but in order for them to be widely incorporated and accepted by security professionals and end users, they must be unobtrusive and easy to deploy,” said Mitch Tarr, vice president of strategic alliances for BioPassword.

      If people and companies are willing to accept biometrics, life will get dramatically better in many ways. You won’t need a driver’s license, credit card, or ATM card. Machines will verify your identify based on personal characteristics. Instead of swiping your credit card in a supermarket, you’ll just look at the amount displayed, and a retinal scanner will confirm your identity.

      No one will be able to steal your credit card. Identity theft will get harder. Lines will get shorter.

      EyeTicket Corporation is testing its services at airports in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Frankfurt, Germany. EyeTicket allows travelers to check themselves in and board aircraft using iris recognition, without credit cards or other ID, and without standing in line. The system can be accessed by any airline, which means that travelers need to just register once, and then can use the system on any participating airline.

      EyeTicket is also being tested at sporting and entertainment events. Instead of buying a physical ticket, people can enter a stadium by looking into the EyeTicket monitor.

      Many of the transactions I just described used to be anonymous. Seven of us went to see “Lion King” in Los Angeles. The theater has no idea who six of us are; it only knows the identity of the person who purchased our tickets via his credit card. If he used cash, he’d be anonymous, too. But if the theater used EyeTicket or a similar system, there would be a record of the people sitting in each seat.

      As others have pointed out, most companies aren’t tracking individuals as they surf the Web; they are tracking individual computers. Six people live in my household, and we all use the computer in my family room. There are many “cookies” on the hard drive of that machine, placed there by the hundreds of Web sites we visit. But in most cases, the cookies do not identify a person; they identify the personal computer in the family room. A technology such as Biopassword could someday erase this confidentiality, enabling Web sites to identify each of us via our typing or browsing habits.

      Iain Drummond is CEO of Imagis Technologies, a company that offers another type of biometric technology, which is facial recognition. The company’s services were initially developed to help law enforcement and security organizations. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or RCMP, approached Imagis to help solve a problem. Drummond said, “Criminals, not surprisingly, were often uncooperative when they were being booked. They refused to give their names, or provided false names. RCMP asked us to develop a system that would search a suspect’s face against a database of mugs shots, which we did.”

      More recently, a casino was having problems with gangs who were infiltrating the casinos and intimidating dealers and other casino personnel. Casinos are difficult places to take good pictures of people who don’t want to be identified. Besides, most cameras in casinos are thirty feet high, and gang members and professional gamblers seldom look up. So the firm had to get much better at identifying faces. Today, Imagis uses over 250 facial characteristics to identify a face.

      In biometrics, you hear a lot of talk about compliant versus noncompliant subjects. Criminals are noncompliant subjects; they don’t want to be identified, will not look squarely at a camera, and will do everything possible to deceive. Compliant subjects are generally people whom you are protecting or treating in a special manner. Drummond describes a bank that recently approached Imagis to help develop a solution to help prevent ATM fraud.

      “Basically,” said Drummond, “you stand behind me, see my personal identification number, steal my card, and clean out my account. Using our facial recognition technology and the cameras already in ATMs, the bank could confirm that person who is putting card into ATM actually is the right person. This doesn’t add additional level of surveillance; the bank already knows you’re at the ATM, because you are putting your card in. This is a situation in which you are compliant, because you want your money, and you don’t want anyone else to get it.

      Compliant people will look right at the camera and will come take another picture when they grow a beard or get glasses. The single greatest factor in determining compliance is whether the person being identified is comfortable with the purpose, method, and end result of being identified. Think about the Imagis technology now being used in casinos. Professional gamblers don’t want to be identified, but high rollers do. If the end result of being identified is that you get free drinks and dinner, and a much better hotel room, you will likely be thrilled to have your photo taken.

      Compliance is going to be one of those words that you knew but seldom used, until suddenly everyone uses it. Without the compliance of individuals, a firm can barely use the wealth of technologies that enable stronger and deeper relationships between it and the people critical to its ongoing success. The paradox of personalization is that people increasingly expect personalized attention, but if you get too personal, they get scared and want to have nothing more to do with you. It is difficult to know where to draw the line between personalization and privacy, and this is made even more challenging by the fact that every person draws his or her line differently.

      Here’s the key question: How do you give people enough confidence to be compliant with technologies that recognize and record their typing patterns, entrances into buildings, outgoing e-mails and incoming telephone calls, and a bevy of other activities?

      Companies must be able to explain to individuals that a certain tracking technology is in their interest because it will save them time, or money, or both. They also need to describe the benefits the firm enjoys and to set boundaries around the use of such technologies.

      From the book, Making It Personal: How to Profit from Personalization without Invading Privacy. © 2001 by Bruce Kasanoff. Reprinted by permission of Perseus Publishing. All rights reserved.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 23.10.01 20:05:12
      Beitrag Nr. 221 ()
      By Brian McDonough
      October 23, 2001

      There`s big money waiting out there for the biometrics industry, if it would just get its act together enough to take it.

      That`s what analyst firm Frost & Sullivan said in a new report that predicted non-fingerprint biometric applications could reach US$900 million by 2006 -- from $66 million last year -- once firms complete the move to smooth interoperability through open standards.

      A number of recent U.S. federal laws involving the privacy of medical, financial and other personal data require companies to find ways to increase the protection of confidentiality.

      Biometrics -- automated techniques that verify or identify people by their physical or behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints, hand geometry, iris recognition, voice verification, face recognition, signature verification and retina recognition -- are leading technologies for meeting government privacy regulations.

      Bridges To Cross

      "There are several barriers to large-scale commercial adoption of biometrics," Frost & Sullivan analyst Prianka Chopra told "One of them has been that solutions have been proprietary. That`s certainly been a large hurdle to cross."

      Another has been awareness, both of the technologies and of the privacy issues that go with them. With the heightened concerns about security in the wake of September 11th and subsequent anthrax incidents, Chopra said public interest in biometrics is up.

      Despite privacy concerns, "there`s a greater acceptance of biometrics," she said. "And there`s also budgeting to get new technologies into place. The whole game has changed."

      Government and Privacy

      Chopra said that while privacy concerns have caused the public to shy away from biometrics before -- she recalled the outcry over facial recognition technology being used on the crowd at the last Super Bowl game -- government privacy concerns are actually driving adoption of biometric technology.

      "The laws may not mandate use of biometrics, but companies are certainly looking at them," she said. She also cited an airport security act that requires background checks of baggage handlers and other personnel. At least seven major airports use fingerprint technology as part of that effort, she said.

      Better understanding of how the technology works will further alleviate concerns, Chopra said. Some consumers fear that merely by scanning a fingerprint or retina, someone could capture information that would enable identity theft.

      Chopra said biometric technology captures data about biometric characteristics but does not grab complete images that would let someone try to adopt another`s identity. Even commercial fingerscan technology only captures certain key points of a fingerprint. Only the AFIS fingerprint systems used by law enforcement capture entire images of a print.

      Coming Together

      The new awareness of biometrics -- and the public`s apparent desire to put security concerns over some privacy issues -- comes just as the biometrics industry is getting its act together in other ways, Chopra said. The industry recently launched a programming interface standard, the BioAPI, that is expected to facilitate communication between applications.

      That`s not to say the problem has been solved, Chopra said. Manufacturers of public key infrastructure (PKI) and smart cards, for example, still have to integrate their technologies with biometrics.

      Another hurdle has been price, but the cost of implementing the technologies has been decreasing. "It`s becoming affordable even for small companies that once would have had to delay implementations because of cost," Chopra said.

      Lastly, there`s education, and industry efforts have been helped out by news reports and other attention recently focused on security technology. "A lot of people thought this stuff (such as retina scans) was only in James Bond flicks," Chopra said. "Now they realize that there are companies out there right now doing this."
      schrieb am 25.10.01 08:46:36
      Beitrag Nr. 222 ()
      gute News gestern. Imagis wächst und das Konzept funktioniert. Hoffentlich sehen wir jetzt die CAD 3,00.

      Wednesday October 24, 6:00 pm Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Imagis announces $3.5 M financing
      VANCOUVER, Oct. 24 /PRNewswire/ - (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) Imagis Technologies Inc. (``Imagis``) - The Company announces that it has arranged, subject to regulatory approval, a private placement of 1,612,903 special warrants (the ``Special Warrants``) at a price of $2.17 per Special Warrant for total proceeds of $3,500,000. The Special Warrants will be exercisable, for no additional consideration, into one common share and one half of a non- transferable share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant will entitle the holder thereof to acquire one additional common share in the capital of the Company at an exercise price of $2.55 for a period of one year from the date the underlying shares are qualified by a prospectus.

      The Company has undertaken to file a prospectus within 60 days of the closing date and obtain a receipt within 120 days of filing. Should the Company be unable to clear a prospectus in 120 days from the date of filing, the Special Warrant holders shall receive 1.1 common shares and 0.6 warrants for each Special Warrant held.

      $3,100,000 of the placement is being co-brokered by Thomson Kernaghan & Co. Limited (``TK``) of Toronto, Ontario (as to $2,000,000) and Canaccord Capital Corporation (``Canaccord``) of Vancouver, British Columbia (as to $1,100,000). In consideration for brokering this portion of the placement, TK and Canaccord (collectively the ``Agents``) will be paid a commission of 8% and will be issued Agents` Compensation Warrants entitling them to purchase 10% of the gross proceeds raised, pro rated to the proceeds raised by each of them. The Company has agreed to qualify the Agents` Compensation Warrants with a prospectus. The Agents` Compensation Warrants carry a term of one year from the date that the shares underlying the Special Warrants are qualified by a prospectus, and are exercisable at a price of $2.17 per share.

      The balance of the private placement is non-brokered.

      The Company proposes to use the proceeds of the private placement for:

      (i) sales and marketing activities;
      (ii) research and development for the enhancement of its facial
      recognition technology; and
      (iii) to pay certain accounts payable and for general working capital.

      The Company expects to close the private placement in short order and the securities issued pursuant to the private placement will be subject to resale restrictions expiring a minimum of 4 months from the date of closing.

      About Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis is a public company offering state-of-the-art software technology for biometric facial recognition and image management. Imagis systems can be found in numerous sites worldwide, including law enforcement agencies, casinos, correctional institutions, international airports, and government offices. Imagis` ID-2000 facial recognition technology forms the basis of some of the world`s largest digital imaging systems.

      Imagis` software is designed to work wherever possible with existing hardware, while interfacing seamlessly with other software products to provide clients with highly effective imaging solutions. It is marketed through a global network of business partners.

      Imagis is committed to providing its customers and partners with high performance imaging technology, created and supported by professionals, who understand the increasing need in the market for advanced biometric-based security.


      Rory S. Godinho, Director

      Statements made in this press release that are not historical or current facts are ``forward looking statements`` made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of federal securities laws. Forward looking statements represent certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those presently anticipated or projected.

      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      schrieb am 25.10.01 09:23:07
      Beitrag Nr. 223 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      in der Tat gute News. Damit kann vieles vorangetrieben werden. Die News kam wieder nachbörslich, sodass diese News wohl noch nicht in den Kursen drin ist. Mal sehen was heute geht. Bin auf weitere News gespannt. Der Durchbruch ist geschafft, jetzt kann bald die Kasse klingeln.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 25.10.01 09:58:27
      Beitrag Nr. 224 ()
      hab noch etwas gefunden. Ist aktuell und in Washington erschienen. Sitzen da nicht die Behörden? Unten ist eine Austellung der "player". Es sind nur 4 die sich den MArkt teilen. Welche Aussichten.

      10/22/01; Vol. 16 No. 15

      Privacy Concerns Fade, Demand Rises for Facial Recognition Technology

      Security as Plain as the Nose on Your Face

      By William Welsh
      Staff Writer

      Sandy Ferris, a forensic technician with the North Vancouver detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, was using a facial recognition system to identify an offender when she made a startling discovery.

      Ferris was running the suspect’s image against a database of more than 8,000 offenders that was part of a computerized arrest and booking system installed by Imagis Technologies Inc. Imagis’ facial scan system, known as ID-2000, not only identified the suspect, but showed he was in the database under three additional aliases.

      “We found out we were dealing with a single criminal, not four,” said Ferris, whose department has been using the ID-2000 system since February 2000.

      The ability to identify offenders and uncover aliases is one of several ways state and local governments have come to rely on facial recognition software in recent years. The early adoption of facial recognition solutions by law enforcement agencies and motor vehicle departments has laid the groundwork for what the software makers hope will be a wealth of new business opportunities in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington.

      “We’re seeing the tip of the iceberg,” said Jerry Janik, president of AcSys Biometrics Corp., Burlington, Ontario, referring to the future of biometric solutions, such as facial recognition. Janik said after Sept. 11, the sales cycle for his company went “from two or three years to tomorrow.”

      Imagis President Iain Drummond said he has received many new inquiries about his product after Sept. 11, and nine of every 10 calls are coming from the United States.

      Up until the terrorist attacks, facial scanning for surveillance drew controversy like a magnet. In one widely publicized case, privacy advocates voiced strong concerns when Visionics Corp. of Jersey City, N.J., deployed its FaceIt system on 36 cameras in Tampa, Fla., at the request of local police to scan the crowds for suspected criminals.

      But resistance to the technology, which the companies tout as nonintrusive, is expected to fade as the public becomes accustomed to stronger security measures following the attacks.

      “There is a mind-set that we shouldn’t do it because it infringes on privacy, but in the long run we will deploy these technologies as necessary,” said Rob Atkinson, director of the New Economy and Technology Project at the Progressive Policy Institute, Washington.

      Facial scanning is a form of biometrics, the study of measurable biological characteristics such as eyes, faces, fingerprints and speech. Facial scanning accounts for about 15 percent of the market share of all biometric applications.

      Facial scanning provides verification and identification. It can control access to computer systems by verifying the user, or it can identify a suspected criminal or terrorist by searching a database containing thousands of faces.

      Revenue from biometrics is expected to grow rapidly from $523 million in 2001 to $1.9 billion in 2005, according to the International Biometric Group, a New-York based integration and consulting firm.

      Even before the attacks, leading systems integrators, such as Bull Information Systems Inc., Billerica, Mass.; DynCorp, Reston, Va.; Electronic Data Systems Corp., Plano, Texas; Logicon Inc., Herndon, Va.; Maximus Inc., Reston, Va.; and Unisys Corp., Blue Bell, Pa., were exploring how they might integrate facial scanning into their government offerings.

      Following the attacks, integrators will be looking not only at traditional applications of facial recognition technology for law enforcement and criminal justice, but also at creative ways it might be applied to sectors where it has not been used before, such as health and human services, said analysts and industry officials.

      For example, integrators helping government agencies comply with the security and privacy requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act may want to use facial recognition software to control who has access to medical records, Janik said.

      HIPAA offers “a tremendous opportunity” for biometric applications, said Gary Glickman, a business development manager with Maximus. In addition to security, biometrics offers more convenience for users, he said. Instead of having to remember multiple personal identification numbers, an agency user can simply log on with a fingerprint or, in the case of facial recognition, by facing the monitor.

      “No matter how [agencies] manage their data, we can provide the security side and go right on top of what they’re using,” Janik said.

      AcSys, which provides face and speech recognition, is a joint venture between Nexus Group International Inc. and Artificial Neural Devices Corp., both of Burlington, Ontario. The 1-year-old company hopes to grow its business by tapping into the large customer base of integrators, Janik said.

      For this purpose, AcSys teamed in August with Engineering Systems Solutions Inc. of Frederick, Md., and DynCorp to bring its facial recognition system to the U.S. intelligence community.

      ESS is the prime contractor on a team that has installed a facial recognition demonstration project to control entry into a security office at an intelligence facility; DynCorp is the integrator responsible for installation testing and operation. Janik declined to name the agency.

      Imagis has installations of its biometric facial technology at Toronto’s Pearson Airport and at various police departments in California, Mexico and western Canada. Most of the California projects are with police departments surrounding Los Angeles and San Francisco.

      “We’ve had a number of early successes,” Drummond said.

      As for alliances, the company signed an agreement in 2000 that allows Bull Information Systems to market its products and solutions in the United Kingdom.

      Visionics has a number of motor vehicle and law enforcement contracts around the country for its FaceIt system. Frances Zelazny, a company spokeswoman, said a number of other cities are interested in deploying FaceIt for urban surveillance similar to how the system is being used in Tampa. The company expects to sign contracts with other municipalities within the next year, she said.

      In addition to the Tampa project, Visionics has other high-profile deployments at Iceland’s Keflavik Airport as well as the cities of Birmingham and London in the United Kingdom.

      Zelazny said that while Visionics partners frequently with large systems integrators, its only formal partnership at the moment is with EDS. The two companies have cooperated on providing security solutions for international border crossings, she said.

      Viisage Technology Inc. of Littleton, Mass., has contracts in 15 states, Viisage President Tom Colatosti told Washington Technology earlier this year. In the state and local market, Colatosti said the company had leveraged its driver’s licensing applications into applications for criminal justice and social services. Viisage could not be reached for this article.

      Security experts warn that facial scanning is not a panacea for Internet security or protection against criminals or terrorists. Indeed, they are urging agencies and departments at all levels of government to deploy the technology gradually and to allow it to reach full maturity.

      “It’s proven for 1-1 matches, but we’re uncertain how it will work on a 1-to-many basis,” Atkinson said. As time elapses, “systems will improve and have fewer false positives,” he said.

      Facial scanning is not completely effective at identifying individuals in crowds, it is not immune to adverse photographic conditions, and it cannot always adjust to subject appearance over time, according to the IBG.

      Facial scanning is not as reliable as, for example, fingerprinting or iris scanning, said Michael Thieme, an IBG senior consultant. “It’s not going to redefine criminal justice, and it won’t replace fingerprinting,” he said.

      Still, using facial scanning in public places could significantly deter criminal and terrorist activity, Thieme said. “It’s useful when used as a deterrence,” he said. “But it’s not helpful if it is not advertised that it is being used.”

      The Biometrics Players

      By William Welsh
      Staff Writer

      AcSys Biometrics Corp.
      Location: Burlington, Ontario
      President: Jerry Janik
      Business: Neural technology applications for the financial, government, manufacturing, security and business sectors
      Founded: 2000
      Employees: 30
      Annual Revenue: $5 million

      Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
      President: Ian Drummond
      Business: Biometric-based software applications for law enforcement, airport and security industries
      Founded: 1987
      Employees: 25
      Annual Revenue: $4 million

      Viisage Technology Inc.
      Location: Littleton, Mass.
      President: Tom Colatosti
      Business: Internet, electronic and physical access control, real-time image identification and verification, voter registration, national IDs and law enforcement and social services
      Founded: 1996
      Employees: 100
      Annual Revenue: $28 million

      Visionics Corp.
      Location: Jersey City, N.J.
      Chairman and CEO: Joseph Atick
      Business: Enabling technology, platforms, products and systems for biometric identification, with a special focus on face recognition and fingerprint identification
      Founded: 1994
      Employees: 200
      Annual Revenue: $30 million

      schrieb am 25.10.01 10:02:10
      Beitrag Nr. 225 ()

      Was ist daran so gut, dass IMAGIS schon wieder Geld aufnehmen muss um fällige Kredite zu bezahlen?

      schrieb am 25.10.01 10:17:27
      Beitrag Nr. 226 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      Du meinst das hier:

      The Company proposes to use the proceeds of the private placement for:

      (i) sales and marketing activities;
      (ii) research and development for the enhancement of its facial recognition technology; and
      (iii) to pay certain accounts payable and for general working capital

      Weiss nicht, wie hoch die Summe ist, die bezahlt werden muss. Messe dem auch nicht viel bei. Es ist z.B. üblich, dass Financiers dem Unternehmen in schlechten Zeiten Geld leihen. Vielleicht ist dies der Grund. Kenne einen anderen Fall ZSUB, da haben Financiers jden Monat die laufenden Kosten bezahlt. Waren immerhin schlappe 500K pro Monat.

      Also, das Geld wird für drei Punkte genutzt und ich denke das Imagis das meiste für Punkt 1 und zwei verwendet. Es kommen ja noch ein paar Abschlüsse, und die müssen finanziert werden;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 25.10.01 11:42:25
      Beitrag Nr. 227 ()
      morgen beginnt the 108th Annual IACP Conference:
      Law Enforcement Education and Technology Exposition
      Toronto, Ontario, Canada
      October 27-31, 2001

      Dort sind viele Firmen als Aussteller, auch Imagis. Übrigens auch Motorola. Sowhat gib es da was?

      schrieb am 25.10.01 11:54:21
      Beitrag Nr. 228 ()
      Hallo Canadafreak,

      Von deren Webpage:
      Installed in squad cars and other vehicles, CABS Cruiser lets your mobile professionals work more efficiently in the field. Perform investigations, searches, pre-bookings and view data and images from your mobile station via cellular connection. Law Enforcement professionals can complete all of their field reports and have access to local and centralized information in a more timely and efficient manner. Direct benefits include less time spent on administrative tasks back at the station and more time on the street, protecting their communities. CABS Cruiser will operate on compatible Mobile Data Terminals, Laptops, Stylus Tablets or compatible Portable Data Assistants (PDA), please refer to Minimum Requirements when selecting your equipment.

      Hab aber nochwas, muss es aber erst suchen. Kommt später nach.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 25.10.01 17:53:13
      Beitrag Nr. 229 ()
      Guten Abend,

      hier noch der Nachtrag zu Motorola:

      Motorola. Motorola is the leading provider
      of systems and hardware to police forces in the
      USA. It has undertaken pioneering work with some
      US police forces using Palm Pilots to transfer
      information, including digitised photographs, to
      officers in the field. Motorola has included
      Imagis’s facial recognition in its flagship Leeds
      law enforcement product suite. This has
      significant potential medium term, because there
      are huge operational advantages to police on the
      beat in being able to see a picture of an identified
      suspect, rather than a police artist’s drawing or a
      photofit montage. As yet, however, no firm
      contracts have resulted. Imagis is also working
      with Motorola SE Asia on major projects there.

      Quelle: Hardman & Co
      Corporate Research and Transaction Management
      4/5 Castle Court Tel: 020 7929 3399
      London EC3V 9DL Fax: 020 7929 3377
      erstellt am 29. März 2001

      Good luck

      schrieb am 25.10.01 20:39:32
      Beitrag Nr. 230 ()
      Das liest sich besser als ne Kapitalerhöhung :)
      schrieb am 25.10.01 22:33:41
      Beitrag Nr. 231 ()
      Ohne Mos nichts los, oder glaub jemand, dass die nur auf blaue Augen was bekommen?

      Watch the next news

      Good luck

      schrieb am 26.10.01 01:56:12
      Beitrag Nr. 232 ()
      noch ne kleine news *G*

      In conjunction with Intacta`s patented encoding technology and SANYO`s system design expertise, Imagis` biometric facial recognition technology provides the most cost-effective, high security, integrated verification solution for access cards, credentials, visas, passports and drivers licenses. XPRESS.ID-2000 provides an instant one-to-one identification tool by encoding facial features (e.g. digital image of an individual, reliable regardless of race, sex, facial characteristics, etc.) and personal information. The encoding process is highly resistant to falsification and was originally developed for military grade security requirements.

      With XPRESS.ID-2000, personal high-security identity and access cards can be created quickly, at a comparable cost to ink and paper. Imagis and Intacta are currently collaborating with SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. and SANYO Semiconductor Company, which supplies and manufactures the read and write hardware. The process is simple: a digital camera captures an individual`s face, from which a facial template is created and encoded. The encoded image is uploaded into an identification database, along with the capacity of several hundred bytes of personal data. This allows for fast, reliable verification of hundreds of thousands of individuals at a time. Quick access to facial images, data and personal information embedded in the Intacta code is possible due to a low-cost reader developed by SANYO.

      uns allen gutes gelingen *G*
      schrieb am 26.10.01 22:41:50
      Beitrag Nr. 233 ()
      Pentagon Appeals to Technology Firms for Anti-Terror Systems
      By Paul Horvitz

      Washington, D.C., Oct. 26 (Bloomberg) -- The Pentagon is appealing to U.S. companies to create security systems and devices that will help identify and stop terrorists. Defense contractors and computer companies such as Unisys Corp. may benefit.

      The Defense Department made the request Tuesday, bypassing its usual procurement system, and wants initial proposals in two months. It`s seeking automated systems to detect Middle Eastern and South Asian languages in intercepted phone calls, software to find patterns in law-enforcement databases, tags and sensors to monitor movement, face-recognition and voice-print systems, video- tracking devices, and ``deception`` detectors to screen travelers.

      ``This is a very broad-based call,`` said Major Mike Halbig, a Pentagon spokesman. ``We`re looking for good ideas.``

      The Pentagon is asking for help as the federal government and private businesses work to tighten security across the U.S. following the Sept. 11 attacks. Some possible systems already are in development or in pilot programs. With an accelerated review process, the goal is to have new systems ready in 12 to 18 months, the government said.

      The government hopes for proposals from defense contractors, computer services companies, think tanks and universities, Halbig said, adding that funds will be allocated once projects are selected.

      ``A lot of companies like ours and others have a range of technology that might be applied to homeland defense,`` said Jim Fetig, a spokesman for Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed Martin Corp., the largest defense contractor. ``We are examining our technology to determine where we can be of help.``

      Iris Recognition

      Unisys, for example, has a pilot program with the Defense Department to test security systems using automated recognition of faces, irises and fingerprints, said Ed Hogan, Unisys` Global Public Sector vice president.

      ``All three have the ability to be made operational now,`` he said, pending decisions on what combination of scans are desired and the scale of the system.

      Originally, he said, the system was aimed at building security.

      ``Now, we`re re-thinking,`` he said, to broaden its potential in the wake of the terrorist attacks.

      Unisys, a seller of computer services and hardware based in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, already is talking to airlines and airports about the system, Hogan said.

      Artificial Intelligence

      Officials are looking more closely at a product Unisys created to link data at local police constabularies in Britain, Hogan said. Dubbed Holmes2, for the fictional Scotland Yard detective, it uses data-mining and artificial intelligence software to detect crime patterns across regions. It`s designed to help police manage information in complex investigations and can organize data on victims of large disasters.

      Unisys also has a system for financial institutions that identifies transactions that may indicate money laundering.

      The Pentagon`s announcement, from the undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, specifically seeks ``help in combating terrorism, defeating difficult targets, conducting protracted operations in remote areas and developing countermeasures to weapons of mass destruction.``

      It was the first time the Pentagon issued a broad request for devices and weapons to combat terrorism, Fetig said.

      Companies that may benefit include defense contractors Northrop Grumman Corp. and L-3 Communications Holdings Inc., which develop information systems as well as weapons, and Visionics Corp., a maker of face-recognition systems. Computer Sciences Corp. already has defense contracts for systems related to information security.

      Language Software

      The Pentagon request, in a 24-page document, seeks software to incorporate Afghan, Iranian and Arabic dialects into automated recognition systems for spy agencies. It also seeks programs to scan and decrypt a range of computer data, including data from handheld devices.

      The government wants better systems for finding and identifying faces in videotape. It also wants systems that can create a voiceprint of suspected terrorists and their associates and it`s seeking better security for building access. It also wants quicker ways to screen passengers with new ``deception detection`` devices, such as portable polygraph machines or ``alternate approaches and sensors.``

      Behind many of these systems will be complex databases, computers to run them and networks to make data broadly available. In addition, the Pentagon wants proposals for software and computers to create Web-based training systems to improve anti- terror readiness.

      Companies are likely to approach the process of bidding in a low-key manner, Hogan said.

      ``Industry is very sensitive,`` he said. ``They don`t want to look like ambulance chasers.``

      Still, Unisys believes security-related systems will boost sales for the company in 2002.

      ``Where we`re seeing a lot of demand right now is, obviously, security,`` Unisys Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Lawrence Weinbach told analysts last week. ``Right now, we`re still dealing with the proposal stage.``…
      schrieb am 27.10.01 03:26:22
      Beitrag Nr. 234 ()
      hallo leutz,
      ....und kein wort von imagis ...seid mir nicht böse, aber es sieht verdammt danach aus, als würden andere das rennen machen...der kurs von imagis müsste eigentlich schon viel höher stehen...und die kapitalerhöhung ist eine sehr schlechte bremse für den kurs....momentan glaube ich ehrlich gesagt nicht an einen tollen uk deal...sowhat es wird langsam zeit für fakten!
      schrieb am 27.10.01 08:33:43
      Beitrag Nr. 235 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      übe Dich doch in ein Wenig Geduld. Heute fängt die Konferenz an und Imagis kann das erste Mal seine mit Sanyo Produkte vorführen.


      Schönes Wochenende

      schrieb am 27.10.01 13:45:07
      Beitrag Nr. 236 ()

      bin mal auf diese Conference gespannt. Aus dem Statement des President der organisation. Die müssen schnelle handeln, denkt mal an die Olympischen Winter Spiele.

      Now, the Annual IACP Conference is a must-attend event. We’ve refocused our workshop offerings to provide more information about dealing with terrorism and its aftermath:

      Bombing Trends: Training and Operational Resources for Local Departments
      Every Chief Has a Role in Winning the War against Terrorism
      Preventing Terrorism at the Olympics – Law Enforcement Preparations for the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics
      Psychological Implications of Mass Destruction on First Responders
      Terrorist Threat – Protection of Critical Systems in the Electronic Age

      schrieb am 28.10.01 20:45:42
      Beitrag Nr. 237 ()
      Canadafreak, what happens, Du bist doch für Kanada zuständig;)

      Lest diese News Aufmerksam, insbesondere den Reiseplan;)

      October 27, 2001

      Lasting impression
      Can face recognition technology help prevent terrorism or is it just a quick fix?

      Margaret Munro
      National Post

      VANCOUVER - Iain Drummond, the affable president of Imagis Technologies Inc., was as horrified as anyone by the September 11 terrorist attacks. "But, it has changed everything," he said, describing how his company`s fortunes have soared in the aftermath.

      Like other players in the emerging field of biometrics -- where science and technology are used to identify people -- Imagis` stock has skyrocketed, quadrupling in price since the beginning of September. Major airports and law enforcement agencies across the United States and Canada are eying the company`s face-recognition technology which has the potential to pick known criminals out of a crowd, or a passenger line-up.

      "Since Sept. 11, 95% of the calls have been to do with airport security," said Mr. Drummond. He has been on the road almost non-stop since the attack. Next week, his travel plans include a stop in Toronto, then New Jersey and Washington.

      Months ago, the public might have been leery of biometrics. Now, we appear to be more than ready to embrace the computerized technology that can, in a split-second, identify someone by the landscape of their face, the gait of their walk, the tone of their voice and even the distinctive way they type on a computer keyboard.

      Mr. Drummond and biometrics proponents say using the new technology to check faces against mug shots of known terrorists at border crossings and airports is sure to help prevent future attacks. At Logan Airport, where hijackers boarded the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center, officials said yesterday it would be one of the first airports in the United States to install face recognition technology.

      Critics such as John Dixon, president of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, are far from convinced we should rush to embrace such techno-fixes. They fear the technology could provide a false sense of security. Even worse, it might lead to widespread public surveillance, and erosion of privacy.

      There is plenty of material on biometrics in police and enforcement magazines that extol the power and promise of the technologies. Voice recognition systems can scan thousands of phone calls in search of key phrases and expressions. Fingerprint and typing recognition systems can make computer systems more secure. Iris scans are designed to look into people`s eyes to verify that security passes are used by their rightful owner. Researchers are also working on systems to identify people by the ridges on their finger nails, veins on the palms of the hand, and body odours.

      But face recognition is considered most promising -- and potentially most disturbing -- because the face is so accessible and the technology is so unobtrusive. "Individuals need not know that their identity is being verified and indeed are not asked to co- operate nor to participate in any way," said an Imagis brochure.

      Police who use the technology in Vancouver and California rave about it. Officers in cruisers can take a digital picture of offenders and quickly identify them. In one case, an RCMP officer in North Vancouver apprehend someone who had been using three different aliases. Casinos use the system to scan patrons and identify and keep a close eye on known card sharks.

      Biometrics may be a science, but it is a rather secretive one. Imagis, which is one of the world leaders in facial recognition, does not publish peer-reviewed scientific papers on its fast-evolving technology or its effectiveness. Nor has the company filed for patents on its technology for fear of tipping off the competition. "We were advised not to," said Mr. Drummond. His company, which has retired FBI and RCMP officials on its board, depends more on word of mouth and the testimonials from police and casino operations that have been using the technology.

      Mr. Drummond said Imagis`s technology was devised for use in satellite imaging and then adapted for use on humans. "It looks at the face like a bit of land, a bit of terrain," he said. It maps landmarks, such the eyes, nose, month and features like nose bridges, cheek bones, ear and eye socket shape to produce a mathematical representation, or faceprint, which is then stored in a database.

      Under the surveillance system Mr. Drummond foresees for airports, people would have their faces scanned by a camera hidden behind ticket agents, and quickly checked against a database of known terrorists. Whenever a match popped up, alarms would go off in an airport security centre and officers would be dispatched. Ticket agents would have no knowledge there was a problem.

      Mr. Drummond said the system can see through virtually any disguise, including change of hair colour or style, beards or mustaches. Even in the case of life-like neoprene masks, he said, the system would figure out something was amiss because the temperature of the mask would be cooler than that of real skin.

      Facial recognition systems are not, however, foolproof. Dark glasses can throw them off. And they cannot identify people who are photographed in profile, since both eyes must be seen for proper alignment, Mr. Drummond said.

      Consultants at International Biometric Group in New York also say the systems can be tricked, though it may not be easy. "Every biometric can be defeated if one allows a sufficient amount of time, money and attempts," said a report IBG prepared on the industry.

      The report notes, among other things, that hand-scans do not verify that someone is actually alive. "Theoretically, an amputated hand can be verified on a hand-scan system, although the fingers would need to be positioned such that they are placing pressure on the correct pegs."

      As for facial-scan systems, the consultants suggest effectiveness varies with the technology used and can be affected by weight gain, loud clothing and even hats. A bit of reconstructive surgery to change the shape of the nose or jaw could also trick some systems.

      There is also the problem that terrorists tend to be unknown to authorities until they strike.

      "Even if New York City had been endowed with [enough] surveillance cameras to turn the whole city into a giant TV studio, this would have done nothing to prevent the terrorists from crashing aircraft into the World Trade Center," George Radwanski, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, said this month.

      "The problem is that the people you are looking for have a very keen interest in remaining unphotographed and as unknown as possible," said Mr. Dixon. "By the time they are known they are either dead or they are gone.

      "We need to weigh how much we value the privacy we enjoy in the public space now against how terrified we are of further terrorist attack."

      Mr. Drummond agrees getting images of terrorists could be a limitation. He is also well aware of the concerns privacy advocates have about biometrics. He agrees that society needs to decide how far to go with technology and what kind of data bases can and should be linked into such systems.

      As evidence of the dangers, Mr. Dixon points to Britain where surveillance cameras now scan streets, airports, subways and train stations. The first cameras were installed in the early 1990s in response to growing terrorism threats. Today, there are more than one million cameras -- and some put the figure at two million. Yet studies have shown the cameras, and security officials monitoring them, spend an inordinate amount of their time focused not on terrorists, but on petty thieves and pretty girls.

      Mr. Radwanski said biometric technology might be warranted to protect some places that are most vulnerable to terrorism, but he has raised the Orwellian spectre of authorities one day "using readily available photo sources for the general population, such as driver`s license application records, to be able to identify anyone in a monitored public place at any time, or to monitor the whereabouts and activities of any given individual as he or she moved from place to place."

      Still, Mr. Drummond is convinced biometrics can be used as a deterrent to protect airplanes from terrorists without infringing on people`s privacy.

      If the deterrent works, the question then becomes: What will terrorists target next? And is there a technology to protect those targets?

      "If history is any guide in terms of the way terrorists operate, you`ll always be fighting not just last year`s war, but last week`s war," said Mr. Dixon. "And what you might be giving up [in terms of privacy] is something that people hardly begin to appreciate the preciousness of until they begin to lose it

      Good luck und es wird krachen:)

      schrieb am 29.10.01 11:02:23
      Beitrag Nr. 238 ()
      Hallo zusammen, man das sind ja einige Infos, die muß ich erstmal verarbeiten. Die müssen doch mal handeln, bei den Behörden, oder haben die ohne Ende Zeit? Der Reiseplan von Herrn Drummong siehts auch interessant aus, na bin gespannt. Leider hab ich nichts mehr zum nachlegen, die anderen Aktien sind zuweit im Verlust, oder lieber mit Verlust raus und doch nachkaufen? Was macht Ihr denn?

      schrieb am 29.10.01 11:21:07
      Beitrag Nr. 239 ()
      wie wäre es mit "ruhe bewahren"??
      die Zeit macht es schon *G*
      schrieb am 30.10.01 12:17:22
      Beitrag Nr. 240 ()
      Hallo zusammen, Ruhe bewahre ich ja, aber was ist mit nachkaufen? Heute z.B..Die News müssen doch bald kommen.
      In der Onlinetelebörse hab ich noch dies gefunden.Imagis mit neuem Produkt und neuem Geld


      Imagis Technologies, kanadischer Hersteller von Biometriesoftware, will durch eine Privatplatzierung 1,6 Mio. Spezial-Optionen 3,5 Mio. Dollar erlösen. Die Spezial-Optionen sollen 2,17 Dollar kosten und Anspruch auf eine Aktie und einen halbe Aktienoption zum Bezugspreis von 2,55 Dollar geben. Laufzeit der Option ist ein Jahr. Imagis verzeichnete seit dem 11. September eine Kurssteigerung um 345 Prozent. Gleichzeitig gab das Unternehmen bekannt, dass es am kommenden Wochenende gemeinsam mit Sanyo und Intacta auf der Konferenz der Internationalen Vereinigung der Polizeichefs das neue Produkt XPRESS.ID-2000 vorstellen wird. Dabei handelt es sich nach Unternehmensangaben um die einzige integrierte Applikation von Gesichtererkennung und Software-Kodierung.

      schrieb am 30.10.01 12:24:44
      Beitrag Nr. 241 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      ich will ja nicht als Schwarzseher dastehen,
      aber wenn die News nicht bald kommen können wir
      sehr tief unten wieder nachkaufen.

      Ich für meinen Teil kaufe erst wieder bei steigenden
      Kursen.(Habe schon öfters in ein fallendes Messer gegriffen
      z.B. IMAGIS Dezember 2000)

      Gruß itsch
      schrieb am 31.10.01 09:01:16
      Beitrag Nr. 242 ()

      kaum ist man nicht da, geht der Kurs runter. Hatte die letzten Tage keine Zeit um nachzuforschen, sorry sowhat, aber Du findest doch immer was. Also die Presse ist doch pro Imagis, fehlen nur noch die News. Vielleicht hören wir im heutigen Interview mehr.

      "And with the events of September 11th, there`s been a call for newer, more efficient technology for security. Ian Drummond, CEO of Imagis Technologies Inc., joins us to talk about his company`s facial recognition technology."

      Kommt auf 6:30 bis 10:00 am

      Ist so ähnlich wie "Good morning Amerika" in den USA, mal sehen was kommt. Werde heute Abend mal bei Freunden nachfragen.

      schrieb am 31.10.01 16:44:08
      Beitrag Nr. 243 ()
      Und hier gibts das Interview

      Happy halloween

      schrieb am 31.10.01 17:12:16
      Beitrag Nr. 244 ()

      wenn es so weitergeht
      sind wir am freitag wieder bei 2 CAD
      jetzt in Canada schon bei 2,23 CAD.
      vielleicht hätte ich doch verkaufen sollen,
      wie sie noch bei ca. 2 Euro war.
      langsam mach ich mir Sorgen.
      Wie war eigentlich das Interview ?

      was denkt ihr anderen über die momentane Situation ?

      lg mariogue
      schrieb am 31.10.01 17:36:45
      Beitrag Nr. 245 ()
      also jetzt noch aussteigen aus Imagis ? Die Aktie kann doch wohl nicht out sein! Ich bleibe drinnen. Aber schade, 2 Euro wäre Ausstieg wert gewesen.

      schrieb am 01.11.01 10:49:29
      Beitrag Nr. 246 ()
      IT abounds at police chief convention
      Scott Gardner
      IT World Canada
      With an eye to the many agencies focused on hardening physical security, especially around ports of entry, Vancouver’s Imagis Technologies Inc. was demonstrating its ID-2000 image detection and biometric facial recognition software.

      The ID-2000 uses a sophisticated mathematical algorithm, and a series of Active X controls to essentially map a deformable surface model over a facial image from a digital camera, screen capture, or even a scanned artist’s sketch, then compares it against a database of offenders, said Andy Amanovich, Imagis’s chief technology officer. Since it checks over 200 three-dimensional facial descriptors, the software can allow for ageing, weight gain and changes in facial hair — as demonstrated when the system was able to match before and after images of one considerably bulked-up suspect.

      As well as identifying bad guys caught on film, this technology can be layered at airport access points to ensure that the individual who is cleared at check-in is the same one who passes metal detectors and ultimately boards the airplane, Amanovich said.

      However, with a $30,000 price tag for a single PC system useful for small police detachments, and up to US$5 million for a big airport installation, Amanovich said most Canadian policing agencies don’t yet have the budget for this kind of technology. Even though the RCMP unit at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport and several forces in Western Canada have implemented Imagis systems, 90 per cent of the company’s business is in the United States, Amanovich noted, including 32 California departments plugged into a single, networked database.

      Recently, Amanovich has also observed a change in the tone of the cops who witness Imagis’s demos.

      “In the past, questions from law enforcement were always about cost — in the last three days here (at the IACP conference) I haven’t had one question about cost, only ‘when can I get it’ and ‘how do I make it work.’ Everyone is a lot more serious now,” he said.


      schrieb am 01.11.01 21:19:16
      Beitrag Nr. 247 ()
      So dann wollen wir mal sehen, was dieses Interview morgen bring. Ist im amerikanischen Sender:):)

      Imagis President, Iain Drummond Friday, 7:25 pst and 10:25
      will be appearing `live` on CNNfn, New York, Market Call Show.

      Enjoy it

      schrieb am 01.11.01 23:05:04
      Beitrag Nr. 248 ()
      der heutige kursverlauf lässt einiges vermuten. Bin froh durchgehalten zu haben.

      schrieb am 07.11.01 10:11:13
      Beitrag Nr. 249 ()
      Ist dieser Thread jetzt out? Ich hab meine Imagis immer noch!

      schrieb am 07.11.01 10:49:04
      Beitrag Nr. 250 ()
      der thread ist nicht out, aber es gibt momentan wohl keine news, oder so what?

      .. hab meine auch noch und warte ungedultig auf neue infos!

      auf gehts iain ran an die aufträge!!!

      schrieb am 07.11.01 10:58:31
      Beitrag Nr. 251 ()

      die News besagen, dass die Casinos nicht mehr das Hauptstandbein sein sollen, und das ist gut so.

      Natürlich brauchen wir mindestens einen Jahresumsatz von ca. 5Mio$ , damit die MK gerechfertigt ist. Nächstes Jahr sollten es dann 20Mio sein, dann ist´s geschafft, bis dahin muss man eben Ruhe bewahren und schon mal nach anderen Werten Ausschau halten.

      Grüße, Josie :)
      schrieb am 07.11.01 11:04:07
      Beitrag Nr. 252 ()
      ...z.B. articon
      schrieb am 07.11.01 18:11:05
      Beitrag Nr. 253 ()
      schrieb am 07.11.01 19:37:18
      Beitrag Nr. 254 ()
      hi leutz,
      hohes volumen heute, da werden heute schöne pakete gehandelt.....hoffentlich kommt da jetzt mal irgendwas an news...wird zeit...gut, dass die 2 erstmal stehen bleibt!
      schrieb am 08.11.01 07:21:00
      Beitrag Nr. 255 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      Trendwatcher, wirklich ein guter Bericht. Da können wir ja noch auf einiges hoffen. Interesssant ist dieser Satz:

      "Aly Nazerali, a director and key financier at Imagis, told me Friday that airport security and police bookings are just a “small part of the iceberg” for the firm, as it expects to show 100% growth over the next three years and beyond by pressing into all manner of facial authentication applications, such as ATM machines."

      Siehe hierzu die Meldungen der Vergangenheit:

      October 25, 2001 SANYO Semiconductor, Imagis, and Intacta to Demonstrate Combined Security System at International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Conference

      October 2, 2001 Imagis and Intacta Combine Biometrics and Encoding for New and Secure ID Verification Solutions

      July 31, 2001 Cheung Kong Infrastructure (CKI) and Imagis Technologies Sign Master Disributor Agreement For Asia Pacific

      July 5, 1999 Imagis Partners with ExWAY Inc. of Japan to Market Law Enforcement and Security Products

      Good luck

      schrieb am 08.11.01 10:56:47
      Beitrag Nr. 256 ()
      na das liest sich ja hervorragend. In Canada kennt das noch keiner.

      Hoffentlich ist Imagis hier auch dabei, passt zu den vergangenen Meldungen.

      Durchbruch für SmartCards in den USA

      In den USA, wo bisher der Führerschein de fakto als Personalausweis dient, werden nun unter der Prämisse der Terrorabwehr mehr und mehr elektronische ID-Karten eingeführt. Sie bieten weit mehr als ein fälschungssicheres Identifikationspapier, nämlich aus Sicht der Sicherheitsexperten geradezu ideale Möglichkeiten zur Speicherung und maschinellen Auswertung verschiedenster Personendaten, darunter natürlich auch biometrischer Merkmale.

      Das US-Verteidigungsministerium hat 4,3 Millionen SmartCards geordert, die als ID-Karten an das Militärpersonal ausgegeben werden sollen. Damit sollen sowohl die körperlichen als auch die Online-Sicherheitsvorkehrungen verstärkt werden, berichtet der Nachrichtendienst Newsfactor. Das Pentagon erwäge, weitere 23 Millionen SmartCards an Angehörige, Pensionäre und Vertragspartner zu verteilen. Die Maßnahme kostet 8 bis 9 Dollar pro Karte.

      Auch bei der Sicherung des Luftverkehrs gegen terroristische Anschläge sollen SmartCards helfen. Die US-Luftfahrtbehörde Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sprach vergangene Woche mit Herstellern über den Plan, künftig allen Flugpassagieren elektronische Ausweise anzubieten. Dass auch diese Karten biometrische Merkmale enthalten werden, damit zum Beispiel über Iris-Scan oder Fingerabdruck die Identität des Inhabers geprüft werden kann, steht außer Frage.

      Wer auf diese Weise sicher zu identifizieren sei, so das Kalkül der FAA, bräuchte nicht mehr den aufwendigen körperlichen Sicherheitskontrollen unterzogen zu werden. Die Behörde geht davon aus, dass viele Passagiere freiwillig und gern eine solche elektronische ID-Karte nutzen würden, um an den zeitraubenden Checks vorbei zu kommen. Die Kontrollen, die es vor dem 11. September bei Inlandsflügen praktisch gar nicht gab, haben seither überall auf den Flugplätzen zu langen Warteschlangen geführt.

      Die gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen zur Einführung allgemeiner Air-travel SmartCards in den USA sind bereits auf dem Weg, berichtet die Internet-Zeitung Interactive Week. Das Thema sei in beiden Häusern des Kongresses nicht umstritten. Die Zeitung zitiert einen Vertreter der Industrie mit der Aussage, die SmartCards könnten schon in sechs Monaten auf allen Flughäfen Standard sein. Binnen eines Jahres werde es dann 20 bis 40 Millionen US-Bürger geben, die sich auf diese Weise einwandfrei identifizieren könnten – nicht nur bei Flugreisen, sondern auch beim Surfen und bei Online-Geschäften.

      Angesichts der dominanten Zielvorgabe der Terror-Bekämpfung dringen die Einwände von Bürgerrechtlern und konservativen Liberalen kaum mehr durch. Sie haben bisher sogar die Einführung eines nationalen Ausweispapiers verhindert, müssen sich aber jetzt wohl damit abfinden, dass mit der SmartCard nach und nach sogar ein computergestütztes Identifikationssystem für die US-Bürger etabliert wird. (cp/c`t)

      Auf steigende Kurse
      schrieb am 08.11.01 11:38:53
      Beitrag Nr. 257 ()

      sollte imagis davon etwas abbekommen währe das besser als jeder flughafen :) ,vorstellbar währe das jeder us-bürger über kurz oder lang so eine karte bekommt.

      aber die entscheidende frage ist "bekommt imagis ein stück davon ab" wenn ja dann beginnt die reise nach norden :)

      schrieb am 08.11.01 16:24:04
      Beitrag Nr. 258 ()
      Guten Tag,

      ist die News noch nicht bis hier durchgesickert? ;)

      Thursday November 8, 8:32 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Abbey Group Consultants announces installation of Imagis Technologies Biometric facial imaging as a key component of the Madera County Integrated Justice System
      MADERA, CA, Nov. 8 /PRNewswire/ - Abbey Group Consultants Inc. (AGC), a leader in public safety and criminal justice consulting and technologies announced the installation of Imagis Technologies ``facial recognition`` as a key component of the integrated Criminal Justice System which will serve the Madera County Corrections, Sheriff`s, and Probation Departments, as well as the Office of the District Attorney. The Abbey Group Consultants Jail -- Corrections Management System (JCMS) is the first comprehensive jail management system to include facial recognition as an integral, embedded component. Utilizing the encoded Madera Corrections mugshot database, over 200 users system-wide will utilize facial recognition as an investigative and identification tool.

      To provide the facial recognition in all AGC software applications, AGC selected Imagis Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; GERMANY: IGY) as a strategic development partner. Abbey Group President John D. Abbey said ``As public safety consultants, as well as software developers, we looked at all of our options. Out the handful of major image recognition companies, Imagis Technologies stands out as THE company with a solid law enforcement record. In contrast with the others, Imagis has essential experience in both developing specialized image recognition technology and using those technologies in real law enforcement applications.`` Imagis Technologies` applications are in wide use in Canadian and US law enforcement agencies. ``We need more than a marketing organization, we need rock-solid applications with skilled development staff keeping them state-of-the-art,`` Abbey said.

      In addition to their Jail -- Corrections Management System (JCMS), AGC has worked closely with the Imagis Technologies Victoria BC-based development staff to develop other systems for law enforcement and security, utilizing state-of-the-art facial recognition. AGC has introduced a regional law enforcement system which provides a multi-agency facial recognition repository, as well as inter-agency software communications, regional community policing and mapping. In response to recent market demands, AGC has developed a comprehensive approach to airport and critical facility profiling and traveler/visitor tracking. The Imagis Technologies ID2000 facial recognition software is the critical component for both of these systems.

      Since 1989 Abbey Group Consultants (AGC), based in Incline Village, Nevada, has provided consulting, software and systems to law enforcement agencies in the United State, Canada and Australia. AGC clients include Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), Arthur Andersen, MiamiDade Police and Fire, Houston Police and Fire, Chicago Police and Fire, and over 100 other public safety agencies. The Abbey Group team is largely retired law enforcement senior executives and veteran technologists. In the mid-1980`s the same team members were responsible for the first inter-active computers in police cars, the first digital mugshot system in the United States, and many other pioneering law enforcement technologies. AGC has offices in Incline Village, Nevada, Ocala, Florida, Nevada City, Northern California, and Los Angeles. Abbey Group is on the Web at

      About IMAGIS

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; GERMANY: IGY) is a developer and marketer of advanced biometric-based software applications, which provide access control and individual identification for airports, law enforcement, customs and immigration, and criminal justice. Imagis currently has hundreds of users for international installations of its biometric facial recognition technology, including technology at Toronto`s Pearson International Airport, the world`s 16 th busiest airport, Oakland International Airport, which serves more than 10 million travelers per year, and several installations throughout Canada and Mexico. Imagis markets its products through a network of Business Partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver `Buck` Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI and during his career advanced to the number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the Web at

      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.
      schrieb am 08.11.01 19:48:29
      Beitrag Nr. 259 ()
      und so sieht das Ganze mit Babelfish aus:

      abbey Gruppe Berater verkünden Anlage von Imagis
      Technologie biometrisch Gesichts- Belichtung wie ein Taste Bestandteil
      von d Madera Grafschaft integrated Gerechtigkeit System MADERA, Ca,

      November 8 / PRNewswire / - abbey Gruppe Berater Inc. (AGC), ein
      Führer in Öffentlichkeit Sicherheit und kriminell Gerechtigkeit
      consulting und Technologie verkünden d Anlage von Imagis Technologie
      ``facial Anerkennung ` ` wie ein Taste Bestandteil von d integrated
      kriminell Gerechtigkeit System welch werden dienen d Madera Grafschaft
      Korrektur, Polizeichef, und Probe Abteilung, sowie d Büro von d Bezirk Rechtsanwalt. Das Abbeygruppe Beratergefängnis -- Korrekturmanagementsystem (JCMS) ist das erste komplette Gefängnismanagementsystem zum Umfassen der Gesichtsanerkennung als Integral, eingebetteter Bestandteil. Das Verwenden der
      verschlüsselten Maderakorrekturmugshotdatenbank, über 200 Benutzern
      system-wide verwendet Gesichtsanerkennung als Untersuchungs- und
      Kennzeichenhilfsmittel. um die Gesichtsanerkennung in allen
      AGC-Software-Anwendungen zur Verfügung zu stellen, wählte AGC Imagis
      Technologies Inc. aus (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; DEUTSCHLAND: IGY)
      als strategischer Entwicklung Partner. Abbeygruppe Präsident John D.
      Abbey sagte allgemeine Berater Sicherheit ``As, sowie
      Software-Entwickler, wir betrachtete alle unsere Optionen. Aus der Handvoll der Hauptbildanerkennung Firmen, steht Technologien Imagis
      heraus als DIE Firma mit einem festen Gesetzdurchführungsatz. Im
      Gegensatz zu den anderen hat Imagis wesentliche Erfahrung in sich
      entwickelnder fachkundiger dem Bildanerkennung Technologie und
      Verwenden jener Technologien in den Liegenschaftsrechtdurchführunganwendungen. ` `, Anwendungen Imagis Technologies sind im breiten Gebrauch im Kanadier und in den US-Gesetzdurchführungagenturen. ``We-Notwendigkeit mehr als eine Marktordnung, benötigen wir Felsen-feste Anwendungen mit dem
      erfahrenen Entwicklung Personal, der sie State-of-the-art hält, ` `
      der gesagte Abbey. **time-out** zusätzlich zu ihr Gefängnis --
      Korrektur Management System (JCMS), AGC haben arbeiten nah mit d
      Imagis Technologie Victoria BC-based Entwicklung Stab zu entwickeln
      ander System für law Gesetzdurchführung und Sicherheit, utilizing
      state-of-the-art Gesichts- Anerkennung. AGC hat ein regionales
      Gesetzdurchführungsystem vorgestellt, das einen Multiagenturgesichtsanerkennung Behälter, sowie Vermittlungsagentursoftware-Kommunikationen zur Verfügung stellt, die regionale polizeilich überwachende und Diagramm Gemeinschaft. In
      Erwiderung auf neue Marktnachfragen hat AGC eine komplette Annäherung
      zum ein Profil erstellenden und traveler-/visitorgleichlauf Flughafen
      und zu kritischem Teildienst entwickelt. Die GesichtsSoftware
      anerkennung der Technologien ID2000 Imagis ist der kritische
      Bestandteil für beide dieser Systeme. **time-out** seit 1989 abbey
      Gruppe Berater (AGC), gründen in Abdachung Dorf, Nevada, haben zur Verfügung stellen beraten, Software und System zu law
      Gesetzdurchführung Agentur in d vereinigen Zustand, Kanada und
      Australien. AGC-Klienten schließen beratenen (jetzt Accenture),
      Arthur Andersen, MiamiDade-Polizei und -feuer, Houstonpolizei und
      -feuer, Chicagopolizei und Feuer Andersen und über 100 anderen
      allgemeinen Sicherheit Agenturen mit ein. Das Abbeygruppe Team ist
      groß pensionierte ältere Leitprogramme der Gesetzdurchführung und Veterantechnologen. **time-out** in d Mitte der 80iger Jahre d gleich
      Team Bauteil sein verantwortlich für d erst interaktiv Computer in
      Polizei Auto, d erst digital mugshot System in d Staat, und viel ander
      vorangehen law Gesetzdurchführung Technologie. AGC hat Büros im
      Abdachung Dorf, in Nevada, in Ocala, in Florida, in der Nevadastadt,
      in Nordkalifornien und in Los Angeles. Abbeygruppe ist auf dem Web an
      schrieb am 08.11.01 22:27:29
      Beitrag Nr. 260 ()
      Es gibt mal wieder eine Kaufempfehlung:

      Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Stock Symbol US, OTC BB: IGSTF
      Canada, CDNX: NAB
      Europe, Frankfurt: IGY
      Recent Price: US$1.50 range
      Shares Outstanding: 14.6 MM
      Fully Diluted: 18.7 MM

      Imagis Technologies Inc. is a fast-growing developer
      and marketer of what have been called the most
      advanced biometric facial recognition software solu-tions
      and products in this industry.
      The company’s ID 2000 solutions in instant facial
      ID-technology are already installed in more than 130
      locations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and the U.K.
      They are used by law enforcement, customs, immi-gration
      and other government agencies. This includes
      locations at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport,
      the world’s 16th busiest, and Oakland International
      Airport, serving more than 10 million travelers a year.

      Money Manager Picks Imagis
      A major article on facial-ID biometrics firms was
      published in the Microsoft/MSN “Money Central”
      website on Nov. 7. In this piece, John D. Markman
      profiled the investment selections of Bradford G.
      Harrington, the managing director of Boston’s
      Pembridge Group, saying that Harrington “considers
      Imagis the most interesting of the bunch. The compa-ny’s
      trailing 12-month revenues are only $800,000,
      so a few $1 million to $2 million orders in the next
      year will have a material impact, particularly since
      gross margins are north of 70%. He thinks the com-pany
      will attract a U.S. underwriter in the next few
      months as well as a promotion from the scruffy OTC
      Bulletin Board to the NASDAQ.
      “In the past month, (Imagis) management has
      announced sales partnerships in Asia with Sanyo
      and in Europe with Groupe Bull. Bottom line: He
      (Harrington) believes it’s ‘extremely plausible’ that
      Imagis will do $10 million next year in revenue, so
      with a 10x price-sales multiple and 17 million shares
      outstanding, he foresees the potential for a $5.875
      price in a year, up from $1.40 this week. …A direc-tor
      and key financier at Imagis…told me Friday that
      airport security and police bookings are just a ‘small
      part of the iceberg’ for the firm, as it expects to
      show 100% growth over the next three years and
      beyond by pressing into all manner of facial authen-tication
      applications, such as ATM machines.”
      Management thinks that Imagis faces a strong con-tinuing
      expansion of demand in the public-security
      sector. That’s because of the documented superiority
      of its technology over any competition, and because
      of the acceptance it has already developed in the law
      enforcement/security field.

      Applications to Gaming
      But the company has now also staked out a key
      role in the private-sector gaming industry. Imagis
      recently announced a cash- and royalty-based sale of
      its specifically designed Casino-ID product to API
      Technologies LLC of Green Bay, Wisc.
      API is an international security consulting firm serv-ing
      the global gaming industry. It plans to incorporate
      the Imagis software in its products enhancing the
      security design of casino operations.
      The Casino-ID technology, first of all, helps casino
      operators to screen and track all incidents and move-ments
      of personnel in a casino. Used in conjunction
      with Imagis ID-2000 facial recognition technology, the
      casino software instantly identifies any suspects and
      potential risks by biometric comparison with an intel-
      ligence base of stored pictorial data.
      This advanced facial-ID technology solution is
      believed to be a major advance for dealing effectively
      with problems of secure and safe casino operations. It
      is expected to be widely adopted in the gaming industry.

      The Best Technology
      Two key factors underlie Imagis’ leading role in the
      public-security facial-ID technology sector:
      First, Imagis’ technology was developed well after
      the technologies being used by the two other major
      facial recognition technology companies, Viisage
      Technologies Inc. and Visionics Corp. Imagis’ technol-ogy
      incorporates the next generation of technology
      and flexibility.
      Second, Imagis is the only one of the three firms
      that is being directed by lifelong security profession-als.
      This includes Chairman Oliver (“Buck”) Revell, the
      former Associate Deputy Director of the FBI. Advisors
      to the Board include ex-President of Interpol, Norman
      Inkster, and ex-Director of the Canadian Security and
      Intelligence Service, Reid Morden.
      Biometrics is the science of verifying the identity of
      individuals from specific physical characteristics like
      their fingerprint, voice or facial structure. Imagis’
      facial recognition software has a strategic advantage
      for key identification purposes compared with other
      biometric procedures because of its simplicity, stealth
      and speed: the individuals need not know that their
      identity is being verified, and do not need to partici-pate
      or cooperate in any way. Verifications take 1–3
      seconds maximum.
      Recognition techniques can include identification
      (one-to-many searching), verification (one-to-one
      matching), monitoring (following a person in a field of
      view), compositing (automatically merging different
      views into a single, complex 3-D image) and surveil-lance
      (matching a known face against a watch list).

      Advanced Technology
      According to Imagis management, advantages of
      Imagis’ ID-2000 technology that are proving conclu-sive
      in tests by security system integrators are:
      1) The digital codes that identify any particular per-son
      (known as the “encode array”) are nearly 10
      times more detailed: more than 800 bytes as com-pared
      with just 84 bytes. This results in fewer mis-takes
      in identification and far greater flexibility. When
      large images are being reviewed, this is particularly
      key. As record volumes become large, the larger
      encode array is vital.
      2) In addition to facial recognition, Imagis software is
      engineered to integrate with other security procedures
      and the necessary “greater package” that goes with
      large organizations. It’s turnkey, ready to integrate.
      3) In addition to facial recognition, Imagis’ software
      can expand to distinguish clothing, or luggage, or
      other parts of bodies such as tattoos or other identi-fying
      keys. The software is image recognition technol-ogy,
      not just facial recognition software.
      Both Visionics and Viisage have initially had more
      visibility in the marketplace. However, that may change.
      They also have older technologies and are approaching
      being fully valued, in management’s opinion, while
      Imagis has just started its emergence.

      The Future
      Imagis’ year 2000 revenues of C$1.1 million were
      surpassed in the first six months of 2001. Manage-ment
      avoids projections, but we believe Imagis can hit
      year 2001 revenues of more than C$3 million and
      year 2002 revenues of more than C$8 million, with
      first profitability in calendar 2001, this year. The com-pany
      recently announced a $C3.5-million financing to
      propel further growth.
      Importantly, Imagis has major partners for sales
      and training of its software in North America, Latin
      America, Asia and Europe. In Japan, Sanyo is serving
      as sales rep. In Asia, Cheung Kong Infrastructure
      (chairman: Li Kashing, and one of the largest public
      companies in Asia) represents Imagis products.
      Another 20 professional firms, including Bull, Serco
      and Fujitsu, represent Imagis throughout the world.

      Strong Recommendation
      Management believes that Imagis Technologies
      Inc. is embarked on major growth as a key player in
      the rapidly expanding market for biometric solutions
      and global security. The company is not yet well
      known. But it seems clear to management that sales
      growth and share price appreciation could be explo-sive
      in coming months.
      More information on Imagis Technologies is avail-able
      at or by calling
      Cary Martin toll-free at 866-606-0000 or by e-mailing
      schrieb am 09.11.01 10:12:55
      Beitrag Nr. 261 ()
      morgen leute

      das war aber ein mageres ergebniss nichmal 5% bei den news,
      :confused: (komischer intraday-chart in cad)

      schrieb am 09.11.01 10:56:05
      Beitrag Nr. 262 ()
      Hallo zusammen, ich glaub einfach die sind noch zu unbekannt bei den meisten, und keiner weiss was diese News richtig aussagen. Da müssen dicke News her. Ein Flughafen in USA und schon stehts in allen Zeitungen.

      Bin guter Dinge

      Euer Zobel
      schrieb am 09.11.01 11:39:07
      Beitrag Nr. 263 ()
      Wieso herrscht hier eigentlich so eine Ungeduld? Alles weist darauf hin, dass diese Aktie sich in absehbarer Zeit fantastisch entwickelt. Ich habe seit Mai 2000 Imagis-Aktien und noch nie gab es in derart kurzen Zeitabständen News über Verträge, Vereinbarungen über strategische Zusammenarbeit mit namhaften Firmen etc. Ich habe mir heute noch ein Päckchen nachgelegt und werde jetzt erstmal abwarten, wenn`s sein muß bis 2003. Ausnahmsweise schenke ich mir sogar das Setzen von Stop Loss. Ich erwarte mindesten eine Kursverdopplung bis Mitte nächsten Jahres. Das soll kein Push sein, denn den Kurs kann ich langfristig sowieso keineswegs beeinflussen.
      schrieb am 10.11.01 10:19:22
      Beitrag Nr. 264 ()

      also was heist "ungeduldig" sicher kann man imagis auch als
      langfristige anlage sehen .
      meine strategie ist eher kurz/mittelfristig maximal 1jahr.
      sicher steht dieser branche ein boom bevor ,aber ich denke
      in dieser branche wird mann auch schnell "überrollt"
      ,zu langsame weiterentwicklung oder noch schlimmer fehler in neuen produkten. na ja ist egal den anlagezeitraum muß jeder selbst entscheiden.
      aber was mich "ungeduldig" macht ist ,das imagis mit eigentlich guten news gerademal 4,5% steigt um gleich am
      nächsten tag 8% zu fallen ,ich erwarte keine kurssprünge von 50% aber ein paar tage mit leicht steigenden kurs währe doch zu erwarten gewesen(und haben doch auch die
      meisten von euch erwartet oder).
      vielleicht habe ich auch zuviel erwartet was imagis betrifft,jedenfalls werde ich leicht nervös wenn ich an die kursentwicklung der letzten 2wochen denke.

      aber "schau mer mal" wie die nächste woche wird

      gruß kopfeck

      P.s. sind zocker in dem wert die den kurs immer runterziehen ?????
      schrieb am 10.11.01 10:54:20
      Beitrag Nr. 265 ()
      Imagis Technologies Inc. Quick Quote: IGSTF 1.39 (-0.11)

      Imagis Closes Private Placement Financing in the amount of $3,595,720

      VANCOUVER, Nov 9, 2001 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Further to the Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; GERMANY: IGY) news releases dated October 24 and October 31, 2001, Imagis advises that it has completed a brokered private placement of $3,098,070.40 and a non-brokered private placement of $497,650 on the following terms:

      Brokered Private Placement

      Under the brokered private placement, Imagis has issued 1,427,682 special warrants at a price of $2.17 per special warrant, with each special warrant being convertible into one common share and one-half of a non-transferable share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant entitles the holder thereof to acquire an additional common share for a period of one year from the date the underlying shares are qualified for resale (the "Qualification Date") at a price of $2.55 per share.
      Imagis paid the placement agents involved in the brokered private placement (the "Agents") a cash commission of 8% of the gross proceeds received by Imagis from the sale of the special warrants and has issued the Agents` Compensation Options entitling them to collectively purchase 142,768 common shares at a price of $2.17 per share for a period of one year following the Qualification Date.

      The securities issued pursuant to the brokered private placement and all underlying securities are subject to a 12 month resale restriction that begins on November 9, 2001 pursuant to applicable securities legislation and policy . This hold period will be reduced to 4 months from November 9, 2001 if Multilateral Instrument 45-102 of the Canadian Securities Administrators comes into force as expected on November 30, 2001; further, if this Instrument does not come into force on November 30, 2001, Imagis will file a Prospectus qualifying the exercise of the Special Warrants into shares and warrants and the Agents` Compensation Options into warrants and upon the issuance of a final receipt for this Prospectus, the Qualification Date will have occurred and there will be no further hold period on any of the securities except for the hold period required by the Canadian Venture Exchange.

      Non-Brokered Private Placement

      Imagis has concurrently completed a non-brokered private placement in the amount $497,650 by issuing 229,332 units, at a price of $2.17 per unit, with each unit comprised of one common share and one half of a warrant. Each whole warrant entitles the holders thereof to acquire an additional common share at a price of $2.55 per share for a term expiring on November 9, 2002.
      The securities issued pursuant to the non-brokered private placement are subject to resale restrictions in British Columbia expiring at midnight, March 9, 2002.

      Imagis intends to use the proceeds of the offering to expand its sales and marketing activities, to add additional developers to its research and development department and to accelerate its business opportunities in the law enforcement, airport and security markets. Imagis believes that based upon its current and projected revenues and proceeds from this offering that it will achieve profitability in fiscal 2002.

      All figures in this news release are expressed in Canadian dollars and will be accounted for in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in Canada.

      The offered securities will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons except in certain transactions exempt from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act.

      This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or an offer to buy the securities in any jurisdiction.

      About IMAGIS

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has over 130 national and international installations within excess of a thousand users of its biometric facial recognition technology, including at Toronto`s Pearson International Airport, the world`s 16th busiest airport and Oakland International Airport, which serves more than 10 million travelers per year, and several installations throughout Canada, Mexico, and the UK. Imagis markets its products through a network of business partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver "Buck" Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI, and during his career advanced to the number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the web at

      Forward-Looking Statements

      This press release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward- looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this release include statements regarding the results of Imagis`s operations in future periods and Imagis`s expectations regarding the amount and timing of revenues and earnings in future periods. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results include risks and uncertainties such as: the possible failure of the markets for Imagis`s products to grow as anticipated; the risks associated with technical difficulties or delays in product introductions and improvements; product development, product pricing or other initiatives of Imagis`s competitors; the possibility that Imagis`s other customers defer purchasing decisions due to economic or other conditions or will purchase products offered by Imagis`s competitors; and the other risks and uncertainties described in our Form 10-KSB filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      On behalf of the Board

      Rory S. Godinho, Director

      schrieb am 12.11.01 09:16:33
      Beitrag Nr. 266 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      mal sehen was diese Woche passiert. Hoffentlich lässt das Management mal eine "Krachernew" raus. In der Schublade liegen sie jedenfalls. Charttechnisch sieht es wohl auch ganz gut, so jedenfalls die Meinungen, die ich mal eingeholt habe.

      Hier ist nochwas, was zunächst nicht gut für Imagis erscheint. Hier sollen ja auch kritische Dinge rein. Persönlich, seh ich aber mehr Zukunft in den Smartcards. Der Markt ist Riesengross.

      The American Civil Liberties Union has assembled a page of references regarding the use and reliability facial recognition technology. Major concerns are ineffectiveness and privacy issues.

      ACLU Opposes Use of Face Recognition Software in Airports Due to Ineffectiveness and Privacy Concerns
      The terrorist attacks of September 11 have led airports and other institutions to look for new ways of improving security, many of which the American Civil Liberties Union supports.

      However, we believe that the use of intrusive new surveillance technologies must be subjected to a process of thoughtful and deliberate scrutiny. In particular, a technology`s intrusiveness must be balanced against the security benefits it would bring. The burden is on the technologists to demonstrate that their solutions will actually be effective in making us safer.

      One solution that is under consideration at a number of airports is to conduct widespread video surveillance of airport patrons and to use "face recognition" technology - dubbed "Ferret" by the Department of Defense - in an effort to check the identity of passengers. But it is abundantly clear that the security benefits of such an approach would be minimal to non-existent, for a very simple reason: the technology doesn`t work.

      Several government agencies have abandoned facial-recognition systems after finding they did not work as advertised, including the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which experimented with using the technology to identify people in cars at the Mexico-US border.

      Nonetheless, officials at Logan Airport in Boston and T.F. Green airport in Providence, Rhode Island, have announced that they will be installing the technology. The ACLU has urged officials in these airports to reconsider their plans.

      Anyone who claims that facial recognition technology is an effective law enforcement tool is probably working for the one of the companies trying to sell it to the government. Facial recognition software is easily tripped up by changes in hairstyle or facial hair, by aging, weight gain or loss, and by simple disguises. A study by the Department of Defense found very high error rates even under ideal conditions, where the subject is staring directly into the camera under bright lights. The study found very high rates of both "false positives" (wrongly matching people with photos of others) and "false negatives" (not catching people in the database). That suggests that if installed in airports, these systems would miss a high proportion of suspects included in the photo database, and flag huge numbers of innocent people - thereby lessening vigilance, wasting precious manpower resources, and creating a false sense of security.

      Facial recognition technology carries the danger that its use will evolve into a widespread tool for spying on American citizens as they move about in public places. If the technology promised a significant increase in protection against terrorism, it would be important to evaluate its dangers and benefits in depth. But that conversation is beside the point when face recognition has been shown to be so unreliable as to be useless for important security applications.

      Face-recognition at the airport offers us neither order nor liberty.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 14.11.01 08:25:26
      Beitrag Nr. 267 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      solange keine News von Imagis kommen, hängt der Kurs. Leider. Vielleicht wird das Filing wieder Pep oder das hier:

      Tuesday November 13, 6:36 pm Eastern Time
      Biometrics hot at computer show, but how to use it?
      By Peter Henderson

      LAS VEGAS, Nov 13 (Reuters) - Fingerprint readers and face scanners are the hottest technology at Comdex, the largest show, although companies considering how to deploy security systems say a quick technology fix is not enough.

      Still, security vendors say their identification systems will soon be everywhere.

      A German truck maker eager to stop highjackers stealing big rigs in Eastern Europe was the latest of a string of uncommon requests fielded by Cognitec AG, a small German face recognition software company suddenly besieged by potential customers, as well as by venture capitalists.

      ``This is something that is going to be in the door frames in cars in a couple of years,`` said Bolko Graf von Haslingen, the general manager, who says interest has skyrocketed since Sept.11, when hijacked jetliners were used to destroy the World Trade Center and set part of the Pentagon ablaze.

      Cognitec`s system, for instance, offers $69 PC logon software that works with Web cameras and has a downloadable demo on its Web site,

      But signing on to computers is not the name of the game any more, said Carter Marantette, director of federal sales for Precise Biometrics AB, a Swedish firm that develops identification software based on the curves of fingerprint ridges.

      ``Since Sept. 11, physical access has been much more important`` than information technology customers, he said.

      ``Where we`re going is to be able to authorize cell phones and PDAs, the mass market,`` he said.

      Marantette predicted that prototypes of wireless phones made with authorization chips, which would allow mobile commerce, among other things, would show up in a year or so.


      The security technology companies say they are hearing a lot less about an Orwellian future when governments would listen in on every conversation, but executives advocating new technology systems are also arguing that the most Draconian measures are not necessary.

      ``I have never been for a national ID card,`` said Larry Ellison, the chief executive of database software giant Oracle Corp. (NasdaqNM:ORCL - news), who wrote a Wall Street Journal opinion piece generally taken as a call for just that.

      ``What I am for is taking all our existing government IDs and having a national standard for ID cards,`` he said.

      The problem is lack of standards and integration, so that databases are fragmented. The Social Security administration sends out cardboard cards, for example, even though credit card technology, with magnetic strips and biometric checkers, is possible.

      EDS Corp. (NYSE:EDS - news), a technology services company that does one of the hardest jobs -- designing systems and making them work, announced at Comdex an airport security plan, but said the technology was not the key.

      ``This needs to be an integration not only of the technology, but of the parties interested,`` such as government and the airlines, Jim Dullum, president of the EDS global transportation industry group, said in an interview.

      His plan calls for dividing airports into security sectors and controlling employee access, using ID cards with biometric authenticators, such as hand or fingerprint checks. Vehicles could be tagged to make sure the right trucks were in the right places on the tarmac.

      EDS also proposed registering volunteers for ID biometric cards. Frequent travelers would sign up in order to zip through check-in, letting security forces concentrate on those left over, he said.

      But for the system to function efficiently, details like getting access to law enforcement databases and designating what information could be shared among government agencies and private companies would have to be worked out.

      Dullum said a system that worked could be pulled together in a matter of months, if someone made the policy decisions.

      ``We live and breathe technology,`` Dick Brown, EDS chief executive, said in an interview. But for the most part, he said, ``This is a policy issue.``

      Good luck

      schrieb am 14.11.01 17:27:16
      Beitrag Nr. 268 ()
      raus aus imagis. die panik ist vorbei.
      der kurs wird sich etwas über dem kurs vor dem
      terrorangriff einpendeln.
      schrieb am 14.11.01 19:26:56
      Beitrag Nr. 269 ()
      Panik vielleicht vorbei, Kurs von Imagis auch unter aller Kanone, aber ... das Thema Sicherheitssoftware ist noch lange nicht out. Also Kaufkurse jetzt. Ich hab schliesslich auch durchgehalten, sogar noch nachgekauft bei 166 € ! Jetzt bin ich voll im minus.

      Gibt es jemanden, der noch was Nettes auf Lager hat ?

      schrieb am 15.11.01 10:22:11
      Beitrag Nr. 270 ()
      Wie geht es jetzt weiter?

      Seit heute morgen zeigt dieser Wert ein Minus von 20 % in meinem Depot, und das wo Imagis bei 2 € bereits dick im plus war :-((

      schrieb am 15.11.01 11:12:06
      Beitrag Nr. 271 ()
      immer noch Kaufchance heute

      schrieb am 15.11.01 17:08:11
      Beitrag Nr. 272 ()
      Hallo niemandweis,

      ich bin fest davon überzeugt, daß die Aktie in Bälde wieder zulegt. Die Technik von IMAGIS ist zukunftsweisend. Deshalb habe ich auch gestern nachgekauft (mein Schnitt ist 1,63E).
      Habe Geduld, auch wenn es noch etwas dauert.

      Viele Grüße
      schrieb am 15.11.01 18:58:59
      Beitrag Nr. 273 ()
      Guten Abend,

      der Pep in den Biometrie werten scheint wohl erstmal raus zu sein. Jetzt müssen Fakten kommen. Im letzten Filing, kann man leider noch nicht viel dazu finden. Hab aber auch erst mal grob quergelesen. Bin weiterhin von den Chancen, die sich Imagis bieten überzeugt. Solche Tage lade zum Nachkauf ein bzw. neue Anleger sehe dies als einen guten Einstieg an.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 15.11.01 19:22:29
      Beitrag Nr. 274 ()
      Imagis: Kein Grund für Kursabschwung ...

      Zitat von Cary Martin (Imagis):

      "Imagis Technologies continues to make significant progress in securing contracts to provide facial recognition and software products worldwide. So, why is the stock off by 40% over the last few days? Is the company not telling us something that might be negative to the shareholder, the answer to that is " No ", as a matter of fact the company has never looked so good. The company has revenues and looking forward I would say that the company is poised for major growth over the next few months."

      Wer unter 0,50 eingestiegen ist, hat immer noch mehr als 100% ..

      schrieb am 18.11.01 10:03:21
      Beitrag Nr. 275 ()

      hier auch eine offizielle Meldung vom Management und die 9 Monatszahlen. Werde am Montag noch mal eine Kleinigkeit nachlegen. Möglich, dass Imagis eine News rausbringt um gegenzusteuern.

      Imagis Technologies Inc -
      Imagis loses $1,576,530 in nine-month results,
      Imagis Technologies Inc NAB
      Shares issued 12,865,965 Nov 15 2001 close $1.540
      Nov 16 2001 9:52:00

      Mr. Oliver Revell reports
      Imagis Technologies has released its unaudited, nine-month results for the period ending Sept. 30.
      Imagis has acknowledged a significant decline in the price of its common shares over the past two days. Imagis advises that the company has no material changes pending that would explain the reason for the decline in the price of its common shares.
      The company`s revenues for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2001, were $1,359,044, compared with $605,538 for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2000, which represents an increase of approximately 124 per cent. Sales of the company`s software increased approximately 236 per cent to $985,092 for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2001, compared with $292,513 for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2000. This increase reflects sales of the company`s biometric ID-2000 product in the current year. Support and services increased approximately 19 per cent to $373,952 for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2001, compared with $313,025 for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2000.
      Operating expenses
      The company`s operating expenses increased for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2001, to $2,935,574, compared with $2,874,882 for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2000, which represents an increase of approximately 2 per cent.
      Technology development
      The company`s technology development costs for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2001, were $823,767, compared with $607,636 for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2000, which represents an increase of approximately 36 per cent. This increase in the current year reflects costs for several additions to staff, and higher infrastructure costs incurred for additional space and equipment.
      Net loss for the period
      The company`s net loss for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2001, was $1,576,530, or 11 cents per share, compared with $2,269,355, or 20 cents per share, for the nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2000.
      In regard to operating activities, while the company`s operating loss for the nine months ended Sept. 30, 2001, was $1,576,530, its impact on cash resources was significantly reduced by adjustments for non-cash working capital items, primarily an increase in accounts receivable of $708,621, such that the net reduction in cash from the company`s first nine months operating loss was lowered to $1,074,327.
      Liquidity and capital resources
      The company has just completed a private placement on Nov. 9, 2001, pursuant to which it raised gross proceeds of approximately $3.6-million. Of particular significance is that a substantial portion of the financing came from a number of Canada`s largest institutional funds. The company has liabilities that total approximately $100,000, and approximately $3.9-million in cash.
      In summary, Imagis has successfully increased revenues and continues to maintain its functional costs at budgeted levels in accordance with its plans for growth, while also reducing the level of its operating losses from prior periods.
      The company believes that future cash flows, in addition to finances on hand, will provide sufficient finances to meet the company`s cash requirements for at least one year on a going-forward basis. The company intends to use its cash to aggressively market its solutions in the law enforcement, airport, customs, immigration and security markets.
      All figures in this news release are expressed in Canadian dollars and will be accounted for in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in Canada.
      The company`s chairman of the board, Oliver (Buck) Revell, will be a key speaker at the upcoming Biometrics 2001 conference and the company will also be participating as an exhibitor at this premier international event.
      WARNING: The company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements.

      (c) Copyright 2001 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

      schrieb am 18.11.01 11:51:29
      Beitrag Nr. 276 ()
      sehe ich auch so,da die konsuldierung abgeschlossen ist und auch schon wieder vermehrt große pakete gekauft werden.
      die zahlen von imagis sind doch im prinzip nicht schlecht.sicher ist es noch ein junges unternehmen, aber die fachwelt
      spricht der biometrie eine jährliche steigerungsrate von ca. 40% zu .schon 2000 haben alle biometrischen systeme einen
      umsatz von rund zwei Milliarden Mark umgesetzt.

      imagis Technolgies steht damit ein gigantischer markt offen.
      ich bin mir sicher,Imagis wird sich sicher ein schönes stück von dem kuchen abschneiden!!!!
      schrieb am 28.11.01 08:43:01
      Beitrag Nr. 277 ()
      Biometrics 2001 in London
      Programm für Donnerstag, 29.11.2001

      14:05 An FBI Insider`s View of Biometrics and the Prevention of Terrorism
      Buck Revell, President of Revell Group International, Global Business and Security Consultants and former Associate Deputy Director of the FBI, also Chairman of Imagis Technologies Inc.
      schrieb am 29.11.01 13:56:05
      Beitrag Nr. 278 ()
      Thursday November 29, 3:30 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      UK`s National Crime Squad Chooses Imagis` Biometric Facial Recognition Technology In Conjunction With Serco
      ID-2000(TM) to be an essential tool to combat child pornography
      LONDON, UK, Nov. 29 /CNW/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis") (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) announced today at the Biometrics 2001 Conference in London, that it is developing an application based on its advanced ID-2000(TM) facial recognition technology with the National Crime Squad`s ("NCS") strategic IT partner, Serco Plc, an international provider of management services to government and industry.
      On 28 November 2001, the NCS seized computers and materials and arrested suspects as part of an international crackdown on child pornography, codenamed Operation Landmark. The facial technology being developed for them will analyze pictures and match them to images seized in previous operations carried out by the NCS. The application`s key value is in enabling law enforcement agencies to identify victims and perpetrators as well as background imagery for criminal investigation and case preparation.

      Detective Superintendent Peter Spindler, in charge of Operation Landmark for the NCS, stated, "For many years pedophiles have sought and gained access to images of children being sexually abused and exploited. Each image is evidence of a crime scene and the volume of material available globally is increasing daily. Police officers routinely seize tens of thousands of images and face a daunting task sifting through them to identify the child victims of appalling crimes. We are working on a national database solution based on Imagis ID-2000 facial recognition technology, which will be an essential tool for law enforcement officers in the fight against pedophilia and other crimes."

      Andrew Williams, Senior Business Development Manager of Serco, said, "Imagis was chosen for their unrivaled capabilities in the design of image recognition software and associated applications."

      Features of Imagis` ID-2000 include the ability to:

      - identify an individual within very large databases of images in
      - link records of victims and perpetrators;
      - search for common background scenes as well as faces;
      - transmit information in a highly-secure fashion;
      - search the database against both imagery and data;
      - securely search local and remote databases regardless of their
      physical location; and
      - use imagery from any source - live video, digital/analogue photos,
      scanners, etc.

      Iain Drummond, President and CEO of Imagis, said, "We are delighted to be playing a central role in an application of facial recognition that will assist in combating this type of serious crime in society."
      Imagis` facial recognition technology and software products have been installed at numerous locations including at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, law enforcement agencies in the US and internationally, and at the Oakland and Toronto International Airports.

      About Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis Technologies Inc. is an independent software developer of biometric solutions. Its ID-2000 facial recognition technology is being used by international agencies in the justice and law enforcement market. ID-2000 forms the basis of some of the world`s largest criminal justice digital imaging systems.

      Imagis` product suite includes the flagship criminal database application CABS(TM), used by numerous law enforcement agencies. CABS provides an integrated view of data, arrest and booking information, evidence tracking and images, including faces.

      Imagis is currently expanding into new markets such as security, e- commerce and identity verification at high traffic locations such as airports. Imagis markets its products through a global network of business partners.

      Imagis went public in February 1999 and is listed on the OTCBB in the United States (IGSTF). Imagis is also listed on the Canadian Venture Exchange, under the symbol NAB and the Frankfurt Exchange in Germany (IGY).

      On Behalf of the Board

      Sandra Buschau
      Corporate Secretary

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

      For further information

      Imagis Technologies Inc., Sandra Buschau, Tel: (604) 684-4691,
      Schwartz Communications Inc., Christina Schneider, Annie Kim, Tel: (415) 512-0770,
      schrieb am 29.11.01 16:09:57
      Beitrag Nr. 279 ()
      Wieviel Umsatz wird denn mit diesem Auftrag erzeugt?

      schrieb am 01.12.01 17:51:27
      Beitrag Nr. 280 ()
      Guten Tag,

      komme leider erst jetzt wieder bei WO rein. Auftragsvolumen liegt bei ca. 1 Mio. US$. Es ist noch einiges in der Pipeline:)

      Gruesse aus dem Firmenstandort von Imagis. Leider regnets hier.

      schrieb am 03.12.01 11:17:17
      Beitrag Nr. 281 ()

      ein auftrag für ca. 1 mio $ und der kurs fällt (wenn auch nur leicht ):confused:
      schrieb am 03.12.01 16:09:02
      Beitrag Nr. 282 ()

      wenn ich alles richtig verstanden habe liegt der Umsatz von Jan-Sep nur bei 1,3 Mio$. Wenn jetzt wirklich ein Millionenauftrag an Lang gezogen wurde, sollte der Kurs doch etwas anders reagieren. Oder liegt es am generell schlechten Marktumfeld, dass der Kurs nachgibt?

      schrieb am 03.12.01 19:27:03
      Beitrag Nr. 283 ()
      Guten Abend,

      Jungs und Mädels. Macht euch Keine Sorgen:) Diese Kurse sind bald Historie. Näheres später, wenn ich meine Infos erstmal verdaut habe. Vielleicht mal soviel:

      Salt Lake City
      Korea und Japan
      Vielleicht noch ein AirportNAsdaq Listing

      Ich persönlich gehe von kurzfristigen gewinnen von mindestens 100% aus.

      Good luck


      PS: Wer nochwas übrig hat, sollte sich auch ein paar HLBR ins Depot legen;)
      schrieb am 03.12.01 20:08:33
      Beitrag Nr. 284 ()

      wenn ich ehrlich bin,hätte ich nach der letzten news schon
      mit min. 20% gerechnet .
      1 mio. $ umsatz sind immerhin fast genausoviel wie in 9 monaten gemacht wurden .
      damit müßte imagis am jahresende mit den zahlen sehr nahe an einer schwarzen 0 sein .
      und wenn jetzt noch die angekündigten news von SoWhat
      kommen müßte doch auch das ATH möglich sein.

      aber hätte,wäre,würde ....

      warten wir ab ,vielleicht bekommen wir zu weihnachten ein schönes geschenk :)

      schrieb am 03.12.01 20:26:41
      Beitrag Nr. 285 ()
      He Q,

      in Kannada dreht IMAGIS in`s Plus, bist Du da am aufkaufen?

      schrieb am 04.12.01 00:15:17
      Beitrag Nr. 286 ()
      hallo alle,
      japan korea wäre zu schön um wahr zu sein.....der heutige kursverlauf ist ja mal sehr merkwürdig ...hab auch mit mind. 8% gerechnet, aber wenn man bedenkt, dass die konkurrenz 2flughäfen meldet und auch gerade mal acht prozent macht?????????????????????!!!!
      machts gut!
      schrieb am 04.12.01 17:57:07
      Beitrag Nr. 287 ()
      schrieb am 04.12.01 19:39:52
      Beitrag Nr. 288 ()
      wenn der kurs auf jede gute news so reagiert ,dann kommt hoffenlich keine mehr :mad:

      da ist doch was faul ,normal ist es jedenfalls nicht :confused:
      schrieb am 04.12.01 20:24:30
      Beitrag Nr. 289 ()
      Hallo Kofeck,

      was ist schon normal an der Börse;-)


      Was ist, wenn eine neue Finanzierungsrunde ansteht? Sagen wir mal zu US$ 3,00. Zu weit mal eine Hypothese. Eine zweite stelle ich auch mal an:

      Was ist, wenn Imagis an die Nasdaq will? Bitte die regularien mal unter nachlesen.

      Wie gepostet Hypothesen, die ich durch Quellen im Moment nicht belegen kann.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 05.12.01 07:15:04
      Beitrag Nr. 290 ()
      hi sowhat, wer soll denn aktien bei 3dollar nachkaufen??
      gruss elmarco
      ps: hat salt lake city nicht schon begonnen? wenn ja ..wohl ohne imagis?!
      schrieb am 05.12.01 11:38:33
      Beitrag Nr. 291 ()

      so ganz versteh ich das nicht

      keine der Hypothesen würde einen grund liefern für fallende
      kurse .besonders bei einem angestebten nasdaq listing wären
      höhere kurse besser oder sogar nötig , ich weiß jetzt den
      mindest kurs nicht .

      oder habe ich dich falsch verstanden

      was mir sorgen macht ist einfach die tatsache das der kurs
      schon das 2te mal nach eigentlich sehr guten news gefallen

      andere aktien machen schon bei gerüchten 20%+ (muß ja nicht an einem tag sein )

      bis jetzt war es so für mich ,
      imagis hat ein gutes produkt und nachfrage/bedarf besteht
      auch (in einem rießigen markt)
      es galt nur auf news zu warten , jetzt sind die ersten "guten" news da und bewirken aber genau das gegenteil von dem was ich erwartet habe.


      p.s.die regularien unter habe ich nicht gelesen.
      grund , mein englisch ist zum :cry: ... :)
      schrieb am 05.12.01 23:16:07
      Beitrag Nr. 292 ()
      ich glaube der mindestkurs ist 1dollar ......denke aber kaum, dass ein listing bei knapp über diesem möglich wäre....was ist eigentlich mi dem kurs und den umsätzen los?? was muss denn noch kommen?????
      gruss elmarco
      schrieb am 06.12.01 06:33:18
      Beitrag Nr. 293 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      erstmal die News. Kaum nachbörslich !! Der Weg gen Norden ist frei:)

      DJ Newswire - Imagis Tech To Announce Plans To Get US Exchange Listing

      By Lingling Wei

      NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Imagis Technologies Inc. (IGSTF), a security technology company traded on the over-the-counter Bulletin Board, will announce next week its plans to get listed on one of the full U.S. stock exchanges, Chief Executive Iain Drummond told Dow Jones Newswires on
      Wednesday. The move will come at a time when investors are anticipating a surge of orders for technologies used in securing facilities such as airports and
      corporate offices. Drummond said the company expects to generate $30 million to $40 million in revenue next year, compared with its projected $10 million to $15 million this
      year. The Vancouver company expects to reach profitability in the middle of next year, he said.
      The company only sells its face recognition products through business partners such as original equipment manufacturers and software developers.
      Its products are priced between $10,000 and $3 million, Drummond said. This indirect sales strategy helps reduce the company`s marketing costs, Drummond said, adding that Imagis` gross margin is as high as 90%.
      -By Lingling Wei, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-2089

      Satte $$$$$$ wünschend

      schrieb am 06.12.01 08:11:12
      Beitrag Nr. 294 ()

      Dachte schon, aus meiner neuen Viper wird nichts, aber das jetzt. Das ist ja der Hammer. Ich schau jetzt mal in die Prospekte, das wird ein Neuwagen. Hat irgendjemand Kurzziele?

      Jetzt gehts gen Norden und das mit viel Speedddddddddddddddddddd.
      schrieb am 07.12.01 08:55:39
      Beitrag Nr. 295 ()
      kam gestern per Mail. Noch eine Frage, wo steht an welcher Börse Imagis ein Listing beantragen wird ? Ansonsten können wir uns auf steigende Kurse freuen.

      Imagis Technologies Inc. Presents at Biometrics and Security Investment Forum
      New York, NY - December 6, 2001: At yesterday`s Biometrics and Security Technology Investment Forum held in New York City, Iain Drummond, president and CEO of Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis"), discussed the increase in demand for biometric facial recognition technology due to the heightened focus on homeland security. He also noted the technology`s growing adoption rate among law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and in Europe.

      Specifically, Drummond highlighted recent company news including the following:

      - Installation of Imagis ID-2000(TM) facial recognition software application at Oakland International Airport as part of a US$2.65 million contract with Alameda County Sheriff`s Department to provide a completely integrated law enforcement solution; and
      - Imagis` development of a facial recognition application based on Imagis ID-2000 to assist in Operation Landmark, an international crackdown on child pornography headed by the National Crime Squad ("NCS") in London, UK.

      The Biometrics and Security Technology Investment Forum was produced by Wall Street Reporter Magazine and was sponsored by the American Stock Exchange. The conference examined investment opportunities in biometrics and security technology companies and was attended by leading Wall Street analysts, fund managers, and venture capitalists.

      About Facial Recognition Technology
      Biometric facial recognition measures characteristics of a human face, which can be used to automatically recognize an individual or verify an individual¡¦s identity.

      Imagis` biometric technology uses more than 200 facial descriptors, generated from its sophisticated image analysis algorithms, to capture and compare an individual`s face against a database, quickly identifying individuals who pose a potential threat. Imagis ID-2000 enables law enforcement officials and airport personnel to:

      - Search for criminals based on images such as tattoos, jewelry, clothes and scars;
      - Scan millions of regional, national and international database records in seconds; and
      - Access details of criminals¡¦ aliases, associates and vehicles.

      About IMAGIS
      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) is a developer and marketer of advanced biometric-based software applications, which provide access control and individual identification for airports, law enforcement, customs and immigration, and criminal justice. Imagis currently has hundreds of users for several international installations of its biometric
      facial recognition technology, including Canada¡¦s Pearson International Airport, several RCMP detachments in Canada, as well as numerous cities in California and Mexico. Imagis markets its products through a network of Business Partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Imagis¡¦ Chairman is Oliver ¡¥Buck¡¦ Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI and during his career advanced to the number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the Web at

      On behalf of the Board

      "Sandra Buschau"

      Corporate Secretary

      Sandra Buschau
      Imagis Technologies
      Tel: (604) 684-4691

      Annie Kim or Christina Schneider
      Schwartz Communications
      Tel: (415) 512-0770

      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      schrieb am 13.12.01 09:57:55
      Beitrag Nr. 296 ()

      kam gestern über die Dow Jones Ticker.

      By Lynne Olver
      VANCOUVER (Dow Jones)--Imagis Technologies Inc. (V.NAB) stock has drifted down from its October peak, but the developer of facial-recognition software is still riding a post-Sept. 11 wave due to heightened security concerns. The Vancouver company, a Tier 2 listing on the Canadian Venture Exchange, recently concluded a C$3.6 million private placement, and has sufficient cash for "at least a year," president and chief executive, Iain Drummond, told Dow Jones.

      With increased interest in airport security expected to translate into orders and sales, Drummond said Imagis should break even in mid-2002. The company hopes to obtain a listing on either the American Stock Exchange or the Nasdaq SmallCap Market, he said. In addition to the CDNX, its shares trade on the OTC Bulletin Board (IGSTF) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

      The three-year-old company lost C$3 million in 2000, or 26 Canadian cents a share under Canadian GAAP. Using U.S. GAAP, the loss was C$4.7 million or 41Canadian cents a share. In the nine months to Sept. 30, Imagis lost C$1.6 million or 11 Canadian cents a share under Canadian GAAP, down from C$2.3 million or 20 Canadian cents a share a year earlier. The year-to-date loss under U.S. GAAP was C$1.7 million or 12 Canadian cents a share.

      Investors snapped up shares of North American security-services companies after the terrorist attacks on the U.S. The price of Imagis shares on the CDNX shot from 63 Canadian cents on Sept. 10 to a 52-week high of C$2.95 on Oct. 18. The stock is trading at C$2.27 Wednesday morning. The sector is still volatile, as shown by the 42% rise in U.S. biometrics company Visionics Corp. (VSNX) on Monday. After announcing a facial-recognition development and marketing deal with defense company Raytheon Co. (RTN), Visionics shares soared to US$18.08 Monday but fell to US$15.13 Tuesday.

      Imagis Says Its Products Are Better

      Drummond said Imagis`s biometric technology is superior to its competitors because it collects more data, some 200 features, and employs more advanced mathematics. "A feature in this sense is typically a curve, it`s where the light is changing," he said. "It could be something like the hollow of the cheek, the shape and size of the nose, the curvature of the eye socket," Drummond said. "Our main competitor picks off 14 points, for instance, so we`re capturing well over 10 times the detail that they are." This means that, if a person is wearing sunglasses, Imagis has more data with which to identify the individual, Drummond said. And for very large databases, Imagis can better distinguish similar-looking individuals, he added.

      The company has only 26 employees, but is growing "rapidly." It uses several business partners, including U.S. software consulting firm Orion Scientific Systems, and Serco Group PLC (U.SRP). Imagis recently said it and Serco are developing facial technology for Britain`s National Crime Squad, for use in identifying victims and perpetrators of child pornography. "They`ve asked us to deliver the complete system by the end of Q1, and we believe that`s quite practical," Drummond said. The value of the contract wasn`t disclosed, but he said the intent is that the same system will be used in other G8 and Interpol countries. Drummond is also optimistic that additional Canadian funds for airport security and policing, announced in Monday`s federal government budget, could bring new government contracts. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police already use some Imagis systems, as does Toronto`s Pearson International Airport and Oakland International Airport.
      Drummond played down the company`s annual losses, saying that management is investing in product development that should bring future sales. The company plans to do another financing next year to accelerate growth. "If we`re really to become a world player, which we have an opportunity to do, then that will require a greater level of investment," Drummond said.

      Brian Ruttenbur, analyst with Morgan Keegan & Co. in Nashville, said that although he expects the number of companies in the sector to shrink, he feels that the top three companies with good technologies in each specialty - face, finger, or palm, for example - will survive. "I consider Imagis in that top-three category," he said. "I think it`s important for Imagis, in order to be considered an industry leader, to get additional exposure," he added. "A lot of people have never heard of them."

      Company Web Site:
      -Lynne Olver, Dow Jones Newswires; 604-669-1595;
      (END) DOW JONES NEWS 12-12-01
      12:00 PM
      End of News

      schrieb am 13.12.01 15:22:05
      Beitrag Nr. 297 ()
      Thursday December 13, 8:30 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis retains U.S. Investment Banking Firm, Roth Capital Partners
      VANCOUVER, Dec. 13 /CNW/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis") (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) announced today that it has retained Roth Capital Partners headquartered in Newport Beach, California, to act as its financial advisor.
      During the next six months, Roth Capital has agreed to advise Imagis on strategic alternatives, including financing, mergers and acquisitions, business combinations, and joint ventures.

      Roth Capital is a full service U.S. investment bank servicing emerging growth companies in the small and micro-cap market. Since 1993, Roth Capital Partners has raised approximately $3.5 billion for more than 140 companies. In addition to providing investment banking and capital markets services, Roth Capital provides investment research and assistance on private placements as well as mergers and acquisitions advisory services.

      Mr. Iain Drummond, Imagis President and CEO commented, "We are pleased to have retained Roth Capital as our financial advisors in the United States. We received proposals from several leading North American brokerage firms, and chose Roth Capital because of their expertise in the emerging growth sector. They have an excellent track record in identifying exceptional companies with significant long-term growth prospects and assisting them in accessing U.S. institutional capital, providing mergers and acquisitions advice and generally enhancing the visibility of their clients in the U.S. market place. They have a particular commitment to micro-cap and small-cap companies and have had recent successes in the security sector."

      In addition, Imagis reports that effective Friday, December 14, 2001, it will be upgraded to Tier 1 of the Canadian Venture Exchange Inc. (the "Exchange"). Approximately 13% of the Exchange`s listed companies are categorized as Tier 1 issuers, comprising the most senior and advanced companies listed on the Exchange. In order to be listed on Tier 1, companies must meet stringent requirements in terms of net tangible assets, working capital, management expertise and public distribution, which the Company has now achieved. Mr. Rory Godinho, Director and Corporate Secretary, stated, "We are pleased that the Canadian Venture Exchange has recognized our Company`s growth and maturity into one of the Exchange`s more senior companies. We feel this is a significant milestone and an important step in achieving our goal of gaining greater public exposure to match the significant inroads the Company has made in providing leading edge facial recognition technology to the security industry. The Board of Directors wish to thank our management, staff and advisors for their dedication and hard work in achieving these goals."

      About Roth Capital Partners

      Roth Capital Partners is a leading full service investment bank that serves corporate, institutional and individual clients. The firm specializes in providing emerging growth companies with access to the capital markets and to financial advisory services at every stage of the company`s lifecycle. The firm offers a complete range of banking services to growth companies, including initial public offerings, follow-on equity offerings, investment research, sales and trading, private placements, mergers and acquisitions, and other financial advisory services. The firm seeks to discover innovative investment ideas and to bring them the expertise and resources of a full service investment bank. Roth Capital Partners maintains corporate headquarters in Newport Beach, as well as offices in Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Seattle. Visit the Roth Capital Partners website at

      About IMAGIS

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has over 130 national and international installations with over a thousand users of its software including its biometric facial recognition technology, including at Toronto`s Pearson International Airport, the world`s 16th busiest airport and Oakland International Airport, which serves more than 10 million travelers per year, and several installations throughout the US, Canada, Mexico, and the UK. Imagis markets its products through a network of business partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver "Buck" Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI, and during his career advanced to the number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the web at
      schrieb am 13.12.01 18:17:07
      Beitrag Nr. 298 ()

      Na, hat sich schon gelohnt, daß wir wiedermal nachgekauft haben.
      Langsam aber sicher geht es nach Norden.

      18:10Uhr Kurs 2.45CAD +0,24(+10,86%)
      18:10Uhr Kurs 1.55USD +0,10(+6,9%)


      MFG Wobe68
      schrieb am 18.12.01 09:03:03
      Beitrag Nr. 299 ()…

      Biometrische Sicherheit: Das Interesse ist ungebrochen
      Die Terrorattacken des 11. September brachten möglicherweise die Wende für die rund 200 US-Anbieter von biometrischen Sicherheitssystemen. Vor diesem Datum führten die meist kleinen Unternehmen ein Schattendasein, entwickelten an komplexer Technik und warteten darauf, dass sich die öffentliche Meinung änderte. Die Vorbehalte gegen die Erfassung von Fingerabdrücken, von Mustern der Iris im menschlichen Auge, die Auswertung der Stimme und die automatische Gesichtserkennung saßen tief. Niemand wollte sich so weitgehend Behörden und Sicherheitsunternehmen ausliefern, der Schutz der Privatsphäre wog schwerer. Jetzt sind immer mehr Menschen bereit, für eine höhere Sicherheit persönliche Merkmale einer unkontrollierbaren Kontrolle preiszugeben.

      Die Kurse der börsennotierten Anbieter von solchen Sicherheitssystemen nahmen nach den Anschlägen sogleich die veränderte Sicht der Dinge vorweg. Und glaubt man der aktuellen Kursentwicklung, ist das mehr als ein Strohfeuer. So hat sich das Papier von Visionics seit dem 10. September in der Spitze mehr als vervierfacht. Die Aktie des Anbieters von Technologie zur Erkennung von Gesichtern und Fingerabdrücken hält sich gegenwärtig immer noch auf hohem Niveau. Wettbewerber Viisage Technology konnte sich sogar zwischenzeitlich verachtfachen und bewegt sich aktuell auf dem mehr als fünffachen Kurs gegenüber dem Vorabend der Anschläge. Identix stieg von rund 4 Dollar auf nahezu 14 Dollar und hält sich momentan bei fast 13 Dollar. Die Unternehmen konnten und können sich vor Anfragen aus Regierungskreisen, von Endanwendern und großen Integratoren der Informationstechnologie nicht retten. Nicht nur das – auch Wagniskapitalgesellschaften sehen große Chancen. So konnte Identix erst im November im Rahmen einer Privatplatzierung rund 52 Mio. Dollar einnehmen. Die Marktforscher der International Biometric Group hatten dem auf Sicherheitsaspekte ausgerichteten Biometrie-Segment schon vor den Terrorattacken für 2002 und 2003 jährliche Wachstumsraten von 70 Prozent bescheinigt. Aus einem Volumen von gegenwärtig immerhin fast 400 Mio. Dollar soll im Jahre 2005 ein 1,9 Mrd. Dollar schwerer Markt entstehen. Im vergangenen Jahr entfielen 70 Prozent der Erlöse auf die Auswertung von Fingerabdrücken im Rahmen der Verbrechensbekämpfung. Dieses Segment wird weiter wachsen, aber relativ zu anderen an Bedeutung verlieren. So rechnen die Marktforscher für 2005 nur noch mit einem Anteil von 30 Prozent. Das größte Hindernis in der Verbreitung biometrischer Verfahren zur Identifikation und Verifikation liegt gegenwärtig in der breit gefächerten Zusammenarbeit auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene. Ein intelligentes Erkennungssystem ist solange nutzlos, solange es nicht mit Datenbanken kommunizieren kann, um gefundene Merkmale zu vergleichen. Die Bereitschaft, solche Datenbanken zu öffnen, muss vorhanden sein, gesetzliche Grundlagen müssen geschaffen werden. Darüber hinaus ist der technische Aufwand groß. Das alles braucht Zeit. Neben der Überwachung öffentlicher Plätze sind viele andere Anwendungen denkbar und sehr viel schneller umsetzbar. Da ist die Zugangskontrolle bei Unternehmen oder bestimmten Bereichen, da ist die Authorisierung beim elektronischen Banking und Broking oder allgemein bei der Benutzung von Kreditkarten. Auch die Prüfung der Berechtigung beim Zugang zu Netzwerken ist technisch möglich und praktisch relativ leicht durchführbar. Bis zur flächendeckenden Einführung eines Personalausweises mit biometrischen Merkmalen ist noch ein weiter Weg. Malaysia scheint hier gegenwärtig die Vorreiterrolle zu übernehmen. Jedem, der die umfassende Einführung biometrischer Identifikationsverfahren befürwortet, muss aber auch klar sein, dass der Preis für ein Mehr an Sicherheit hoch ist. Der totale Überwachungsstaat wird ein Stück realer.

      ...leider keine rede von imagis...
      schrieb am 18.12.01 11:25:06
      Beitrag Nr. 300 ()
      Guten Tag,

      dass was die beiden Firmen in dem genannten Bericht schon hinter sich haben steht Imagis noch bevor, im positiven Sinne:) Siehe auch die letzte News. Schaut euch mal´Roth Capital Partners näher an.

      Leider ist der Informationsfluss im Moment etwas dünn, da das angestrebte Listing nicht in Gefahr gebracht werden soll. Ich tippe auf ein AMEX Listing und einen dicken Fisch als Kooperationspartner;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 19.12.01 09:40:28
      Beitrag Nr. 301 ()
      AMEX-Listing, das ist ja was ganz neues jetzt ...
      schrieb am 19.12.01 11:59:58
      Beitrag Nr. 302 ()
      Hi !

      DJ Newswire - Imagis Tech To Announce Plans To Get US Exchange Listing

      By Lingling Wei

      NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Imagis Technologies Inc. (IGSTF), a security technology company traded on the over-the-counter Bulletin Board, will
      announce next week its plans to get listed on one of the full U.S. stock exchanges, Chief Executive Iain Drummond told Dow Jones Newswires on

      Da ist nur die Rede von einem Listing, aber nicht an welcher US Börse.

      MfG Dauphin
      schrieb am 19.12.01 20:11:21
      Beitrag Nr. 303 ()
      Fight against child porn goes high-tech
      By Tim Large
      Wednesday December 19, 10:34 AM

      YOKOHAMA, Japan (Reuters) - Per-Eric Astrom spends his days hunched over a computer in his tiny Stockholm office, measuring out the hours with the click of a mouse -- in this way he busted Sweden`s biggest child pornography ring.

      Astrom, manager of an anti-child pornography hotline run by Save the Children Sweden, is one of a growing band of "infiltrators" who use the latest technology to combat computer-savvy child abusers on their own turf.

      "What it roughly means is that we from time to time take part in the child pornography community, and sort of go under cover," he told Reuters at a conference near Tokyo on the commercial sexual exploitation of children.

      "That`s the only way to gather enough evidence to bring paedophiles to court."

      New technology has proved both a curse and a blessing in the fight against child sexual abuse, making the production and distribution of pornography easier than ever before but giving authorities important tools to hunt down offenders and trace victims.

      Earlier this year, Astrom helped police smash a Swedish paedophile ring involving 52 people. Seven were brought to court.

      The technology involved remains a guarded secret, but it enables investigators to slink invisibly through underground chat rooms and seedy Net hostels, performing sting operations forbidden to police under Swedish law.

      In a recent case, Astrom was able to track down a child rapist in a neighbouring Scandinavian country through painstaking analysis of a photograph the offender had distributed on the Internet.


      No one knows exactly how much child pornography is on the Internet, but experts agree cases of paedophiles prowling cyberspace in hopes of luring children into off-line sexual encounters are on the increase.

      The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation says online offences against minors appear to be rising 10 percent annually in the United States, and police have identified chat rooms where abusers even provide live pictures of child rape.

      "The Internet is unlocking a dark door," said John Carr, author of a report on child pornography that estimates the U.S. child porn market at $2-3 billion (1-2 billion pounds) a year.

      In a bid to stem the tide, Interpol has invested in a massive database of child pornographic images culled from the Internet and elsewhere, available to police in all 179 member countries.

      "The purpose of it is not to amass millions and millions of images," said Hamish McCulloch, an officer at Interpol`s Trafficking in Human Beings Branch in Lyon, France. "The purpose is to identify children who are being sexually abused."

      Advanced software developed in Sweden enables high-speed comparison of pictures, helps determine if photographs are old or new, and allows the cross-referencing of evidence. It has helped trace a number of victims.

      McCulloch said the technology was useful in analysing images to establish in which countries acts of abuse were committed -- a prerequisite for launching a criminal investigation.

      "For example, you have a clock," he said. "If you spend enough time, you could identify where that clock was manufactured."


      Carol Howlett, deputy assistant commissioner of the London Metropolitan Police Serious Crime Group, said British police had taken the database idea a step further with a facial recognition system that has so far helped to identify 17 abused children.

      Sharon Girling, a detective constable with Britain`s National Crime Squad, said it would be technically possible for Internet service providers (ISPs) to scan their own content against that database and filter out any matching material.

      Under British law, ISPs can be required to remove illegal material from their servers if ordered by police, but are not responsible for monitoring their own content.

      "Technically, we could shut a lot of this down, but it would be illegal to do so," said Girling, who was involved in Operation Cathedral, a 1998 investigation into the cross-border Wonderland Club child pornography ring.

      More than 100 people were arrested in 12 countries in that Interpol-led operation, at the time the largest multinational effort in policing history.

      Nearly everyone says such an international approach is the only way to go in battling the scourge of Internet child pornography, with paedophiles increasingly shifting images to servers in countries where law enforcement is lax.

      "It started as a battle," Girling said. "It`s now become a war. Hopefully, we can bring it back down to a battle."
      schrieb am 22.12.01 09:08:56
      Beitrag Nr. 304 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      ein Interview mit Ian Drummond:…

      Good luck

      schrieb am 24.12.01 10:35:27
      Beitrag Nr. 305 ()
      @ alle

      ich wünsche euch allen frohe weihnachten.

      :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

      bye kopfeck
      schrieb am 03.01.02 09:58:33
      Beitrag Nr. 306 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      bei visionics scheint das Geschäft zu laufen, lassen wir uns also überraschen, wann Ian Drummond neue Aufträge meldet,

      Josie :)
      schrieb am 03.01.02 15:29:26
      Beitrag Nr. 307 ()
      Related Quotes
      NAB.V 1.45
      2.25 unch.

      Thursday January 3, 8:30 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Imagis retains Boston-based Pembridge Venture Partners
      VANCOUVER, Jan. 3 /PRNewswire/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. (``Imagis``) (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) announces that it has entered into an engagement letter with Pembridge Venture Partners (``PVP``) to provide strategic financial advice. PVP is the private-equity affiliate of The Pembridge Group LP (, a premier Boston-based investment firm (``Pembridge Group``). Pembridge Group acts as advisor to Pembridge Fund Management (``PFM``) and Pembridge Venture Partners. PFM is the asset management arm of the firm and manages the Concert series of technology hedge funds and the Symphony fund-of-funds. PVP provides growth capital to formative companies in the areas of software, data-storage, networking, and the health sciences. Pembridge manages over $600,000,000 in capital, and its funds have consistently posted some of the highest returns to investors in the alternative asset management industry. Pembridge funds are eligible to accredited non-U.S. institutions only and are currently closed to new investors.

      Mr. Treyton L. Thomas, Chairman of Pembridge Group and Managing Partner of PVP explained the firm`s interest in Imagis by saying, ``The biometrics space offers demand and growth metrics that are extremely attractive to us. While the U.S. Congress just overwhelmingly approved a $20 billion plan to arm the United States against terrorism, enhanced domestic airport security is but one component of the Imagis growth curve. Unlike other facial recognition software, the heuristic algorithms in their technology allows for the recognition of patterns beyond the human face that can aid in criminal investigations and case preparation. While airport security garners the most media attention, there are other important international applications such as bolstering security at nuclear facilities that were integral to the former Soviet Union, global border control, and identification of child victims of appalling crimes. In a post-attack world, customer demand now dictates that the security industry deliver products that anticipate and prevent, rather than merely react. The confluence of Imagis` current valuation, gross operating margins, and parabolic growth prospects make it the most compelling investment in the biometrics sector today.``

      Under the terms of the engagement letter, PVP has agreed to assist the Company as one of its non-exclusive financial advisors. The activities of PVP will include providing strategic capital markets advice, including mergers, banking advisory and review of any potential investment banking relationships, strategic alliances, financing, or any other capital markets needs of the company. Imagis issued to PVP 50,000 warrants, with each warrant being exercisable into one common share in the capital of the Company at a price of CDN$2.20 per share for a period of two years.

      Mr. Iain Drummond, President & CEO of Imagis, commented; ``We are pleased that Pembridge supports the market opportunities for our Company and acknowledges that our facial recognition technology has significant applications in a number of sectors in security and law enforcement. With their assistance, we anticipate an increase in our Company`s profile in the investment community that will ultimately bring value to our shareholders. We look forward to our combined effort to exploit a number of strategic opportunities.``

      Imagis further announces that it will grant, subject to regulatory approval, 160,000 options to directors of the Company. The options are exercisable into common shares in the capital of the Company at an exercise price of CDN$2.20 per share for a term of five years subject to certain vesting provisions.

      About Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has well over a hundred installations, including two airports where its biometric facial recognition technology is fully operational, Toronto`s Pearson International Airport, the world`s 16th busiest airport and Oakland International Airport, which serves more than 10 million travelers per year. Imagis markets its products through a network of business partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America and has installations in the US, Canada, Mexico, and the UK. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver ``Buck`` Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI, and during his career advanced to the number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the web at

      Forward-Looking Statements

      This press release contains statements that constitute ``forward-looking statements`` within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward- looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this release include our expectations as to the benefits to us related to our relationship with PVP, PVP`s statements regarding our growth prospects and the growth metrics of the biometric industry in general. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results include risks and uncertainties such as: the growth and acceptance of biometric products and services; the purchasing decisions of potential customers related to security products; the growth and acceptance of our products and services; product development, product pricing or other initiatives of our competitors; and the other risks and uncertainties described in our Form 10-KSB filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      On behalf of the Board

      "Rory S. Godinho"
      Corporate Secretary and Director

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.
      schrieb am 03.01.02 21:43:30
      Beitrag Nr. 308 ()
      Hier ein Auszug aus einem Bericht von smallcapcenter:

      Images has developed business model focussed on making it its products as scalable as possible. It believes it has removed constraints to growth by never selling directly -- which would tie up working capital and people.

      "We sell through business partners and so we provide our technology - really the software - to our business partners and they typically will integrate that into their own applications and they use their own sales force and resources to promote that in their own marketplace. By having many business partners we get a very broad and deep coverage of the market," says Drummond.

      "We can literally promote our products and have them sold around the world without significant constraint." says Drummond.

      He says Imagis has been fortunate in its ability to raise money in the marketplace. "We find now that the projects for which this type of technology is being considered are very sizable, they are multi-million dollars projects. There are four [potential deals] where fairly soon now we believe we will be in a situation where we are strongly cash flow positive."

      When does Imagis expect to become profitable?

      "Before September 11 the answer to that was by the end of this year [2001]. That would be about $4 million in revenues and a corresponding amount in expenditure."

      "Since September 11 there is a dramatic increase in the level of interest. And so we are increasing our level of expenditure to address that. So in the short term we would expect our profitability to reduce, however, in the long term we would expect it -- as a result of that investment -- to substantially increase."

      The market for Imagis products has now become global in focus, says Drummond.

      "We see a great deal of upside to it and the challenge from a management point of view is to position the company to capitalize on that opportunity. We believe we are ideally positioned to do so."

      Imagis trades on the OTCBB (IGSTF), on the Canadian Venture Exchange (NAB) and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany (IGY).

      Report written by Jim Lyon…
      schrieb am 06.01.02 19:08:38
      Beitrag Nr. 309 ()

      happy new year allen.

      January 4, 2002

      Imagis planning a `significant` offering in spring
      Sales, marketing push: Firm produces facial recognition software

      John Greenwood
      Financial Post

      VANCOUVER - Imagis Technologies Inc. yesterday announced it has signed an agreement with Pembridge Venture Partners of Boston to provide financial advice for a planned equity offering in the spring.

      "The idea is that we will be looking for a listing in the States and on the back of that we plan to do a another offering, a significant offering this time around," said Iain Drummond, chief executive of the Vancouver-based biometrics firm.

      Imagis shares, which trade on the Canadian Venture Exchange, have quadrupled in value in the wake of Sept. 11, as investors became excited about the company`s facial recognition technology.

      The most recent financing was in November, when the company raised about $3.5-million in a private placement handled jointly by Thomson Kernaghan & Co. Ltd. and Canaccord Capital Corp.

      Most of the proceeds of the the proposed offering will go to sales and marketing, Mr. Drummond said. Imagis primarily sells its software to law enforcement agencies.

      On Nov. 28 the company announced an agreement to develop a facial recognition system for Britain`s National Crime Squad. The application will be used, among other things, to match images from child pornography on the Internet with pictures of missing children supplied by parents. Imagis did not reveal financial details of the sale.

      "From our point of view this is a very significant contract," Mr. Drummond said.

      Using high-end off-the-shelf computer hardware, Imagis`s technology can sort through as many as a million digitized pictures in four seconds to find a list of 12 probable matches. While far from error-proof, the system is a new weapon at the disposal of law enforcement officials.

      In the nine-month period ending Sept. 30, 2001, the company had a loss of $1.6-million compared to a loss of $2.3-million in the year-earlier period. Mr. Drummond said he expects Imagis to become profitable this year.

      The average sale to a police department -- so far the company has landed clients in Canada, the United States and Britain -- is about $100,000.

      Mr. Drummond noted that some public groups are concerned about the technology`s potential for privacy invasion.

      He said it will be more difficult to level such charges against the system in the wake of Sept. 11.

      Hört sich gut an, hoffen wir auf einen guten Start nächste Woche, wenn alle wieder zurück sind.
      schrieb am 07.01.02 11:52:18
      Beitrag Nr. 310 ()
      Tja, hätten die mal besser die Software von Imagis genommen!:D
      Hier ein neuer Artikel aus

      Probleme mit Kamera-Überwachung

      Die hoch gelobte Gesichtserkennung per PC und die damit verbundene Kameraüberwachung scheint vollkommen unbrauchbar zu sein. „Chip Online“ zitierte die US-Bürgerrechtsvereinigung ACLU am Montag mit der Behauptung, bei Überwachungsmaßnahmen in Tampa, Florida, sei oft nicht einmal zu erkennen gewesen, ob es sich um eine Frau oder einen Mann handele. In jener Stadt gebe es 36 Kameras.Mit einer Software von Visionics würden die Bilder mit den Daten einer Polizei-Datenbank abgeglichen.

      Die Fehlleistung der Software sei auch der Grund, weshalb die großen amerikanischen Firmen bislang kaum entsprechende Software einsetzten.

      Auch die Polizei sei mit den Ergebnissen unzufrieden, denn die Anlage seien im September abgeschaltet worden.
      schrieb am 07.01.02 17:49:48
      Beitrag Nr. 311 ()
      auch von mir allen ein gutes neues Jahr :)

      zum focus-artikel:

      wirft natürlich kein gutes Licht auf die Überwachungsfirmen, selbst wenn´s erstmal nur bei einer nicht vernünftig funktioniert

      schrieb am 16.01.02 05:29:39
      Beitrag Nr. 312 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      die ersten Ergebnisse aus UK, festgehalten von der New York Times:

      January 15, 2002

      New Side to Face-Recognition Technology: Identifying Victims


      ince Sept. 11, discussion of the disputed technology of face recognition has focused on its potential for identifying criminals and terrorists — and for invading citizens` privacy. But in England, the police are pursuing a different path: they want to use facial recognition software to identify crime victims.

      Using software developed by a Canadian company, Britain`s National Crime Squad is creating a database of nearly three million pictures seized in raids of child pornography rings. By matching the images against pictures of missing children, investigators hope to find them, or at least generate clues — an unusual car or or distinctive scenery — that can help identify the people making the photos and films.

      Facial recognition has been in development for decades, but recent advances in computer power and software have made the systems less expensive and more accurate — though just how accurate remains a subject of debate.

      Most systems work by taking pictures of faces, comparing them to a template and making dozens of measurements of each one, including factors like the distance between the eyes. In the case of Imagis Technologies — the company in Vancouver, British Columbia, that created the software out of earlier work on recognizing patterns in satellite photographs — the program detects hundreds of "light
      source positions." It also measures factors like the angle of the head and facial shape, said Andy Amanovich, the company`s chief technology officer.

      The mathematical description of those features is stored in a database, to be compared with other strings of numbers that have been derived from faces — and also jewelry, clothes, scars and background objects like furniture or vehicles.

      No facial recognition system is perfect, or even close: all make mismatches and overly broad matches. Many can be confounded by simple subterfuges like wigs or glasses. Civil liberties and other groups say they cast too wide a net, invading privacy and extending the reach of surveillance too far.

      And the technology`s credibility has not been helped, many experts agree, by exaggerated claims for its effectiveness. "These software companies have popped off numbers that they can`t really substantiate," said Ron Cadle, a vice president of Pellco Inc., which is adapting
      facial recognition systems for use in Fresno Yosemite International Airport. "It`s kind of given them a black eye."

      Mr. Amanovich agreed. "There`s a lot of false claims out there and a lot of specious claims to what all technologies can do," he said.

      Nevertheless, Mr. Cadle, who uses recognition programs from Visionics Inc. and Viisage, said his company had boosted the reliability his partners` software so that it can make a match 80 percent of the time and falsely claim a match with just 1 of every 500 passengers.
      Mr. Amanovich, however, said such figures are so malleable at this early stage that claims are not useful.

      The British project had its origins in a 1997 sweep in which 101 members of a child pornography trading ring called Wonderland were arrested in raids around the world.

      Aficionados of child pornography tend to be obsessive collectors of pictures and films, and that and other raids led to a police database of some three million images — too many for humans to sort through effectively. (Efforts to create books or CD`s by hand had yielded 1,200 identifiable faces, leading to the identification of just 18 children, one of whom had been murdered.) So in December 2000, the
      squad signed an agreement with a contractor, Serco Group, to automate the rest of the process. Serco turned to Imagis.

      Peter Spindler, a detective superintendent with the National Crime Squad, says he has been impressed with early results. The software was able to identify images from a test database — not just images of children, but also of siblings. The feature could could help identify families participating in the porn trade.

      But one expert in child pornography said the British efforts was "not going to do much."

      Dr. John Philip Jenkins, a professor of history at Penn State and author of "Beyond Tolerance: Child Pornography on the Internet," said child pornography photos were unlikely to lead investigators to the children involved. A child victim`s identity, he said, "is only likely to come to light if the child comes up in an abuse case."

      Many of the images, he added, now flow from the former Soviet Union, where lax enforcement allowed the trade to flourish. There, he said "police corruption is going to limit the effectiveness of any attempt to use this technology" successfully.

      He called for international efforts to crush online image trading.

      But Detective Spindler said the police had to try to do more than restrict the traffic in illicit images. "It`s not simply about identifying people who are abusing the Internet, people who are trading child pornography," he said. "This is about people abusing children."

      Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company

      Anm: Mr. Amanovich gehört zum Board von Imagis

      Dieser Artikel wird jetzt durch einige Investmenthäuser wandern. Hoffen wir auch, dass die Leute dort endlich Imagis in ihre Anlageentscheidung mit einbeziehen.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 25.01.02 22:05:44
      Beitrag Nr. 313 ()
      Nanu? What´s that Sowhat ? Does anybody know ?

      Last Trade
      3:47PM · 1.85 Change
      +0.38 (+25.85%) Prev Cls
      1.47 Volume
      711,800 Div Date
      Day`s Range
      1.4675 - 1.85 Bid

      schrieb am 26.01.02 00:19:34
      Beitrag Nr. 314 ()
      Hi niemandweiss

      kennst du etwa den anderen Beitrag nicht ?

      Mach ma suchfunktion sowhat - unter user

      aber, ging gut ab heute nicht :D
      schrieb am 26.01.02 10:06:30
      Beitrag Nr. 315 ()
      Hi, das war ja ein Riesentag gestern. Plus 29,79 % und wieder ordentliches Volumen. Dachte schon hier ist nichts mehr los. Warum wurden die letzten News hier nicht reingestellt? Was ist mit der Kaufempfehlung von TK?

      Sowhat, wie ist die Lage und Deine Meinung?

      schrieb am 26.01.02 11:14:33
      Beitrag Nr. 316 ()
      Hallo Canadafreak,

      war etwas ruhig in diesem Thread hier. Was sagen denn die Kanadier? Welche Kaufempfehlung meinst Du?

      Hier mal die News die Geld für Imagis bringt:

      Tuesday January 22, 8:30 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      UK`s National Crime Squad Purchases Imagis Technologies` Biometric Facial Recognition Solution
      Solution Supports International Efforts to Fight Online Child Pornography by Improving Victim and Criminal Identification Capabilities
      VANCOUVER, Jan. 22 /CNW/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) ("Imagis") today announced that the National Crime Squad ("NCS") has purchased a biometric facial recognition solution based on Imagis` ID-2000(TM) software, through Serco Plc ("Serco"), an international provider of management services to government and a business partner of Imagis. NCS, which paid over CDN$1 million for the software, intends to use the technology to crack down on international online child pornography.
      The solution was developed by Imagis, in conjunction with Serco, to fight online child pornography and identify missing children. It extends the use of Imagis` recognition technology, ID-2000, to the identification of non-facial objects in background imagery and personally identifiable markings, such as tattoos. The ability of law enforcement agencies to identify background imagery as well as victims and perpetrators is an important factor in preparing for and solving missing persons investigations.

      "Imagis has always worked closely with law enforcement to optimize the design of our facial recognition technology. Our work with the NCS has been the basis for the development of an accurate and efficient means to fight this international crime," said Iain Drummond, CEO of Imagis. "This innovative extension of our facial identification technology to object identification is an important component in the NCS`s efforts and demonstrates Imagis` ability to develop advanced recognition technology with applications beyond biometrics."

      Previous NCS operations, "Cathedral" (1998) and "Landmark" (2001), have given Imagis and Serco the opportunity to carefully map the field requirements of the law enforcement agency for the purpose of fighting online child pornography. On November 28, 2001, the NCS seized computers and materials and arrested suspects as part of an international crackdown on child pornography, codenamed Operation Landmark. The NCS is already using a pilot installation of Imagis` facial recognition technology to analyze pictures and match them to images recorded during previous NCS operations.

      Features of the NCS facial recognition solution based on Imagis` ID-2000 software include the ability to:

      - Identify an individual within very large databases of images in
      - Link records of victims, perpetrators, and evidence for investigation
      and case preparation;
      - Search for common background scenes as well as faces;
      - Transmit information, including internationally, in a highly-secure
      - Search the database against both imagery and data;
      - Securely search local and remote databases regardless of their
      physical location; and
      - Use imagery from any source - live video, digital/analogue photos,
      scanners, etc.

      Additionally, Imagis has developed an interface to ID-2000 which enables seamless integration with other value-added applications and technologies. An example is Convera`s Screening Room(R), a video content management solution, that is used to enable live digital video input for additional object recognition capabilities.
      About Serco Plc

      Serco is an international provider of management services to government and industry. The company covers a wide range of activities, from controlling satellites and operating computer networks for the European Space Agency, to managing and operating the London Docklands Light Railway where Serco was recently voted National Rail Operator of the year. The company employs over 32,500 staff in more than 35 countries. Serco Justice is closely associated with the National Crime Squad as its Strategic IT Partner. In the last year, Serco Justice have supplied the NCS with an Imagis Prototype Biometric Software solution to analyze images sequestered during Operation Cathedral. This process has proved its worth by processing hundreds of thousands of images in a fraction of the time that could be achieved manually. More information on the company can be found at


      I know;)

      Bis später und ein schönes Wochenende

      schrieb am 26.01.02 13:07:20
      Beitrag Nr. 317 ()

      die Kaufempfehlung von Tk ist vor ca. 2 Wochen gekommen. Ich muss suchen und poste sie dann hier. Gestern haben einige Bekannte von mir gekauft. Sie haben mir was geschickt und meintem, dass dies damit zusammenhäng. Hier ist die Infos, die aber schon am 4. Januar erschien:

      >>Imagis planning a `significant` offering in spring
      Sales, marketing push: Firm produces facial recognition software

      John Greenwood
      Financial Post
      VANCOUVER - Imagis Technologies Inc. yesterday announced it has signed an agreement with Pembridge Venture Partners of Boston to provide financial advice for a planned equity offering in the spring.

      "The idea is that we will be looking for a listing in the States and on the back of that we plan to do a another offering, a significant offering this time around," said Iain Drummond, chief executive of the Vancouver-based biometrics firm.

      Imagis shares, which trade on the Canadian Venture Exchange, have quadrupled in value in the wake of Sept. 11, as investors became excited about the company`s facial recognition technology.

      The most recent financing was in November, when the company raised about $3.5-million in a private placement handled jointly by Thomson Kernaghan & Co. Ltd. and Canaccord Capital Corp.

      Most of the proceeds of the the proposed offering will go to sales and marketing, Mr. Drummond said. Imagis primarily sells its software to law enforcement agencies.

      On Nov. 28 the company announced an agreement to develop a facial recognition system for Britain`s National Crime Squad. The application will be used, among other things, to match images from child pornography on the Internet with pictures of missing children supplied by parents. Imagis did not reveal financial details of the sale.

      "From our point of view this is a very significant contract," Mr. Drummond said.

      Using high-end off-the-shelf computer hardware, Imagis`s technology can sort through as many as a million digitized pictures in four seconds to find a list of 12 probable matches. While far from error-proof, the system is a new weapon at the disposal of law enforcement officials.

      In the nine-month period ending Sept. 30, 2001, the company had a loss of $1.6-million compared to a loss of $2.3-million in the year-earlier period. Mr. Drummond said he expects Imagis to become profitable this year.

      The average sale to a police department -- so far the company has landed clients in Canada, the United States and Britain -- is about $100,000.

      Mr. Drummond noted that some public groups are concerned about the technology`s potential for privacy invasion.

      He said it will be more difficult to level such charges against the system in the wake of Sept. 11.

      Weiss Du da mehr?

      schrieb am 26.01.02 17:00:45
      Beitrag Nr. 318 ()
      Ich hab noch mal ne alte Meldung vom 5. Dezember2001 rausgekramt. Wenn sich der angekündigte Umsatz von 10 bis 15 Mio $ in 2001 bewahrheiten sollte, geht die Party erst richtig los. Spätestens in 3 Wochen werden wirs wissen, dann werden die Quartalszahlen veröffentlicht. :D

      Hier die Meldung:
      NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Imagis Technologies Inc. (IGSTF), a security
      technology company traded on the over-the-counter Bulletin Board, will
      announce next week its plans to get listed on one of the full U.S. stock
      exchanges, Chief Executive Iain Drummond told Dow Jones Newswires on
      The move will come at a time when investors are anticipating a surge of
      orders for technologies used in securing facilities such as airports and
      corporate offices.
      Drummond said the company expects to generate $30 million to $40 million
      revenue next year, compared with its projected $10 million to $15 million
      year. The Vancouver company expects to reach profitability in the middle of
      next year, he said.
      The company only sells its face recognition products through business
      partners such as original equipment manufacturers and software developers.
      products are priced between $10,000 and $3 million, Drummond said.
      This indirect sales strategy helps reduce the company`s marketing costs,
      Drummond said, adding that Imagis` gross margin is as high as 90%.
      -By Lingling Wei, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-2089

      (END) DOW JONES NEWS 12-05-01
      03:01 PM
      End of News
      schrieb am 27.01.02 13:01:20
      Beitrag Nr. 319 ()
      hab die Kaufempfehlung gefunden:)

      Imagis Technologies
      A developer and marketer of biometric software applications.
      Strong Buy (NAB - $2.30) 12-month Target:$5.25

      Imagis Technologies (“Imagis”) is a Vancouver-based software developer and marketer of biometrics software applications, specifically designed for the facial recognition and image identification market. The company targets the law enforcement and security industries.

      The International Biometrics Group(IBG) expects biometrics revenue(hardware and software)to grow from US$400 million in 2000 to US$1.9 billion in 2005. There is no clear market leader in the facial recognition segment which accounts for 15% of the overall market.

      Imagis generates its revenue through its sales partnership network on a software license basis at prices ranging from $10,000 to $3.0 million per location. Imagis’ software has been installed in over 130 locations worldwide including the Toronto Pearson International Airport, Oakland International Airport, the UK’s National Crime Squad and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

      Imagis has superior facial recognition technology, which will enable the company to gain sales traction and visibility in this evolving marketplace.

      Valuation and Recommendation

      We are valuing Imagis on an adjusted P/E multiple of 16x our 2003E EPS estimate of $0.33/share, to derivea 12-month price target of $5.25/share. Our target multiple represents a 60% discount to Imagis’ peer group.

      The discount relates to uncertainty surrounding customer adoption and the timing to profitability. Our valuation is supported by our DCF valuation model which yields a price target of $5.40/share based on a compounded annual growth rate of 75%, a discount rate of 17.5% and a terminal multiplier of 10x discounted free cash flow.

      We believe that over the next 12-months investors will reward Imagis with a higher stock price as it expands its partnership network, secures new contracts and executes its financial and growth strategy. We are initiating coverage on Imagis with a STRONG BUY recommendation and a 12-month price target of $5.25/share.

      Symbol ......CDNX - NAB; OTCCBB - IGSTF; Germany - IGY
      Recent Price.....................................$2.30
      52-week Range ............................$4.62 - $0.82
      Market Cap. ...............................$47.9 million
      Shares Outstanding (basic) ....................17.6 million
      Shares Outstanding (f.d.) ......................21.3 million
      Major Shareholder ...........Management & Directors - 26%

      Year-end Dec. 31 2000A 2001F 2002E 2003E
      Revenues (million) $1.1 $2.3 $11.5 $31.6
      EPS (FD) $(0.26) $(0.14) $0.04 $0.33
      P/E n.m. n.m. 58.6x 6.9x
      CFPS (FD) $(0.25) $(0.15) $0.04 $0.32
      P/CF n.m. n.m. 57.3x 7.3x

      Cdn GAAP EPS Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year
      2000A $(0.06) $(0.07) $(0.07) $(0.06) $(0.26)
      2001F $(0.05) $(0.02) $(0.04) $(0.03) $(0.14)
      2002E $(0.02) $(0.01) $0.04 $0.03 $0.04
      2003E $0.00 $0.06 $0.08 $0.19 $0.33

      Imagis’ Competitive Advantage Imagis has superior technology
      Imagis’ technology is superior — it measures more facial data points than either Viisage or Visionics product offering (200 data points vs. 14 for Visionics). It can better handle low light situations and can recognize a person’s image at up to a 25 degree angle — most other systems can only handle a maximum 15 degree deviation. This results in higher recognition accuracy and lower false positives. A false positive is when the system incorrectly identifies a person as someone else in the database.

      It can search databases using text description of individual; both Visionics and Viisage can only search by image.
      Imagis is database independent — it can work with Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, while Visionics uses a proprietary database.

      Imagis Technologies 4 Year Share Shares Market Company Symbol End Price O/S (MM) Cap 2001F 2002E 2003E 2001F 2002E 2003E 2001F 2002E 2003E Visioni cs 2 & 3 VSN X Sept. 15. 65 $ 25.4 397.5 $ 30.5 $ 40.0 $ 64. 0 $ (0.06) $ (0.03) $ 0.40 $ NM NM 39.1x Viisage Technol ogy 3 & 4 VISG Dec. 8. 15 $ 20.0 171.1 $ 25.4 $ 33.7 $ 50. 6 $ 0.04 $ 0.08 $ 0.20 $ 203.8x 101.9x 40.8x Aver age 203.8x 101.9x 39.9x

      Imagis Technologies 3 & 5
      NAB.V Dec. 2. 30 $ 21.3 49.0 $ 2.3 $ 11.5 $ 31. 6 $ (0.14) $ 0.04 $ 0.33 $ NM 58. 6x 6.9x


      1) Share price at close of market in January 2002, Market Watch

      2) Sales and EPS estimates taken from First Call and various industry sources

      3) EPS excludes income taxes payable, as all companies have non-capital tax loss carry forwards which are not expected to expire until mid-2003 for Imagis and 2004 and beyond for Visionics and Viisage.

      4) TK estimates

      5) All figures are in Canadian dollars Analysis of Comparable Public Facial Recognition Providers All amounts are in( US$million s) except per share data Sales EPS P/E

      Financial overview

      In Q3/2001, Imagis generated $260,000 in revenue, S G&A costs of $860,000 or 325% of revenue and a net loss of $650,000 or $(0.04)/share.
      This compares to $150,000 in revenue in Q3/2000, S G&A costs of $895,00 or 590% of revenue and a net loss of $815,000 or $(0.07)/share.
      For the trailing twelve months, Imagis generated $1.85 million in revenue, S G&A costs of $3.8 million or 230% of revenue and reported a net loss of $2.3 million or $(0.16)/share. On September 30, 2001, Imagis had $145,000 of cash and debt of $700,000.

      Financial Projections

      In November 2001, Imagis raised $3.6 million For Q4/2001, we are projecting that Imagis will report $900,000 in revenue, S G&A costs of $1.4 million or 155% of revenue and report a net loss of $560,000 or $(0.03)/share. For the full year, we are projecting that Imagis will generate $2.2 million in revenue, S G&A costs of $4.1 million or 185% of revenue and a net loss of $2.1 million or $(0.14)/share. This compares to $1.1 million in revenue in 2000, S G&A costs of $3.7 million or 340% of revenue and a net loss of $3.0 million or $(0.26)/share.

      Recent financing On November 9, 2001, Imagis completed a brokered private placement of $3.1 million and a non-brokered private placement of $500,000 (Thomson Kernaghan participated in the financing). We believe Imagis will end the year with over $2.0 million of cash (assuming repayment of the $700,000 of debt)and no debt.

      In 2002, Imagis will generate positive earnings on $11.5 million in revenue.

      We believe that in first half of 2002, Imagis will raise $15 million to fund the company’s ongoing operations and working capital requirements.

      Imagis has recently retained Roth Capital Partners of Newport Beach, CA and Pembridge Venture Partners of Boston, MA to provide financial advice for their planned equity offering.

      For 2002, we are projecting that Imagis will generate $11.5 million in revenue, generate S G&A costs of $9.3 million or 81% of revenue, a net profit of $1.1 million or $0.04/share and end the year with over $15 million of cash.
      Imagis will generate untaxed net earnings starting in Q3/2002.

      In 2003, Imagis could generate $0.33 in earnings on $31.6 million in revenue For 2003, we are projecting that Imagis will generate $31.6 million in revenue,S G&A costs of $17.9 million or 63% of revenue, a net profit of $8.7 million or $0.33/share and end the year with over $20.0 million of cash. Imagis has non-capital tax loss carry forwards that we believe will not be consumed until at least mid-2003, after which we expect the company’s income tax rate to be

      Our sensitivity analysis indicates that Imagis would be a viable going concern without any financing We have performed a sensitivity analysis taking into consideration Imagis’ ability to execute its business strategy, raise sufficient funds in 2002 and convert its sales pipeline into sales.


      The biometric industry is in the early stages of development with unknown customer adoption patterns. As the market moves beyond its niche to the January 2002 broader e-security market, it could attract better-financed competitors, which could reduce revenue and profitability for Imagis.

      The growth and acceptance of biometric and facial recognition products is dependent on the government and corporate budgetary process, which could lead to extended sales cycles and diminished expectations as they try to balance their budgetary and security concerns.

      Since September 11, 2001, investors have bid up the valuation of all biometrics companies, including Imagis, based on expectations of growing revenues. This investor sentiment can change over time as reality collides with expectations.

      Given the strong institutional sponsorship the company received during its latest financing and the ability of both Visionics and Viisage to raise financing, we believe the company will be able to raise the necessary capital required to augment its working capital requirements and execute its business plan.


      We believe that Imagis Technologies, with its superior technology, strong partnership network and the growing recognition by government and organizations for the need for enhanced security solutions including facial recognition systems, should be able to profitably grow to become the dominant facial recognition company.

      Valuation and Recommendation

      We are valuing Imagis on an adjusted P/E multiple of 16x our 2003E EPS estimate of $0.33/share, to derive a 12-month price target of $5.25/share.

      Our target P/E multiple has been discounted by 60% relative to Imagis’ peer group (Visionics and Viisage) trading at 40x untaxed 2003E earnings estimate.

      Both Visionics and Viisage have non-capital tax loss carry-forwards which are not expected to be consumed until 2004 at the earliest. The discount relates to uncertainty surrounding customer adoption and the timing to profitability.

      Our valuation is supported by our DCF valuation model which yields a price target of $5.40/share based on a compounded annual growth rate of 75%, a discount rate of 17.5% and a terminal multiplier of 10x discounted free cash flow.

      We believe that over the next 12-months investors will reward Imagis with a higher stock price as it expands its partnership network, secures new contracts and executes its financial and growth strategy. We are initiating coverage on Imagis with a STRONG BUY recommendation and a 12-month price target of $5.25/share.

      Imagis Technologies

      January 2002

      1 Revenue will grow at acompounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7 5% per year, which we believe is realistic given the industry`s historic growth rates and forecasts by I BG.

      2 Imagis`s gross margins remain stable at 90% of sales .

      3 Imagis`s G&A expenses decrease over time to 43% of sales

      4 Depreciation of capital assets calculated on a three- year straight-line basis.

      5 Interest income earned on cash and restricted cash calculated at 3.75%per annum.

      6 Imagis will not pay corporate tax until mid-2003 as the company has a operating tax loss carry forward, after which
      corporate tax rate calculated at 38% of operating income.

      7 Shares outstanding in 2001 calculated at 21.3 million and this is expected to increase to 26.3 million by 2002, as a result of the company`s proposed $15.0 million equity issue.

      8 What ever acquisition the company makes will be accretive to earnings.

      9 Net margins will gradually increase to 25% of sales by 2010, as the company gains economies of scale in expanding its customer base and service platform.

      10 Capital expenditures are assumed to increase to C$3.0 million by 200 4 after which they are expected to increase by $1.0 million/year.

      11 Discount rate calculated at bank rate (4%) plus 13.5% risk premium ( 7% historical risk + 6.5% for competitive market risk premium and newness of product offering)Imagis Technlogies Discounted Free Cash Flow assumptions(2001 - 2010) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2 006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Cash Flow after change in non-cash working capital ($ C) (1,837) $ 882 $ 6,83 0 $ 9,845 $ 18,898
      $ 25,93 6 $ 30, 216 $ 35, 9 05 $ 40,390 $ 43,038 $ CapEx (55)
      $ ( 300) $ ( 1,700) $ (3,000) $ (4,750) $ ( 6,650)
      $ (8, 300) $ ( 10 000) $ (11,500) $ (12,650) $
      Free CashFlow ($ C)(1,892) $582 $5,130 $6,845 $14,148
      $ 19,28 6 $ 21,916 $ 25,905 $ 28,890 $ 30,388 $
      Canadian dollar conversion fact or 1.00 $
      Shares out standing (000`s) 21,300
      NP V Calculation NAV/ Share
      NP V @0% $140, 175 NAV/ Share @ 0 % 6. 58 $
      NP V @12. 5% $74, 262 NAV/ Share @ 1 2.5% 3. 49 $
      NP V @15. 0% $63, 092 NAV/ Share @ 1 5.0% 2. 96 $
      NP V @17. 5% $53, 886 NAV/ Share @ 1 7.5% 2. 53 $
      NP V @20. 0% $46, 254 NAV/ Share @ 2 0.0% 2. 17 $
      NP V @22. 5% $39, 891 NAV/ Share @ 2 2.5% 1. 87 $

      Equit yValue Tabl e, 20 10Terminal Year
      5.0x 7. 5x 10. 0x 12.5x 15. 0x
      Discount Rate 12.5% 2.20 $3.30 $ 4.39 $ 5.49 $ 6.59 $
      15. 0% 1.7 6 $ 2.64 $ 3. 53 $ 4.4 1 $ 5.29 $
      17. 5% 1.4 2 $ 2.13 $ 2. 84 $ 3.5 6 $ 4.27 $
      20. 0% 1.1 5 $ 1.73 $ 2. 30 $ 2.8 8 $ 3.46 $
      22. 5% 0.9 4 $ 1.41 $ 1. 87 $ 2.3 4 $ 2.81 $

      Discount Free Cash Flow ValuationTable 5.0x 7. 5x 10. 0x 12.5x 15. 0x
      12. 5% 4.7 3 $ 5.82 $ 6. 92 $ 8.0 2 $ 9.12 $
      15. 0% 4.2 9 $ 5.17 $ 6. 06 $ 6.9 4 $ 7.82 $
      17. 5% 3.9 5 $ 4.66 $ 5. 37 $ 6.0 8 $ 6.80 $
      20. 0% 3.6 8 $ 4.26 $ 4. 83 $ 5.4 1 $ 5.99 $
      22. 5% 3.4 7 $ 3.94 $ 4. 40 $ 4.8 7 $ 5.34 $

      Imagis Technologies
      Discounted Free Cash Flow Valuation
      Terminal Value
      Exit Multiplier

      Imagis Technologies

      December 31 Year-end 2000A 2001F 2002E 2003E
      Total Revenue 1,098 $ 2,260 $ 11,500 $ 31,625 $
      Y/ YRevenue Growth 106% 409% 175%
      Cos tof Goods Sold 173 $ 202 $ 1,150 $ 3,162 $
      Gross Profit 925 $ 2,057 $ 10,350 $ 28,462 $
      Gross Margins 84% 91% 90% 90%


      Selling & Marketing 1,102 $ 1,035 $ 3,500 $ 7,500 $
      Technical Services - $ 799 $ 1,100 $ 2,400 $
      Technology Development 1,503 $ 1,174 $ 1,800 $ 3,000 $
      General & Administrative 1,128 $ 1,158 $ 2,900 $ 5,000 $
      S G&ACosts 3,733 $ 4,166 $ 9,300 $ 17,900 $
      S G&Apercent of Revenue 340% 184% 81% 63%
      EBI TDA (2,808) $ (2,109) $ 1,050 $ 10,562 $
      EBI TDA margins -256% -93% 9% 27%
      Operating Income/(loss)
      Depreciation/Amortization 69 $ 19 $ 250 $ 650 $
      Interest Income/ Expenses 135 $ 15 $ (312) $ (616) $
      Income Taxes - $ - $ - $ 1,764 $
      Total 204 $ 34 $ (62) $ 1,798 $
      Net Income/Loss (3,010) $ (2,143) $ 1,112 $ 8,764 $
      Net Margins -274% -95% 10% 28%
      EPS ( basic) (0.27) $ (0.15) $ 0.04 $ 0.39 $
      EPS ( FD) (0.26) $ (0.14) $ 0.04 $ 0.33 $
      Shares O/S (basic) 11,660 17,600 22,600 22,600
      Shares O/S (fully diluted) 12,292 21,300 26,300 26,300

      Management and Board of Directors

      Oliver “Buck” Revell – Chairman of the Board

      Mr. Revell, Chairman & Director since January 31, 2000, served for over 30 years in the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation until September 1994, and during his career advanced to the position of Associate Deputy Director. Mr. Revell has served on many Presidential and Vice Presidential task forces, including as Vice-Chairman of the Interagency Group for Counter-Intelligence and as a member of both the National Foreign Intelligence Board and the Terrorist Crisis Management Committee of the National Security Council.

      Iain Drummond – President and Chief Executive Officer

      Mr. Drummond has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Imagis since February 23, 1999 and of Imagis Cascade Technologies Inc. since September 1, 1998.
      Most recently he served as the Vice-President, Strategic Partnerships with Alis Technologies of Montreal, Quebec, a provider of integrated language-handling technologies and translation solutions. Mr. Drummond has extensive international sales, marketing, and management experience.

      Andrew Amanovich – Chief Technology Officer

      Mr. Amanovich has served as the Chief Technology Officer of Imagis since February 23, 1999. In 1989, Mr. Amanovich founded Pacific Cascade Consultants Ltd., a consulting service engaged in forestry mapping and surveys, the predecessor company to Imagis.

      Robert Gordon – Director

      Mr. Gordon was appointed as a director of Imagis on February 15, 2000. Robert Gordon is Chief Executive Officer of Platform Computing Inc. Platform is the world’s leading provider of distributed computing software solutions. Robert Gordon brings over 30 years of international technology experience to this position. Most recently he was a venture capitalist in the European technology sector based in the UK. He served as Senior Vice President, Europe, Middle East, and Africa for Oracle Corporation from 1996 to 2000, and was President and CEO of Oracle Canada from 1991 to 1996. He sits on the boards of eu-Supply (Sweden), and TexYard (UK).

      Norman Inkster – Advisor

      Mr. Inkster has served as an advisor since March 11, 1999. Mr. Inkster is the President of KPMG Investigation and Security Inc. and a partner of KPMG, Toronto, Canada.
      Mr. Inkster joined KPMG in September of 1994, following a lengthy and distinguished career with the RCMP, most recently as Commissioner. Mr. Inkster was Vice President for the America’s from 1989 to 1991 and President of Interpol, the international association of police forces headquartered in France, from 1992 to 1994.

      Owen Kelly – Advisor

      Mr. Kelly has served as an Advisor since September 26, 2000. Mr. Kelly was Commissioner of Police for the City of London for nine (9) years until he left the police service at the end of 1993. During Mr. Kelly’s term as Commissioner, Mr. Kelly held, amongst others, the following posts: (i) member of the Serious Fraud Office Management Group and (ii) police adviser to the Association of Metropolitan Authorities.

      Reid Morden – Advisor

      Mr. Morden has served as an Advisor since April 12, 1999. Mr. Morden is currently a Partner of Sussex Circle Toronto. Mr. Morden is a member of the International Advisory Board of the (Washington, D.C.-based) Institute for the Study of Terrorism and Violence. Mr. Morden served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Atomic Energy of Canada from 1994 through 1998. From 1991 to 1994, he served as Deputy Minister, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. From 1987 to 1991, Mr. Morden directed the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

      Auf nach Norden:)
      schrieb am 27.01.02 16:39:00
      Beitrag Nr. 320 ()
      Jungs, Wahnsinn. Jetzt gehts los und ich such in den Viperprospekte. Das wird ein schmuckes Teil werden. Nächste Woche packen wir die $ 4,00 und dann ist schon mal die drin:)

      Und dann gibts nur noch speed:)
      schrieb am 28.01.02 08:13:03
      Beitrag Nr. 321 ()
      Einen wunderschönen Morgen,

      hoffentlich gehts nicht zu stürmig heute mit Imagis an den Börsen. HAb natürlich nichts dageben wenn der wind uns nach Norden treibt;)

      Wenn Du das Auto hast bitte ich um eine Mitfahrgelegenheit auf dem Ring:)

      Die Empfehlung kannte ich, konnte zunächst nicht mit der Abkürzung TK anfangen. Das angebene Kursziel von CAD 5,25 entsprich US $ 3,26 bzw. € 3,77. der Kurs würde reichen, um in ein höheres Börsegment zu wechseln.

      In der geposteten news hat sich Ian Drummond weit auf dem Fenster gelehnt. Ich geh mal davon aus, dass er weiss, was er sagt und TK hätte wohl auch nicht eine Empfehlung geschrieben, wenn die Zahlen nicht untermauert werden würden.

      Meiner Meinung nach kommen jetzt nach und nach die Details raus, die schon lange, auch hier, im Gespräch waren. Listing NASDAQ oder AMEX, ich glaube eher Amex, dann einige neue Abschlüsse, davon einer mit einem Big Player aus den Staaten. Hinzu kommen kaufe von Institutionen aus den USA, da es nur zwei Unternehmen gibt, die direkt mit Imagis verglichen werden können. Institutionen zw. Funds müssen streuen. Bin auf die Kurse in Deutschland gespannt, wobei auch dem Volumen beachtung geschenkt werden muss.

      Also, auf hoffentlich steigende Kurse. Es ist erst der wahre Anfang:)

      schrieb am 28.01.02 09:39:16
      Beitrag Nr. 322 ()
      schaffe, schaffe, häusle baue heißt es im schwabenland. schaffe schaffe gilt bei mir seit 15 jahren - jetzt wirds aber bestimmt auch wahr mit dem häuslebaue!!!
      goooooooooooo imagis goooooooooooooooo!
      schrieb am 28.01.02 09:49:00
      Beitrag Nr. 323 ()
      Hier geht aber einiges, sogar in München größere Orders.

      Gen Norden:)
      schrieb am 14.02.02 15:02:46
      Beitrag Nr. 324 ()
      Guten Tag,

      alle ausgeflogen?

      News kommen rein, der amerikanischen Markt ruft:)

      Thursday February 14, 8:30 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis Technologies to present at the 2002 Roth Capital Growth Conference
      VANCOUVER, Feb. 14 /CNW/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. (CDNX: NAB - news), ("Imagis"), a leading developer and marketer of advanced biometric software, announced today that it has been invited to present at the 14th Annual Roth Capital Growth Conference in Laguna Niguel, California on Tuesday, February 19th, 2002 at 8:30 a.m.
      Mr. Iain Drummond, President & CEO of Imagis, will discuss the dramatic increase in demand for Imagis biometric facial recognition technology, ID- 2000(TM), due to the heightened focus on homeland security. He will also discuss the technology`s growing adoption rate among law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and in Europe.

      Imagis will provide a live webcast of its presentation on
      February 19th at 8:30 a.m. PST.
      To listen to the webcast, please go to

      The 2002 Roth Capital Growth conference is sponsored by Roth Capital Partners, Imagis` financial advisor, and will be attended by leading analysts, fund managers, institutions and venture capitalists.
      About Imagis ID-2000(TM) Facial Recognition Technology

      Biometric facial recognition measures characteristics of a human face, which can be used to automatically recognize an individual or verify an individual`s identity.

      Imagis biometric technology uses more than 200 facial descriptors, generated from its sophisticated image analysis algorithms, to capture and compare an individual`s face against a database, quickly identifying individuals who pose a potential threat. Imagis ID-2000 enables law enforcement, border and customs, and airport personnel to:

      - Search for criminals based on images such as tattoos, jewelry,
      clothes and scars;
      - Scan millions of regional, national and international database
      records in seconds; and
      - Confirms the identity of employees and other individuals in secure

      About Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Imagis (CDNX: NAB - news) is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has well over a hundred installations, including Toronto`s Pearson International Airport, the world`s 16th busiest airport. Imagis markets its products through a network of business partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America and has installations in the US, Canada, Mexico, and the UK. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver "Buck" Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI, and during his career advanced to the number-two career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the web at

      About Roth Capital Partners

      Roth Capital Partners is a leading full service investment bank that serves corporate, institutional and individual clients. The firm specializes in providing emerging growth companies with access to the capital markets and to financial advisory services at every stage of the company`s lifecycle. The firm offers a complete range of banking services to growth companies, including initial public offerings, follow-on equity offerings, investment research, sales and trading, private placements, mergers and acquisitions, and other financial advisory services. The firm seeks to discover innovative investment ideas and to bring them the expertise and resources of a full service investment bank. Roth Capital Partners maintains corporate headquarters in Newport Beach, as well as offices in Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Seattle. Visit the Roth Capital Partners website at

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

      Und gleich noch eine:)

      Thursday February 14, 8:30 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Michael Brave, Former Department of Justice Intelligence Chief, Joins Imagis Partner, API Services, Inc.
      VANCOUVER, BC and GREEN BAY, WI Feb. 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: IGSTF - news; CDNX: NAB - news), (``Imagis``), a leading developer and marketer of advanced biometric software, and its Partner, API Services, Inc. (``API``), a leading international corporate security and consulting firm, announced today that Mr. Michael Brave, the former Department of Justice Chief of the Intelligence & Investigative Operations Unit, Office of Enforcement Operations, Criminal Division, has joined the API group of companies.

      Mr. Brave was directly involved in the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks for the Department of Justice. In his new role with API, Mr. Brave will be involved in a broad range of services and products in the growing areas of law enforcement and private security risk. In addition, he will focus on the deployment of Imagis` ID-2000(TM) facial recognition-based products as Federal Government and Special Projects Director.

      The Wisconsin native holds a bachelor`s degree in Business Administration and a master`s in Management Technology from the University of Wisconsin- Stout. He earned his Juris Doctor degree from Hamline University School of Law (Minnesota) and just completed his Master of Laws with emphasis in Civil and Constitutional Rights from American University (Washington D.C.)

      Mr. Brave has served on the National Advisory Boards of the Police Law Institute, the Jail Law Institute, and Defense Training International, Inc. He is a former member of the Executive Board of the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, as well as the Legal Officers Section of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

      About Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF - news; CDNX: NAB - news) is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has well over a hundred installations, including Toronto`s Pearson International Airport, the world`s 16th busiest airport. Imagis markets its products through a network of business partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America and has installations in the US, Canada, Mexico, and the UK. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver ``Buck`` Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI, and during his career advanced to the number-two career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the web at

      About the API Group

      API Services, Inc., headquartered in Green Bay, WI, is a leading international security consulting and investigation firm providing services for over 25 years. API has earned a reputation for consistently providing local, regional, national and international clients with innovative and successful solutions to their security and investigation challenges.

      API is on the web at:

      About API Technologies, LLC

      API Technologies, LLC, headquartered in Green Bay, WI, is an international technology consulting firm specializing in marketing and supporting various high technology security and surveillance products for law enforcement agencies, private security and the gaming industry. API Technologies features its gaming software application product, Casino-ID, which is utilized in a number of gaming security, surveillance and human resource departments throughout the world.

      About API Gaming, Inc.

      API Gaming, Inc., with offices in Green Bay, WI and Las Vegas, NV, is leading international gaming consulting firm specializing in regulatory and facility development, business due diligence, security and protection services, internal controls and start-up consulting to the gaming industry.

      Imagis Technologies Inc. API Services, Inc.
      Sandra Buschau Dennis Nelson
      Tel: 1-604-684-2449 Tel: 1-920-435-8317
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Es geht weiter Richtung Norden:)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 15.02.02 10:55:03
      Beitrag Nr. 325 ()
      Hallo sowhat,

      nein, nur viel um Ohren. Hier noch eine News, die zum Börsenschluss kam. Imagis scheint jetzt wirklich den US-Markt anzugreifen. Mir soll es recht sein.

      Thursday February 14, 3:58 pm Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis Technologies Retains Sanjay Sabnani for Business Development Strategy and U.S. Investor Relations
      VANCOUVER, Feb. 14 /CNW/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis") (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) today announced that pursuant to an agreement dated February 8th, 2002, Imagis has retained Sanjay Sabnani, President of Typhoon Capital Consultants, LLC (, as Manager of Business Development Strategy and U.S. Investor Relations.
      "We have selected Sanjay Sabnani after an extensive search. Our decision was based upon his great depth of experience with investor relations, corporate strategy ,and especially for his extensive consulting experience within the aviation and location security sectors," stated Iain Drummond, Imagis` President and CEO. "With his assistance we hope to gain added recognition from both within our industry, as well as from the financial community."

      Sanjay Sabnani is founder and Managing Principal of Typhoon Capital Consultants, LLC. Prior to founding Typhoon, Mr. Sabnani was President and Director at Venture Catalyst, Inc., a Nasdaq National Market company, where he spearheaded the Company`s venture division, as well as managed the Company`s consulting services business. In his capacity as a corporate investor at Venture Catalyst, Mr. Sabnani was involved in over 15 investments and 2 acquisitions, and also served as a board advisor on several start-ups.

      Mr. Sabnani is also currently serving as a strategic consultant to OSI Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:OSIS - news) a leading provider of x-ray and metal detector security solutions to customers worldwide.

      Typhoon Capital Consultants, LLC, a boutique corporate finance and consulting company, was founded by Mr. Sabnani in 1996. The Company specializes in corporate repositioning, financial communications, and capital sourcing.

      About IMAGIS

      Imagis is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced
      biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a
      Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security
      solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement,
      customs, immigration and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis
      currently has well over a hundred installations, including two airports where
      its biometric facial recognition technology is fully operational, Toronto`s
      Pearson International Airport, the world`s 16th busiest airport and Oakland
      International Airport, which serves more than 10 million travelers per year.
      Imagis markets its products through a network of business partners located in
      North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America and has installations in the US,
      Canada, Mexico, and the UK. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver "Buck" Revell, who
      served for over 30 years in the FBI, and during his career advanced to the
      number two-career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the web at

      For further information

      Imagis Technologies Inc., Sandra Buschau, VP Investor Relations, Tel: (604) 684-2449, E-mail:
      Typhoon Capital Consultants, LLC, Sanjay Sabnani, President, Tel: (310) 349-2245

      schrieb am 16.02.02 10:14:14
      Beitrag Nr. 326 ()
      Einen wunderschönen guten Morgen:)

      Letzte News gefällt mir sehr gut. Der Herr Sanjay Sabnani versteht wohl sein Geschäft bestens:

      Sanjay Sabnani

      Sanjay Sabnani is founder and Managing Principal of Typhoon Capital Consultants, LLC. Prior to founding Typhoon, Sabnani was President and Director at Venture Catalyst, Inc., a Nasdaq National Market company, where he spearheaded the Company`s venture division, as well as managed the Company`s consulting services business. In his capacity as a corporate investor at Venture Catalyst, Sabnani was involved in over 15 investments and 2 acquisitions, and also served as a board advisor on several start-ups.

      Additionally, Sabnani has extensive securities experience, having functioned as a principal in a NASD member firm. He has also served as the President of an Investor Relations agency, where he developed and managed capital raising and investor relations programs for over 25 publicly traded companies.

      Sabnani has been an active investor in and advisor to numerous ventures, including, which was acquired by Compaq Computers’ division. He currently sits on the boards of several private technology ventures. Sabnani received a Bachelor of Arts degree from UCLA and is a Chartered Member of The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE).

      Der Wechsel in ein höheres Börsensegment steht wohl unmittelbar bevor:)

      Voraussetzung u.a.:

      NASDAQ: US$ 4
      AMEX: US $ 3

      Kurs muss 30 Tage gehalten werden.

      Schönes Wochenende

      schrieb am 16.02.02 12:20:18
      Beitrag Nr. 327 ()
      Hallo zusammen, ich war lange Zeit nicht on Board und schaue erst heute wiedermal ins Board. Nicht zu glauben wie die abgegangen sind. Aber langsam wird mir mulmig, bin seit September dabei. Wie weit gehts denn noch?

      Was meint ihr?

      schrieb am 16.02.02 15:05:52
      Beitrag Nr. 328 ()
      Ich nehme an, nach 30 Tagen mit den höheren Kursen kommen sie in ein höheres Segment, wie sieht es nach der Aufnahme aus?
      Ich meine wie beim NM, die Pennystockregel! Ich will damit nur überlegen wie lange der Kurs weiter so abgehen kann?!
      Ob dieser nach Erreichen dieses Ziels wieder fällt?
      Doch wird der Freefloat wahrscheinlich immer mehr abnehmen...

      Have a nice weekend...
      Dienstag werde ich mir die Show nicht entgehen lassen!

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 16.02.02 16:52:28
      Beitrag Nr. 329 ()
      wie weit imagis gehen kann, bzw. wie hoch man imagis bewerten darf, liegt wohl hauptsächlich an dem demnächst gegebenen Ausblick. Abwarten, aber mal geschätzt, imagis würde eine MK von 100Mio$ zugebilligt werden, vor allem weil die software tatsächlich besser ist als andere, dann rechne dir das aus, jetzige Bewertung ist knapp 40Mio$.

      :) joSie´s pUnk :)
      schrieb am 16.02.02 20:04:11
      Beitrag Nr. 330 ()
      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 18.02.02 10:49:10
      Beitrag Nr. 331 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      also scheint noch reichlich drin zu sein. Aber es müssten doch mal Gewinnmitnahmen einsetzen, oder sind in der Aktie nicht so viele Trader drin?

      Ist heute Kanada auch geschlossen?


      schrieb am 18.02.02 13:01:33
      Beitrag Nr. 332 ()
      Keine Gewinnmitnahmen, weil alle vermuten oder wissen, daß
      hier noch einiges auf uns zukommt!!! Die zwei größten Fehler
      die am meisten gemacht werden.
      1) Verluste zu lange laufen lassen.
      2) Gewinne zu früh realisieren.
      Und den zweiten Fehler will hier trotz guter Gewinne wohl
      niemand machen! Wäre auch wiklich ärgerlich.
      Gruß aaahhh
      schrieb am 18.02.02 16:27:58
      Beitrag Nr. 333 ()
      ... anzunehmen, dass hier niemand Gewinne mitnimmt, wäre ein fataler Fehler. Sicher glauben alle, dass hier noch was grosses auf uns zukommt, trotzdem sollte man sich im klaren drüber sein, dass imagis gegenüber dem realen Umsatz schon ein schöner Aufschlag genehmigt wird. Ich bin auch von imagis überzeut, aber mein Konto bzw. Depot ist real, und wenn eine Aktie zuviel im Depot einnimmt, wird ein Teil verkauft, ganz einfach...

      Ich hab schon ein paar Gewinne mitgenommen und trauere nichts hinterher ... das ist meine Einstellung, und ich denke, so ganz allein stehe ich damit nicht

      :) joSie´s pUnk :)
      schrieb am 19.02.02 07:15:26
      Beitrag Nr. 334 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      Gewinne mitzunehmen haben sicher noch niemanden geschadet. Das kann man ja mit dem SL. Wo den jeder setzt muss jeder für sich selbst entscheiden. Bei solchen Aktien muss man mit einigen Tagesschwankungen rechnen, also vielleicht um die 15 % um den Schlusskurs.

      Ich sehe Imagis immer noch am Anfang und rechne mit weiter festen Kursen, auch wenn es mal Gewinnmitnahmen geben wird. Hintergrund für meinen Optimismus ist u.a. der Einstieg in den amerikanischen Markt. Die letzten News haben gezeigt welchen Weg man gehen will. Imagis hat sich US-Investmentbanker besorgt und auch eine US-IR Firma. Gestern war die Konferenz von Roth Capital. Imagis wird gecovert durch Reuters, NY Times und andere US Zeitschriften und Magazine. Es gibt nur noch 2 direkte Mitbewerber in den Staaten. Wer die bessere Software vermag ich nicht zu urteilen, aber Imagis wird immer dabei sein können. Das betrifft jetzt nur den US-Markt. Imagis hat aber auch Kooperationen in Asien. Nicht vergessen!

      Dann das Listing in einem höheren Börsensegment, sei es NASDAQ oder AMEX. Institutionen werden einsteigen, weil sie einfach in diesem Zukunftmarkt investiert sein müssen, sonst bekommen sie Ärger mit ihren Anlegern. Neben den zwei Mitbewerbern wird dann wohl auch Imagis mit ins Depot wandern, einfach so, weil sie müssen. Es gibt auch kaum US-Anleger, die die Aktie kennen, wird sich mit dem Börsenwechsel ändern:) Vielleicht bin ich auch zu optimistisch, aber ich glaub halt, dass Imagis ein Tenbagger ist und wer am Tief um die 0.50 cents eingestiegen ist, glaubte es vielleicht auch und wurde bisher nicht enttäuscht.

      Imagis ist immer noch am Anfang und wenn die ersten Zahlen und grossen Abschlüsse gemeldet werden, dann wissen es auch andere, nur die steigen zu viel höheren Kursen ein und es wird wieder einige geben, die zum Höchstkurs kaufen. Die werden dann wieder meckern, wenn runter geht und ihnen das keiner gesagt hat. Alles schon hier vorgekommen, grad bei dieser Aktie. In den alten Threads nachzulesen.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 19.02.02 07:20:35
      Beitrag Nr. 335 ()
      bin ich jetzt total blöd ....die konferenz ist doch erst heute sowhat?????!!!!!
      schrieb am 19.02.02 07:27:26
      Beitrag Nr. 336 ()
      Jau, sorry. Hier der link:

      Ist noch etwas früh:laugh:
      schrieb am 19.02.02 21:55:15
      Beitrag Nr. 337 ()
      Hallo SoWhat
      Erst mal muß ich eins klar stellen, es gab nur einen der bei
      Höchstkurs gekauft hat,und das war ich. Aber ich habe nicht
      gemeckert. Nur dem Börsenmen von SWR3, dem war ich etwas böse. Ich mache mir nur langsam sorgen um meinen Kursrekord.
      Ich kann ihn wohl nicht mehr lange halten!
      Wenn der Börsenmen demnächst nochmal spricht(oh-oh)!
      Gute Arbeit weiter soWhat
      schrieb am 21.02.02 21:03:19
      Beitrag Nr. 338 ()
      Jungs, ich hab noch Zeit. Hab heut gelesen das der GT 40 wieder gebaut wird. Preis noch nicht bekannt, aber das Teil könnt es werden, wenn Imagis so weitermacht:)

      Das ist so geil, that`s all for my speed
      schrieb am 25.02.02 02:24:30
      Beitrag Nr. 339 ()
      hallo leutz ...wenn ihr mal bei den nab bullboards nachschaut..seht ihr einige gepostete links...über die neuen fbi pläne die usa durch eine vielzahl von kameras und sonstiger biometrie zu schützen...einige berichte über polizeiüberwachung in manchen countys klingen arg nach imagis...da diese hier verstärkt arbeiten...wer weiss...vielleicht is da was drin???!!!!!....schauts euch mal an....auf gute gewinne!
      el marco
      schrieb am 25.02.02 20:19:27
      Beitrag Nr. 340 ()
      BullBoards Member Forums My BullBoards
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      SUBJECT: Brian Ruttenbur of Morgan Keegan Posted By: eracerblue
      Post Time: 2/25/02 13:52
      « Previous Message Next Message »

      Brian Ruttenbur of Morgan Keegan
      After discussing the merger of visionics & identix, Brian made further comments on the biometric industry:
      Typically, those kind of large companies are going to wait for a true leader to emerge, and it turn profitable. So, I think we`re probably 12-18 months out from a large company like that to step forward and say "we`re going to buy you guys".

      We`re probably still 12 months out from that broader acceptance. That`s when you`re going to see the explosive growth down the road.

      Kinda sounds like he expects a true leader to rise above visionics. In terms of facial recognition, visionics is presently the most efficient with fluff news releases.

      Also sounds like the best is yet to come for the entire sector!
      schrieb am 25.02.02 20:33:39
      Beitrag Nr. 341 ()
      BullBoards Member Forums My BullBoards
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      SUBJECT: Australia considering facial recognition... Posted By: opsdl
      Post Time: 2/20/02 08:31
      « Previous Message Next Message »

      Biometrics assessed for Australian airports
      February 12, 2002

      The Australian Customs Service has confirmed it is exploring the use of face-recognition technology in our airports.

      Customs’ Passenger Initiatives Section has confirmed it is currently looking at whether it’s feasible to use electro-visual identification for travellers passing through Australia’s international airports.

      According to information provided to ZDNet Australia by the Australian Customs Service, it is envisaged that this would be used alongside existing technology, allowing the agency to automatically compare photographs or video images to confirm passengers` identities.

      Currently Customs is working with the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, and Passports Australia to assess which would be the most effective biometric technology.

      mit der merging aktion gefällt mir ja gar nicht, aber naja vielleicht kommt ja irgendwann mal ein auftrag??????!!!!
      schrieb am 26.02.02 14:46:50
      Beitrag Nr. 342 ()

      Imagis Technologies enters European market with UK offices
      International Expansion Drives Continued Adoption of Leading Biometric Facial Recognition Technology
      VANCOUVER, Feb. 26 /CNW/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis"), (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY), developer and marketer of advanced biometric- based software, today announced its expansion in Europe with offices in the UK.
      "The European biometric market presents an enormous opportunity for Imagis as it`s poised for rapid growth throughout the next few years," said Iain Drummond, president and CEO of Imagis. "Our expansion to the UK validates the continued success of our business model that provides cutting-edge biometric facial recognition technology to fast growing markets through our continuously expanding global business partners."

      In conjunction with strategic business partners, the UK presence will focus on providing technical, service, sales and market leadership for all European countries to establish biometric security solutions for airports, national boundaries, law enforcement and other high-profile environments.

      About IMAGIS

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has well over a hundred installations, including Toronto`s Pearson International Airport, the world`s 16th busiest airport. Imagis markets its products through a network of business partners located in North America, Asia, Europe and Latin America, and has installations in the US, Canada, Mexico, and the UK. Imagis` Chairman is Oliver "Buck" Revell, who served for over 30 years in the FBI, and during his career advanced to the number-two career post of Associate Deputy Director. Imagis is on the web at
      schrieb am 26.02.02 14:58:30
      Beitrag Nr. 343 ()

      sicher keine News die heftige kurssprünge erwarten lässt. Dennoch bemerkenswert, zeigt es doch wohin Imagis steuert.


      Kanada ist klar, da ist man drin

      USA, da ist man mit einem Fuss drin, siehe Kalifornien und die letzen News, dass man dort beide Füsse reinsetzen will.

      Asien, dort haben sie ende letzten Jahres ihre Kooperationen mit Sanyo zusammengezogen.

      Europa, siehe heutige News.

      Was jetzt fehlt sind konkrete Abschlüsse, und die werden kommen;)

      Good luck auf dem Weg gen Norden

      schrieb am 04.03.02 20:35:21
      Beitrag Nr. 344 ()
      Guten Abend

      Testen wir ein neues 52weeks High?:):)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 05.03.02 16:24:20
      Beitrag Nr. 345 ()

      sowhat, warum bringst Du die News nicht mehr hier rein. Sind doch wichtig !


      Monday March 4, 4:44 pm Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Roy Davidson Trivett Appointed to Imagis Technologies Board
      VANCOUVER, March 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) Imagis Technologies Inc. (the ``Company``) is pleased to announce that Mr. Roy Davidson Trivett has been appointed to the board of directors. Mr. Trivett graduated from Carleton University with a Master`s Degree in Systems Engineering. He brings an extensive entrepreneurial background in a variety of verticals to the board. He has experienced notable success in the computer hardware and software industries, while working as a senior executive. In 1982, he co- founded Architel Systems Corporation (``Architel``), a company specializing in the development of operational support system software for telephone companies. Architel enjoyed initial success deploying its product for Bell Canada, Maritime Tel & Tel, AGT, New Brunswick Tel and SaskTel. In 1996, Architel completed an initial public offering and was listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Architel grew to become a global leader in software systems that enabled telecommunications companies to deploy new services in time- frames previously considered to be impossible. This allowed both incumbent and start-up telecommunications companies the ability to rapidly address the changing needs of their customers. While trading on the TSE, Architel established a market capitalization in excess of $100 million. In March, 2000, Architel was sold to Nortel Networks for a closing valuation of US$395 million.

      Mr. Iain Drummond, President of the Company, stated: ``We are delighted to have Roy Trivett join our board. Roy has experienced and successfully managed Architel`s transition from a research and development stage company all the way to its establishment as a global leader in its systems software niche. Roy will play an active role in Imagis` management, in particular in the areas of implementing sales and marketing strategies, hiring upper level management to build out our team and together with Mr. Andy Amanovich, our Chief Technology Officer, mapping our research and development plan. We plan to rely heavily on his tremendous experience as we continue to grow the Company.``

      Mr. Trivett said: ``I was an early investor in Imagis and have watched its rapid growth. I strongly believe that due to its unique position in the biometric technology sector, and the huge opportunities available to it, Imagis will continue to experience exponential growth. Such growth always presents challenges, and having experienced these challenges in building Architel, I feel I will be able to provide valuable assistance to Imagis in enabling and managing its continued evolution. I intend to rely on my network of contacts to help build Imagis` team, and on my software systems expertise to help guide Imagis` sales and marketing strategies.``

      About Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has well over a hundred installations of its software in the United States, UK, Canada, and Mexico.


      Sandra Buschau,
      VP Investor Relations
      Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Tel: (604) 684-2449 E-mail:

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.


      Tuesday March 5, 8:31 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: OSI Systems, Inc.
      OSI Systems and Imagis Technologies Explore Strategic Alliance to Provide Biometric Facial Recognition Solutions for Aviation and Transportation Security
      HAWTHORNE, Calif. & VANCOUVER, Canada--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 5, 2002--OSI Systems Inc. (``OSI``) (Nasdaq:OSIS - news) and Imagis Technologies Inc. (``Imagis``) (OTCBB:IGSTF - news) announced their intention to enter into a strategic alliance pending the successful negotiation and execution of a definitive agreement, for the design, development, and marketing of aviation and transportation security products based on Imagis` biometric facial recognition software, ID-2000. OSI and Imagis will combine this technology with OSI`s aviation security products, which include metal detectors and x-ray machines. This will create new and highly effective solutions, that will integrate with existing FAA and airport security protocols. As part of the proposed business alliance, OSI will have the right to invest a maximum of US$2 million by purchasing common shares of Imagis.

      ``We have seen a significant effort on the part of world airports to integrate a portfolio of solutions including metal detectors, x-ray, explosive detection, and biometrics,`` said OSI Systems Chairman and CEO Deepak Chopra. ``By combining our integration strengths and customer base with Imagis` superior facial recognition technology, we hope to identify high-throughput solutions that increase passenger safety.``

      Iain Drummond, Imagis Technologies President and CEO, stated, ``Having installed the first implementation of facial recognition in a North American airport, at Toronto International, we have extensive operational experience in what is required in the aviation security market. Adding our ID-2000 technology to OSI`s installed base of metal detector gates and carry-on x-ray systems will rapidly extend the use of facial recognition in airport security.``

      About OSI Systems Inc.

      OSI Systems Inc. ( is a diversified global developer, manufacturer and seller of optoelectronic-based components and systems. The company has more than 30 years of optoelectronics experience, and through its family of subsidiaries, competes in four specific growth areas: OEM Manufacturing, Security, Medical and Fiber Optics. OSI Systems` wholly owned subsidiary, Rapiscan Security Products, Inc., is a leading supplier of high quality x-ray screening and explosives detection systems. The company has delivered thousands of these detection systems to customers worldwide for use in airports, customs facilities, courthouses, government buildings, mail rooms, schools, prisons, embassies, and other locations. The Rapiscan product line, marketed under the Rapiscan, Metor, and Secure 1000 brand names, is manufactured at four global locations and offers a wide range of security screening systems with diverse technologies. For more information on Rapiscan Security Products, Inc., please visit

      About Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has well over a hundred installations of its software in the United States, UK, Canada, and Mexico.

      ``Safe Harbor`` Statement Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained in this release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties including those risks detailed in the company`s Securities and Exchange Commission filings that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in or implied by forward-looking statements. In addition to the factors discussed in the filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, among the other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are the following: adverse changes in the business conditions and the general economy; competitive factors, such as rival companies` pricing and marketing efforts; availability of third-party material products at reasonable prices; the financial condition of the customer; risks of obsolescence due to shifts in market demand; and litigation involving product liabilities and consumer issues; and a change in the demand for security systems based upon the ever-changing domestic and international political climate.


      OSI Systems Inc.
      Sanjay Sabnani, 310/349-2245
      Imagis Technologies, Inc.
      Sandra Buschau, 604/684-2449

      Klasse News:)
      schrieb am 05.03.02 17:31:32
      Beitrag Nr. 346 ()
      Supi, an alle Imagler, die 4 haben wir in Kanada gesehen.
      Einfach Saugeil:)
      schrieb am 05.03.02 18:56:59
      Beitrag Nr. 347 ()
      Guten Abend,

      sorry Canadafreak. Imagis dreht ein großes Rad, da hab ich vergessen es hier reinzustellen, denn hier gehört es ja bald wohl hin. Wenn wir heute über CAD $ 4,00 schliessen, man das wäre was. Daumen drücken.;)

      Big Things are on the way:)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 05.03.02 19:10:38
      Beitrag Nr. 348 ()

      die CAD $ 4,00 sind ne harte nuss , ich bin zwar kein
      charttechniker aber wenn wir die 4 geschafft haben ist
      nach oben kein besonderer widerstand mehr, oder sehe ich das falsch .
      schrieb am 05.03.02 19:38:06
      Beitrag Nr. 349 ()
      Hi Kopfeck,

      der Baum wird noch mal richtig geschüttelt. Hoffentlich gehen die Trader jetzt raus, dann ist der Weg wirklich frei, für Regionen die uns träumen lassen werden;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 06.03.02 15:01:04
      Beitrag Nr. 350 ()
      Ohne Pause!

      Pembridge Group Proposes Privatization of Imagis Technologies

      BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, Mar 6, 2002 (CCN Newswire via COMTEX) -- The investment firm Pembridge Group ("Pembridge") of Boston, announced today it has sent a letter to the board of directors of Imagis Technologies, Inc. ("Imagis"), (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) of Vancouver, British Columbia, proposing that discussions be held with a view to taking Imagis private by a form of transaction that would result in the existing shareholders receiving cash for their Imagis shares. Based on public information that the firm believes to be accurate, and barring any material change in the corporate affairs or ownership of Imagis, the firm believes that the price per common share of the going private transaction should be US $4.10. The exact form of the transaction to achieve the objective will depend upon appropriate corporate, tax and securities law advice.
      In the letter to the Board, Pembridge outlined in detail the reasons for its view that privatization will significantly enhance Imagis` business opportunities and prospects.

      Pembridge Chairman Treyton L. Thomas said, "Strategic alignments will develop quickly in the security sector this year, and our interest in the potential of biometrics has been well chronicled. Imagis is the only viable pure-play in facial-recognition software in the marketplace with an installed customer base of over 100 discrete international locations. We feel the company can best exploit this core-competency as a private company as it evaluates having its pattern-recognition software augment a comprehensive suite-of-products approach for large-scale commercial applications with multiple partners. This augmentation could include personal smart cards with embedded biometrics for positive I.D. verification, and weapon and explosive pattern-recognition. There are numerous alternatives for Imagis, and not all are mutually exclusive. This overture is unsolicited, but not hostile."

      In a joint announcement with Imagis on January 3, 2002, Pembridge Venture Partners ("PVP") agreed to be a non-exclusive financial advisor to Imagis. In the aforementioned letter to the Board, PVP asked to be recused from advising on mergers, or any potential exogenous financial event from third parties while the Board deliberates this proposal.

      Pembridge does not have any assurances that if the above-mentioned discussions are held, they will result in definitive agreements being reached.

      About Pembridge

      Pembridge Group is a premier alternative asset management firm in Boston. It serves as advisor to Pembridge Fund Management (PFM), the asset management arm of the firm that manages the Concert series of equity hedge funds, the Symphony fund-of-funds, and Pembridge Venture Partners, the private-equity affiliate. The Pembridge funds are eligible to accredited non-U.S. institutions with a minimum threshold investment of $3 million, and are currently closed to new investors. Further information can be found at:

      Forward Looking Statements

      This press release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Imagis`s actual results, performance or achievements, to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this release include our expectations regarding the growth prospects of the biometric industry in general, and the likelihood of Imagis exploiting its software as a core-competency. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results include risks and uncertainties such as: the growth and acceptance of biometric products and services; the purchasing decisions of potential customers related to security products; the growth and acceptance of facial recognition software products and services; product development, product pricing or other initiatives of competitors to Imagis; and the other risks and uncertainties described in Form 10-KSB filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission by Imagis Technologies Inc. Pembridge is a private investment firm acting as principal and engages in no securities or capital markets activities of a broker/dealer. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      For further information please contact Ms. Tyler Carrington at or 617.973.5756.

      Related Information:

      Companies: Imagis Technologies, Inc. Pembridge Group Pembridge Venture Partners
      New Subjects/Industries: Hedge Funds Mergers and Acquisitions Technology Venture Capital Investment Management

      People: Treyton L. Thomas

      CONTACT: Pembridge Group
      Ms. Tyler Carrington
      (617) 973-5756

      Copyright (C) 2002, Canadian Corporate News. All rights reserved.



      INDUSTRY KEYWORD: FIS - Financial Services - Diversified
      schrieb am 06.03.02 17:34:37
      Beitrag Nr. 351 ()
      Gestern Haben wir noch über CAD $ 4 gesprochen, Heut sind wir bei CAD $ 5.

      schrieb am 07.03.02 08:11:21
      Beitrag Nr. 352 ()
      Hi Leute, Hi SoWhat:)

      bin sprachlos. Wollte eigentlich bis € 5,00 halten, aber das kommt alles so schnell, dass bringt auch einen Viperfahrer aus der Fassung. Was tun?. Muss erstmal rechnen. Werd mir ein ganz neues Teil bestellen. Soll ich schon mal anzahlen? Was jetzt tun? Sprachloser sucht Rat, bitte helfen !
      schrieb am 07.03.02 09:02:28
      Beitrag Nr. 353 ()
      Hi Speedy,

      was soll man da raten? Es bleibt letztendlich bei Dir, was Du zu tun hast. meine Gedanken sind, dass es jetzt ein sehr heisser Ritt werden kann, denn es fehlen immer noch News von Abschlüssen, die Imagis schon haben soll. Sicher wissen das schon einige. Imagis hat nahe dem Hoch geschlossen, denke ist auch ein gutes Zeichen. Mal sehen was gleich in Ffm passiert.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 07.03.02 09:11:38
      Beitrag Nr. 354 ()
      morgen zusammen

      es ist schon komisch ,jetzt wo ich dick im gewinn bin
      mit imagis ,fällt mir eine entscheidung was ich machen
      soll viel schwerer als am anfang beim einstig.

      bin mir echt nicht sicher was ich machen soll ,
      aber ich tendiere zum ausstieg mit der hälfte
      dann ist egal was noch kommt der ärger auch nur halb so groß. :)
      schrieb am 07.03.02 09:17:42
      Beitrag Nr. 355 ()
      Hi Kopfeck,

      steig doch mit der Summe aus, mit der Du eingestiegen bist. Dann kannst Du Dir alles locker von der Seitenlinie ansehen.

      Good luck


      PS: Heb Dir was für den nächsten Stock auf. Hätte da was;)
      schrieb am 07.03.02 09:26:53
      Beitrag Nr. 356 ()
      Frankfurt 3,80 :):)
      schrieb am 07.03.02 09:46:29
      Beitrag Nr. 357 ()

      zu den momentanen kursen in Frankfurt ,steig ich garnicht aus :) umrechnungskurs = 3,97 und darunter geht nix bei mir:)
      da es gestern in cad eigentich "nur" am anfang steil rauf
      ging und dann bei hohem fast gleichbleibenden kursniveau
      jede menge aktien den besitzer gewechselt haben ,ist heute nicht unbedingt
      mit großen gewinnmitnamen zu rechnen ,es könnte eher noch ein wenig nach oben gehen und da ist
      der reiz groß noch etwas mehr mitzunehmen :)

      ich hab jedenfalls für einen teil ein verkaufslimit knapp
      über den umrechnungskurs gesetzt ,wenns greift ist gut wenn nicht auch :)


      ein kleiner traum : imagis bingt eine news mit auftägen
      und meldet sie würden das gestrige angebot annehmen aber nur für 6 us$ :D :D :D
      schrieb am 07.03.02 09:53:14
      Beitrag Nr. 358 ()

      hätte ich fast vergessen
      "a bisserl wos hob i scho plant für a neichs stock baby"

      wenn es soweit ist lass es mich wissen ich schaus mir dann mal an :)
      schrieb am 07.03.02 10:02:33
      Beitrag Nr. 359 ()
      Für Deinen Spikzettel:

      766676.BE HEALTHBRIDGE

      907373.BE IVANHOE ENERGY

      807354.BE SUN POWER

      Weiss aber noch nicht welche.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 07.03.02 11:38:55
      Beitrag Nr. 360 ()
      habe gerade meinen Augen nicht getraut. Das geht ja alles sehr schnell. Was nun tun? Kommt eine neue Offerte?

      Hier noch eine News aus dem Canadaboard:

      Wed 6 Mar 2002
      Mr. Iain Drummond reports
      Imagis Technologies has established an office in Australia, with the
      appointment of Roger Henning as regional director for Asia Pacific.
      In this capacity Mr. Henning will work with and support Imagis strategic
      business partners across the region.
      Mr. Henning has been an adviser to prime ministers and captains of industry
      worldwide. He has co-ordinated royal, presidential and other heads of state
      visits for the Australian government and is a former information attache
      with the Australian embassy in Washington, D.C. In addition, Mr. Henning
      has 30 years experience in Asia Pacific and the Middle East, including
      providing "intelligent archiving" solutions to combat "database explosion"
      to defence forces, intelligence agencies, reserve banks, and other Middle
      East and Asian organizations.
      "We have added Mr. Henning to our team to enable Imagis to expand rapidly
      in Australia, New Zealand and across the region," said Iain Drummond,
      president and chief executive officer of Imagis. "His extensive experience
      will enable him to establish and manage a distribution network to meet the
      growing demand for biometric facial recognition solutions throughout the
      region, including airport security, law enforcement, customs, immigration,
      defence and intelligence agencies." "All nations in Asia Pacific are
      gravely concerned about the increase in terrorist activity throughout the
      world and are looking for technology solutions to minimize security risk
      and improve criminal identification," said Mr. Henning. "Australian Prime
      Minister John Howard has committed to addressing all security needs as part
      of the war against terrorism. With Imagis`s proven technology, Asia Pacific
      will now benefit from advanced facial recognition capabilities for improved
      national and international security."

      Kommt da jetzt noch mehr? Kommen jetzt die Auftragsmeldungen? Ich hab zu viele Fragen, die muss ich erstmal bewältigen.
      schrieb am 07.03.02 19:09:42
      Beitrag Nr. 361 ()
      hab schon drei mal bei der bank angerufen und wieder sicher bin ich mir...nämlich gar nicht sicher...aber morgen bin ich mit der hälfte draussen...wenn ein auftrag kommt..geh ich wieder rein zahl dann auch gerne a bisserl mehr....aber drei jahre warten könnten ruhig noch mehr bringen....übrigens sowhat danke auch von mir nochmal...
      schrieb am 07.03.02 21:46:24
      Beitrag Nr. 362 ()
      Hi SoWhat
      Wieviel sollen wir in Be Sun Power anlegen?
      10000 euro oder?
      danke walö
      schrieb am 08.03.02 07:21:24
      Beitrag Nr. 363 ()
      Hallo Walö,

      Kein Deinen Geldbeutel nicht, muss jeder selbst wissen, wieviel Risikokapital er bereit zu investieren. In Berlin z.Zt. kein Umsatz, deshalb drüber kaufen. Hat vielleicht auch noch was Zeit. Gestern gingen wieder die HLBR.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 08.03.02 09:44:08
      Beitrag Nr. 364 ()
      guten morgen :) :)

      ich versteh das nicht, wie kann man für 3,15€ !!!!
      verkaufen ,das ist doch nicht normal .

      in zukunft werde ich an solchen tagen an denen mit
      verkäufen zu rechnen ist solche abstauberlimits setzten
      das ist doch geschenktes geld :)

      hab gerade den wetterbericht fürs wochenende gehört ,
      bei uns 16° - 17° und sonnnneeeee :) :)

      bye kopfeck
      schrieb am 08.03.02 09:54:27
      Beitrag Nr. 365 ()
      schon mal was von stopp loss gehört? Da wurden halt ein paar ausgelöst. (vom Makler?) und wahrscheinlich hat genau der sich dann bedient ... no comment!

      schrieb am 08.03.02 10:08:59
      Beitrag Nr. 366 ()

      stopp loss kenn ich :) ,und das es vorkommen soll ,
      das diese absichtlich ausgelöst werden ( vom Makler? )
      hab ich auch schon gehört ,aber so weit unter realen
      kurs ,das hätte ich nicht gedacht :(
      schrieb am 08.03.02 12:36:39
      Beitrag Nr. 367 ()
      ok hab gesündigt...hab ein paar mir gerade ein bisschen zu heiss...kurzer flirt mit corvas...mal was anderes...und keiner will die gerade recht verkaufen bahnt sich wohl was an schaun mer mal...und dann wieder imagis baby mit der trading position...euch allen auch viel glü oder so!
      schrieb am 08.03.02 14:46:07
      Beitrag Nr. 368 ()
      hallo an alle neureichen,

      kriegt ihr jetzt alle kalte füße? ich bin noch dabei, denn ich glaube, die story beginnt erst! jetzt den einen oder anderen auftrag...

      übrigens sowhat - weiss nicht, ob es hier, oder im anderen thread war: was hat das schwabenland mit dem fc bayern gemeinsam? verstehe ich nicht! ich jedenfalls hatte am mittwoch nicht nur mit imagis freude...

      ein sonniges wochenende wünsche ich allen
      schrieb am 08.03.02 16:20:32
      Beitrag Nr. 369 ()
      Guten Tag,

      wird der Baum wieder mal geschüttelt, um mehr Stocks in den sichéren Hafen der Übernahmeseite zu bekommen? Bin gespannt, ob wir heute noch Meldung der Firmenleitung von Imagis bekommen.

      Hast Du falsch verstanden, das eine hat mit dem anderen nichts zu tun.

      Schliesse mich den Grusworten meines Vorposters gerne an

      schrieb am 08.03.02 17:09:19
      Beitrag Nr. 370 ()
      neeeee keine kalten füsse....
      hab nur nen kleinen teil verkauft so schnell werdet ihr mich nicht los!
      schrieb am 09.03.02 03:10:23
      Beitrag Nr. 371 ()
      hi sowhat...
      hab mal ne dämliche frage...da ich meine sktiensachen über diee bank mache ...weiss ich nicht wie ich an hlbr rankomme....da es keinen deutschen handelsplatz gibt....danke für info im voraus.....
      ps: hast du eine wkn?
      schrieb am 09.03.02 07:58:40
      Beitrag Nr. 372 ()
      Imagis Technologies Inc - Street Wire

      Imagis soars on vague privatization talk

      Imagis Technologies Inc NAB
      Shares issued 16,419,131 Mar 7 close $5.18
      Thu 7 Mar 2002 Street Wire


      by Lee M. Webb

      Imagis Technologies Inc., a Vancouver-based player in the still frothy
      post-Sept. 11 biometric security market, was the volume leader on the
      Canadian Venture Exchange on March 6 as speculators reacted
      enthusiastically to news of a proposal to discuss privatization of the
      company. More than two million shares changed hands in the heavy trading
      and Imagis touched a new 52-week high of $5.66 before ending the session at
      $5.50, up $1.58 or 40 per cent from the previous close.
      The trading frenzy and sharp price jump were triggered by an Imagis news
      release reporting that the board of directors had received a letter from
      the investment management firm Pembridge Group of Boston requesting that it
      consider a proposal to take the company private. A short time later,
      Pembridge issued its own news release regarding the privatization
      discussion proposal, but one that contained more tantalizing information.
      "Based on public information that the firm believes to be accurate, and
      barring any material change in the corporate affairs or ownership of
      Imagis, the firm believes that the price per common share of the going
      private transaction should be $4.10 (U.S.)," Pembridge`s Tyler Carrington
      If investors even noticed the twin cautions in the news releases, they
      evidently paid them little heed. "There can be no assurance that the
      proposal will result in a definitive agreement or that any proposed
      transactions will be completed," Imagis noted in its press release.
      Pembridge offered a similar disclaimer. "Pembridge does not have any
      assurances that if the above-mentioned discussions are held, they will
      result in definitive agreements being reached," the investment management
      firm cautioned. Notwithstanding those warnings, investors piled into the
      stock as though there was a firm offer on the table instead of a rather
      vague proposal "that discussions be held with a view to taking Imagis
      private by a form of transaction that would result in the existing
      shareholders receiving cash for their Imagis shares."
      Imagis offers software applications and technology for digital
      identification, image management and biometric facial recognition, the
      latter a particularly hot topic since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
      on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Imagis was taken public in
      February of 1999 after Colloquium Capital Corp., a former Vancouver Stock
      Exchange junior capital pool company, acquired Imagis Cascade Technologies
      Inc. in a cash and share transaction valued at a modest $2.6-million,
      excluding a contingent additional consideration of up to $400,000. The deal
      consisted of $1-million in cash in staged payments and the issuance of 3.4
      million shares at a deemed price of 48 cents per share. A total of 2.5
      million shares were issued to Pacifica Cascade Consultants Ltd. and the two
      other shareholders of the former Imagis Cascade, Sonora Logging Ltd. and
      385078 B.C. Ltd. Those parties instructed Colloquium to issue the remaining
      900,000 shares due under the agreement to First Capital Investment Corp. of
      Zurich, Switzerland, "in satisfaction of a prior obligation."
      Upon completion of the qualifying transaction, Colloquium had a fully
      diluted capital of 7.7 million shares. Iain Drummond, formerly president of
      the privately owned Imagis Cascade, became president and chief executive
      officer of the public company, which changed its name to Imagis effective
      Feb. 25, 1999.
      Imagis quickly scored some early success in selling its computerized arrest
      and booking system (CABS) to a number of RCMP detachments. The company also
      deployed CABS in U.S. police departments and in the city police department
      of Chihuahua, Mexico, which also acquired Imagis`s facial recognition
      technology. Little more than a year after being taken public, Imagis could
      also count Canada Customs and Revenue Agency among its clients, several
      police departments and Gateway Casinos Inc., which deployed the company`s
      facial recognition technology in several casinos.
      Imagis could also boast a distinguished advisory board with extensive law
      enforcement connections, including Norman Inkster, president of KPMG
      Investigation and Security Inc. and a former RCMP commissioner, as well as
      the former president of Interpol. The company also managed to attract some
      fairly high profile directors, including Oliver "Buck" Revell, who served
      for over 30 years in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, advancing to the
      senior level of associate deputy director. The well-connected Mr. Revell
      joined the board of directors on Feb. 1, 2000.
      In the heady high-tech craze, Imagis briefly touched an all-time high of
      $5.95 in March of 2000 before going into a long slide. By early September
      of last year, the stock was changing hands for as little as 56 cents. As
      with other biometric security companies, the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks
      stimulated market interest. However, Imagis did not experience the wide
      interest or meteoric rise of companies such as Visionics Inc., which
      rocketed from $3.40 (U.S.) per share to $21.12 (U.S.) per share in the wake
      of the attacks, or Viisage Technology Inc., which blasted from below $2
      (U.S.) to $16.80 (U.S.). Imagis`s gains were realized more slowly and with
      much less fanfare. Unlike many of its widely followed competitors,
      including Visionics and Viisage, Imagis did not experience the subsequent
      sharp drop in price, either. In fact, while Visionics and Viisage quickly
      gave up much of their post-Sept. 11 gains, Imagis`s stock price has
      The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. triggered an avalanche of hoopla
      and hype from many of the biometric security companies hawking their wares
      and stock by issuing fluffy news releases in the wake of the tragic events.
      Compared with several other biometric players, including Canadian biometric
      hopeful, Toronto Stock Exchange listed Nexus Group International Inc., has
      been rather restrained when it comes to promotion. Indeed, while Nexus has
      been issuing fluffy promotional announcements of trade show and media
      appearances and strategic alliances, Imagis has been relatively modestly
      reporting contracts and deployments. That relative modesty may account for
      the apparent weight given to the March 6 announcement of Pembridge`s
      invitation to discuss the possibility of taking Imagis private.
      On Jan. 3, Imagis retained Pembridge Venture Partners (PVP) to provide
      strategic financial advice to the company. PVP is the private-equity
      affiliate of Pembridge, the latter claiming to manage more than
      $600-million in capital. Under the terms of the agreement, Imagis granted a
      modest 50,000 options exercisable at $2.20 per share to PVP in return for
      its strategic advice, "including mergers, banking advisory and review of
      any potential investment banking relationships, agreements, financing, or
      any other capital markets needs of the company." Two months later,
      Pembridge issued the rather ambiguous invitation to discuss privatization
      of Imagis, trotting out a valuation of $4.10 (U.S.) per share.
      Considering that Pembridge claims to have more than $600-million under
      management, the company has a rather undistinguished Web site; in fact, it
      is still under development. Nonetheless, the Web site does contain links to
      several news releases involving Imagis, some commentary on the biometric
      security market in the wake of Sept. 11, and some rather flowery prose
      about Pembridge and its chairman Treyton L. Thomas. It also contains
      contact information for Pembridge spokesperson Ms. Carrington, who is
      travelling at the moment, according to a recording at the listed telephone
      number, and can only be reached by E-mail. The same recording also invites
      queries for Mr. Thomas to be directed to Ms. Carrington`s E-mail address.
      Mr. Thomas commented rather glowingly about the biometric market and Imagis
      in Pembridge`s ambiguous news release. "Strategic alignments will develop
      quickly in the security sector this year, and our interest in the potential
      of biometrics has been well chronicled," Mr. Thomas remarked, perhaps a
      reference to some of the flowery prose about the company and its chairman.
      "Imagis is the only viable pure-play in facial-recognition software in the
      marketplace with an installed customer base of over 100 discrete
      international locations. We feel the company can best exploit this core
      competency as a private company as it evaluates having its
      pattern-recognition software augment a comprehensive suite-of-products
      approach for large-scale commercial applications with multiple partners.
      This augmentation could include personal smart cards with embedded
      biometrics for positive I.D. verification, and weapon and explosive pattern
      recognition. There are numerous alternatives for Imagis, and not all are
      mutually exclusive. This overture is unsolicited, but not hostile."
      According to Mr. Drummond, who was not available for an interview late
      yesterday afternoon, the directors of Imagis "intend to appoint a special
      committee of the board to evaluate the proposal and the benefits to the
      company and its shareholders." At this point, it is not clear that the
      unsolicited, but not hostile, overture from Pembridge consists of anything
      other than an invitation to talk. Indeed, according to Imagis`s
      vice-president of investor relations, Sandra Buschau, that is pretty much
      the substance of the letter from Pembridge, which does not contain an offer
      to purchase Imagis or any indication of whether there is even an interested
      "No, there is no offer on the table," Ms. Buschau said when asked if
      Pembridge was representing an interested party or had made any offer. "It`s
      a letter that the board received and, as our news release stated, as part
      of their fiduciary responsibility the board is going to look at it; but at
      this point we really don`t know what the proposal is." Ms. Buschau
      confirmed that the Pembridge letter was simply an invitation to discuss the
      possibility of taking Imagis private. "Absolutely, it`s a discussion, sure,
      at this point," she said. However, Ms. Buschau hinted that there may be
      more proposals before the company. "And certainly our company is going to
      seek independent advice and so on with respect to going forward and any
      other proposals that are before the company now will also be looked at."
      Contacted by Stockwatch about two hours after the markets closed on March
      6, Ms. Buschau said she had not even had time yet to have a look at
      Imagis`s closing price or volume. "As you called I was just about ready to
      go in and take a look at what we did here," she said. Ms. Buschau seemed
      somewhat surprised at the volume, which topped two million shares, and
      perhaps pleased with the close of $5.50. "Holy mackerel, then that beat all
      of our highs post-9/11, I suppose," she remarked.
      Imagis posted similar gains in the U.S., where it trades as an
      over-the-counter Bulletin Board (OTC) stock. In unusually heavy trading,
      the stock closed at $3.40 (U.S.) on March 6, with more than 1.1 million
      shares changing hands. According to Ms. Buschau, however, the reported
      volume in the U.S. is not really accurate. "You kind of, sort of, have to
      split that in half; so the volume in the U.S. would have been about a half
      million," she said. However, Ms. Buschau could not immediately explain why
      such a calculation was necessary. "It`s because of the way it trades; it`s
      a different kind of trading system," she offered. "I`ll give you the
      mathematics tomorrow; I don`t remember what they are right now, to be
      honest with you," she said.
      Ms. Buschau would not expand on the ambiguous news releases involving the
      Pembridge proposal. "This is the explanation we are giving at this point,"
      Ms. Buschau said. "The company is not speculating on any proposal, we don`t
      have any details," she said. "So there is no comment at this point with
      regard to the proposal because it`s not a formal proposal; we don`t know
      what that might be." Ms. Buschau stressed that Imagis`s board of directors
      has yet to meet to even consider the overture from Pemberton. "It`s a
      discussion at this point," she emphasized.
      Notwithstanding Ms. Buschau`s emphasis that Imagis has not received any
      formal proposal or any details about an offer, a March 7 report in The
      National Post suggests that there is indeed an offer in place. According to
      reporter John Greenwood, Pembridge has made an offer to purchase Imagis for
      about $90-million (U.S.) and the company has 30 days to respond. Mr.
      Greenwood also reports that Pembridge plans to merge Imagis`s technology
      with other security technologies and take the resulting entity public on a
      U.S. exchange.
      Imagis already has connections to U.S.-based OSI Systems Inc., an airport
      security company listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market. On March 5, Imagis
      announced that it intends "to enter into an agreement pending the
      successful negotiation and execution of a definitive agreement, for the
      design, development, and marketing of aviation and transportation security
      products based on Imagis`s biometric facial recognition software, ID-2000"
      with OSI. As part of that proposed alliance, OSI will have the right to
      invest a maximum of $2-million (U.S.) by purchasing shares of Imagis.
      In addition to the proposed alliance, Imagis has another connection to OSI
      in the person of Sanjay Sabnani, president of Typhoon Capital Consultants
      LLC. Pursuant to a Feb. 8 agreement, Imagis retained Mr. Sabnani as manager
      of business development strategy and U.S. investor relations. Mr. Sabnani
      also serves as a strategic consultant to OSI. Prior to his current stint at
      Typhoon, Mr. Sabnani served as president and director of Venture Catalyst
      Inc., which has fallen on hard times of late. Once listed on the
      prestigious Nasdaq National Market where it traded as high as $17 (U.S.),
      Venture Catalyst was booted down to the OTC where it is now a shell company
      with its stock only occasionally changing hands at 10 U.S. cents.
      While the company is not speculating on any proposal, some speculators seem
      to be gambling that, contrary to the adage, talk is not cheap. At the very
      least, some investors who piled into the stock yesterday are quite likely
      hoping that they do not end up paying an inflated price for cheap talk
      about talk. On a more modest volume of 667,500 shares, Imagis shed 32 cents
      to close at $5.18 on the CDNX on March 7. In the U.S., the stock tallied
      another 665,900 shares and closed at $3.29 (U.S.).
      Comments regarding this article may be sent to
      (c) Copyright 2002 Canjex Publishing Ltd.
      schrieb am 10.03.02 12:31:05
      Beitrag Nr. 373 ()
      Hallo ELmarco,

      WKN 766676 in Berlin. Man bekommt dort auch welche, has schön getestet.

      Schönen Sonntag noch

      schrieb am 11.03.02 07:34:38
      Beitrag Nr. 374 ()

      viel aber lesenswert.

      Imagis Technologies Inc - Street Wire

      Imagis soars on vague privatization talk

      Imagis Technologies Inc NAB
      Shares issued 16,419,131 Mar 7 close $5.18
      Thu 7 Mar 2002 Street Wire


      by Lee M. Webb

      Imagis Technologies Inc., a Vancouver-based player in the still frothy
      post-Sept. 11 biometric security market, was the volume leader on the
      Canadian Venture Exchange on March 6 as speculators reacted
      enthusiastically to news of a proposal to discuss privatization of the
      company. More than two million shares changed hands in the heavy trading
      and Imagis touched a new 52-week high of $5.66 before ending the session at
      $5.50, up $1.58 or 40 per cent from the previous close.
      The trading frenzy and sharp price jump were triggered by an Imagis news
      release reporting that the board of directors had received a letter from
      the investment management firm Pembridge Group of Boston requesting that it
      consider a proposal to take the company private. A short time later,
      Pembridge issued its own news release regarding the privatization
      discussion proposal, but one that contained more tantalizing information.
      "Based on public information that the firm believes to be accurate, and
      barring any material change in the corporate affairs or ownership of
      Imagis, the firm believes that the price per common share of the going
      private transaction should be $4.10 (U.S.)," Pembridge`s Tyler Carrington
      If investors even noticed the twin cautions in the news releases, they
      evidently paid them little heed. "There can be no assurance that the
      proposal will result in a definitive agreement or that any proposed
      transactions will be completed," Imagis noted in its press release.
      Pembridge offered a similar disclaimer. "Pembridge does not have any
      assurances that if the above-mentioned discussions are held, they will
      result in definitive agreements being reached," the investment management
      firm cautioned. Notwithstanding those warnings, investors piled into the
      stock as though there was a firm offer on the table instead of a rather
      vague proposal "that discussions be held with a view to taking Imagis
      private by a form of transaction that would result in the existing
      shareholders receiving cash for their Imagis shares."
      Imagis offers software applications and technology for digital
      identification, image management and biometric facial recognition, the
      latter a particularly hot topic since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
      on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Imagis was taken public in
      February of 1999 after Colloquium Capital Corp., a former Vancouver Stock
      Exchange junior capital pool company, acquired Imagis Cascade Technologies
      Inc. in a cash and share transaction valued at a modest $2.6-million,
      excluding a contingent additional consideration of up to $400,000. The deal
      consisted of $1-million in cash in staged payments and the issuance of 3.4
      million shares at a deemed price of 48 cents per share. A total of 2.5
      million shares were issued to Pacifica Cascade Consultants Ltd. and the two
      other shareholders of the former Imagis Cascade, Sonora Logging Ltd. and
      385078 B.C. Ltd. Those parties instructed Colloquium to issue the remaining
      900,000 shares due under the agreement to First Capital Investment Corp. of
      Zurich, Switzerland, "in satisfaction of a prior obligation."
      Upon completion of the qualifying transaction, Colloquium had a fully
      diluted capital of 7.7 million shares. Iain Drummond, formerly president of
      the privately owned Imagis Cascade, became president and chief executive
      officer of the public company, which changed its name to Imagis effective
      Feb. 25, 1999.
      Imagis quickly scored some early success in selling its computerized arrest
      and booking system (CABS) to a number of RCMP detachments. The company also
      deployed CABS in U.S. police departments and in the city police department
      of Chihuahua, Mexico, which also acquired Imagis`s facial recognition
      technology. Little more than a year after being taken public, Imagis could
      also count Canada Customs and Revenue Agency among its clients, several
      police departments and Gateway Casinos Inc., which deployed the company`s
      facial recognition technology in several casinos.
      Imagis could also boast a distinguished advisory board with extensive law
      enforcement connections, including Norman Inkster, president of KPMG
      Investigation and Security Inc. and a former RCMP commissioner, as well as
      the former president of Interpol. The company also managed to attract some
      fairly high profile directors, including Oliver "Buck" Revell, who served
      for over 30 years in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, advancing to the
      senior level of associate deputy director. The well-connected Mr. Revell
      joined the board of directors on Feb. 1, 2000.
      In the heady high-tech craze, Imagis briefly touched an all-time high of
      $5.95 in March of 2000 before going into a long slide. By early September
      of last year, the stock was changing hands for as little as 56 cents. As
      with other biometric security companies, the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks
      stimulated market interest. However, Imagis did not experience the wide
      interest or meteoric rise of companies such as Visionics Inc., which
      rocketed from $3.40 (U.S.) per share to $21.12 (U.S.) per share in the wake
      of the attacks, or Viisage Technology Inc., which blasted from below $2
      (U.S.) to $16.80 (U.S.). Imagis`s gains were realized more slowly and with
      much less fanfare. Unlike many of its widely followed competitors,
      including Visionics and Viisage, Imagis did not experience the subsequent
      sharp drop in price, either. In fact, while Visionics and Viisage quickly
      gave up much of their post-Sept. 11 gains, Imagis`s stock price has
      The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. triggered an avalanche of hoopla
      and hype from many of the biometric security companies hawking their wares
      and stock by issuing fluffy news releases in the wake of the tragic events.
      Compared with several other biometric players, including Canadian biometric
      hopeful, Toronto Stock Exchange listed Nexus Group International Inc., has
      been rather restrained when it comes to promotion. Indeed, while Nexus has
      been issuing fluffy promotional announcements of trade show and media
      appearances and strategic alliances, Imagis has been relatively modestly
      reporting contracts and deployments. That relative modesty may account for
      the apparent weight given to the March 6 announcement of Pembridge`s
      invitation to discuss the possibility of taking Imagis private.
      On Jan. 3, Imagis retained Pembridge Venture Partners (PVP) to provide
      strategic financial advice to the company. PVP is the private-equity
      affiliate of Pembridge, the latter claiming to manage more than
      $600-million in capital. Under the terms of the agreement, Imagis granted a
      modest 50,000 options exercisable at $2.20 per share to PVP in return for
      its strategic advice, "including mergers, banking advisory and review of
      any potential investment banking relationships, agreements, financing, or
      any other capital markets needs of the company." Two months later,
      Pembridge issued the rather ambiguous invitation to discuss privatization
      of Imagis, trotting out a valuation of $4.10 (U.S.) per share.
      Considering that Pembridge claims to have more than $600-million under
      management, the company has a rather undistinguished Web site; in fact, it
      is still under development. Nonetheless, the Web site does contain links to
      several news releases involving Imagis, some commentary on the biometric
      security market in the wake of Sept. 11, and some rather flowery prose
      about Pembridge and its chairman Treyton L. Thomas. It also contains
      contact information for Pembridge spokesperson Ms. Carrington, who is
      travelling at the moment, according to a recording at the listed telephone
      number, and can only be reached by E-mail. The same recording also invites
      queries for Mr. Thomas to be directed to Ms. Carrington`s E-mail address.
      Mr. Thomas commented rather glowingly about the biometric market and Imagis
      in Pembridge`s ambiguous news release. "Strategic alignments will develop
      quickly in the security sector this year, and our interest in the potential
      of biometrics has been well chronicled," Mr. Thomas remarked, perhaps a
      reference to some of the flowery prose about the company and its chairman.
      "Imagis is the only viable pure-play in facial-recognition software in the
      marketplace with an installed customer base of over 100 discrete
      international locations. We feel the company can best exploit this core
      competency as a private company as it evaluates having its
      pattern-recognition software augment a comprehensive suite-of-products
      approach for large-scale commercial applications with multiple partners.
      This augmentation could include personal smart cards with embedded
      biometrics for positive I.D. verification, and weapon and explosive pattern
      recognition. There are numerous alternatives for Imagis, and not all are
      mutually exclusive. This overture is unsolicited, but not hostile."
      According to Mr. Drummond, who was not available for an interview late
      yesterday afternoon, the directors of Imagis "intend to appoint a special
      committee of the board to evaluate the proposal and the benefits to the
      company and its shareholders." At this point, it is not clear that the
      unsolicited, but not hostile, overture from Pembridge consists of anything
      other than an invitation to talk. Indeed, according to Imagis`s
      vice-president of investor relations, Sandra Buschau, that is pretty much
      the substance of the letter from Pembridge, which does not contain an offer
      to purchase Imagis or any indication of whether there is even an interested
      "No, there is no offer on the table," Ms. Buschau said when asked if
      Pembridge was representing an interested party or had made any offer. "It`s
      a letter that the board received and, as our news release stated, as part
      of their fiduciary responsibility the board is going to look at it; but at
      this point we really don`t know what the proposal is." Ms. Buschau
      confirmed that the Pembridge letter was simply an invitation to discuss the
      possibility of taking Imagis private. "Absolutely, it`s a discussion, sure,
      at this point," she said. However, Ms. Buschau hinted that there may be
      more proposals before the company. "And certainly our company is going to
      seek independent advice and so on with respect to going forward and any
      other proposals that are before the company now will also be looked at."
      Contacted by Stockwatch about two hours after the markets closed on March
      6, Ms. Buschau said she had not even had time yet to have a look at
      Imagis`s closing price or volume. "As you called I was just about ready to
      go in and take a look at what we did here," she said. Ms. Buschau seemed
      somewhat surprised at the volume, which topped two million shares, and
      perhaps pleased with the close of $5.50. "Holy mackerel, then that beat all
      of our highs post-9/11, I suppose," she remarked.
      Imagis posted similar gains in the U.S., where it trades as an
      over-the-counter Bulletin Board (OTC) stock. In unusually heavy trading,
      the stock closed at $3.40 (U.S.) on March 6, with more than 1.1 million
      shares changing hands. According to Ms. Buschau, however, the reported
      volume in the U.S. is not really accurate. "You kind of, sort of, have to
      split that in half; so the volume in the U.S. would have been about a half
      million," she said. However, Ms. Buschau could not immediately explain why
      such a calculation was necessary. "It`s because of the way it trades; it`s
      a different kind of trading system," she offered. "I`ll give you the
      mathematics tomorrow; I don`t remember what they are right now, to be
      honest with you," she said.
      Ms. Buschau would not expand on the ambiguous news releases involving the
      Pembridge proposal. "This is the explanation we are giving at this point,"
      Ms. Buschau said. "The company is not speculating on any proposal, we don`t
      have any details," she said. "So there is no comment at this point with
      regard to the proposal because it`s not a formal proposal; we don`t know
      what that might be." Ms. Buschau stressed that Imagis`s board of directors
      has yet to meet to even consider the overture from Pemberton. "It`s a
      discussion at this point," she emphasized.
      Notwithstanding Ms. Buschau`s emphasis that Imagis has not received any
      formal proposal or any details about an offer, a March 7 report in The
      National Post suggests that there is indeed an offer in place. According to
      reporter John Greenwood, Pembridge has made an offer to purchase Imagis for
      about $90-million (U.S.) and the company has 30 days to respond. Mr.
      Greenwood also reports that Pembridge plans to merge Imagis`s technology
      with other security technologies and take the resulting entity public on a
      U.S. exchange.
      Imagis already has connections to U.S.-based OSI Systems Inc., an airport
      security company listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market. On March 5, Imagis
      announced that it intends "to enter into an agreement pending the
      successful negotiation and execution of a definitive agreement, for the
      design, development, and marketing of aviation and transportation security
      products based on Imagis`s biometric facial recognition software, ID-2000"
      with OSI. As part of that proposed alliance, OSI will have the right to
      invest a maximum of $2-million (U.S.) by purchasing shares of Imagis.
      In addition to the proposed alliance, Imagis has another connection to OSI
      in the person of Sanjay Sabnani, president of Typhoon Capital Consultants
      LLC. Pursuant to a Feb. 8 agreement, Imagis retained Mr. Sabnani as manager
      of business development strategy and U.S. investor relations. Mr. Sabnani
      also serves as a strategic consultant to OSI. Prior to his current stint at
      Typhoon, Mr. Sabnani served as president and director of Venture Catalyst
      Inc., which has fallen on hard times of late. Once listed on the
      prestigious Nasdaq National Market where it traded as high as $17 (U.S.),
      Venture Catalyst was booted down to the OTC where it is now a shell company
      with its stock only occasionally changing hands at 10 U.S. cents.
      While the company is not speculating on any proposal, some speculators seem
      to be gambling that, contrary to the adage, talk is not cheap. At the very
      least, some investors who piled into the stock yesterday are quite likely
      hoping that they do not end up paying an inflated price for cheap talk
      about talk. On a more modest volume of 667,500 shares, Imagis shed 32 cents
      to close at $5.18 on the CDNX on March 7. In the U.S., the stock tallied
      another 665,900 shares and closed at $3.29 (U.S.).
      Comments regarding this article may be sent to
      (c) Copyright 2002 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

      schrieb am 11.03.02 07:35:57
      Beitrag Nr. 375 ()

      sorry, hab grad erst gesehen, das dies schon hier steht. Was sagt ihr dazu?
      schrieb am 11.03.02 12:27:42
      Beitrag Nr. 376 ()

      weiß jemand, wann die zahlen für 2001 kommen? auf der neuen homepage fehlen diese infos leider.
      danke für euer feddback und allen eine gute woche!
      schrieb am 11.03.02 13:06:07
      Beitrag Nr. 377 ()
      @ Mibra

      Mit den Zahlen haben sie, soweit ich weiss, bis Ende
      März Zeit.
      Ich rechne mit nächster Woche.

      MfG Dauphin
      schrieb am 11.03.02 13:39:27
      Beitrag Nr. 378 ()
      hi sowhat hab mir mal 4000 reingelegt..vielen dank für die info!mal gespannt, so blind hab ich noch nie aktien gekauft...
      schrieb am 11.03.02 21:03:25
      Beitrag Nr. 379 ()

      könnt mir (und anderen) mal jemand # 374 kurz in Stichworten
      übersetzen ?! (mein englisch ist furchtbar!)

      Meine bescheidene Meinung zum heutigen Kursverlauf:

      Gap schließen, evtl. die $ 4,00 (jetzt Unterstützung) antesten (letzte Trader abschütteln) - and up !

      schrieb am 11.03.02 21:20:33
      Beitrag Nr. 380 ()
      Ich glaube eher, dass wie in dem Text erwähnt, es sich nur um Gespräche handelt, und sonst nichts!
      Der Umsatz heute ist hoch, so dass wohl der Deal nicht zustande kommt!
      Na ja, von einem Deal war auch nie die Rede!
      Einziger Trost ist und bleibt der, wenn Imagis wider Erwarten doch privatisiert werden sollte, bin ich noch immer dabei (4,1US$)! Ferner steh ich falls nicht priv. langfristig voll auf Imagis!!!
      Ich hab u.a. aus Spekufristsicht nicht verkauft! Ich geb den korrupten Politikern nicht mein sauer erschwitztes Geld!!!
      Doch schade wie der Kurs nachgibt... ;-(

      Mr. Aktie

      PS: Bin auch nicht raus, weil ich letzte Woche bei Imagis angerufen habe...
      schrieb am 11.03.02 21:24:33
      Beitrag Nr. 381 ()
      hallo leutz..
      sehe das ganze so...
      das angebot liegt vor...das ist klar..die zahlen stehen auch so..( 4.10. )
      Problem: imagis hat zu früh geplaudert..was zocker angelockt hat..und zuerst für positive jetzt negative unruhen führt...aufgrund dieses artikels wird der zock bald wieder beendet sein...hoffe wir halten die 4...natürlich ist pembridge jetzt in der besseren lage bei diesen kursen...jedenfalls geht es nicht darum ob es ein angebot gibt oder nicht...denn das gibt es..das problem ist das like they say talk is not cheap...und hier haben die gute sandy und co echt scheisse muss was handfestes auf den tisch...denke auch das diese reaktion nicht sehr positiv auf pembridge gewirkt hat...die werden wohl auch gut angepisst sein ...euch allen schönen abend!
      schrieb am 11.03.02 21:42:37
      Beitrag Nr. 382 ()
      Guten Abend,

      denke nicht, dass Imagis zu früh geplaudert hat. Hinter Imagis stehen Leute, die ihr Geschäft seit Jahrzehnte beherrschen und alle Scenarien schon durchgespielt haben. Alles sehr geschickt gemacht. Die baldige Zukunft wird es zeigen;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 11.03.02 22:07:13
      Beitrag Nr. 383 ()
      sowhat ich hasse deine rätsel!!!
      anyway hoffe du hast recht!
      schrieb am 12.03.02 07:51:57
      Beitrag Nr. 384 ()
      Hallo Elmarco,

      vesteh es nicht als Rätsel. Ist ist einfach so. Bin ebensfalls lang genug dabei und da kennt man die Börse halt mit all íhren Facetten.

      Ian Drummond hatte schon frühzeitig auf das Wachstum hingedeutet auch den Weg, den Imagis gehen will. Jetzt muss er nur noch zeigen, was Imagis wirklich auf dem Kasten hat. Das Filing sollte auch bald kommen.

      Denke, dass der Baum noch mal kräftig geschüttelt wurde, um noch günstig Aktien einzusammeln. Sind sicher eine ausgestoppt worden.

      Mal sehen, was heute geht. In Deutschland waren die Umsätze im Vergleich zu USA bescheiden, deutet eher nicht auf einen sell out;)

      Good luck

      schrieb am 12.03.02 15:15:51
      Beitrag Nr. 385 ()
      Hallo zusammen!

      Tuesday March 12, 8:30 am Eastern Time

      Press Release

      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Sanyo Semiconductor Company establishes affiliate
      company, SecurityART

      SANYO Semiconductor Company, Imagis Technologies and Intacta
      Technologies to market total access control and ID verification and
      authentication solutions

      FirstCall/ - In a joint statement today, six affiliates of Sanyo Semiconductor Company
      (``Sanyo``), one of five principal companies of Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.; Imagis Technologies
      Inc., (OTCBB: IGSTF - news; ``Imagis``); and Intacta Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: ITAC -
      news; ``Intacta``), announced the formation of SecurityART Inc. SecurityART will integrate the
      hardware and software technologies of all three companies providing a high-level, robust and
      multi- level security and verification solution for access control. The resulting product, ID
      Controller, is being developed for installation in any environment requiring high security such
      as airports, secure buildings, laboratories, document authentication and verification for
      passports, visas and ID cards.

      SecurityART, headquartered in Japan, will develop, manufacture and market ID Controller,
      creating a number of multi-level access control systems that incorporate biometrics.
      SecurityART will initially be capitalized by several subsidiaries and affiliates of the Sanyo
      group with approximately US$1.5 million (180 million yen) and is expected to increase to
      US$2.5 million (300 million yen) in the last quarter of 2002. Imagis and Intacta will receive
      licensing and royalty fees with respect to the marketing of their technologies and will
      participate in the equity of SecurityART.

      The focus of SecurityART will be to design, manufacture, and market sophisticated devices
      for access control, the first line of defense in controlling who enters secure facilities, as well
      as ID verification for documents, and ID card authentication. The multi-level solution will
      include an ID card reader, a fingerprint pad and a digital camera. ID Controller will integrate
      Imagis` biometric facial recognition technology, ID-2000, Intacta`s compression and encoding technology, Intacta.Code, and
      hardware that includes a Sanyo CCD camera and fingerprint sensor. As a standalone security system, there is no need for
      expensive cables and wiring to connect to offsite monitoring stations. ID Controller will allow for in-house creation of
      authorized ID cards that encode the user`s fingerprint, facial and biographic data using Intacta.Code. In addition, the
      standalone configuration does not require offsite monitoring and allows for low-cost, easy installation without major
      alterations to access facilities.

      ID Controller will verify access when an individual enters their ID-card in a reader and secondly, places a finger on the
      fingerprint pad. The third level of security is transparent and authenticates the individual`s identity using the embedded
      biometric facial recognition technology in a digital camera.

      A prototype of the ID Controller will be demonstrated at CardTech/SecurTech, on April 22nd to 25th, in New Orleans,

      About Sanyo Semiconductor Company

      The SANYO Semiconductor Company is one of the five principal companies of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. SANYO
      Semiconductor Company produces a wide range of semiconductor devices used in embedded system solutions for market
      leading electronic applications. Specializing in mixed signal devices that understand both analog and digital signals,
      SANYO Semiconductor Company is increasingly becoming known for its ability in providing system solutions for the latest
      technologies. SANYO Semiconductor Company is on the web at

      About Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.

      Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd. is a major Japanese corporation that has sales of US$17.4 billion, employs 22,000 people
      worldwide, and is a world-leader in electronics, consumer appliances, batteries, semi-conductors, electronic devices, and
      industrial equipment. There are 82 manufacturing entities, 33 sales companies, and 36 other companies within the group that
      operates worldwide. Sanyo Electric`s website is

      About Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB: Germany: IGY) is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced
      biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications
      provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration
      and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has well over a hundred installations of its software in the
      United States, UK, Canada, and Mexico.

      About Intacta Technologies Inc.

      INTACTA.CODE (OTCBB: ITAC - news) provides a method of embedding data, securely and reliably, for security
      solutions utilizing biometric technologies such as facial recognition and fingerprints, across a full array of digital
      (mainframe to PDA), wireless and hard copy devices. INTACTA.CODE may be utilized to provide hierarchical layers of
      security for the same block of data. INTACTA.CODE is not just another version of encryption. It is a unique process that
      provides the security of encryption with a host of other functions. INTACTA.CODE is a COM-based component that
      compresses and encrypts any data - such as applications, images, database records, and documents - into a graphic form
      representing the binary information. Any ODBC compliant database can store and query INTACTA.CODE, which can be
      sent electronically over an intranet, the Internet, or wirelessly to mobile devices. It can also be printed and faxed allowing
      secure transmission of sensitive data on printed material.

      Intacta.Code is a registered trademark of Intacta Technologies Inc. Other registered and unregistered trademarks mentioned
      herein are the property of their respective owners.

      Forward Looking Statements

      This press release contains statements that constitute ``forward-looking statements`` within the meaning of Section 21B of the
      Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks,
      uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, to differ materially from the
      anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward- looking statements.

      Forward-looking statements in this release include our expectations as to the success of our strategic alliance with Sanyo
      and Intacta and the anticipated benefits of that relationship; our expectations as to the timing of the product prototype
      launches; our expectations as to the expansion of such product launches into other markets; and the anticipated benefits to
      potential customers from these products. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results
      include risks and uncertainties such as any unforeseen incompatibilities among our technology and the respective
      technologies of Sanyo and Intacta; any technical difficulties related to integrating our technology and the respective
      technologies of Sanyo and Intacta; the possibility of technical difficulties or delays in future product introductions and
      improvements; the acceptance of the product prototypes in targeted markets; product development, product pricing initiatives
      of the proposed new ventures and those of our competitors; and the other risks and uncertainties described in our Form
      10-KSB filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update
      or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      Investor Relations
      Sandra Buschau
      Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Tel: 604 684-2449
      Noel Bambrough
      President & CEO
      Intacta Technologies Inc.
      Tel: 404-880-9919
      Media Relations
      Tara Dugan
      Schwartz Communications, Inc.
      Tel: 415 512-0770
      Huw Thomas
      Sanyo Semiconductor Company
      Tokyo Technology Center (AMTEC)
      Tel: 011-81-3-3837-6351

      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Schaun mer mal...

      MfG Dauphin
      schrieb am 12.03.02 19:55:25
      Beitrag Nr. 386 ()
      Hong Kong set for compulsory smart cards

      Hong Kong is preparing plans to make electronic ID cards compulsory for all its 6.9 million citizens.
      Each card will store the holder`s name, picture, date of birth and digital templates of both thumbprints.

      The scheme is set to go ahead despite fears the system could be open to hackers.

      The primary aim is to control Chinese immigration. Hong Kong is now a part of China but under separate governance and border controls remain tight.

      Holders will be able to speed through immigration points, using self-service kiosks that match digital biometric data on the card against the cardholder`s fingerprints.

      The Government has been forced to limit the amount of data stored on the cards, after fears that private information could be at risk from hackers.

      Plans to include health and financial records have been shelved and other data, such as driving licence and library records, will only be included with the holder`s permission.

      Officials say built-in security measures will make it difficult for criminals to extract any information.

      The Government expects the scheme to be approved and launched next year.

      Officials estimate it will take seven years to complete at a cost of around £36 million

      Eine Ähnlichkeit mit Imagis/Intacta/Sanyo wäre rein zufälig. ;)
      schrieb am 12.03.02 20:03:29
      Beitrag Nr. 387 ()
      `Smart` ID Card Worries Hong Kong
      Tue Mar 12, 5:33 AM ET
      By VERNA YU, Associated Press Writer

      HONG KONG - In 1949, Mao Tse-tung`s communists conquered mainland China and set off a massive flow of emigration to this city, then a comparatively prosperous British colony.

      To sort out newcomers from residents, Hong Kong introduced compulsory cardboard identity cards.

      Now, Hong Kongers are about to be issued a new ID card.

      This time, they`re getting so-called "smart" cards, with embedded computer chips that hold names, pictures and birthdates — as well as a digital template of both thumbprints.

      Then as now, the mandatory cards are largely aimed at controlling Chinese immigration. Although Hong Kong is now a part of China under separate governance, border control remains tight.

      "We`ve long had illegal immigration problems and everyone got used to carrying the identity card," said Eric Wong, Hong Kong`s deputy director of immigration. "People just think it`s a way of life."

      Despite the worries of civil libertarians, smart ID cards — some with biometric data, like thumbprints — are gaining momentum elsewhere in Asia and western Europe.

      Although Hong Kong`s government backed down on proposals to have the cards carry health and bank records, civil libertarians like lawmaker Sin Chung-kai, who represents Hong Kong`s technology sector, still have reservations.

      "No matter how secure a system is, there is always a risk that it might get hacked into," Sin said.

      Plastic smart cards, about the size of credit cards, contain embedded microchips loaded with data. Around the world, they are often used in public telephones and for electronic cash payments.

      In the Hong Kong ID card, personal details such as name, birthdate, gender, residential status and conditions of stay for non-citizens are stored in the microchip and protected by encryption.

      A subject of considerable debate in the United States after the Sept. 11 attacks, such cards are now optional in several countries that have either introduced them or plan to — including Finland, Malaysia and Japan.

      Besides using them as simple IDs, Hong Kongers will use their cards to bypass the notoriously long waits when leaving or entering Hong Kong.

      Smart card holders will speed through Hong Kong immigration, using self-service kiosks that match digital biometric data on the card against the cardholder`s fingerprint image read by a scanner.

      "People will simply insert the card, press their thumb against a detector and the system will match the data," Wong said.

      Still, many Hong Kongers were alarmed when the government floated the idea of a high-tech card larded with personal information.

      With local smart card hackers already showing their prowess, they feared the IDs presented too tempting a target. In Hong Kong and China as elsewhere, black marketeers sell pirated cable television decoders that use bootleg smart cards to decrypt pay TV channels.

      To address public fears, Hong Kong`s government opted against requiring the cards to serve as driving licenses and library cards.

      With those and other applications optional, the government hopes its scaled-back proposal can be approved by lawmakers and launched next year.

      The digital fingerprint characteristics will be stored on the card only — not in a government database — so even if a hacker penetrated the system, there would be no fingerprint data to steal.

      If the card is stolen, officials say the data on the chip can`t be easily retrieved.

      Officials estimate the seven-year plan to distribute the mandatory cards to all Hong Kong residents, aged 11 and up, will cost $400 million.

      The expense includes computer database, networks, card readers, technical support and additional staff. An initial $21 million contract was awarded last month to a consortium led by local telecoms company Pacific Century CyberWorks and including Mondex International of Britain.

      Other governments launching smart ID cards have opted for less strict programs.

      In September, Malaysia introduced an optional smart card called MyKad that functions as a driver`s license and contains passport information. It may someday contain banking data and biometric data.

      Japan plans next year to introduce an optional smart ID containing the cardholder`s signature, photo and address.

      Thailand recently approved a proposal for mandatory cards containing social security (news - web sites) and health records. Finland has implemented an optional smart ID card.…
      schrieb am 12.03.02 20:04:42
      Beitrag Nr. 388 ()
      Imagis airing today on CBC Newsworld on the program, "Newsworld Business News" hosted by Fred Langan, at 6:30 p.m. (Eastern Time), 3:30 p.m. (Pacific Time). To be repeated 12:30 a.m. (Eastern Time), 9:30 p.m. (Pacific Time).
      schrieb am 15.03.02 14:38:14
      Beitrag Nr. 389 ()
      Imagis CABS software purchased by four RCMP British Columbia detachments

      VANCOUVER, March 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - (OTCBB: IGSTF) Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis"), developer and marketer of advanced biometric facial recognition software, is pleased to announce that Imagis` premier law enforcement software, the CABS Computerized Arrest and Booking System, has been purchased by an additional four Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachments.

      CABS is an integrated imaging and offender management system developed specifically for law enforcement agencies. CABS streamlines the offender "booking" process, by capturing all necessary images including faces, scars, tattoos and other distinguishing characteristics along with all data and offense information. CABS provides quick access for forensic lineup identification, investigations and substantially increases efficiency by producing all jurisdictional reports.

      "CABS helps the police solve crimes and is the foundation database for which ID-2000 facial recognition can later be added to identify offenders more accurately, either locally or from a regional image repository," advised Iain Drummond, President & CEO of Imagis Technologies. "CABS with ID-2000 provides invaluable information at both the time of booking where other identification processes can be slow, as well as for on-going case investigations." About Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF) is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration, other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has well over a hundred installations of its software in the United States, UK, Canada, and Mexico.

      Investor/PR Contact:
      Sandra Buschau, Vice President
      Tel: (604) 684-2449

      Media Contact:
      Tara Dugan
      Schwartz Communications
      Tel: (415) 512-0770

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

      /CONTACT: Investor/

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      schrieb am 15.03.02 18:29:19
      Beitrag Nr. 390 ()
      Na und ??? Kurse fallen trotzdem heftig; alle Zocker auf 4,1 $ sehen ihre Felle schwimmen .


      schrieb am 15.03.02 18:31:55
      Beitrag Nr. 391 ()
      ich jedenfalls bin wieder rein. Warten wir mal ab!
      schrieb am 15.03.02 20:07:32
      Beitrag Nr. 392 ()
      Zum erstenmal hier auftauchen, und dann gleich auffallen...
      Pech mit IQ Power gehabt?
      Der Boersenmen empfiehlt...Ha, ha...
      Das Heute nennt man eine 2. gelungene Testphase der 4 CDN!
      3mal unterstützt heute!
      Hör mal weiter SWR3...Na ja, Boersenmann meinte ich.

      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 16.03.02 07:55:08
      Beitrag Nr. 393 ()

      also ich sehe da auch kein problem ,schon garnicht "heftig fallende kurse"

      mann muß einfach mal auf dem "teppich" bleiben und darf keine wunder erwarten.

      durch das "kaufangebot" haben wir den starken widerstand
      bei 4$ durchbrochen ,an den wir sonst sicher länger
      "geknabert" hätten und jetzt ist ist es eine gut absicherung nach unten :)

      da wird einfach die zeit bis zur nächsten news genutzt um die unterstützung schön stabil zumachen :)
      und die nächst news wird kommen :)
      schrieb am 18.03.02 11:52:58
      Beitrag Nr. 394 ()
      Hallo SoWhat, Kopfeck,

      sehe das auch so, ich meine mit den Zukunftsaussichten dieser Firma. Bin schon seit 18 Monaten involviert. Habe Pech gehabt beim Kurs von 2.21 (ausgestoppt) und dann lief mir die Aktie davon. Bin bei 3.50 wieder eingestiegen und warte nun zuversichtlich das weitere ab.
      SoWhat, Deine Informationen waren bisher Klasse. Mach weiter so.

      Gruß Ingo
      schrieb am 18.03.02 14:57:43
      Beitrag Nr. 395 ()
      The Trend is your friend...

      Montag, 18. März 2002
      Nicht mehr Science-Fiction

      In Science-Fiction Filmen ist die Biometrie seit Jahrzehnten ein Klassiker: Ein Augenaufschlag genügt, und schwere Tore und geheime Tresore öffnen sich von Zauberhand. Im wirklichen Leben ist die Entwicklung zuverlässiger Kontrollsysteme anhand von Körpermerkmalen wie Fingerabdruck, Gesichts- oder Iriserkennung wegen hoher Fehlerquoten ein mühsamer Prozess. Doch nach jahrelangen Forschungen ist es den Firmen inzwischen gelungen, die Biometrie ein gutes Stück weit in die Realität zu holen. Auf der Computermesse CeBIT in Hannover zeigen die Aussteller eine Vielzahl biometrischer Lösungen, die nicht nur unter Laborbedingungen funktionieren.

      Seit den Terroranschlägen in den USA ist das Interesse an der Biometrie groß wie nie. Mit seinem Plan, den Fingerabdruck in den Personalausweis aufzunehmen, hat Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily (SPD) das Thema schlagartig bekannt gemacht. Auf der CeBIT drängen sich die Besucher, um die Zugangskontrolle per Fingerabdruck oder Iris-Scanning einmal Live zu erleben.

      "Das Interesse hat enorm zugenommen", sagt Anja Katharina Tomic von der Bundesdruckerei. Der Konzern zeigt auf der Messe erstmals Systeme, mit denen Menschen bei Grenzkontrollen und auf Flughäfen anhand ihres Gesichts automatisch erkannt werden können. Eine Kamera misst in Sekundenschnelle 1800 Punkte im Gesicht des Menschen aus und vergleicht diese Berechnungen mit dem Foto im Pass. So genau kann nach Worten von Tomic kein Grenzbeamter ein Gesicht überprüfen. "Wenn am Flughafen 300 Leute gleichzeitig ankommen, ist das unmöglich."

      Mehrere Flughäfen in Deutschland und im Ausland hätten bereits Interesse angemeldet. Trotzdem wird die biometrische Kontrolle vorerst nur eine Ergänzung zum kritischen Blick des Grenzbeamten bleiben. Als alleinige Kontrolle haben sich biometrische Zugangs- und Gesichtskontrollen wegen hoher Fehlerquoten bislang nicht im großen Stil durchgesetzt. "Für eine große Anzahl von Nutzern sind sie noch zu unzuverlässig", sagt Bernd Schweda vom Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik.

      Auch die Deutsche Bank hat aus diesem Grund davon Abstand genommen, die Fingerabdruck-Kontrolle am Geldautomaten einzuführen. In einem Pilotprojekt habe sich das Verfahren nicht bewährt, sagt ein Sprecher. "Jetzt warten wir erst einmal ab, wie sich die Biometrie weiter entwickelt."

      Bei der Erkennung anhand des Fingerabdrucks reicht oft eine Schwellung oder eine Wunde für eine Fehlermeldung aus. Der Chipkarten-Hersteller Giesecke & Devrient will dieses Risiko zumindest verringern und in biometrische Ausweise gleich die Abdrücke von zwei Fingern abspeichern. Die ersten Ausweise mit dem gespeicherten Fingerabdruck liefert das Unternehmen nach eigenen Angaben im kommenden Jahr nach Macao aus. Auch Indien ist in dieser Technologie schon ein gutes Stück weiter als Deutschland.

      Dort sind bereits rund zwei Mio. Führerscheine mit dem Fingerabdruck versehen. In Deutschland haben sich biometrischeVerfahren bislang vor allem in geschlossenen Nutzerkreisen bewährt. Einige Unternehmen verwenden die automatische Gesichtserkennung bereits als Zugangskontrolle für ihre Mitarbeiter. Auf der CeBIT bieten mehrere Hersteller außerdem Computertastaturen an, die die Nutzer anhand des Fingerabdrucks erkennen. Auf das mühsame Auswendiglernen von Geheimnummern und Passwörtern können sie damit verzichten.

      (Daniele Wiegmann, dpa)
      schrieb am 19.03.02 07:25:10
      Beitrag Nr. 396 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      Ingo, klar mach ich weiter, obwohl ich im Moment nicht mehr so nah am geschehen bin.

      Hier erstmal etwas aus Japan. Dort macht man sich auch so seine Gedanken;)

      From: Nikkei Business Publications

      Six Companies of Sanyo Group To Establish "SecurityART"

      Six sales companies of Sanyo Electric Group will found on April 1, 2002 a joint company, Security ART, specialized in security equipment. The new company will develop products, such as pressure sensitive fingerprint sensors, as well as facial recognition systems (introduced in the special issue of March on biometrics) in cooperation with the Canadian company IMAGIS Technologies. Moreover, the new company will carry on the present developments in infra-red sensor technologies, using CCD chip sets produced by Sanyo, as well as high security level technologies used in IC cards or cards with special code (developed by INTACTA Technologies) printed on them. In May, the first samples of authentication systems which integrate encryption of personal data within Intacta Code, fingerprint sensor and facial recognition will be produced. No reluctance towards these systems is expected, since personal information is not to be stored in a database.

      The new company is capitalized at 180 million yen. The six investing companies are: Sanyo Semiconductor Corporation (located in New Jersey, USA), Sanyo Semicon Device (located in Tokyo), ShinWa Electronic Devices (located in Kumagaya, Saitama prefecture), ShinNichi Electronics (located in Tokyo), OS Electronics (located in Tokyo), and Sanyo LSI Design System Soft (located in Oizumi, Gunmna prefecture). The capital will be raised to 300 million yen within the next 6 months, and the investors are Smart Card Technologies (located in Chiba), the Canadian company, Imagis Technologies, and CIJ (located in Yokohama).

      K. Hamada

      From: Daily News In Chemical Industry

      Sanyo Electric and Expert Overseas Company Start A Joint Company

      In The Security Market

      Sanyo Electric announced on March 12 the alliance with an expert overseas company for the establishment of a joint company specialized in security systems. The consignment for the first sample products developed in partnership is scheduled for May. The new company, SecurityART (located in Tokyo, Ueno, presided by Mr. Koyama, and capitalized at 180 million yen) will be opened on April 1.

      The new company will develop reliable, high security systems, such as pressure sensitive fingerprint sensors and Sanyo`s infra-red CCD image sensors, using a tie-up technology supplied by the Canadian company, Imagis Technologies (facial recognition technology) and the American company, Intacta Technologies. The first samples are scheduled for May.

      The investors are six semiconductor subsidiaries of Sanyo Electric group, among them Sanyo Semiconductor Corporation and Sanyo LSI Design System Soft, to which Imagis Technologies and another two companies are to be added.

      From: Japan`s Industrial Newspaper

      A New Company Established for Personal Authentication - Joint Venture Between Sanyo Electric and a Canadian Company

      Sanyo Electric announced on the 12th establishment of a new company with joint investment, specialized in personal authentication systems and other security products. The partnership ties up subsidiaries of Sanyo Semiconductor Division and a Canadian company. The new company uses combined technologies of facial recognition, new encoding methods, fingerprint sensors. The company has developed a high security integrated system for office buildings and public facilities, and is aiming for sales of several billion yen in the next three years.

      The new company, SecurityART, will be opened on the 1st of April, and has a majority capital from 6 subsidiaries Sanyo Electric`s Semiconductor Division. The starting capital is 180 million yen, and by the second half of this year it will be raised to 300 million yen. The other investors are Smart Card Technologies, CIJ and Imagis Technologies, the Canadian company which owns the facial recognition technology. The president of the company is Mr. Koyama, the chief in charge of the Sanyo Semicon Device Tokyo Technology Center. The new company is headquartered in Tokyo, Taito, and will start with 10 employee staff. The company will also promote the new encoding methods developed by the American company, Intacta Technologies.

      The new company has scheduled for May its first sample for the integrated system, along with other electronic products.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 19.03.02 14:47:17
      Beitrag Nr. 397 ()
      Der Erste Schritt?

      Imagis attending U.S. conferences

      VANCOUVER, BC, Mar 19, 2002 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX) -- Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis"), (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) developer and marketer of advanced biometric facial recognition software, announced today that it will be attending a number of U.S. conferences over the next two weeks to present the company`s technologies.

      On March 22nd, Imagis will attend a Canadian Consul sponsored event in
      Washington, DC to meet with a number of US government agencies and

      On March 25th, Iain Drummond, President & CEO will be a speaker at
      Successful Applications of Biometric Technologies in San Diego, .

      On March 25th to 27th, Imagis is exhibiting at the Aviation Security
      Summit & Expo, at the San Francisco Airport.

      On March 25th - 26th Imagis is participating in the Symposium, Visionary
      Management in Law Enforcement at the University of San Francisco.

      "These events present a good opportunity to demonstrate how our technologies can bring solutions to government agencies, airport and aviation needs and to the law enforcement sector where we started," said Mr. Iain Drummond. "The conferences are being held in California where our installations have been readily adopted and together with our marketing/sales team and our technology representative, we look forward to meeting potential partners and expanding Imagis` business opportunities."
      About Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB: Germany: IGY) is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has well over a hundred installations of its software in the United States, UK, Canada, and Mexico.

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


      CONTACT: For further information: Sandra Buschau, VP Investor Relations, Imagis
      Technologies Inc., Tel: (604) 684-2449, E-mail:

      News release via Canada NewsWire, Vancouver 604-669-7764

      Copyright (C) 2002 CNW, All rights reserved


      schrieb am 19.03.02 20:17:05
      Beitrag Nr. 398 ()
      Oh lalalala:)

      schrieb am 19.03.02 21:09:59
      Beitrag Nr. 399 ()
      SMO Multimedia Corp. Announces Development of New Kiosk at JFK Airport; JFK Meeting a Big Success for the Company

      Business Wire via COMTEX

      Mar 19, 2002 11:27:00 AM

      EVERSON, Wash., Mar 19, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

      SMO Multimedia Corp., (Pinks Sheets:SMOC) announced development plans for a new kiosk line during its presentation at the New 1.6 Billion dollar JFK IAT (International Arrivals Terminal) in New York.

      The new Kiosk development project is designed to replace the antiquated hotel reservation and pickup kiosk systems currently located in most baggage claim areas at Airports.

      The new system, will replace standard units using phone handsets, with a next generation unit designed to allow the hotel, and its drivers to use an IP/over system to speak with guests directly. The new model is hygienically a safer model, with no handsets and it includes many new features not currently installed in units available today. The new kiosk, will house cameras allowing hotel staff to identify guests before picking them up, thereby assisting drivers.

      SMO also showcased its dynamic airport E-Station interface for the first time to many professionals from the airport and airlines. Mr. Robert Pratt, CEO, presented the private labeled unit for the airlines, and the airport model at that time and received great validation for their research. `I am very proud of the work my team has done and their hard work obviously paid off. Through that meeting, we are now entertaining offers and are in direct contact with several airlines and airports that have direct interest in our unique product. We hope to announce the fruits of those meetings in short order,`said Robert J. Pratt, CEO, SMO Multimedia Corp.

      In further news, SMO announced today that it has terminated its relationship with the Pickens Group. The Equity position announced in a past press release will not move forward, no details were available at the time of this release.

      To be placed on the SMO update e-mail list, please visit:

      For direct SMO Multimedia inquiries, please call 866/318-8555. About SMO

      SMO Multimedia Corp. (Formerly Shopping Mall online) designs kiosk systems and software for advanced needs in the growing kiosk industry. The core project is the deployment of a network of technologically advanced E-Stations (Kiosks) in Shopping Centers and Airports throughout the United States. The E-Stations replace traditional directories and include advanced systems for retailers and consumers alike. SMO has designed proprietary mapping software for high traffic areas that not only pinpoint directions to a destination, but also gives estimated walking times to the store, concourse, gate, etc. Through these E-Stations consumers can find store directions, product coupons, take part in loyalty point systems, make wish lists, and purchase gift cards, etc. The system is mirror imaged on web sites where Customers can shop at SMO`s affiliate Internet sites. The kiosk (E-Station) technology provides a central and secure platform for security systems in the growing market. SMO announced a business alliance to work with Imagis Technologies Inc. (`Imagis`) (OTCBB:IGSTF); (CDNX:NAB); (Germany:IGY) to install and market Bio metric facial imaging systems in airports SMO may be working with. SMO recently announced a merger with Skytalk Communications, Inc. and plans to file appropriate financial documentation to be fully reporting and be trading over the counter immediately after the completion of the merger.

      NOTE: Safe Harbor statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This announcement may contain `forward looking`statements. Although we believe that the statements contained in the announcement are reasonable, we can give no assurances that such statements will prove correct.

      SMO Multimedia Robert J. Pratt, 866/318-8555

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2002 Business Wire. All rights reserved.…
      schrieb am 20.03.02 07:40:39
      Beitrag Nr. 400 ()
      Guten Morgen.

      Hallo Mamsel, die News gefällt mir, insbesondere folgende Passage:SMO announced a business alliance to work with Imagis Technologies Inc. (`Imagis`) (OTCBB:IGSTF); (CDNX:NAB); (Germany:IGY) to install and market Bio metric facial imaging systems in airports SMO may be working with.
      Und dann auf dem JFK Flughafen:)

      Hier noch ein Link zum sehen und hören:…

      Bin gespannt ob wir heute wieder über die 5 Kan$ gehen.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 22.03.02 09:17:35
      Beitrag Nr. 401 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      Zahlen sind draussen:

      Thursday March 21, 3:50 pm Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Imagis reports year December 31, 2001 financial results
      VANCOUVER, March 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - (OTCBB: IGSTF - news) Mr. Iain Drummond, President and CEO of Imagis Technologies Inc., (``Imagis``) announced today the audited results for the year-ended December 31, 2001. Gross revenues for the year 2001 rose 90 per cent to $2,080,704 compared to 2000 revenues of $1,097,719. Sales of Imagis` software products increased 108 per cent to $1,519,925 in 2001 from the prior year amount of $729,127.

      The gain in software sales revenues includes higher revenues earned on sales of Imagis` law enforcement software, CABS and ID-2000 biometric facial recognition in a number of installations in Canada, United States, the United Kingdom and Mexico and from the initial sales in the last quarter of its new ID-2000 SDK Version 8, as well as revenues of approximately $482,000 for the sale of the Company`s Casino-ID software, a version of the Company`s CABS product adapted for casinos, to a US-based reseller for worldwide distribution.

      Support and service revenues rose $79,811 or 29 per cent to $356,441 in 2001 from the year 2000 amount of $276,630. Other revenues were $112,376 or 122 per cent higher at $204,338 in the 2001 fiscal year, up from the prior year 2000 of $91,962.

      Overall, the Company incurred a net loss for the year amounting to $3,020,704 or $.21 per share, which is only fractionally higher than the loss in 2000 of $3,010,031 or $.26 per share. Under U.S. GAAP accounting requirements, additional costs, primarily related to stock-based compensation to directors, officers, staff and consultants, amounting to $150,111 would be incurred and, accordingly, the U.S. GAAP net loss would be $3,170,815, or $0.22 per share, as compared to the prior year comparable net loss of $4,730,508 or $0.41 per share.

      About Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis (OTCBB: IGSTF - news) is a developer and marketer of software applications and advanced biometric facial recognition software solutions both as products and as a Software Development Kit. These applications provide a range of security solutions in various industry sectors including airports, law enforcement, customs, immigration and other government agencies, and gaming. Imagis currently has well over a hundred installations of its software in the United States, UK, Canada, and Mexico.


      Sandra Buschau, VP Investor & media relations
      Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Tel: (604) 684-2449

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 22.03.02 13:46:07
      Beitrag Nr. 402 ()

      der hammer sind die zahlen gerade nicht :(
      aber andererseits wahr nicht mehr zu erwarten ,sonst
      hätten wir mehr auftragsmeldungen sehen müßen.

      mal sehen was heute passiert könnte leicht sein das
      die 4$cad nochmal herhalten müßen (und dies hoffentlich tun)
      schrieb am 25.03.02 14:53:56
      Beitrag Nr. 403 ()
      Imagis forms special committee and retains Raymond James as Financial Advisor

      VANCOUVER, Mar 25, 2002 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX) -- Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis" or the "Company") (OTCBB: IGSTF; CDNX: NAB; Germany: IGY) announces that it has formed a special committee of its board of directors to be chaired by Roy Trivett. The Company also wishes to announce that it has retained Raymond James Ltd ("Raymond James"), to act as its financial advisor to assess all strategic alternatives available to Imagis and negotiate any transaction that may result from proposals received by Imagis. In doing so, the special committee will consider any transaction that may arise, including a publicly- announced going private proposal by Pembridge Group, within the context of Imagis` strategic alternatives and underlying fiduciary responsibility of the board to maximize shareholder value.
      The selection of Raymond James was made on the basis of its respected and focused equity research and investment banking efforts in technology, as well as the cross-border scope of the firm.

      "The relationship with Raymond James represents a significant opportunity for Imagis. With Raymond James, we have found a financial advisor with an impeccable reputation, one that will assist the Company determine what is best for Imagis and its shareholders," said Iain Drummond.

      Raymond James Ltd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Raymond James Financial, a New York Stock Exchange listed firm (RJF-NYSE). Raymond James Financial and its operating subsidiaries represent North America`s ninth largest full service investment bank offering corporate finance services, institutional sales and trading and one of the industries` largest sales forces with 4,900 financial advisors.

      The Special Committee consists of Roy Trivett (Chair), Altaf Nazerali and Rory Godinho. Buck Revell, the Company`s Chairman commented, "The members of the Special Committee are exceptionally well qualified and I am confident that the committee will complete its mandate in a professional and prudent manner and provide the guidance necessary for the board to fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities." The backgrounds of the members of the Special Committee are available on the Company`s website at the management section.

      On March 6, 2002, following receipt of a letter from Pembridge Group outlining a possible going-private transaction, the Company imposed a no- trading policy on all of its directors and senior officers with respect to the purchase or sale of any securities of the Company, in accordance with its corporate governance policies. The Company will maintain the no-trading policy until such time as it publicly announces a definitive agreement has been reached with Pembridge Group or that it has terminated discussions with Pembridge Group in connection with the proposed going-private transaction. There can be no assurance that the proposal will result in a definitive agreement or that any proposed transactions will be completed.

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


      CONTACT: For further information: CONTACTS FOR IMAGIS: Sandra Buschau, VP
      Investor Relations, Imagis Technologies Inc., Tel: (604) 684-2449,
      E-mail: sandy(at); Iain Drummond, President and CEO
      Imagis Technologies Inc., Tel: (604) 684-2449,
      E-mail: idrummond(at); Typhoon Capital Consultants,
      Sanjay Sabnani, President, Tel: (310) 349-2245, E-mail: sanjay(at);
      CONTACT FOR RAYMOND JAMES: Raymond James Ltd., Clifford B. Mah, VP Investment
      Banking, Tel: (416) 777-7198, E-mail: cliff.mah(at)

      News release via Canada NewsWire, Vancouver 604-669-7764

      Copyright (C) 2002 CNW, All rights reserved
      schrieb am 15.04.02 12:01:22
      Beitrag Nr. 404 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      warum kommen hier keine Postings mehr? Alle raus oder kein Interesse mehr ? Hat sich was verändert?

      Danke für Antworten

      schrieb am 01.05.02 22:49:31
      Beitrag Nr. 405 ()
      House Bill Would Encrypt Licenses
      Wed May 1, 3:43 PM ET

      WASHINGTON (AP) - Driver`s licenses could be encrypted with retinal scans, fingerprints and other security features under a bill before Congress aimed at cracking down on fake IDs.

      Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., said Wednesday such safeguards could have stopped or disrupted the activities of several of the Sept. 11 hijackers. Eight of the 19 had falsified driver`s licenses or other IDs from Virginia, he said.

      The legislation by Moran and Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., would add a computer chip with biometrics data — such as retinal scans or fingerprints — to licenses. The identifiers would be similar to those that Congress wants to require on passports and visas.

      The bill would provide states a total of up to $315 million over five years to adopt the new licenses and establish a nationwide hookup of motor vehicle departments to prevent duplication and help verify applicants` identities.…
      schrieb am 02.05.02 09:53:46
      Beitrag Nr. 406 ()

      war längere Zeit nicht da und muss erstmal alles aufarbeiten. Warten hier alle auf die Übernahme?
      Hab folgendes gefunden:

      A new meaning for the term `spyglasses`
      James Bond gadgets draw attention at Whistler terrorism conference

      Jeff Lee
      Vancouver Sun

      Tuesday, April 30, 2002

      Bonny Makarewicz, Special to the Vancouver Sun / That`s Ross Walker behind the shades, snooping on delegates at a security technology conference at Whistler Monday. Ottawa-based Giga-Tron`s sunglass model records both audio and video.


      WHISTLER -- Ross Walker`s demonstration of the effectiveness of his wireless surveillance technology earned him a backhanded compliment Monday when law enforcement agents asked him to stop recording their conversations.

      Wearing Oakley sunglasses that hid a tiny camera with a pin-sized microphone, Walker had wandered around the showroom at a law enforcement conference on terrorism and technology, chatting people up. He happened to follow an officer who was talking on a cellular phone.

      "He was discussing information that, shall we say, shouldn`t have been discussed, and we got it all," said Walker, director of Giga-Tron Associates, a company that packages surveillance equipment for police forces.

      "Needless to say, I have to keep the audio off now because there are a few who are really hyper about their voices being recorded."

      Walker`s versatile devices, which can be hidden in everything from buttons to sunglasses to garbage cans are among the technological gadgets and wizardry being demonstrated at the Strategies for Public Safety Transformation conference, where law enforcement agencies are learning about devices that can help find, track and catch criminals.

      The conference has drawn several hundred law enforcement officers and security specialists from the U.S. and Canada, as well as Ward Elcock, the director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and former U.S. attorney-general Janet Reno.

      Giga-Tron, an Ottawa-based company, sells surveillance packages to police departments that need to get the goods on street-level crime. The cameras and microphones send data wirelessly to a receiver with recorders operated by officers in a different location.

      Walker says Giga-Tron doesn`t sell its wireless products to the public. The spy-cams and nifty sunglasses are only for people who wear badges.

      But the technology concepts floating around the Fairmont Chateau Whistler are also in use by the private sector.

      At the upper end of the electronic wizardry world is pattern recognition software like that developed by Vancouver-based Imagis Technologies, which can capture facial features of a suspect and compare them with a database of known criminals.

      In this case, a picture isn`t just worth a thousand words, it`s now worth a name picked out of a database of thousands of people within seconds.

      The technology that allows this is called biometrics and is so sophisticated that law enforcement agencies see it as a frontline defence in the new war on terrorism.

      Unlike fingerprints, which have to be collected with the permission of the finger`s owner, facial images can be taken without permission. They can be collected at airport security check points, at banks, at virtually any place police or security people consider there is a risk.

      Camera images capture about 107 facial features. Imagis` software then compares those points against pictures of suspects in any database accessed by Imagis. It can be a database of known terrorists, a list of deportees, or even people arrested and booked by police at the street level.

      Imagis is only one of a number of companies that manufactures biometrics software. But it has a coup in being the only company to install imaging software in airports, considered a prime target for terrorists. Just over a year ago, Toronto`s Pearson International Airport became the first airport in North America to install facial recognition software, using Imagis` package.

      The cameras can be mounted at check-in counters and at security x-ray machines.

      Facial recognition software isn`t just for the security-conscious.

      Gateway Casino in Burnaby uses Imagis` system to identify blacklisted players and people it doesn`t want at its tables.

      Other companies at the conference demonstrated equipment that can capture electronic data, including fax, e-mail and any other non-voice communication.

      On the other side of the coin, criminals now have access to a dizzying array of inexpensive high-tech equipment that makes it hard for police to track them.

      Simple hand-held organizers such as Palm Pilots equipped with infrared data transfer packages can be used to transfer information without being connected. Criminals are also using more sophisticated Internet-based technologies to carry out their activities.

      And that remains the biggest technological problem facing law enforcement agencies, according to Louis Freeh, the former director of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.

      The very encryption software that people use in checking their bank accounts online is used by criminals to protect their plans.

      Freeh said law enforcement agencies should have access to the data keys that encryption software companies use to construct their products. That will allow officers, in cases where they have a search warrant to collect evidence, access to material hidden in encrypted files. So far the U.S. has not passed such laws.

      © Copyright 2002 Vancouver Sun

      Gruss an die Longs
      schrieb am 03.05.02 21:30:05
      Beitrag Nr. 407 ()
      Also der 5 Tageschart an der Nasdaq (IGSTF) sieht ja echt vielversprechend aus!
      Weiß da jemand, wissen da mehrere mehr als wir?
      So steil und klamm heimlich nach oben kann es ruhig weiter gehen!

      Have a nice weekend!

      Mr. Aktie

      PS: Was sagen die Chart Techniker?
      schrieb am 05.05.02 19:09:56
      Beitrag Nr. 408 ()

      Japanese Giant Sanyo Invests $2 Million in Biometric Technology to Recognize... FISH

      One of the potential applications of this company`s biometric recognition technology is in the Tokyo fish market. Commercial fishing relies on sweeping large sections of the sea with nets. One of the crucial challenges in processing fish is to identify and segregate the various species. The Tokyo fish market, the world`s largest, still employs people to recognize and sort the fish by hand. Yet the same kind of biometric recognition algorithms that can identify individuals by their facial characteristics can distinguish between a haddock, a tuna and a mackerel.

      Use of biometric recognition to automate the processing lines at the Tokyo fish market is a textbook example of a good idea driving the creation of economic value. It`s the same value that triggered its own financial advisor to make an offer to take them private.
      schrieb am 06.05.02 07:57:41
      Beitrag Nr. 409 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      ist ja Wahnsinn, wo man solche Technik überall einsetzen kann. Überlege ja in vile Richtungen, aber Fische zu scannen, irre:O

      Good luck

      schrieb am 12.08.02 16:04:02
      Beitrag Nr. 410 ()
      Guten Tag,

      solchen News können jetzt öfters kommen:)

      Related Quotes
      NAB.V 1.20
      1.90 +0.09
      delayed 20 mins - disclaimer
      Quote Data provided by Reuters

      Monday August 12, 8:30 am Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: Imagis Technologies Inc.

      Imagis and Microsoft to present joint demonstration of a new integrated justice system at 2002 APCO Conference
      Solution leverages Windows.NET technology to facilitate Web-based information search and retrieval between every aspect of today`s justice system
      VANCOUVER, Aug. 12 /CNW/ - Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis") (OTCBB: IGSTF; TSX: NAB; Germany:IGY), announced today the launch of a new integrated justice system. This innovative solution will allow for the rapid deployment of an Integrated Justice Information System (IJIS) across any department, city, county, region, state, or country. The announcement coincides with Imagis` participation in the 2002 APCO Conference & Exposition in Nashville, Tennessee, and a joint demonstration of the solution by Microsoft and Imagis at this same show.
      Imagis` integrated justice system leverages the inherent advantages of Microsoft`s(R) Windows.NET technology to facilitate Web-based information search and retrieval between every aspect of today`s justice system. As a result, Imagis is able to put critical information - including both text- and image-based data - into the hands of those who need it, when they need it. This includes horizontal data sharing (e.g. between different police, sheriff, and port authority detachments) and vertical data sharing (e.g. between different agencies: enforcement, courts, prosecution, corrections, etc.).

      "While the idea of an Integrated Justice Information System is not new, the technologies behind Imagis` integrated justice system, including its utilization of XML Web Services, are very new and innovative," says Jeff Langford, .NET Technology Specialist, Justice & Public Safety Solutions, Microsoft Corporation. "This breakthrough technology allows national, state, and county law enforcement agencies the ability to deploy affordable and simplified information sharing solutions in a fraction of the time compared to what presently exists."

      (Mr. Langford`s white paper, Integrated Justice Information Systems
      (IJIS): An Overview, can be accessed online at:

      "Historically, most attempts at state or regional IJIS implementations have fallen short of expectations - if they have been completed at all," said Iain Drummond, President & CEO, Imagis Technologies Inc. "These attempts have proven to be extremely expensive, overly complex, and have required a significant amount of human resources. With Imagis` integrated justice system, the justice community can save time and money while improving the quality, consistency, accessibility, and reliability of their information."

      Imagis` integrated justice system allows a region or office to:
      - Access and share data quickly between different offices, branches,
      cities, counties, and states
      - Identify an offender or suspect across any region using both text-
      based (e.g. a name, driver`s license number, or descriptive phrase)
      and image-based search criteria (e.g. a photo, mug shot, or artist`s
      composite drawing).
      - Integrate with other vendor solutions easily, including other RMS,
      CAD, and Jail Management systems
      - Query any information repository from any location using a secure Web
      - Ensure information security by restricting access to published data to
      only those granted permission
      - Integrate with any ODBC-compliant database or legacy system
      - Perform tactical searches for critical information at the scene of a

      To learn more about Imagis` integrated justice system, please contact
      Imagis or an Imagis Business Partner today. Demonstrations of the
      technology are also available on the show floor by visiting Imagis at
      Booth No. 860.

      About Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Imagis Technologies (OTCBB:IGSTF; TSX:NAB; Germany:IGY) is a leading developer of biometric systems using advanced facial and image recognition technology. This includes biometric security solutions and facial identification solutions for such industry sectors as law enforcement, airports, customs & immigration, driver`s licenses & passports, and other government agencies. In addition to providing stand-alone software solutions, Imagis offers a biometric facial recognition Software Development Kit (SDK) to third-party integrators and other software providers who want to develop their own biometric solutions based on Imagis` technology.

      The Company, whose Chairman is Oliver "Buck" Revell, the former Associate Deputy Director of the FBI, has over one hundred installations of its software in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Latin America, and Asia- Pacific, including Britain`s National Crime Squad (NCS), more than 50 RCMP detachments and police departments across Canada, over 40 police departments across the US, New Zealand Customs, and Toronto`s Pearson International Airport.

      Imagis` technology has been endorsed by leading security agencies and police organizations around the world as an effective tool in identifying criminals, reducing fraud, assisting investigations, and preventing terrorism. More details on Imagis can be found on the Web at

      For further information

      Imagis Technologies Inc. Media Contact: Sandra Buschau, VP Investor & Media Relations, Tel: +1-604-684-2449, E-mail:,

      Good luck


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      Zukunftsmarkt Sicherheitssoftware; Ein Unternehmen mit enormen Potential